973 resultados para Möbius Transformations
Flexitime : between autonomy and constraints. A case study in SwitzerlandBy looking at how a new regulation is translated into everyday practices, this dissertation explores through a specific case study the degree of autonomy gained by wage-earners with the introduction of flexible working schedules. The guiding hypothesis is that by introducing procedural rules, flexitime opens the space for more daily negotiations, therefore reinforcing the effects of power relations inherent to employment relationships. The goal is to understand, through a sociological approach, how employees experience a form of working time that transfers responsibility for time management to them, and howthey integrate work-related constraints with their life outside the workplace. The first part of the dissertation sets up the context of the case study. It offers a definition of flexibility by situating it in the broader history of work time, as well as in relation to various organizational forms and cultural transformations. An international literature review and a focus on the Swiss case are offered. In the second part, the focus is narrowed to a specificSwiss firm specialized in mail-order, where a system of individualized management of annual work time has been introduced. By combining a quantitative and qualitative approach, it is possible to analyze determinants of the practices internal to the firm anddeterminants related to employees themselves, as well as the way in which employees articulate these two orders of constraints. The results show that the implementation of flexible working time is not affecting daily negotiation practices so much as it is creating a set of informal rules. The autonomy ofwage-earners is expressed first and foremost through their capacity to produce, negotiate, and legitimate these rules. The intraindividual level has proven to be central for the social regulation of flexible working time. It is not so much a question of legitimation, but rather the process of institutionalization nurtured by the energy invested by wage-earners in their personal quest for a compromise between their various roles, identities, and aspirations. It is this individualized regulation that is ensuring the success of the system under study.
Koneet voidaan usein jakaa osajärjestelmiin, joita ovat ohjaus- ja säätöjärjestelmät, voimaa tuottavat toimilaitteet ja voiman välittävät mekanismit. Eri osajärjestelmiä on simuloitu tietokoneavusteisesti jo usean vuosikymmenen ajan. Osajärjestelmien yhdistäminen on kuitenkin uudempi ilmiö. Usein esimerkiksi mekanismien mallinnuksessa toimilaitteen tuottama voimaon kuvattu vakiona, tai ajan funktiona muuttuvana voimana. Vastaavasti toimilaitteiden analysoinnissa mekanismin toimilaitteeseen välittämä kuormitus on kuvattu vakiovoimana, tai ajan funktiona työkiertoa kuvaavana kuormituksena. Kun osajärjestelmät on erotettu toisistaan, on niiden välistenvuorovaikutuksien tarkastelu erittäin epätarkkaa. Samoin osajärjestelmän vaikutuksen huomioiminen koko järjestelmän käyttäytymissä on hankalaa. Mekanismien dynamiikan mallinnukseen on kehitetty erityisesti tietokoneille soveltuvia numeerisia mallinnusmenetelmiä. Useimmat menetelmistä perustuvat Lagrangen menetelmään, joka mahdollistaa vapaasti valittaviin koordinaattimuuttujiin perustuvan mallinnuksen. Numeerista ratkaisun mahdollistamiseksi menetelmän avulla muodostettua differentiaali-algebraaliyhtälöryhmää joudutaan muokkaamaan esim. derivoimalla rajoiteyhtälöitä kahteen kertaan. Menetelmän alkuperäisessä numeerisissa ratkaisuissa kaikki mekanismia kuvaavat yleistetyt koordinaatit integroidaan jokaisella aika-askeleella. Tästä perusmenetelmästä johdetuissa menetelmissä riippumattomat yleistetyt koordinaatit joko integroidaan ja riippuvat koordinaatit ratkaistaan rajoiteyhtälöiden perusteella tai yhtälöryhmän kokoa pienennetään esim. käyttämällä nopeus- ja kiihtyvyysanalyyseissä eri kiertymäkoordinaatteja kuin asema-analyysissä. Useimmat integrointimenetelmät on alun perin tarkoitettu differentiaaliyhtälöiden (ODE) ratkaisuunjolloin yhtälöryhmään liitetyt niveliä kuvaavat algebraaliset rajoiteyhtälöt saattavat aiheuttaa ongelmia. Nivelrajoitteiden virheiden korjaus, stabilointi, on erittäin tärkeää mekanismien dynamiikan simuloinnin onnistumisen ja tulosten oikeellisuuden kannalta. Mallinnusmenetelmien johtamisessa käytetyn virtuaalisen työn periaatteen oletuksena nimittäin on, etteivät rajoitevoimat tee työtä, eli rajoitteiden vastaista siirtymää ei tapahdu. Varsinkaan monimutkaisten järjestelmien pidemmissä analyyseissä nivelrajoitteet eivät toteudu tarkasti. Tällöin järjestelmän energiatasapainoei toteudu ja järjestelmään muodostuu virtuaalista energiaa, joka rikkoo virtuaalisen työn periaatetta, Tästä syystä tulokset eivät enää pidäpaikkaansa. Tässä raportissa tarkastellaan erityyppisiä mallinnus- ja ratkaisumenetelmiä, ja vertaillaan niiden toimivuutta yksinkertaisten mekanismien numeerisessa ratkaisussa. Menetelmien toimivuutta tarkastellaan ratkaisun tehokkuuden, nivelrajoitteiden toteutumisen ja energiatasapainon säilymisen kannalta.
The accumulation of aqueous pollutants is becoming a global problem. The search for suitable methods and/or combinations of water treatment processes is a task that can slow down and stop the process of water pollution. In this work, the method of wet oxidation was considered as an appropriate technique for the elimination of the impurities present in paper mill process waters. It has been shown that, when combined with traditional wastewater treatment processes, wet oxidation offers many advantages. The combination of coagulation and wet oxidation offers a new opportunity for the improvement of the quality of wastewater designated for discharge or recycling. First of all, the utilization of coagulated sludge via wet oxidation provides a conditioning process for the sludge, i.e. dewatering, which is rather difficult to carry out with untreated waste. Secondly, Fe2(SO4)3, which is employed earlier as a coagulant, transforms the conventional wet oxidation process into a catalytic one. The use of coagulation as the post-treatment for wet oxidation can offer the possibility of the brown hue that usually accompanies the partial oxidation to be reduced. As a result, the supernatant is less colored and also contains a rather low amount of Fe ions to beconsidered for recycling inside mills. The thickened part that consists of metal ions is then recycled back to the wet oxidation system. It was also observed that wet oxidation is favorable for the degradation of pitch substances (LWEs) and lignin that are present in the process waters of paper mills. Rather low operating temperatures are needed for wet oxidation in order to destruct LWEs. The oxidation in the alkaline media provides not only the faster elimination of pitch and lignin but also significantly improves the biodegradable characteristics of wastewater that contains lignin and pitch substances. During the course of the kinetic studies, a model, which can predict the enhancements of the biodegradability of wastewater, was elaborated. The model includes lumped concentrations suchas the chemical oxygen demand and biochemical oxygen demand and reflects a generalized reaction network of oxidative transformations. Later developments incorporated a new lump, the immediately available biochemical oxygen demand, which increased the fidelity of the predictions made by the model. Since changes in biodegradability occur simultaneously with the destruction of LWEs, an attempt was made to combine these two facts for modeling purposes.
Thisresearch deals with the dynamic modeling of gas lubricated tilting pad journal bearings provided with spring supported pads, including experimental verification of the computation. On the basis of a mathematical model of a film bearing, a computer program has been developed, which can be used for the simulation of a special type of tilting pad gas journal bearing supported by a rotary spring under different loading conditions time dependently (transient running conditions due to geometry variations in time externally imposed). On the basis of literature, different transformations have been used in the model to achieve simpler calculation. The numerical simulation is used to solve a non-stationary case of a gasfilm. The simulation results were compared with literature results in a stationary case (steady running conditions) and they were found to be equal. In addition to this, comparisons were made with a number of stationary and non-stationary bearing tests, which were performed at Lappeenranta University of Technology using bearings designed with the simulation program. A study was also made using numerical simulation and literature to establish the influence of the different bearing parameters on the stability of the bearing. Comparison work was done with literature on tilting pad gas bearings. This bearing type is rarely used. One literature reference has studied the same bearing type as that used in LUT. A new design of tilting pad gas bearing is introduced. It is based on a stainless steel body and electron beam welding of the bearing parts. It has good operation characteristics and is easier to tune and faster to manufacture than traditional constructions. It is also suitable for large serial production.
L'any 385, Priscil·lià i la resta del grup priscil·lianista era condemnat a la ciutat de Trèveris i, fruit de la ingerència determinant de l'usurpador Magne Màxim, es convertia en el primer heretge ajusticiat pel poder secular en nom de l'Església. Els fets de Trèveris, per bé que van significar el final de la disputa entre dos grups amb posicions antagòniques vers les característiques del nou cristianisme institucionalitzat, no van aconseguir acabar amb el priscil·lianisme. El moviment perdurà, especialment a la província de la Gallaecia, i Priscil·lià va esdevenir venerat com màrtir. L'Església, mentrestant, es fracturava per culpa de la competència jurisdiccional entre la institució clerical i el poder imperial. Aquest treball intenta ser un estat de la qüestió respecte a la dimensió social d'un moviment que, més enllà de l'eterna discussió entre la seva possible catalogació com a ortodòxia o heterodòxia, intenta contextualitzar el priscil·lianisme en el seu marc històric i els convulsos anys de les transformacions de l'antiguitat tardana.
El presente trabajo aborda una visión global de la acción pública en los espacios que, en principio, han sido oficial o/y institucionalmente definidos como zonas desfavorecidas o zonas de montaña en España. Territorios, básicamente rurales, que en España muestran un notable grado de heterogeneidad en cuanto a sus estructuras económicas, sociales y culturales, además de caracterizarse por unas estructuras ecológicas igualmente dispares. Esta realidad poliédrica en los últimos años se está viendo condicionada por cuatro factores: las transformaciones internas del sector agroalimentario; los cambios en la organización espacial de la actividad y de la población que son consecuencia de la reestructuración del capitalismo; por las nuevas funciones socioeconómicas, socioculturales y medioambientales que desempeñan estos espacios; y, por el impacto, a veces contradictorio, de las diversas políticas que se implementan sobre ellos, y que se desenvuelven, cada vez más nítidamente, bajo el paradigma del desarrollo sostenible institucional.
L'émergence du mercenariat entrepreneurial, et plus précisément les Sociétés Militaires et Sécuritaires Privées, fait depuis plus d'une décennie l'objet de nombreuses recherches, ouvrages et reportages. L'intervention des États-Unis en Afghanistan et en Irak constitue un tournant pour le mercenariat entrepreneurial, puisqu'en fin 2007, et ce pour la première fois dans l'histoire moderne, les contractors privés ont dépassé le nombre de troupes régulières. La fin de la guerre froide et des armées de masse, la complexification technologique, ou encore les difficultés financières des États, facteurs très souvent mis en avant pour expliquer le renouveau du mercenariat entrepreneurial sont certes des facteurs explicatifs, mais ne peuvent rendre compte à eux seuls ce phénomène. Ce travail replace tout d'abord le mercenariat dans son contexte historique en analysant quatre périodes distinctes : la guerre de Cents Ans et les Grandes compagnies ; les condottieri de la péninsule italienne ; la guerre de Trente Ans ; les compagnies marchandes. En effet, le mercenariat est intimement lié au processus de construction étatique et à son acquisition progressive du monopole de la violence légitime. Dans un deuxième temps, le processus historique du renouveau du mercenariat durant le XXème siècle est abordé. Deux changements structurels - l'avènement d'un capitalisme financier transnational et les transformations du système capitaliste dès les années 1970, et l'émergence puis la domination de la norme néolibérale dès la fin de la guerre froide - ont permis de rendre réalisable la délégation de services sécuritaires et militaires à des acteurs privés. Désormais en train de lutter pour maintenir sa position, l'État tend à devenir de plus en plus dépendant de services qu'il peine pourtant à contrôler efficacement.
La continua llegada de población inmigrante a los países de la Europa Occidental está produciendo transformaciones en estas sociedades. Evidentemente, la sociedad catalana no es ajena a estos cambios y, año tras año, ve incrementado el número de recién llegados/ as procedentes de orígenes geográficos, culturales y lingüísticos muy diversos. Estas personas, en ocasiones sin un conocimiento previo, se encuentran con las peculiaridades socioculturales y lingüísticas de la sociedad receptora. En el caso de Cataluña, nos interesa destacar la cuestión lingüística, a la cual se han dedicado muchos esfuerzos durante los últimos años en un intento de acercarse a una situación de normalidad en lo referente al conocimiento y uso de la lengua catalana. En el presente artículo se presentan los principales resultados de una investigación centrada en el análisis de los discursos sobre los que anclan las actitudes lingüísticas de los escolares de origen inmigrante en Cataluña. La técnica de investigación social utilizada ha sido la entrevista en profundidad semidirigida, realizando el análisis del contenido de las mismas a partir del «Análisis de contenido temático basado en categorías» (Bardin, 1986). Las conclusiones más relevantes indican que, por encima del Área de Origen o la Condición Lingüística Familiar, la principal variable que permite articular los discursos detectados es la que se puede denominar «Satisfacción y Percepción de Valoración e Integración Escolar y Social», de tal manera que los jóvenes de origen inmigrante que se sienten más valorados e integrados escolar y socialmente desarrollan mejores actitudes hacia la lengua catalana y castellana. Este hecho tiene claras repercusiones respecto las generalizaciones reduccionistas y estereotipadas que vinculan un área de origen con unas determinadas actitudes hacia las lenguas oficiales en Cataluña, así como de cara a la política lingüística y las ideologías lingüísticas de la sociedad en general.
Invasive species are an excellent opportunity to think about the nature society desires, particularly in the face of global changes. Nature and human views of nature are rapidly evolving; our approach to bio- logical invasions through biosecurity institutions and land management policies must evolve in tandem with these changes. We review three dimensions that are insufficiently addressed. First, biological inva- sions are culturally shaped and interpreted. Humans play a major role in the movement and nurturing of alien life, and esthetics, perception, and emotion are deeply implicated in the management of invasive species. What people fear or regret with invasive species are not their effects on nature per se, but their effects on a particular desired nature, and policymaking must reflect this. Second, biological invasions are not restricted to negative impacts. Invasions take place in landscapes where many natural condi- tions have been altered, so policy tools must recognize that invasive species are a functional, structural, and compositional part of transformed ecosystems. In some cases, native species benefit from changes in resource availability caused by invasions or from protections provided by an invasive plant. Finally, invasive species can help ecosystems and people to adapt to global change by maintaining ecosystem processes such as productivity, carbon storage, and nutrient cycling in a context of climate change or land cover transformations. While recognition is growing among ecologists that novel, invaded ecosystems have value, and while the on-the-ground application of biosecurity policies has of necessity adjusted to local contexts and other agendas, invasion biology could aid policymaking by better addressing the three complexities inherent in the three dimensions highlighted above.
This is the description of the birth, development and transformations of a small rural community in carolingian epoch through the written documentation and the analysis of the landscape.
In the classical theorems of extreme value theory the limits of suitably rescaled maxima of sequences of independent, identically distributed random variables are studied. The vast majority of the literature on the subject deals with affine normalization. We argue that more general normalizations are natural from a mathematical and physical point of view and work them out. The problem is approached using the language of renormalization-group transformations in the space of probability densities. The limit distributions are fixed points of the transformation and the study of its differential around them allows a local analysis of the domains of attraction and the computation of finite-size corrections.
In times of crisis, the youth policies are experiencing enormous cutbacks and transformations to the point that we are wondering whether they really exist as public policies with their own entity. The situation in which many young people find themselves in Spain leads them to wonder where the traditional protection networks are: The family, the NGO’s or the Welfare State, when they are really needed. Our objective in this article is to show and discuss the situation of the youth policies in Spain in the present context of social austerity and drastic cutbacks. We carry out this analysis from the parameters of the magical triangle that unite policies, research and social work with young people
Background: Bacterial populations are highly successful at colonizing new habitats and adapting to changing environmental conditions, partly due to their capacity to evolve novel virulence and metabolic pathways in response to stress conditions and to shuffle them by horizontal gene transfer (HGT). A common theme in the evolution of new functions consists of gene duplication followed by functional divergence. UlaG, a unique manganese-dependent metallo-b-lactamase (MBL) enzyme involved in L-ascorbate metabolism by commensal and symbiotic enterobacteria, provides a model for the study of the emergence of new catalytic activities from the modification of an ancient fold. Furthermore, UlaG is the founding member of the so-called UlaG-like (UlaGL) protein family, a recently established and poorly characterized family comprising divalent (and perhaps trivalent)metal-binding MBLs that catalyze transformations on phosphorylated sugars and nucleotides. Results: Here we combined protein structure-guided and sequence-only molecular phylogenetic analyses to dissect the molecular evolution of UlaG and to study its phylogenomic distribution, its relatedness with present-day UlaGL protein sequences and functional conservation. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that UlaGL sequences are present in Bacteria and Archaea, with bona fide orthologs found mainly in mammalian and plant-associated Gramnegative and Gram-positive bacteria. The incongruence between the UlaGL tree and known species trees indicates exchange by HGT and suggests that the UlaGL-encoding genes provided a growth advantage under changing conditions. Our search for more distantly related protein sequences aided by structural homology has uncovered that UlaGL sequences have a common evolutionary origin with present-day RNA processing and metabolizing MBL enzymes widespread in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. This observation suggests an ancient origin for the UlaGL family within the broader trunk of the MBL superfamily by duplication, neofunctionalization and fixation. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the forerunner of UlaG was present as an RNA metabolizing enzyme in the last common ancestor, and that the modern descendants of that ancestral gene have a wide phylogenetic distribution and functional roles. We propose that the UlaGL family evolved new metabolic roles among bacterial and possibly archeal phyla in the setting of a close association with metazoans, such as in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract or in animal and plant pathogens, as well as in environmental settings. Accordingly, the major evolutionary forces shaping the UlaGL family include vertical inheritance and lineage-specific duplication and acquisition of novel metabolic functions, followed by HGT and numerous lineage-specific gene loss events.
It has been shown that it is possible to generate perceptual illusions of ownership in immersive virtual reality (IVR) over a virtual body seen from first person perspective, in other words over a body that visually substitutes the person's real body. This can occur even when the virtual body is quite different in appearance from the person's real body. However, investigation of the psychological, behavioral and attitudinal consequences of such body transformations remains an interesting problem with much to be discovered. Thirty six Caucasian people participated in a between-groups experiment where they played a West-African Djembe hand drum while immersed in IVR and with a virtual body that substituted their own. The virtual hand drum was registered with a physical drum. They were alongside a virtual character that played a drum in a supporting, accompanying role. In a baseline condition participants were represented only by plainly shaded white hands, so that they were able merely to play. In the experimental condition they were represented either by a casually dressed dark-skinned virtual body (Casual Dark-Skinned - CD) or by a formal suited light-skinned body (Formal Light-Skinned - FL). Although participants of both groups experienced a strong body ownership illusion towards the virtual body, only those with the CD representation showed significant increases in their movement patterns for drumming compared to the baseline condition and compared with those embodied in the FL body. Moreover, the stronger the illusion of body ownership in the CD condition, the greater this behavioral change. A path analysis showed that the observed behavioral changes were a function of the strength of the illusion of body ownership towards the virtual body and its perceived appropriateness for the drumming task. These results demonstrate that full body ownership illusions can lead to substantial behavioral and possibly cognitive changes depending on the appearance of the virtual body. This could be important for many applications such as learning, education, training, psychotherapy and rehabilitation using IVR.