991 resultados para MIDDLE CEREBRAL-ARTERY


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La Rapid Arterial oCclusion Evaluation és una escala neurològica prehospitalària que prediu la presència d’una oclusió arterial proximal (OAP) en els pacients amb un ictus isquèmic agut de la circulació cerebral anterior (IIACCA). Fou dissenyada valorant retrospectivament a 654 pacients amb un IIACCA, seleccionant la combinació dels ítems de la National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale que mostraven una major associació amb la presència d’una OAP: parèsia facial, parèsia braquial, parèsia crural, desviació oculocefàlica y agnòsia/afàsia. Fou validada valorant prospectivament a 93 activacions del Codi Ictus, mostrant una sensibilitat del 88% y una especificitat del 65% per una puntuació ≥ 4.


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La microdiàlisi és una tècnica de neuromonitoratge que permet el mostreig continu del contingut molecular i iònic de l’espai intersticial cerebral. Aquesta tècnica es basa en la implantació d’un catèter en el parènquima cerebral humà de manera mínimament invasiva. Actualment, la microdiàlisi s’ha implantat de manera rutinària en moltes unitats de cures intensives pel neuromonitoratge de pacients amb lesions cerebrals agudes. No obstant, l’estudi in vivo del perfil temporal del proteoma en aquestes lesions i la correcta avaluació de la concentració de les molècules d’interès en el líquid extracel•lular cerebral requereix la determinació prèvia in vitro del percentatge de recuperació relativa de les proteïnes d’estudi.


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The goal of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic value of postmortem multi-computed tomography (MDCT) and MDCT-angiography for sudden cardiac deaths related to ischemic heart disease. Twenty three cases were selected based on clinical history and the results of native MDCT, multiphase post-mortem CT-angiography and conventional autopsy were compared. Radiological examination showed calcification of coronary arteries in 78% of the cases, most of which were not detailed at autopsy. MDCT-angiography allowed better visualization of the coronary arteries than MDCT and permitted the evaluation of stenoses and occlusions. Of the 14 cases of coronary thrombosis detected at conventional autopsy, 11 were visible as stop of perfusion with CT-angiography and three were found to be partly perfused. One case had an old thrombosis with collateral circulation. One case had a coronary artery postmortem clot found with MDCT-angiography. Coronary artery calcifications are more easily detected and documented with radiological examination than with conventional autopsy. MDCT is of limited diagnostic value for ischemic heart disease. MDCT-angiography, when correctly interpreted, is a reasonable tool to view the morphology of coronary arteries, rule out significant coronary artery stenoses, identify occlusions and direct sampling for histological examination.


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This paper presents a review of different methods enabling the monitoring of cerebral function in neonatal and paediatric intensive care. EEG, evoked potentials, conventional radiological studies, computerized tomography, ultrasound, intracranial pressure measurements, nuclear magnetic resonance, Doppler ultrasound, radioisotope studies, angiography, infra-red spectral analysis and last, but not least, clinical examination produce information regarding the neurological state of the patient which must be critically analysed in order to ensure optimal management of the case. Unfortunately, and in spite of impressive progress in non-invasive monitoring of the cerebral function, we are still forced to make important medical and ethical decisions without precise information about the neurological state of our patients.


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AIM: Improving cerebral perfusion is an essential component of post-resuscitation care after cardiac arrest (CA), however precise recommendations in this setting are limited. We aimed to examine the effect of moderate hyperventilation (HV) and induced hypertension (IH) on non-invasive cerebral tissue oxygenation (SctO2) in patients with coma after CA monitored with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) during therapeutic hypothermia (TH). METHODS: Prospective pilot study including comatose patients successfully resuscitated from out-of-hospital CA treated with TH, monitored with NIRS. Dynamic changes of SctO2 upon HV and IH were analyzed during the stable TH maintenance phase. HV was induced by decreasing PaCO2 from ∼40 to ∼30 mmHg, at stable mean arterial blood pressure (MAP∼70 mmHg). IH was obtained by increasing MAP from ∼70 to ∼90 mmHg with noradrenaline. RESULTS: Ten patients (mean age 69 years; mean time to ROSC 19 min) were studied. Following HV, a significant reduction of SctO2 was observed (baseline 74.7±4.3% vs. 69.0±4.2% at the end of HV test, p<0.001, paired t-test). In contrast, IH was not associated with changes in SctO2 (baseline 73.6±3.5% vs. 74.1±3.8% at the end of IH test, p=0.24). CONCLUSIONS: Moderate hyperventilation was associated with a significant reduction in SctO2, while increasing MAP to supra-normal levels with vasopressors had no effect on cerebral tissue oxygenation. Our study suggests that maintenance of strictly normal PaCO2 levels and MAP targets of 70mmHg may provide optimal cerebral perfusion during TH in comatose CA patients.


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A total of 4,840 phlebotomine sand flies from 54 localities in Putumayo department (=state), in the Colombian Amazon region, were collected in Shannon traps, CDC light traps, resting places and from human baits. At least 42 Lutzomyia species were registered for the first time to the department. Psychodopygus and Nyssomyia were the subgenera with the greatest number of taxa, the most common species being L. (N.) yuilli and L. (N.) pajoti. They were sympatric in a wide zone of Putumayo, indicating that they should be treated as full species (new status). Among the anthropophilic sand flies, L. gomezi and L. yuilli were found in intradomiciliar, peridomestic, urban or forest habitats. L. richardwardi, L. claustrei, L. nocticola and L. micropyga are reported for the first time in the Colombian Amazon basin. L. pajoti, L. sipani and L. yucumensis are new records for Colombia.


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Moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with lower coronary artery disease (CAD) risk. However, data on the CAD risk associated with high alcohol consumption are conflicting. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of heavier drinking on 10-year CAD risk in a population with high mean alcohol consumption. In a population-based study of 5,769 adults (aged 35 to 75 years) without cardiovascular disease in Switzerland, 1-week alcohol consumption was categorized as 0, 1 to 6, 7 to 13, 14 to 20, 21 to 27, 28 to 34, and > or =35 drinks/week or as nondrinkers (0 drinks/week), moderate (1 to 13 drinks/week), high (14 to 34 drinks/week), and very high (> or =35 drinks/week). Blood pressure and lipids were measured, and 10-year CAD risk was calculated according to the Framingham risk score. Seventy-three percent (n = 4,214) of the participants consumed alcohol; 16% (n = 909) were high drinkers and 2% (n = 119) very high drinkers. In multivariate analysis, increasing alcohol consumption was associated with higher high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (from a mean +/- SE of 1.57 +/- 0.01 mmol/L in nondrinkers to 1.88 +/- 0.03 mmol/L in very high drinkers); triglycerides (1.17 +/- 1.01 to 1.32 +/- 1.05 mmol/L), and systolic and diastolic blood pressure (127.4 +/- 0.4 to 132.2 +/- 1.4 mm Hg and 78.7 +/- 0.3 to 81.7 +/- 0.9 mm Hg, respectively) (all p values for trend <0.001). Ten-year CAD risk increased from 4.31 +/- 0.10% to 4.90 +/- 0.37% (p = 0.03) with alcohol use, with a J-shaped relation. Increasing wine consumption was more related to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, whereas beer and spirits were related to increased triglyceride levels. In conclusion, as measured by 10-year CAD risk, the protective effect of alcohol consumption disappears in very high drinkers, because the beneficial increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol is offset by the increases in blood pressure levels.


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The prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen in 552 prime blood donors was of 9.4%. The majority (71.2%) has antibodies to hepatitis B surface antigen. The hepatitis B surface antigen was present in 0.7%, all of them antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen positive.


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Anterior and middle skull base tumors, mainly meningiomas, are usually operated on using a sub-frontal route with a microscope. With modern radiotherapy, the goal of skull base surgery moves from a radical surgery with high rate of side effect to a functional concept that aims to remove as much as possible of the tumor without compromising the neurological status of patients. Minimally skull base surgery benefits from keyhole and endoscopy techniques. For 3 2 decades, the development of endoscopy helps to imagine innovative approaches for skull base tumors such as the endonasal route. Nonetheless, CSF leak issue and the absence of direct control of the tumor margins may limit the interest of such a route. Keyhole craniotomies have been developed with microscope but vision issue limits their use. Combining advantages of both techniques appears therefore natural and gave birth to intracranial assisted and more recently to fully endoscopic keyhole surgery. For anterior or middle skull base tumors, Keyhole supraorbital approaches can be done either by a trans-eyebrow or trans-eyelid routes. A step-by-step description of these fully endoscopic alternative routes summarizing advantages and drawbacks compared to others (traditional sub-frontal or more recent endonasal approaches) is reported in this chapter by the authors.


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Estudi prospectiu en 41 pacients amb ictus agut mitjançant poligrafia respiratòria i repetició als 3 mesos (29) per avaluar el paper de la SAHS en l’ictus agut i la relació amb les CPEs. En fase estable va disminuir significativament l’IAH total i la prevalença de SAHS greu, sense relació amb el pronòstic. L’estudi de la SAHS en l’ictus agut pot sobreestimar la prevalença de SAHS greu, dada rellevant front la decisió d’iniciar tractament amb CPAP. Les CPEs mostren un pic als 7 dies post-ictus i els pacients SAHS presenten uns valors basals menors, possible reflex de la seva disfunció endotelial.


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Monocytes are central mediators in the development of atherosclerotic plaques. They circulate in blood and eventually migrate into tissue including the vessel wall where they give rise to macrophages and dendritic cells. The existence of monocyte subsets with distinct roles in homeostasis and inflammation suggests specialization of function. These subsets are identified based on expression of the CD14 and CD16 markers. Routinely applicable protocols remain elusive, however. Here, we present an optimized four-color flow cytometry protocol for analysis of human blood monocyte subsets using a specific PE-Cy5-conjugated monoclonal antibody (mAb) to HLA-DR, a PE-Cy7-conjugated mAb to CD14, a FITC-conjugated mAb to CD16, and PE-conjugated mAbs to additional markers relevant to monocyte function. Classical CD14(+)CD16(-) monocytes (here termed "Mo1" subset) expressed high CCR2, CD36, CD64, and CD62L, but low CX(3)CR1, whereas "nonclassical" CD14(lo)CD16(+) monocytes (Mo3) essentially showed the inverse expression pattern. CD14(+)CD16(+) monocytes (Mo2) expressed high HLA-DR, CD36, and CD64. In patients with stable coronary artery disease (n = 13), classical monocytes were decreased, whereas "nonclassical" monocytes were increased 90% compared with healthy subjects with angiographically normal coronary arteries (n = 14). Classical monocytes from CAD patients expressed higher CX(3)CR1 and CCR2 than controls. Thus, stable CAD is associated with expansion of the nonclassical monocyte subset and increased expression of inflammatory markers on monocytes. Flow cytometric analysis of monocyte subsets and marker expression may provide valuable information on vascular inflammation. This may translate into the identification of monocyte subsets as selective therapeutic targets, thus avoiding adverse events associated with indiscriminate monocyte inhibition.


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L’ictus és un dels reptes sanitaris més importants al nostre país ja que l’únic tractament disponible és l’administració de trombolítics durant les 4,5 primeres hores i menys d’un 10% dels pacients poden beneficiar-se’n. Publicacions anteriors han demostrat que el tractament de l’ictus amb estatines pot reduir l’extensió del teixit infartat i millorar la funció neurològica, per això proposem fer un estudi experimental usant un model d’isquèmia en rata, que evidenciï si el tractament combinat de Simvastatina i rt-PA incrementa el benefici obtingut únicament amb fàrmacs trombolítics i avaluï la seva seguretat quan s’administra durant la fase aguda (transformacions hemorràgiques i incidència d’infeccions).


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The gradual implementation of new, more participatory and thus, more democratic mechanisms of intra-party decision-making has been pointed out by several party politics scholars. This phenomenon has been studied as the party elite’s reactions to a widespread trend in Western countries: the party membership decline. Spain is still a deviant case in both the party membership decline trend, and with regards to the introduction of more participatory and democratic decision-making mechanisms. However, the paper point out that support for intra-party democracy is quite widespread within Spanish party middle elites (party delegates). That is why the aim of this paper is to explain which factors are underpinning the supports for intra-party democracy amongst Spanish party delegates. After conducting a multivariate analysis, the results show that ideology, the involvement in intra-party experiences and the degree of pragmatism, amongst others, are factors strongly associated with the support for intraparty democracy in Spanish party middle elites.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Restenosis after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) of the internal mammary artery (IMA) grafts is much less pronounced than in other arteries and venous grafts. The aim of the study was to test whether various arteries respond differently to dilatation. METHODS: PTA of the IMA, carotid, renal and circumflex coronary (RCx) arteries was performed in 9 pigs (balloon to artery ratio of 1:1.5). After 8 weeks, angiography was repeated and vessels prepared for histological analysis. Immunohistochemical staining was done to examine proliferative activity (Ki67) and to identify the vasa vasorum of the adventitia (F VIII-RA). RESULTS: The intima-media ratio after PTA was lowest in the IMA (0.06), followed by the carotid (0.27) and renal arteries (0.49) and the RCx (0.69). Proliferation of the intima was seen at 287 degrees of the vessel circumference in the RCx, at 286 degrees in the renal and at 166 degrees in the carotid artery. No proliferative activity was seen in the IMA. The intima-adventitia ratio was lower in the IMA than in the RCx and renal arteries (p &lt; 0.05). CONCLUSION: Intima proliferation after PTA varies between the different vessels, with best results seen in the IMA. There are differences in remodeling after PTA between muscular, muscular/elastic and elastic arteries.


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PURPOSE: To determine the diagnostic value of the intravascular contrast agent gadocoletic acid (B-22956) in three-dimensional, free breathing coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) for stenosis detection in patients with suspected or known coronary artery disease. METHODS: Eighteen patients underwent three-dimensional, free breathing coronary MRA of the left and right coronary system before and after intravenous application of a single dose of gadocoletic acid (B-22956) using three different dose regimens (group A 0.050 mmol/kg; group B 0.075 mmol/kg; group C 0.100 mmol/kg). Precontrast scanning followed a coronary MRA standard non-contrast T2 preparation/turbo-gradient echo sequence (T2Prep); for postcontrast scanning an inversion-recovery gradient echo sequence was used (real-time navigator correction for both scans). In pre- and postcontrast scans quantitative analysis of coronary MRA data was performed to determine the number of visible side branches, vessel length and vessel sharpness of each of the three coronary arteries (LAD, LCX, RCA). The number of assessable coronary artery segments was determined to calculate sensitivity and specificity for detection of stenosis > or = 50% on a segment-to-segment basis (16-segment-model) in pre- and postcontrast scans with x-ray coronary angiography as the standard of reference. RESULTS: Dose group B (0.075 mmol/kg) was preferable with regard to improvement of MR angiographic parameters: in postcontrast scans all MR angiographic parameters increased significantly except for the number of visible side branches of the left circumflex artery. In addition, assessability of coronary artery segments significantly improved postcontrast in this dose group (67 versus 88%, p < 0.01). Diagnostic performance (sensitivity, specificity, accuracy) was 83, 77 and 78% for precontrast and 86, 95 and 94% for postcontrast scans. CONCLUSIONS: The use of gadocoletic acid (B-22956) results in an improvement of MR angiographic parameters, asssessability of coronary segments and detection of coronary stenoses > or = 50%.