The Belfast Strategic Partnership, which is led by the Public Health Agency, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and Belfast City Council, is launching theBelfast Active Travel Action Plan 2014-2020 which aims to build a healthier city by encouraging people to incorporate walking and/or cycling into their daily travel. The travel plan aims to try to make Belfast a more vibrant city where people are healthy, fit, well-connected with one another, and use physical activity as part of their everyday lives.
Portugese action plan against drugs.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The Forum for Longford was started in 1997 to provide a co-ordinated inter-agency approach to identify and help tackle social problems in Longford. A survey was carried out with 1,331 post-primary students to ascertain attitudes and behaviours towards alcohol, smoking and drug use. Of the pupils interviewed, 64% had taken an alcoholic drink at age 15 or younger; of these 73% had their first drink between the ages of 12 to 15. Of those that had experience of alcohol, 51% drank several times a week or daily. For smoking, 67% had smoked a cigarette; of these 8% smoked 5 or more daily. Of those that smoked, 47% began between the ages of 11 to 14. With regard to illegal drugs 27% had used cannabis, 20% had used inhalants, 10% hallucinogens, 9% amphetamines and 7.4% had used ecstasy. Following on form these findings, the report makes several recommendations, including the formation of a community task force, Garda/ neighbourhood watch response, schools prevention and information. Also among these key areas are the role of parents, the needs of young people and facilities for young people.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The Homeless Agency recently launched its action plan to eliminate long-term homelessness and the need to sleep rough in Dublin by 2010. This article will discuss the elements of the plan that relate to homeless individuals with addiction problems in the context of the wider policy framework on drugs and homelessness. The plan contains three strategic aims, relating to prevention, local access to quality homeless services and long-term housing options with support when required. The plan contains 10 core actions (high priority) that cover more than one strategic aim and 74 additional actions (lower priority). Individuals with mental health problems, addictions (alcohol and drugs) and dual diagnosis (addiction and mental health) needs have been identified as needing healthcare and other interventions as part of the strategic aim to prevent homelessness and reduce the risk of becoming homeless. As part of the development of the action plan, a total of 105 men, women and children, both current and past users of homeless services, were interviewed. The principal immediate causes of their becoming homeless were identified by those interviewed as family breakdown, and alcohol, heroin and mental health problems. Several studies have shown the prominent role played by drug use in exposing individuals and families to homelessness in Ireland.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Aquest projecte ha procurat reflectir les diferents opcions que té la Mútua a l'hora d'actualitzar el seu sistema informàtic. Després d'estudiar la viabilitat de les diferents opcions proposa solucions per a tots els aspectes plantejats.
Résumé Les agents pathogènes responsables d'infection entraînent chez l'hôte deux types de réponses immunes, la première, non spécifique, dite immunité innée, la seconde, spécifique à l'agent concerné, dite immunité adaptative. L'immunité innée, qui représente la première ligne de défense contre les pathogènes, est liée à la reconnaissance par les cellules de l'hôte de structures moléculaires propres aux micro-organismes (« Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns », PAMPs), grâce à des récepteurs membranaires et cytoplasmiques (« Pattern Recognition Receptors », PRRs) identifiant de manière spécifique ces motifs moléculaires. Les récepteurs membranaires impliqués dans ce processus sont dénommés toll-like récepteurs, ou TLRS. Lorsqu'ils sont activés par leur ligand spécifique, ces récepteurs activent des voies de signalisation intracellulaires initiant la réponse inflammatoire non spécifique et visant à éradiquer l'agent pathogène. Les deux voies de signalisation impliquées dans ce processus sont la voie des « Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases » (MAPKs) et celle du « Nuclear Factor kappaB » (NF-κB), dont l'activation entraîne in fine l'expression de protéines de l'inflammation dénommées cytokines, ainsi que certaines enzymes produisant divers autres médiateurs inflammatoires. Dans certaines situations, cette réponse immune peut être amplifiée de manière inadéquate, entraînant chez l'hôte une réaction inflammatoire systémique exagérée, appelée sepsis. Le sepsis peut se compliquer de dysfonctions d'organes multiples (sepsis sévère), et dans sa forme la plus grave, d'un collapsus cardiovasculaire, définissant le choc septique. La défaillance circulatoire du choc septique touche les vaisseaux sanguins d'une part, le coeur d'autre part, réalisant un tableau de «dysfonction cardiaque septique », dont on connaît mal les mécanismes pathogéniques. Les bactéries à Gram négatif peuvent déclencher de tels phénomènes, notamment en libérant de l'endotoxine, qui active les voies de l'immunité innée par son interaction avec un toll récepteur, le TLR4. Outre l'endotoxine, la plupart des bactéries à Gram négatif relâchent également dans leur environnement une protéine, la flagelline, qui est le constituant majeur du flagelle bactérien, organelle assurant la mobilité de ces micro-organismes. Des données récentes ont indiqué que la flagelline active, dans certaines cellules, les voies de l'immunité innée en se liant au récepteur TLRS. On ne connaît toutefois pas les conséquences de l'interaction flagelline-TLRS sur le développement de l'inflammation et des dysfonctions d'organes au cours du sepsis. Nous avons par conséquent élaboré le présent travail en formulant l'hypothèse que la flagelline pourrait déclencher une telle inflammation et représenter ainsi un médiateur potentiel de la dysfonction d'organes au cours du sepsis à Gram négatif, en nous intéressant plus particulièrement àl'inflammation et à la dysfonction cardiaque. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons étudié les effets de la flagelline sur l'activation du NF-κB et des MAPKs, et sur l'expression de cytokines inflammatoires au niveau du myocarde in vitro (cardiomyocytes en culture) et in vivo (injection de flagelline recombinante à des souris). Nous avons observé tout d'abord que le récepteur TLRS est fortement exprimé au niveau du myocarde. Nous avons ensuite démontré que la flagelline active la voie du NF-κB et des MAP kinases (p38 et JNK), stimule la production de cytokines et de chemokines inflammatoires in vitro et in vivo, et entraîne l'activation de polynucléaires neutrophiles dans le tissu cardiaque in vivo. Finalement, au plan fonctionnel, nous avons pu montrer que la flagelline entraîne une dilatation et une réduction aiguë de la contractilité du ventricule gauche chez la souris, reproduisant les caractéristiques de la dysfonction cardiaque septique. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons déterminé la distribution du récepteur TLRS dans les autres organes majeurs de la souris (poumon, foie, intestin et rein}, et avons caractérisé dans ces organes l'effet de la flagelline sur l'activation du NF-κB et des MAPKs, l'expression de cytokines, et l'induction de l'apoptose. Nous avons démontré que le TLRS est exprimé de façon constitutive dans ces organes, et que l'injection de flagelline y déclenche les cascades de l'immunité innée et de processus apoptotiques. Finalement, nous avons également déterminé que la flagelline entraîne une augmentation significative de multiples cytokines dans le plasma une à six heures après son injection. En résumé, nos données démontrent que la flagelline bactérienne (a) entraîne une inflammation et une dysfonction importantes du myocarde et (b) active de manière très significative les mécanismes d'immunité innée dans les principaux organes et entraîne une réponse inflammatoire systémique. Par conséquent, la flagelline peut représenter un médiateur puissant de l'inflammation et de la dysfonction d'organes, notamment du coeur, au cours du choc septique déclenché par les bactéries à Gram négatif. Summary Pathogenic microorganisms trigger two kinds of immune responses in the host. The first one is immediate and non-specific and is termed innate immunity, whereas the second one, specifically targeted at the invading agent, is termed adaptative immunity. Innate immunity, which represents the first line of defense against invading pathogens, confers the host the ability to recognize molecular structures common to many microbial pathogens, ("Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns", PAMPs), through cytosolic or membrane-associated receptors ("Pattern Recognition Receptors", PRRs), the latter being represented by a family of receptors termed "toll-like receptors or TLRs". Once activated by the binding of their specific ligand, these receptors activate intracellular signaling pathways, which initiate the non-specific inflammatory response aimed at eradicating the pathogens. The two pathways implicated in this process are the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) and the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) signaling pathways, whose activation elicit in fine the expression of inflammatory proteins termed cytokines, as well as various enzymes producing a wealth of additional inflammatory mediators. In some circumstances, the innate immune response can become amplified and dysregulated, triggering an overwhelming systemic inflammatory response in the host, identified as sepsis. Sepsis can be associated with multiple organ dysfunction (severe sepsis), and in its most severe form, with cardiovascular collapse, defming septic shock. The cardiovascular failure associated with septic shock affects blood vessels as well as the heart, resulting in a particular form of acute heart failure termed "septic cardiac dysfunction ", whose pathogenic mechanisms remain partly undefined. Gram-negative bacteria can initiate such phenomena, notably by releasing lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which activates innate immune signaling by interacting with its specific toll receptor, the TLR4. Besides LPS, most Gram-negative bacteria also release flagellin into their environment, which is the main structural protein of the bacterial flagellum, an appendage extending from the outer bacterial membrane, responsible for the motility of the microorganism. Recent data indicated that flagellin activate immune responses upon binding to its receptor, TLRS, in various cell types. However, the role of flagellin/TLRS interaction in the development of inflammation and organ dysfunction during sepsis is not known. Therefore, we designed the present work to address the hypothesis that flagellin might trigger such inflammatory responses and thus represent a potential mediator of organ dysfunction during Gram-negative sepsis, with a particular emphasis on cardiac inflammation and contractile dysfunction. In the first part of this work, we investigated the effects of flagellin on NF-κB and MAPK activation and the generation of pro-inflammatory mediators within the heart in vitro (cultured cardiomyocytes) and in vivo (injection of recombinant flagellin into mice). We first observed that TLRS protein is strongly expressed by the myocardium. We then demonstrated that flagellin activates NF-κB and MAP kinases (p38 and JNK), upregulates the transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in vitro and in vivo, and stimulates the activation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils within the heart in vivo. Finally, we demonstrated that flagellin triggers acute cardiac dilation, and a significant reduction of left ventricular contractility, mimicking characteristics of clinical septic cardiac dysfunction. In the second part, we determined the TLRS distribution in other mice major organs (lung, liver, gut and kidney) and we characterized in these organs the effects of flagellin on NF-κB and MAPK activation, on the expression of pro-inflammatory çytokines, and on the induction of apoptosis. We demonstrated that TLRS protein is constitutively expressed and that flagellin activates prototypical innate immune responses and pro-apoptotic pathways in all these organs. Finally, we also observed that flagellin induces a significant increase of multiple cytokines in the plasma from 1 to 6 hours after its intravenous administration. Altogether, these data provide evidence that bacterial flagellin (a) triggers an important inflammatory response and an acute dysfunction of the myocardium, and (b) significantly activates the mechanisms of innate immunity in most major organs and elicits a systemic inflammatory response. In consequence, flagellin may represent a potent mediator of inflammation and multiple organ failure, notably cardiac dysfunction, during Gram-negative septic shock.
The Drug Misuse Research Division of the Health Research Board operates the National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS). The system is used to provide epidemiological information on treated problem drug misuse in Ireland and informs policy makers, researchers and the general public. The NDTRS collates data from participating treatment centres in all Health Board areas, however a gap in information exists in that drug misusers in treatment units within prisons and those treated by General Practitioners are not included. This study aims to determine the feasibility of including these two groups to increase coverage of the NDTRS and outlines preliminary steps for their inclusion.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
In 2008 a 4-year plan for HIV and AIDS Education and Prevention in Ireland was published. The plan aimed to contribute to a reduction in new infections of HIV and AIDS through education and prevention measures. It also aimed to guide and inform the development of policy and services in the statutory and non-statutory sectors with responsibility in this regard. This report is produced as a response to a letter from the Secretariat of the National AIDS Strategy Committee (NASC). The letter requested “feedback from the Education and Prevention Sub-Committee on prevention activities currently in place and on progress to date on the Education and Prevention Action Plan (2008-2012).” In addition, action 2 under Action Area 5: Monitoring and evaluation states that “a mid-term review of the implementation of this action plan should be published”. We note from the HPSC data that there has been a slight decrease in the overall number of new HIV infections however; there has been a huge concern over the large increase in new diagnoses in men who have sex with men (MSM). Although we cannot provide the evidence for the reason for this increase, it is stipulated that there has been a huge increase in the education and prevention programmes targeted at MSM and the report will show the evidence of that increase (Action Area 3: Preventing new infections: population group MSM). There is a presumption that because of increased awareness, access and confidence of MSM and improved treatment that there are more MSM being tested and more diagnoses. This report presents an update on the progress of the implementation of the actions in the HIV and AIDS Education and Prevention Plan 2008-2012.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The primary goal of this study was to design a fluorescent E-selectin-targeted iodine-containing liposome for specific E-selectin imaging with the use of micro-CT. The secondary goal was to correlate the results of micro-CT imaging with other imaging techniques with cellular resolution, i.e., confocal and intravital microscopy. E-selectin-targeted liposomes were tested on endothelial cells in culture and in vivo in HT-29 tumor-bearing mice (n = 12). The liposomes contained iodine (as micro-CT contrast medium) and fluorophore (as optical contrast medium) for confocal and intravital microscopy. Optical imaging methods were used to confirm at the cellular level, the observations made with micro-CT. An ischemia-reperfusion model was used to trigger neovessel formation for intravital imaging. The E-selectin-targeted liposomes were avidly taken up by activated endothelial cells, whereas nontargeted liposomes were not. Direct binding of the E-selectin-targeted liposomes was proved by intravital microscopy, where bright spots clearly appeared on the activated vessels. Micro-CT imaging also demonstrated accumulation of the targeted lipsomes into subcutaneous tumor by an increase of 32 +/- 8 HU. Hence, internalization by activated endothelial cells was rapid and mediated by E-selectin. We conclude that micro-CT associated with specific molecular contrast agent is able to detect specific molecular markers on activated vessel walls in vivo.
This report has been produced by the London Health Observatory (LHO) for the London Development Centre to provide a London baseline for monitoring specific actions in the Delivering Race Equality (DRE) action plan. The report summarises the findings of an analysis of the information collected from all of London's nine Mental Health NHS providers, and 22 independent providers for the national census of inpatients in mental health hospitals and facilities in England and Wales on 31 March 2005 .
The publication shows how to narrow the health inequalities gap in infant mortality by looking at current examples of best practice.
This plan sets out the contribution the Health Development Agency (HDA) aims to make over the next three years to the cross-government objective of improving public health and reducing health inequalities. It reflects clear guidance given to the HDA by the minister for public health following the HDA۪s 2002 accountability review. The result is a smaller number of longer-term programmes fosused on four key delivery priorities: ۢ Underlying determinants of health ۢ The big killers coronary heart disease and cancer ۢ Children and young people ۢ Vulnerable adults
This action plan sets out to inform and provide support for dental practices as they focus more on preventative care under new contractual arrangements which will be in place from 1 April 2006. Designed to improve oral health both nationally and locally, this plan also sets out to assist and support Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) in meeting their new responsibilities for dental services under the Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003. This legislation extends their remit to assessing local oral health needs and commissioning the appropriate services to tackle long standing oral health inequalities.
Ireland’s further education and training system faces major challenges at a time of severe economic crisis. The unprecedented level of unemployment -14.8% of our labour force is unemployed - has resulted in significantly increased demand for education and training. More and more people are seeking to upskill or reskill in order to enter or re-enter the labour market and the need to upskill those who have lost their jobs has become obvious to us all. The Government is re-inventing Ireland’s economy so that it is competitive, sustainable and provides opportunities for all to secure employment. The State has a fundamental role in this challenge and there is a particular need to respond with activation measures that provide clear and purposeful pathways to employment, either directly or via further and higher education and training