975 resultados para MITC PLATE
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Neste trabalho estuda-se a resistência à encurvadura (compressão uniforme) de tubos de aço de secção circular, com extremidades rotuladas por meio de cavilhas, tendo em conta a influência da chapa de ligação (gusset plate na designação em língua inglesa). Para o efeito, estuda-se uma ligação-tipo comum com chapa soldada e efetuam-se estudos paramétricos, recorrendo a modelos de elementos finitos de casca, para determinar a influência da chapa na (i) carga crítica e na (ii) carga de colapso do elemento. Os resultados mostram que a influência da chapa não pode ser desprezada para valores reduzidos da esbelteza do elemento. Propõe-se um método expedito e preciso para determinar a carga crítica tendo em conta a influência da chapa.
The organizer is a ciliated signalling transient organ, responsible for the patterning of embryo tissues during embryonic development. In higher vertebrates, such as mouse and chick, this organizer (the node and the Hensen’s node, respectively) performs dorsalventral and anteriorposterior axis definition, as well as left-right patterning of the internal organs. In lower vertebrates, such as frog and zebrafish, there is a separate specialized organ for left-right purposes called the Gastrocoel Roof Plate (GRP) and Kupffer’s Vesicle (KV), respectively. It is known that mouse and chick organizer cells give rise to structures like floor plate, notochord, hypochord and somites. Frog GRP originates all these but floor plate. In zebrafish, at 13-14 somite stage (ss) the KV finished its left-right patterning but what happens to this organizer’ cells is still poorly studied. This research attempts to understand the fate and behaviour of the KV cells. We followed the fate of KV cells by live imaging and by tight time-courses with fixed larvae. We assessed in detail their proliferative and death profile, as well as cilia length progression from 9-10 ss until 29-30 ss. We conclude that the KV cells mostly follow the evolutionarily conserved fates described for other organizers. These cells mainly incorporate the notochord and hypochord; few cells incorporate the floor plate and the somites. As a novelty, it is also hypothesized that the hypural cell fate may be among the KV cell fates.
The theme of this dissertation is the finite element method applied to mechanical structures. A new finite element program is developed that, besides executing different types of structural analysis, also allows the calculation of the derivatives of structural performances using the continuum method of design sensitivities analysis, with the purpose of allowing, in combination with the mathematical programming algorithms found in the commercial software MATLAB, to solve structural optimization problems. The program is called EFFECT – Efficient Finite Element Code. The object-oriented programming paradigm and specifically the C ++ programming language are used for program development. The main objective of this dissertation is to design EFFECT so that it can constitute, in this stage of development, the foundation for a program with analysis capacities similar to other open source finite element programs. In this first stage, 6 elements are implemented for linear analysis: 2-dimensional truss (Truss2D), 3-dimensional truss (Truss3D), 2-dimensional beam (Beam2D), 3-dimensional beam (Beam3D), triangular shell element (Shell3Node) and quadrilateral shell element (Shell4Node). The shell elements combine two distinct elements, one for simulating the membrane behavior and the other to simulate the plate bending behavior. The non-linear analysis capability is also developed, combining the corotational formulation with the Newton-Raphson iterative method, but at this stage is only avaiable to solve problems modeled with Beam2D elements subject to large displacements and rotations, called nonlinear geometric problems. The design sensitivity analysis capability is implemented in two elements, Truss2D and Beam2D, where are included the procedures and the analytic expressions for calculating derivatives of displacements, stress and volume performances with respect to 5 different design variables types. Finally, a set of test examples were created to validate the accuracy and consistency of the result obtained from EFFECT, by comparing them with results published in the literature or obtained with the ANSYS commercial finite element code.
Analytical, numerical and experimental models have been developed over time to try to characterize and understand the metal cutting process by chip removal. A true knowledge of the cutting process by chip removal is required by the increasing production, by the quality requirements of the product and by the reduced production time, in the industries in which it is employed. In this thesis an experimental setup is developed to evaluate the forces and the temperature distribution in the tool according to the orthogonal cutting model conditions, in order to evaluate its performance and its possible adoption in future works. The experimental setup is developed in a CNC lathe and uses an orthogonal cutting configuration, in which thin discs fixed onto a mandrel are cut by the cutting insert. In this experimental setup, the forces are measured by a piezoelectric dynamometer while temperatures are measured by thermocouples placed juxtaposed to the side face of the cutting insert. Three different solutions are implemented and evaluated for the thermocouples attachment in the cutting insert: thermocouples embedded in thermal paste, thermocouples embedded in copper plate and thermocouples brazed in the cutting insert. From the tests performed in the experimental setup it is concluded that the adopted forces measurement technique shows a good performance. Regarding to the adopted temperatures measurement techniques, only the thermocouples brazed in the cutting insert solution shows a good performance for temperature measurement. The remaining solutions show contact problems between the thermocouple and the side face of the cutting insert, especially when the vibration phenomenon intensifies during the cut. It is concluded that the experimental setup does not present a sufficiently robust and reliable performance, and that it can only be used in future work after making improvements in the assembly of the thermocouples.
Wharton's jelly stem cells (WJSCs) are a potential source of transplantable stem cells in cartilage-regenerative strategies, due to their highly proliferative and multilineage differentiation capacity. We hypothesized that a non-direct co-culture system with human articular chondrocytes (hACs) could enhance the potential chondrogenic phenotype of hWJSCs during the expansion phase compared to those expanded in monoculture conditions. Primary hWJSCs were cultured in the bottom of a multiwell plate separated by a porous transwell membrane insert seeded with hACs. No statistically significant differences in hWJSCs duplication number were observed under either of the culture conditions during the expansion phase. hWJSCs under co-culture conditions show upregulations of collagen type I and II, COMP, TGFβ1 and aggrecan, as well as of the main cartilage transcription factor, SOX9, when compared to those cultured in the absence of chondrocytes. Chondrogenic differentiation of hWJSCs, previously expanded in co-culture and monoculture conditions, was evaluated for each cellular passage using the micromass culture model. Cells expanded in co-culture showed higher accumulation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) compared to cells in monoculture, and immunohistochemistry for localization of collagen type I revealed a strong detection signal when hWJSCs were expanded under monoculture conditions. In contrast, type II collagen was detected when cells were expanded under co-culture conditions, where numerous round-shaped cell clusters were observed. Using a micromass differentiation model, hWJSCs, previously exposed to soluble factors secreted by hACs, were able to express higher levels of chondrogenic genes with deposition of cartilage extracellular matrix components, suggesting their use as an alternative cell source for treating degenerated cartilage.
The effectiveness of prefabricated hybrid composite plates (HCPs) as a seismic retrofitting solution for damaged interior RC beam-column joints is experimentally studied. HCP is composed of a thin plate made of strain hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) reinforced with CFRP sheets/laminates. Two full-scale severely damaged interior beam-column joints are retrofitted using two different configurations of HCPs. The effectiveness of these retrofitting solutions mainly in terms of hysteretic response, dissipated energy, degradation of secant stiffness, displacement ductility and failure modes are compared to their virgin states. According to these criteria, both solutions resulted in superior responses regarding the ones registered in their virgin states.
This paper aims to evaluate experimentally the potentialities of Hybrid Composite Plates (HCPs) technique for the shear strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) beams that were previously subjected to intense damage in shear. HCP is a thin plate of Strain Hardening Cementitious Composite (SHCC) reinforced with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) laminates. For this purpose, an experimental program composed of two series of beams (rectangular and T cross section) was executed to assess the strengthening efficiency of this technique. In the first step of this experimental program, the control beams, without steel stirrups, were loaded up to their shear failure, and fully unloaded. Then, these pre-damaged beams were shear strengthened by applying HCPs to their lateral faces by using a combination of epoxy adhesive and mechanical anchors. The bolts were applied with a certain torque in order to increase the concrete confinement. The obtained results showed that the increase of load carrying capacity of the damaged strengthened beams when HCPs were applied with epoxy adhesive and mechanical anchors was 2 and 2.5 times of the load carrying capacity of the corresponding reference beams (without HCPs) for the rectangular and T cross section beam series, respectively. To further explore the potentialities of the HCPs technique for the shear strengthening, the experimental tests were simulated using an advanced numerical model by a FEM-based computer program. After demonstration the good predictive performance of the numerical model, a parametric study was executed to highlight the influence of SHCC as an alternative for mortar, as well as the influence of torque level applied to the mechanical anchors, on the load carrying capacity of beams strengthened with the proposed technique.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil.
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão da Qualidade
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica