1000 resultados para Lichens - Victoria


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We present a comparative analysis of patterns of exposure to job stressors and stress-related workers’ compensation (WC) claims to provide an evaluation of the adequacy of claims-driven policy and practice. We assessed job strain prevalence in a 2003 population-based survey of Victorian [Australia] workers and compared these results with stress-related WC statistics for the same year. Job strain prevalence was higher among females than males, and elevated among lower vs. higher occupational skill levels. In comparison, claims were higher among females than males, but primarily among higher skill-level workers. There was some congruence between exposure and WC claims patterns. Highly exposed groups in lower socio-economic positions were underrepresented in claims statistics, suggesting that the WC insurance perspective substantially underestimates the job stress problems for these groups. Thus to provide a sufficient evidence base for equitable policy and practice responses to this growing public health problem, exposure or health outcome data are needed as an essential complement to claims statistics.


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Learn from yesterday, live for today hope for tomorrow. When Albert Einstein penned these opening words, the realm of planning was least on his mind despite the aptness of the thoughts. This paper, having regard to this quotation, questions whether demographic change in one coastal area is occurring at a faster rate than in non–coastal areas? The South West coastal area of Victoria, from 1981 onwards, has witnessed a dramatic increase in population and also major shifts in the social and economic characteristics of the region. What have been the historic demographic and employment characteristics of the area and has there been a shift in these characteristics leading to the rapid population growth? These questions are considered using the City of Warrnambool, the largest urban centre in South West Victoria, as a study vehicle. The impact of a growing population on the municipal landscape can be demanding in terms of land use planning, land supply and the urban design. This paper will review the population growth using a shift share analysis method compared against overall growth patterns in the Victorian state population and Australia overall. It will then examine government population forecasts for the City of Warrnambool and suggest those impacts upon the current City of Warrnambool landscape.


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The Macquarie perch (Macquaria australasica) is a threatened fish species that inhabits rivers and impoundments in south-eastern Australia. Previous studies have shown that Macquarie perch in impoundments exhibit synchronised upstream spawning migrations to shallow, fast-flowing habitats in the lower reaches of inflowing streams. There has been little study of movement behaviours of entirely riverine populations of Macquarie perch despite this being the species’ natural habitat. Here, radio-telemetry is used to test the hypothesis that riverine populations exhibit synchronised migrations during the spawning season. Thirty Macquarie perch in the Yarra River, Victoria, a translocated population outside of the species’ natural range, were radio-tagged before the late spring–early summer spawning season and their movements followed over a 10-month period (May 2011 to February 2012). Tagged fish typically occupied restricted reaches of stream (<450 m). Sixteen of the fish undertook occasional upstream or downstream movements (~250–1000 m) away from their usual locations, particularly associated with large flow variations during the spawning season. There was no evidence of synchronised migratory behaviour or movement of multiple fish to specific locations or habitats during the spawning season. Whilst further research over more years is needed to comprehensively document the spawning-related behaviours of riverine Macquarie perch, our study demonstrates that management of riverine populations of this threatened species cannot necessarily be based on the model of spawning behaviour developed for lacustrine populations.


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Peregrine Falcon’s lifetime reproductive outputs are influenced more by the quality of the nest site than by the environmental landscape in which they live. The installation of a nest boxes significantly improves breeding outcomes. Uniquely, Victorian Peregrines use novel (non-cliff) nest sites and disperse considerably shorter distances to adopt these sites.


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This paper describes the use of general practitioner (GP) services and achievement of guideline targets by 285 adults with type 2 diabetes in urban and regional areas of Victoria, Australia. Anthropometric and biomedical measures and responses to a self-administered questionnaire were collected. Findings indicate that almost all participants had visited a GP and had had their hypoglycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) measured in the past 6 months; less than one-third had visited a practice nurse. Fifty per cent achieved a HbA1c target of ≤7.0%; 40%, a total cholesterol ≤4.00 mmol/L; 39%, BP Systolic ≤130 mmHg; 51%, BP Diastolic ≤80 mmHg; 15%, body mass index ≤25 kg/m2; and 34% reported a moderately intense level of physical activity, that is, ≥30 min, 5 days a week. However, 39% of individuals achieved at least two targets and 18% achieved at least three of these guideline targets. Regional participants were more likely to report having a management plan and having visited a practice nurse, but they were less likely to have visited other health professionals. Therefore, a more sustained effort that also includes collaborative care approaches is required to improve the management of diabetes in Australia.


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A significant number of Australian universities have multiple campuses (Winchester and Sterk 2006). To manage successful student learning outcomes, Winchester and Sterk (2006) argue that universities may experience challenging teaching and learning issues such as fragmentation, duplication, inconsistency and lack of equitable opportunities for students across the various sites. In recent years, online educational technology has enabled Australian universities to rethink the ways in which they deliver programmes (Smith, Ling and Hill 2006). Such a paradigm and technological shift provide a ‘window of opportunity’ to meet the challenging demands of serving multiple campuses (Bottomley 2000), especially those in regional areas. In Victoria, at June 2012, the regional population was 1.38 million (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2013). However, Polesel’s (2009) report found that students from regional areas defer university at twice the rate of metropolitan students. There is also evidence that students in regional areas, on the one hand, consider such areas as a learning environment with many advantages (e.g. small classes and a compact campus)(Ellis et al. 2005). On the other hand, students’ different interests can often be overlooked in educational settings (Semke and Sheridan 2012).
This paper will report on the results of a baseline study using survey methodology, which examined the challenges and opportunities of delivering elements of two undergraduate programmes in regional areas in Victoria, Australia. In particular, the research focused on two selected undergraduate teacher education programmes: (1) primary education; and (2) early childhood education. Focused discussion data, gathered from academics involved in delivering the programmes in the regional campuses will be presented as an analysis of issues and practices of teaching and learning in the 21st century. Implications for the provision of a quality learning experience and environment for students and for the course marketing strategies will be discussed.


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This feature length documentary explores the development of psychiatric nursing from the early colonial beginnings in 1848 through to the post-institutional present. The film commences with a montage of photos, film and narrative that documents the period until 1930s.

The period from the 1930s to the present is described chronologically in oral histories provided by personal interviews with psychiatric nurses. The interviews include a number of key psychiatric nurse leaders who were instrumental in bringing about significant changes to nursing practice and education, and were also at the forefront of leading major reforms to service delivery in Victoria such as the community mental health movement.

The oral histories provide an account of the history of this unique area specialty of nursing. At times confronting and challenging, the film also highlights the significant contribution of psychiatric nursing to the development of humanistic, person-centered philosophies of care in mental health. The narratives are woven together with photographs and film footage of historical artifacts and institutions.