938 resultados para Lymphocytes T DP (CD4 CD8 )


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Foram avaliados dezesseis doentes portadores de pênfigo foliáceo endêmico, dez com a forma localizada da doença (Grupo G1) e seis com a forma disseminada (Grupo G2), com os objetivos de correlacionar o quadro clínico e laboratorial desses pacientes com o perfil imunológico dos mesmos, e verificar a relação dos títulos dos anticorpos antiepiderme circulantes, identificados pela imunofluorescência indireta, com intensidade da lesão e com a evolução das lesões em tratamento. Foram realizados: hemograma completo, quantificação de subpopulação de células mononucleares por anticorpos monoclonais e estudo da transformação blástica de linfócitos e quantificação de anticorpos circulantes por meio da reação de imunofluorescência indireta. Observou-se leucocitose principalmente no grupo G2, diminuição dos valores relativos das subpopulações de linfócitos CD3+ e CD4+ e tendência à diminuição dos valores relativos da subpopulação CD8+ nos doentes (Grupos G1 e G2). Os índices de transformação blástica de linfócitos frente à fitohemaglutinina revelaram níveis mais elevados nos doentes (Grupos G1 + G2), que nos controles. A reação de imunofluorescência indireta foi positiva em 100% dos doentes do grupo G2 e em 80% do grupo G1 A mediana dos valores dos títulos foi maior no grupo G2, quando comparado com o grupo G1. A análise global dos resultados permite concluir que a imunidade celular está preservada, e que existe uma relação entre os títulos de anticorpos obtidos à reação de imunofluorescência indireta e extensão da lesão cutânea.


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The association of paracoccidioidomycosis with AIDS is apparently less frequent than expected. The authors present an unusual case of paracoccidioidomycosis in a 13-year-old female student which was later found to be the first opportunistic infection in the course of the patient's HIV-infection. The clinical presentation followed an accidental incised wound on the palmar region initially described as a 'sporotrichotic-chancre'. After good response under sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprin, the patient relapsed and presented an associated oral candidiasis. HIV-infection was documented and additional investigation showed CD4(+) T-cells=22/mm(3), CD8(+)=280 cell/mm(3) and viral load=4,043 log. This case report presents an uncommon dermatological-clinical picture in the youngest patient in which such association has been reported to date.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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From the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, pneumocystis pneumonia ( PCP) has been distinguished as one of the most frequent opportunistic diseases with high morbid-mortality. As from 1996, the advent of the highly active antiretroviral therapy ( HAART) has changed the characteristics of such epidemic by reducing its related diseases and, as a result, AIDS-related mortality. With the purpose to estimate PCP occurrence and HAART interference, 376 HIV-infected or AIDS patients were studied from January 1992 to December 2002. Among them, 58 ( 15.5%) PCP cases were found. There was a higher occurrence of PCP in the group of patients in which HAART was not used, with 40 ( 69.0%) of the episodes. As regards the studied period, a tendency to a linear reduction in annual PCP incidence was observed. The mean of T CD4+ lymphocytes in the patients with PCP ( 117 cells/mm(3)) was significantly lower when compared to that of the other individuals ( 325 cells/mm(3)). Therefore, this study suggests a temporal reduction in PCP occurrence related to HAART use with higher T CD4+ lymphocyte counts. Nevertheless, this opportunistic infection still shows significant incidence in AIDS patients. ( NCT00516581).


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Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cement are being used in dentistry as root-end-filling material for periapical surgery and for the sealing of communications between the root canal system and the surrounding tissues. However, genotoxicity tests for complete risk assessment of these compounds have not been conducted up to now. In the present study, the genotoxic effects of MTA and Portland cements were evaluated in peripheral lymphocytes from 10 volunteers by the alkaline single cell gel (comet) assay. The results pointed out that the single cell gel (comet) assay failed to detect the presence of DNA damage after a treatment of peripheral lymphocytes by MTA and Portland cements for concentrations up to 1000 mu g mL(-1). In summary, our results indicate that exposure to MTA or Portland cements may not be a factor that increases the level of DNA lesions in human peripheral lymphocytes as detected by single cell gel (comet) assay.


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This study evaluated cytogenetic damage by measuring the frequency of micronucleated cells (MNC) in peripheral blood and buccal mucosa of head-and-neck cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy.MNC frequencies were assessed in 31 patients before, during, and after radiotherapy, and in 17 C, healthy controls matched for gender, age, and smoking habits. Results showed no statistically significant difference between patients and controls prior to radiotherapy in cytokinesis-blocked lymphocytes or buccal mucosa cells. During treatment, increased MNC frequencies were observed in both cell types. Micronucleated lymphocyte levels remained high in samples collected 30 to 140 days after the end of treatment, while MNC frequency in buccal mucosa decreased to values statistically similar to baseline values. There is controversy over the effects of age, smoking habit, tumor stage, and/or metastasis on MNC frequency. However, increased frequency of micronucleated buccal mucosa cells was seen in patients under 60 years old and in those with tumors >4cm.In conclusion, the data show that radiotherapy has a potent clastogenic effect in Circulating lymphocytes and buccal mucosa cells of head-and-neck cancer patients, and that the baseline MNC frequency in these two tissues is not a sensitive marker for head-and neck neoplasm.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Taking into consideration that DNA damage plays an important role in carcinogenesis, the purpose of this study was to evaluate whether some radiopacifiers widely used in clinical practice are able to induce genetic damage in primary human cells in vitro. Human peripheral lymphocytes obtained from 10 healthy volunteers were exposed to barium sulphate (BaSO(4)), zirconium oxide (ZnO(2)) and bismuth oxide (Bi(2)O(3)) at final concentrations ranging from 1 to 1000 mu g/mL for 1 h at 37 degrees C. The negative control group was treated with vehicle control (phosphate buffer solution) for 1 h at 37 degrees C and the positive control group was treated with hydrogen peroxide (at 100 mu M) for 5 min on ice. Results were analyzed by the Friedman non-parametric test. The results pointed all compounds tested out did not induce DNA breakage in human peripheral lymphocytes as depicted by the mean tail moment and tail intensity in all concentrations tested. In summary, our results indicate that exposure to these radiopacifiers may not be a factor that increases the level of DNA lesions in human peripheral lymphocytes as detected by single cell gel (comet) assay.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate DNA damage (micronucleus) in cytokinesis-blocked lymphocytes and exfoliated buccal mucosa cells from children with malignant tumours and under chemotherapy. Micronucleated cells (MNCs) were assessed from children before and during chemotherapy. A total of 21 healthy children (controls), matched for gender and age, were used as control. The results pointed out higher frequencies of micronucleated lymphocytes in children with malignant tumour before any therapy when compared to healthy probands. Furthermore an increase of micronucleated lymphocytes during chemotherapy was detected when compared to the data obtained before chemotherapy. No statistically significant increases of MNCs were noticed in buccal mucosa cells at any of the timepoints evaluated. Taken together, these data indicate that the presence of malignant tumours may increase the frequency of DNA damage in circulating lymphocytes, these cells being more sensitive for detecting chromosome aberrations caused by anti-cancer drugs.


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Este estudo avalia os fatores maternos e fetais envolvidos na transmissão vertical do HIV-1 em 47 pares de mãe e filho. As variáveis comportamentais, demográficas e obstétricas foram obtidas mediante entrevista; os dados referentes ao parto e ao recém-nascido, dos prontuários das maternidades. Durante o terceiro trimestre de gestação foi realizada a contagem da carga viral materna e dos linfócitos T CD4+. A média de idade foi de 25 anos e 23,4% das gestantes eram primigestas, e o fator comportamental mais prevalente foi não usar preservativos. Dentre as gestantes, 48,9% tinham células CD4+ superior a 500 células/mm³ e 93,6% se enquadravam na categoria clínica A; 95,7% submeteram-se à profilaxia com zidovudina durante a gestação ou no parto, a qual foi ministrada a todos os recém-nascidos; 50,0% delas foram submetidas à cesárea eletiva. Apesar de expostas a vários fatores de risco e protetores, nenhuma criança tornou-se infectada. A transmissão vertical resulta de um desequilíbrio entre os fatores, com predomínio dos de risco sobre os protetores.


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Subcutaneous heat-coagulated egg white implants (EWI) induce chronic, intense local eosinophilia in mice, followed by asthma-like responses to airway ovalbumin challenge. Our goal was to define the mechanisms of selective eosinophil accumulation in the EWI model. EWI carriers were challenged i.p. with ovalbumin and the contributions of cellular immunity and inflammatory mediators to the resulting leukocyte accumulation were defined through cell transfer and pharmacological inhibition protocols. Eosinophil recruitment required Major Histocompatibility Complex Class It expression, and was abolished by the leukotriene B4 (LTB4) receptor antagonist CP 105.696, the 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor BWA4C and the 5-lipoxygenase activating protein inhibitor MK886. Eosinophil recruitment in EWI carriers followed transfer of: a) CD4(+) (but not CD4(-)) cells, harvested from EWI donors and restimulated ex vivo; b) their cell-free supernatants, containing LTB4. Restimulation in the presence of MK886 was ineffective. CC chemokine receptor ligand (CCL)5 and CCL2 were induced by ovalbumin challenge in vivo. mRNA for CCL17 and CCL11 was induced in ovalbumin-restimulated CD4(+) cells ex vivo. MK886 blocked induction of CCL17 Pretreatment of EWI carriers with MK886 eliminated the effectiveness of exogenously administered CCL11, CCL2 and CCL5. In conclusion, chemokine-producing, ovalburnin-restimulated CD4(+) cells initiate eosinophil recruitment which is strictly dependent on LTB4 production. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In order to assess the immunotherapeutic potential on canine visceral leishmaniasis of the Leishmune (R) vaccine, formulated with an increased adjuvant concentration (1 mg of saponin rather than 0.5 mg), 24 mongrel dogs were infected with Leishmania (L.) chagasi. The enriched-Leishmune (R) vaccine was injected on month 6, 7 and 8 after infection, when animals were seropositive and symptomatic. The control group were injected with a saline solution. Leishmune (R)-treated dogs showed significantly higher levels of anti-FML IgG antibodies (ANOVA; p < 0.0001), a higher and stable IgG2 and a decreasing IgG I response, pointing to a TH1 T cell mediated response. The vaccine had the following effects: it led to more positive delayed type hypersensitivity reactions against Leishmania lysate in vaccinated dogs (75%) than in controls (50%), to a decreased average of CD4+ Leishmania-specific lymphocytes in saline controls (32.13%) that fell outside the 95% confidence interval of the vaccinees (41.62%, CI95% 43.93-49.80) and an increased average of the clinical scores from the saline controls (17.83) that falls outside the 95% confidence interval for the Leishmune (R) immumotherapy-treated dogs (15.75, CI95% 13.97-17.53). All dogs that received the vaccine were clustered, and showed lower clinical scores and normal CD4+ counts, whereas 42% of the untreated dogs showed very diminished CD4+ and higher clinical score. The increase in clinical signs of the saline treated group was correlated with an increase in anti-FML antibodies (p < 0.0001), the parasitological evidence (p = 0.038) and a decrease in Leishinania-specific CD4+ lymphocyte proportions (p = 0.035). These results confirm the immunotherapeutic potential of the enriched-Leishmune (R) vaccine. The vaccine reduced the clinical symptoms and evidence of parasite, modulating the outcome of the infection and the dog's potential infectiosity to phlebotomines. The enriched-Leishmune (R) vaccine was subjected to a safety analysis and found to be well tolerated and safe. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.