878 resultados para Localities extracéntricas
The purpose of this research is to apprehend the perception that the ruling elite, especially the Presidents of the province of Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil, had about the potiguar city, that is, the urban localities existing in the province along the 19th century. By interweaving political, administrative, socioeconomic and spatial aspects, the study of this perception involves two distinct moments, which are also linked: a moment of apprehension of the city, that is, how the elite seizes, describes and criticizes the city; and, a second moment, which occurs simultaneously or after the first moment, of intervention in the city, in which the elite exposes its vision and projects for the city and for the territory. Rather than describing the potiguar city in itself, the research is an attempt to reveal how it was perceived along this process from a particular standpoint or discourse, official and elitist, which did not correspond necessarily or completely to what it was in reality. We tried to understand, always through the lens of the discourse, how the ruling elite perceived the potiguar city based on what their members thought about other urban realities, particularly of the advanced countries; how, within an integrated vision, this city was characterized in political, administrative, socioeconomic and spatial terms and how it consolidated itself along the period established for the research. Qualitative and historical in nature, this study was also methodologically developed based upon bibliographical and documental research. Given the fact that this research works with descriptions, comparisons and interpretations, it was necessary to make use of tools such as the discourse analysis in order to apprehend, as much as possible, what lay behind the words of the elite. The primary sources used were essentially the official documents produced by the Presidents of the province, as well as other documents written by top government officials and other members of the administration staff, all of them composing the so-called ruling elite of Rio Grande do Norte. Secondary sources were books and other publications, theses and dissertations, among others. The research made possible the identification of a certain perception of the potiguar city in the 19th century, which is certainly limited because it is grounded on a specific discourse - that of the political and administrative elite, but which, in spite of such a limitation, is still useful to understand the city and its evolution along the period established, among other noteworthy remarks
Tese de doutoramento em Paleontologia. Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2005
Dissertação de Mestrado, Arquitetura Paisagista, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
To investigate the possible influence of the Siculo-Tunisian Strait on the genetic structure of white seabream Diplodus sargus, 13 polymorphic allozyme loci and a fragment of the cytochrome b mitochondrial DNA were analysed. Allozyme data indicated a moderate but significant differentiation between some north-eastern (Bizerta, Ghar El Melh Lagoon and Mahdia) and southern (Gabes Gulf and El Biban Lagoon) samples. This heterogeneity was also highlighted after removing PGM* and PGI-1* loci which may be under selection. These results can be explained by the chaotic genetic patchiness hypothesis. In contrast, the mtDNA data indicated genetic homogeneity among localities showing the absence of structure in white seabream populations across the Siculo-Tunisian Strait. Historical demography of this species suggests that it has undergone a recent population expansion as a consequence of a bottleneck event during the Pleistocene glaciations.
Coastal lagoons are semi-isolated ecosystems exposed to wide fluctuations of environmental conditions and showing habitat fragmentation. These features may play an important role in separating species into different populations, even at small spatial scales. In this study, we evaluate the concordance between mitochondrial (previous published data) and nuclear data analyzing the genetic variability of Pomatoschistus marmoratus in five localities, inside and outside the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (SE Spain) using eight microsatellites. High genetic diversity and similar levels of allele richness were observed across all loci and localities, although significant genic and genotypic differentiation was found between populations inside and outside the lagoon. In contrast to the FST values obtained from previous mitochondrial DNA analyses (control region), the microsatellite data exhibited significant differentiation among samples inside the Mar Menor and between lagoonal and marine samples. This pattern was corroborated using Cavalli-Sforza genetic distances. The habitat fragmentation inside the coastal lagoon and among lagoon and marine localities could be acting as a barrier to gene flow and contributing to the observed genetic structure. Our results from generalized additive models point a significant link between extreme lagoonal environmental conditions (mainly maximum salinity) and P. marmoratus genetic composition. Thereby, these environmental features could be also acting on genetic structure of coastal lagoon populations of P. marmoratus favoring their genetic divergence. The mating strategy of P. marmoratus could be also influencing our results obtained from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. Therefore, a special consideration must be done in the selection of the DNA markers depending on the reproductive strategy of the species.
Partial sequences of the mitochondrial control region and its comparison with previously published cytochrome b (cyt-b) and microsatellite data were used to investigate the influence of island isolation and connectivity on white seabream genetic structure. To achieve this, a total of 188 individuals from four island localities (Castellamare and Mallorca, Mediterranean Sea; Azores and Canary Islands, Atlantic Ocean) and five coastal localities (Banyuls, Murcia and Tunisia, Mediterranean Sea; Galicia and Faro, Atlantic Ocean) were analysed. Results showed high haplotype diversity and low to moderate nucleotide diversity in all populations (except for the Canary Islands). This pattern of genetic diversity is attributed to a recent population expansion which is corroborated by other results such as cyt-b network and demographic analyses. Low differentiation among Mediterranean/Atlantic and coastal/island groups was shown by the AMOVA and FST values, although a weak phylogeographic break was detected using cyt-b data. However, we found a clear and significant island/ distance effect with regard to the Azores islands. Significant genetic differentiation has been detected between the Azores islands and all other populations. The large geographical distance between the European continental slope and the Azores islands is a barrier to gene flow within this region and historic events such as glaciation could also explain this genetic differentiation.
Sea cucumber stocks have been overfished in many countries. As a consequence, several species (Holothuria polii, Holothuria tubulosa and Holothuria mammata) are now caught in Turkish waters without adequate knowledge on their biology and ecology. Here, we address their morphometry, relationships among gutted length and weight, population dynamics, temporal evolution of catches, and we provide the first insights about technical aspects of their fisheries. The largest size classes of H. polii are missing from our sampling collection, possibly due to the heavy fishery pressure on this species. Significant differences in the eviscerated length and weight were found among the Turkish sampled localities for H. polii and H. tubulosa, respectively. These differences could be explained by higher food availability in some areas and/or differential fishery pressure. The size and weight of H. tubulosa specimens were smaller than those registered for the same species in Greek waters, where this species is not fished. All the studied species showed allometric growth. In the last two years, the sea cucumber fishery in Turkey has been increasing rapidly, reaching a total production of ca. 555 000 kg in 2012 (80% H. polii and 20% H. tubulosa plus H. mammata). For a correct management of these species, we recommend: 1) the reestablishment of species-specific closed fishery season according to the specific reproductive cycle; 2) the assessment of the exploited stocks from the Northern Turkish coasts with estimates of recovery time of their populations; 3) the reduction of fishery efforts, mainly on H. polii and H. tubulosa and 4) the establishment of protected areas (where sea cucumber fisheries are forbidden) to conserve healthy populations which will favour the recruitment on nearby areas.
Brackish water ecosystems are often exposed to wide variations in environmental variables, including temperature and salinity, which may cause strong selective pressures on organisms modifying the genetic patterns of species. The aim of this work was to test whether there is a ‘divergence-with-gene flow’ in coastal lagoon populations of white seabream (Diplodus sargus) (Ria Formosa, S Portugal and Mar Menor, SE Spain) respect to four marine populations, by using partial sequences of cyt b mitochondrial gene and information from nine microsatellite loci. Genetic diversity was highest in both coastal lagoons (Mar Menor and Ria Formosa) considering mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Although some of FST population pairwise comparisons were not significant, analyses of molecular variance (AMOVAs) detected differences between groups (coastal lagoon and marine) close to significance. Also, only two haplotypes (Cytb-17 and Cytb-18) were detected in both coastal lagoon sampling sites and these localities (Mar Menor and Ria Formosa) showed the highest number of singletons, some of them with a high number of mutations, as has been already described for other Mar Menor populations (Pomatochistus marmoratus and Holothuria polii). Also, several tests detected significant positive and balancing selection considering mtDNA and microsatellite data. These data support the hypothesis of selection as one of the drivers of the genetic differences found between coastal lagoon and marine populations. The life strategy adopted by Diplodus sargus in coastal lagoons allows it to decrease its mortality rate and improve the heritability of its genes. Also, the increase time spent in coastal lagoons with different temperatures and salinities favours the fitness selection and the maintenance of exclusive haplotypes and genotypes in coastal lagoon inhabitants favouring the ‘divergence-with-gene-flow’.
Environmental heterogeneity in coastal lagoons is expected to facilitate local adaptation in response to different ecological conditions, causing significant genetic structuring within lagoon populations at a small scale and also differentiation between lagoons. However, these patterns and processes of genetic structuring are still poorly understood. The aims of our study were (1) to seek genetic structure at a small scale in Cerastoderma glaucum inside the Mar Menor coastal lagoon using a mitochondrial DNA marker (COI) that has previously detected genetic differentiation inside the lagoon in other species and (2) to evaluate the influence of extreme environmental conditions and habitat discontinuity on its genetic composition. The results indicate high levels of haplotype diversity and low values of nucleotide diversity. COI data provide evidence of significant population differentiation among some localities within the lagoon. Limited gene flow and unstable population dynamics (i.e. fluctuations in population size caused by local extinction and recolonization), probably due to the high environmental heterogeneity, could generate the small-scale genetic divergence detected between populations within the lagoon.
Coastal lagoons are highly variable environments that may act as hotspots of genetic diversity as a consequence of their ecological role as nursery habitats of marine species with both ecological and fisheries importance. The edible cockle (Cerastoderma edule) is a commercially important shellfish resource inhabiting coastal lagoons in Europe and their fisheries management urgently needs genetic studies to design appropriate strategies to promote the recovery of exploited populations. The aim of this study was to assess the C. edule genetic diversity and population structure at a small geographic scale, inside Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (southern Portugal) using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I sequences in six locations. Outcomes pointed to a common pattern of high haplotype diversity and non-significant genetic structuring inside the Ria Formosa lagoon. A high level of gene flow was detected between all localities and the presence of a single stock from a genetic point of view may be considered for fisheries management purposes. The existence of a high number of haplotypes and high values of haplotype diversity of C. edule in Ria Formosa lagoon could be consistent with the hypothesis that higher genetic diversity is expected in populations occurring in coastal lagoons, suggesting that lagoons could increase standing genetic variation and an adaptive potential of lagoon populations as an ecological response to a highly variable environment.
Coastal lagoons are considered one of the most productive areas of our planet harboring a large variety of habitats. Their transitional character, between terrestrial and marine environments, creates a very particular ecosystem with important variations of its environmental conditions. The organisms that are able to survive on these ecosystems frequently experience strong selective pressures and constrictions to gene flowwith marine populations, which could contribute to genetic divergence among populations inhabiting coastal lagoon and marine environments. Therefore, the main aims of this study are to asses the genetic diversity and population structure of Holothuria arguinensis across geographical ranges, to test the hypothesis of coastal lagoons as hotspots of genetic diversity in the Ria Formosa lagoon, and to determine the role of exporting standing genetic variation from the lagoon to open sea and their implications to recent geographical expansion events. To reach these objectives, we investigate the genetic structure of H. arguinensis using two mitochondrial DNA markers (COI and 16S) at different spatial scales: i) small, inside Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, South Portugal; 2) large, including most of the geographical distribution of this species (South and Western Portuguese coast and Canary islands); these results will allow us to compare the genetic diversity of lagoonal and marine populations of H. arguinensis. On this framework, its recent geographical expansion events, recorded by Rodrigues (2012) and González-Wangüemert and Borrero-Pérez (2012), will be analyzed considering the potential contribution from lagoonal genetic pool. Non-significant genetic structure and high haplotypic diversity were found inside the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon. Both genes were unable to detect significant genetic differentiation among lagoonal and marine localities, suggesting a high rate of gene flow. The results supported our hypotheses that coastal lagoons are not only acting as hotspots of genetic diversity, but also contributing for the genetic variability of the species, working as a source of new haplotypes and enhancing adaptation to the high variable conditions. Different genetic patterns of colonization were found on H. arguinensis, but they must be studied more deeply.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, 2016.
The species Dasyatis marianae inhabits coastal areas associated with coral reefs, considered endemic to the northeast of Brazil, occurring from the State of Maranhão to the south of Bahia. Specimens of this species are commonly sighted by divers and fishermen in the area of Maracajaú reefs, a complex reef that is part of the Environmental Protection Area of Coral Reefs (EPACR), which was developed in this study about the ecology and biology of the D. marianae, in order to characterize aspects of population structure in the area of the reef complex of Parracho de Maracajaú. We analyzed 120 specimens caught by artisanal fishing site of the size, weight, sex, stage of maturity and stomach contents. Most subjects were adult males (1.7:1) and was more abundant for rays with lengths between 25 and 29cm of LD, where females reach larger sizes, a feature common to other rays. The largest specimens were captured in the area of seagrass, which is preferred for the species. The distribution of species in the area showed an ontogenetic and sexual segregation, where the youthful occur near the beach, which is a likely area for nursery and growth of the adult females prevail in the seagrass, which apparently has a high prey availability, and Adult males are more distant, a higher proportion occurring in outlying areas, suggesting a habit more exploratory than the females. The evaluation of the reproductive system indicated 3 reproductive cycles per year, one young per pregnancy, and showed that the mature males were smaller than females. The cubs of D. marianae size at birth 12 to 15cm LD. As for diet, the species was characterized as carnivorous crustacean specialist. The performance of visual censuses in different localities allowed to evaluate the density of D. marianae in different environments of the complex. The species occurs in greater numbers in seagrass, environment very important for the conservation of the species. 100 individuals of D. marianae marked in reef complex area enrolled in a recapture rate of 3%. Some behavioral aspects were evaluated, as diurnal pattern of activity, interaction with cleaning and fish Pomacanthus paru followers as Lutjanus analis and Carangoides bartholomaei. Overall, much of the information obtained should be used for management of the species
Since centuries ago, the Asians use seaweed as an important source of feeding and are their greatest world-wide consumers. The migration of these peoples for other countries, made the demand for seaweed to increase. This increasing demand prompted an industry with annual values of around US$ 6 billion. The algal biomass used for the industry is collected in natural reservoirs or cultivated. The market necessity for products of the seaweed base promotes an unsustainable exploration of the natural banks, compromising its associated biological balance. In this context, seaweed culture appears as a viable alternative to prevent the depletion of these natural supplies. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide space and produce information that can facilitate the evaluation of important physical and socio-economic characteristics for the planning of seaweed culture. This objective of this study is to identify potential coastal areas for seaweed culture in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the integration of social-environmental data in the SIG. In order to achieve this objective, a geo-referred database composed of geographical maps, nautical maps and orbital digital images was assembled; and a bank of attributes including physical and oceanographical variables (winds, chains, bathymetry, operational distance from the culture) and social and environmental factors (main income, experience with seaweed harvesting, demographic density, proximity of the sheltered coast and distance of the banks) was produced. In the modeling of the data, the integration of the space database with the bank of attributes for the attainment of the map of potentiality of seaweed culture was carried out. Of a total of 2,011 ha analyzed by the GIS for the culture of seaweed, around 34% or 682 ha were indicated as high potential, 55% or 1,101 ha as medium potential, and 11% or 228 ha as low potential. The good indices of potentiality obtained in the localities studied demonstrate that there are adequate conditions for the installation of seaweed culture in the state of Rio Grande do Norte
Ediacaran fronds are key components of terminal-Proterozoic ecosystems. They represent one of the most widespread and common body forms ranging across all major faunal localities and time slices postdating the Gaskiers glaciation, but uncertainty over their phylogenetic affinities has led to uncertainty over issues of homology and functional morphology between, and within, organisms displaying this ecomorphology. Here we present the first large scale, multi-group cladistic analysis of Ediacaran organisms sampling 20 ingroup taxa with previously asserted affinities to the Arboreomorpha, Erniettomorpha and Rangeomorpha. Using a newly derived morphological character matrix that incorporates multiple axes of potential phylogenetically informative data, including architectural, developmental, and structural qualities, we seek to illuminate the evolutionary history of these organisms. We find strong support for existing classification schema and devise apomorphy-based definitions for each of the three frondose clades examined here. Through a rigorous cladistics framework it is possible to discern the pattern of evolution within, and between, these clades, including the identification of homoplasies and functional constraints. This work both validates earlier studies of Ediacaran groups and accentuates instances where previous assumptions of their natural history are uninformative.