909 resultados para Low-carbon process


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The effect of fruit ripeness on the antioxidant content of 'Hojiblanca' virgin olive oils was studied. Seasonal changes were monitored at bi-weekly intervals for three consecutive crop years. Phenolic content, tocopherol composition, bitterness index, carotenoid and chlorophyllic pigments and oxidative stability were analysed. In general, the antioxidants and the related parameters decreased as olive fruit ripened. The phenolics and bitterness, closely related parameters, did not present significant differences among years. Although in general, the tocopherols decreased during olive ripening gamma-tocopherol increased. Differences between crop years were found only for total tocopherols and alpha-tocopherol, which showed higher content in low rainfall year oils. The pigment content decreased during ripening, chlorophyll changing faster. For low rainfall years, the level of pigments was higher, reaching significant differences between yields. Significant differences among years were found for oil oxidative stability; higher values were obtained for drought years. A highly significant prediction model for oxidative stability has been obtained. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon have increased in many, but not all, surface waters across acid impacted areas of Europe and North America over the last two decades. Over the last eight years several hypotheses have been put forward to explain these increases, but none are yet accepted universally. Research in this area appears to have reached a stalemate between those favouring declining atmospheric deposition, climate change or land management as the key driver of long-term DOC trends. While it is clear that many of these factors influence DOC dynamics in soil and stream waters, their effect varies over different temporal and spatial scales. We argue that regional differences in acid deposition loading may account for the apparent discrepancies between studies. DOC has shown strong monotonic increases in areas which have experienced strong downward trends in pollutant sulphur and/or seasalt deposition. Elsewhere climatic factors, that strongly influence seasonality, have also dominated inter-annual variability, and here long-term monotonic DOC trends are often difficult to detect. Furthermore, in areas receiving similar acid loadings, different catchment characteristics could have affected the site specific sensitivity to changes in acidity and therefore the magnitude of DOC release in response to changes in sulphur deposition. We suggest that confusion over these temporal and spatial scales of investigation has contributed unnecessarily to the disagreement over the main regional driver(s) of DOC trends, and that the data behind the majority of these studies is more compatible than is often conveyed.


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A strong relationship between dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and sulphate (SO42−) dynamics under drought conditions has been revealed from analysis of a 10-year time series (1993–2002). Soil solution from a blanket peat at 10 cm depth and stream water were collected at biweekly and weekly intervals, respectively, by the Environmental Change Network at Moor House-Upper Teesdale National Nature Reserve in the North Pennine uplands of Britain. DOC concentrations in soil solution and stream water were closely coupled, displaying a strong seasonal cycle with lowest concentrations in early spring and highest in late summer/early autumn. Soil solution DOC correlated strongly with seasonal variations in soil temperature at the same depth 4-weeks prior to sampling. Deviation from this relationship was seen, however, in years with significant water table drawdown (>−25 cm), such that DOC concentrations were up to 60% lower than expected. Periods of drought also resulted in the release of SO42−, because of the oxidation of inorganic/organic sulphur stored in the peat, which was accompanied by a decrease in pH and increase in ionic strength. As both pH and ionic strength are known to control the solubility of DOC, inclusion of a function to account for DOC suppression because of drought-induced acidification accounted for more of the variability of DOC in soil solution (R2=0.81) than temperature alone (R2=0.58). This statistical model of peat soil solution DOC at 10 cm depth was extended to reproduce 74% of the variation in stream DOC over this period. Analysis of annual budgets showed that the soil was the main source of SO42− during droughts, while atmospheric deposition was the main source in other years. Mass balance calculations also showed that most of the DOC originated from the peat. The DOC flux was also lower in the drought years of 1994 and 1995, reflecting low DOC concentrations in soil and stream water. The analysis presented in this paper suggests that lower concentrations of DOC in both soil and stream waters during drought years can be explained in terms of drought-induced acidification. As future climate change scenarios suggest an increase in the magnitude and frequency of drought events, these results imply potential for a related increase in DOC suppression by episodic acidification.


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The surface geometries of the p (root7- x root7)R19degrees-(4CO) and c(2 x 4)-(2CO) layers on Ni {111} and the clean Ni {111} surface were determined by low energy electron diffraction structure analysis. For the clean surface small but significant contractions of d(12) and d(23) (both 2.02 Angstrom) were found with respect to the bulk interlayer distance (2.03 Angstrom). In the c(2 x 4)-(2CO) structure these distances are expanded, with values of d(12) = 2.08 Angstrom and d(23) = 2.06 Angstrom and buckling of 0.08 and 0.02 Angstrom, respectively, in the first and second layer. CO resides near hcp and fcc hollow sites with relatively large lateral shifts away from the ideal positions leading to unequal C-Ni bond lengths between 1.76 and 1.99 Angstrom. For the p(root7- x root7-)R19'-(4CO) layer two best fit geometries were found, which agree in most of their atomic positions, except for one out of four CO molecules, which is either near atop or between bridge and atop. The remaining three molecules reside near hcp and fcc sites, again with large lateral deviations from their ideal positions. The average C Ni bond length for these molecules is, however, the same as for CO on hollow sites at low coverage. The average CNi bond length at hollow sites, the interlayer distances, and buckling in the first Ni layer are similar to the c(2 x 4)(2CO) geometry, only the buckling in the second layer (0.08 Angstrom) is significantly larger. Lateral and vertical shifts of the Ni atoms in the first layer lead to unsymmetric environments for the CO molecules, which can be regarded as an imprint of the chiral p(root7- x root7-)R19degrees lattice geometry onto the substrate.


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Low energy electron diffraction (LEED) structure determinations have been performed for the p(2 x 2) structures of pure oxygen and oxygen co-adsorbed with CO on Ni{111}. Optimisation of the non-geometric parameters led to very good agreement between experimental and theoretical IV-curves and hence to a high accuracy in the structural parameters. In agreement with earlier work atomic oxygen is found to adsorb on fee sites in both structures. In the co-adsorbed phase CO occupies atop sites. The positions of the substrate atoms are almost identical, within 0.02 Angstrom, in both structures, implying that the interaction with oxygen dominates the arrangement of Ni atoms at the surface.


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Electrochemical reduction of the triangular clusters [Os-3(CO)(10)(alpha-dimine)] (alpha-dimine = 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy), 2,2'-bipyrimidine (bpym)) and [Os-3(CO)(10)(mu-bpym) ReBr(CO)(3)] produces primarily the corresponding radical anions. Their stability is strongly determined by the pi acceptor ability of the reducible alpha-dimine ligand, which decreases in the order mu-bpym > bpym >> bpy. Along this series, increasing delocalisation of the odd electron density in the radical anion over the Os(alpha-dimine) chelate ring causes weakening of the axial (CO)(4)Os-Os(CO)(2)(alpha-dimine) bond and its facile cleavage for alpha-diimine = bpy. In contrast, the cluster radical anion is inherently stable for the bridging bpym ligand, the strongest pi-acceptor in the studied series. In the absence of the partial delocalisation of the unpaired electron over the Re( bpym) chelate bond, the Os-3-core of the radical anion remains intact only at low temperatures. Subsequent one-electron reduction of [Os-3(CO)(10)(bpym)](center dot-) at T = 223 K gives the open-triosmium core (= Os-3*) dianion, [Os-3*(CO)(10)(bpym)](2-). Its oxidation leads to the recovery of parent [Os-3(CO)(10)( bpym)]. At room temperature, [Os-3*( CO)(10)(bpym)](2-) is formed along a two-electron (ECE) reduction path. The chemical step (C) results in the formation of an open- core radical anion that is directly reducible at the cathodic potential of the parent cluster in the second electrochemical (E) step. In weakly coordinating tetrahydrofuran, [Os-3*(CO)(10)( bpym)](2-) rapidly attacks yet non- reduced parent cluster molecules, producing the relatively stable open- core dimer [Os-3*(CO)(10)(bpym)](2)(2-) featuring two open- triangle cluster moieties connected with an ( bpym) Os - Os( bpym) bond. In butyronitrile, [Os-3*( CO)(10)(bpym)](2-) is stabilised by the solvent and the dimer [Os-3*(CO)(10)(bpym)](2)(2-) is then mainly formed by reoxidation of the dianion on reverse potential scan. The more reactive cluster [Os-3(CO)(10)(bpy)] follows the same reduction path, as supported by spectroelectrochemical results and additional valuable evidence obtained from cyclic voltammetric scans. The ultimate process in the reduction mechanism is fragmentation of the cluster core triggered by the reduction of the dimer [Os-3*(CO)(10)(alpha- diimine)](2)(2-). The products formed are [Os-2(CO)(8)](2-) and {Os(CO)(2)(alpha- diimine)}(2). The latter dinuclear fragments constitute a linear polymeric chain [Os( CO)(2)(alpha-dimine)] n that is further reducible at the alpha-dimine ligands. For alpha-dimine = bpy, the charged polymer is capable of reducing carbon dioxide. The electrochemical opening of the triosmium core in the [Os-3( CO)(10)(alpha-dimine)] clusters exhibits several common features with their photochemistry. The same Os-alpha-dimine bond dissociates in both cases but the intimate mechanisms are different.


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This article describes an application of computers to a consumer-based production engineering environment. Particular consideration is given to the utilisation of low-cost computer systems for the visual inspection of components on a production line in real time. The process of installation is discussed, from identifying the need for artificial vision and justifying the cost, through to choosing a particular system and designing the physical and program structure.


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As the building industry proceeds in the direction of low impact buildings, research attention is being drawn towards the reduction of carbon dioxide emission and waste. Starting from design and construction to operation and demolition, various building materials are used throughout the whole building lifecycle involving significant energy consumption and waste generation. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is emerging as a tool that can support holistic design-decision making for reducing embodied carbon and waste production in the building lifecycle. This study aims to establish a framework for assessing embodied carbon and waste underpinned by BIM technology. On the basis of current research review, the framework is considered to include functional modules for embodied carbon computation. There are a module for waste estimation, a knowledge-base of construction and demolition methods, a repository of building components information, and an inventory of construction materials’ energy and carbon. Through both static 3D model visualisation and dynamic modelling supported by the framework, embodied energy (carbon), waste and associated costs can be analysed in the boundary of cradle-to-gate, construction, operation, and demolition. The proposed holistic modelling framework provides a possibility to analyse embodied carbon and waste from different building lifecycle perspectives including associated costs. It brings together existing segmented embodied carbon and waste estimation into a unified model, so that interactions between various parameters through the different building lifecycle phases can be better understood. Thus, it can improve design-decision support for optimal low impact building development. The applicability of this framework is anticipated being developed and tested on industrial projects in the near future.


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Many weeds occur in patches but farmers frequently spray whole fields to control the weeds in these patches. Given a geo-referenced weed map, technology exists to confine spraying to these patches. Adoption of patch spraying by arable farmers has, however, been negligible partly due to the difficulty of constructing weed maps. Building on previous DEFRA and HGCA projects, this proposal aims to develop and evaluate a machine vision system to automate the weed mapping process. The project thereby addresses the principal technical stumbling block to widespread adoption of site specific weed management (SSWM). The accuracy of weed identification by machine vision based on a single field survey may be inadequate to create herbicide application maps. We therefore propose to test the hypothesis that sufficiently accurate weed maps can be constructed by integrating information from geo-referenced images captured automatically at different times of the year during normal field activities. Accuracy of identification will also be increased by utilising a priori knowledge of weeds present in fields. To prove this concept, images will be captured from arable fields on two farms and processed offline to identify and map the weeds, focussing especially on black-grass, wild oats, barren brome, couch grass and cleavers. As advocated by Lutman et al. (2002), the approach uncouples the weed mapping and treatment processes and builds on the observation that patches of these weeds are quite stable in arable fields. There are three main aspects to the project. 1) Machine vision hardware. Hardware component parts of the system are one or more cameras connected to a single board computer (Concurrent Solutions LLC) and interfaced with an accurate Global Positioning System (GPS) supplied by Patchwork Technology. The camera(s) will take separate measurements for each of the three primary colours of visible light (red, green and blue) in each pixel. The basic proof of concept can be achieved in principle using a single camera system, but in practice systems with more than one camera may need to be installed so that larger fractions of each field can be photographed. Hardware will be reviewed regularly during the project in response to feedback from other work packages and updated as required. 2) Image capture and weed identification software. The machine vision system will be attached to toolbars of farm machinery so that images can be collected during different field operations. Images will be captured at different ground speeds, in different directions and at different crop growth stages as well as in different crop backgrounds. Having captured geo-referenced images in the field, image analysis software will be developed to identify weed species by Murray State and Reading Universities with advice from The Arable Group. A wide range of pattern recognition and in particular Bayesian Networks will be used to advance the state of the art in machine vision-based weed identification and mapping. Weed identification algorithms used by others are inadequate for this project as we intend to collect and correlate images collected at different growth stages. Plants grown for this purpose by Herbiseed will be used in the first instance. In addition, our image capture and analysis system will include plant characteristics such as leaf shape, size, vein structure, colour and textural pattern, some of which are not detectable by other machine vision systems or are omitted by their algorithms. Using such a list of features observable using our machine vision system, we will determine those that can be used to distinguish weed species of interest. 3) Weed mapping. Geo-referenced maps of weeds in arable fields (Reading University and Syngenta) will be produced with advice from The Arable Group and Patchwork Technology. Natural infestations will be mapped in the fields but we will also introduce specimen plants in pots to facilitate more rigorous system evaluation and testing. Manual weed maps of the same fields will be generated by Reading University, Syngenta and Peter Lutman so that the accuracy of automated mapping can be assessed. The principal hypothesis and concept to be tested is that by combining maps from several surveys, a weed map with acceptable accuracy for endusers can be produced. If the concept is proved and can be commercialised, systems could be retrofitted at low cost onto existing farm machinery. The outputs of the weed mapping software would then link with the precision farming options already built into many commercial sprayers, allowing their use for targeted, site-specific herbicide applications. Immediate economic benefits would, therefore, arise directly from reducing herbicide costs. SSWM will also reduce the overall pesticide load on the crop and so may reduce pesticide residues in food and drinking water, and reduce adverse impacts of pesticides on non-target species and beneficials. Farmers may even choose to leave unsprayed some non-injurious, environmentally-beneficial, low density weed infestations. These benefits fit very well with the anticipated legislation emerging in the new EU Thematic Strategy for Pesticides which will encourage more targeted use of pesticides and greater uptake of Integrated Crop (Pest) Management approaches, and also with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive to reduce levels of pesticides in water bodies. The greater precision of weed management offered by SSWM is therefore a key element in preparing arable farming systems for the future, where policy makers and consumers want to minimise pesticide use and the carbon footprint of farming while maintaining food production and security. The mapping technology could also be used on organic farms to identify areas of fields needing mechanical weed control thereby reducing both carbon footprints and also damage to crops by, for example, spring tines. Objective i. To develop a prototype machine vision system for automated image capture during agricultural field operations; ii. To prove the concept that images captured by the machine vision system over a series of field operations can be processed to identify and geo-reference specific weeds in the field; iii. To generate weed maps from the geo-referenced, weed plants/patches identified in objective (ii).


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We summarise the work of an interdisciplinary network set up to explore the impacts of climate change in the British Uplands. In this CR Special, the contributors present the state of knowledge and this introduction synthesises this knowledge and derives implications for decision makers. The Uplands are valued semi-natural habitats, providing ecosystem services that have historically been taken for granted. For example, peat soils, which are mostly found in the Uplands, contain around 50% of the terrestrial carbon in the UK. Land management continues to be a driver of ecosystem service delivery. Degraded and managed peatlands are subject to erosion and carbon loss with negative impacts on biodiversity, carbon storage and water quality. Climate change is already being experienced in British Uplands and is likely to exacerbate these pressures. Climate envelope models suggest as much as 50% of British Uplands and peatlands will be exposed to climate stress by the end of the 21st century under low and high emissions scenarios. However, process-based models of the response of organic soils to this climate stress do not give a consistent indication of what this will mean for soil carbon: results range from a very slight increase in uptake, through a clear decline, to a net carbon loss. Preserving existing peat stocks is an important climate mitigation strategy, even if new peat stops forming. Preserving upland vegetation cover is a key win–win management strategy that will reduce erosion and loss of soil carbon, and protect a variety of services such as the continued delivery of a high quality water resource.


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Dielectric properties of 16 process cheeses were determined over the frequency range 0.3-3 GHz. The effect of temperature on the dielectric properties of process cheeses were investigated at temperature intervals of 10 degrees C between 5 and 85 degrees C. Results showed that the dielectric constant decreased gradually as frequency increased, for all cheeses. The dielectric loss factor (epsilon") decreased from above 125 to below 12 as frequency increased. epsilon' was highest at 5 degrees C and generally decreased up to a temperature between 55 and 75 degrees C. epsilon" generally increased with increasing temperature for high and medium moisture/fat ratio cheeses. epsilon" decreased with temperature between 5 and 55 degrees C and then increased, for low moisture/fat ratio cheese. Partial least square regression models indicated that epsilon' and epsilon" could be used as a quality control screening application to measure moisture content and inorganic salt content of process cheese, respectively. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved..


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MD simulation studies showing the influence of porosity and carbon surface oxidation on phenol adsorption from aqueous solutions on carbons are reported. Based on a realistic model of activated carbon, three carbon structures with gradually changed microporosity were created. Next, a different number of surface oxygen groups was introduced. The pores with diameters around 0.6 nm are optimal for phenol adsorption and after the introduction of surface oxygen functionalities, adsorption of phenol decreases (in accordance with experimental data) for all studied models. This decrease is caused by a pore blocking effect due to the saturation of surface oxygen groups by highly hydrogen-bounded water molecules.


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A new class of carbon structure is reported, which consists of microscale graphitic shells bounded by curved and faceted planes containing two to five layers. These structures were originally found in a commercial graphite produced by the Acheson process, followed by a purification treatment. The particles, which could be several hundreds of nanometres in size, were frequently decorated with nanoscale carbon particles, or short nanotubes. In some cases, nanotubes were found to be seamlessly connected to the thin shells, indicating that the formation of the shells and that of the nanotubes are intimately connected. The structures are believed to form during a purification process which involves passing an electric current through the graphite in the presence of a reactive gas. In support of this, it is shown that similar particles can be produced in a standard carbon arc apparatus. With their extremely thin graphene walls and high surface areas, the new structures may have a range of useful properties.


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The adsorption of carbon monoxide on the Pt{110} surface at coverages of 0.5 ML and 1.0 ML was investigated using quantitative low-energy electron diffraction (LEED IV) and density-functional theory (DFT). At 0.5 ML CO lifts the reconstruction of the clean surface but does not form an ordered overlayer. At the saturation coverage, 1.0 ML, a well-ordered p(2×1) superstructure with glide line symmetry is formed. It was confirmed that the CO molecules adsorb on top of the Pt atoms in the top-most substrate layer with the molecular axes tilted by ±22° with respect to the surface normal in alternating directions away from the close packed rows of Pt atoms. This is accompanied by significant lateral shifts of 0.55 Å away from the atop sites in the same direction as the tilt. The top-most substrate layer relaxes inwards by −4% with respect to the bulk-terminated atom positions, while the consecutive layers only show minor relaxations. Despite the lack of long-range order in the 0.5 ML CO layer it was possible to determine key structural parameters by LEED IV using only the intensities of the integer-order spots. At this coverage CO also adsorbs on atop sites with the molecular axis closer to the surface normal (b10°). The average substrate relaxations in each layer are similar for both coverages and consistent with DFT calculations performed for a variety of ordered structures with coverages of 1.0 ML and 0.5 ML.


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Starting from the classical Saltzman two-dimensional convection equations, we derive via a severe spectral truncation a minimal 10 ODE system which includes the thermal effect of viscous dissipation. Neglecting this process leads to a dynamical system which includes a decoupled generalized Lorenz system. The consideration of this process breaks an important symmetry and couples the dynamics of fast and slow variables, with the ensuing modifications to the structural properties of the attractor and of the spectral features. When the relevant nondimensional number (Eckert number Ec) is different from zero, an additional time scale of O(Ec−1) is introduced in the system, as shown with standard multiscale analysis and made clear by several numerical evidences. Moreover, the system is ergodic and hyperbolic, the slow variables feature long-term memory with 1/f3/2 power spectra, and the fast variables feature amplitude modulation. Increasing the strength of the thermal-viscous feedback has a stabilizing effect, as both the metric entropy and the Kaplan-Yorke attractor dimension decrease monotonically with Ec. The analyzed system features very rich dynamics: it overcomes some of the limitations of the Lorenz system and might have prototypical value in relevant processes in complex systems dynamics, such as the interaction between slow and fast variables, the presence of long-term memory, and the associated extreme value statistics. This analysis shows how neglecting the coupling of slow and fast variables only on the basis of scale analysis can be catastrophic. In fact, this leads to spurious invariances that affect essential dynamical properties (ergodicity, hyperbolicity) and that cause the model losing ability in describing intrinsically multiscale processes.