968 resultados para Lead mines and mining


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Simultaneous reduction of iron and chromium oxides from synthetic electric are furnace stainless steelmaking slag in a graphite crucible has been studied. Above the melting point of iron the reduction of iron oxide leads to a carbon saturated Fe-C melt, but below the melting point of iron initially solid iron or iron carbide forms on the crucible surface. Only when a certain number of Fe-C droplets are formed does the reduction of chromium oxide start to form an Fe-Cr-C alloy. The reaction proceeds with pronounced foaming which depends on the basicity, temperature, and iron oxide content of the slag. IS/1352a (C) 1998 The Institute of Materials.


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A three-dimensional mathematical model has been developed to simulate the gas flow, composition, and temperature profiles inside a cupola. Comparison of the model with the reported experimental data shows the presence of a zone with low combustion rate at the tuyere level. For a 24 in (610 mm) cupola with four rows of tuyeres, the combustion zones from each tuyere overlap each other, forming an overall combustion zone of cylindrical shape of height similar to 0.2 m. Using the model, it is found that the spout temperature initially increases with increasing blast velocity and attains a maximum. Further increase in blast velocity does not change the spout temperature. This suggests that smaller size tuyeres and higher permeability of the bed can give superior cupola performance. (C) 1997 The Institute of Materials.


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Unstable flow during hot deformation of an alpha(2) titanium aluminide alloy Ti-24Al-20Nb alloy was analysed using two criteria, one of which was developed by Jonas and the other by Kalyankumar. Workability maps were constructed using the alpha parameter as suggested by Semiatin and Lahoti and instability maps were constructed based on the stability parameter xi(epsilon) as suggested by Kalyankumar. Microstructural study was carried out on deformed specimens to validate the two criteria. The results of the two criteria were compared. The particular case of highly negative alpha values has been discussed in detail and it is shown that these correspond to regions of unstable flow.


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An isothermal section of the phase diagram for the system Eu - Pd - O at 1223 K has been established by equilibration of samples representing 20 different compositions, and phase identification after quenching by optical and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, and energy dispersive spectroscopy. Three ternary oxides, Eu4PdO7, Eu2PdO4, and Eu2Pd2O5, were identified. Liquid alloys and the intermetallic compounds EuPd2 and EuPd3 were found to be in equilibrium with EuO. The compound EuPd3 was also found to coexist separately with Eu3O4 and Eu2O3. The oxide phase in equilibrium with EuPd5 and Pd rich solid solution was Eu2O3. Based on the phase relations, four solid state cells were designed to measure the Gibbs energies of formation of the three ternary oxides in the temperature range from 925 to 1350 K. Although three cells are sufficient to obtain the properties of the three compounds, the fourth cell was deployed to crosscheck the data. An advanced version of the solid state cell incorporating a buffer electrode with yttria stabilised zirconia solid electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at a pressure of 0.1 MPa as the reference electrode was used for high temperature thermodynamic measurements. Equations for the standard Gibbs energy of formation of the interoxide compounds from their component binary oxides Eu2O3 with C type structure and PdO have been established. Based on the thermodynamic information, isothermal chemical potential diagrams and isobaric phase diagrams for the system Eu - Pd - O have been developed.


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Antiferroelectric materials (example: lead zirconate and modified lead zirconate stannate), in which a field-induced ferroelectric phase transition is feasible due to a small free energy difference between the ferroelectric and the antiferroelectric phases, are proven to be very good candidates for applications involving actuation and high charge storage devices. The property of reverse switching from the field-induced ferroelectric to antiferroelectric phases is studied as a function of temperature, applied electric field, and sample thickness in antiferroelectric lead zirconate thin films deposited by pulsed excimer laser ablation. The maximum released charge density was 22 μC/cm2 from a stored charge density of 36 μC/cm2 in a 0.55 μ thick lead zirconate thin film. This indicated that more than 60% of the stored charge could be released in less than 7 ns at room temperature for a field of 200 kV/cm. The content of net released charge was found to increase with increasing field strength, whereas with increasing temperature the released charge was found to decrease. Thickness-dependent studies on lead zirconate thin films showed that size effects relating to extrinsic and intrinsic pinning mechanisms controlled the released and induced charges through the intrinsic switching time. These results proved that antiferroelectric PZ thin films could be utilized in high-speed charge decoupling capacitors in microelectronics applications.


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Expanding energy access to the rural population of India presents a critical challenge for its government. The presence of 364 million people without access to electricity and 726 million who rely on biomass for cooking indicate both the failure of past policies and programs, and the need for a radical redesign of the current system. We propose an integrated implementation framework with recommendations for adopting business principles with innovative institutional, regulatory, financing and delivery mechanisms. The framework entails establishment of rural energy access authorities and energy access funds, both at the national and regional levels, to be empowered with enabling regulatory policies, capital resources and the support of multi-stakeholder partnership. These institutions are expected to design, lead, manage and monitor the rural energy interventions. At the other end, trained entrepreneurs would be expected to establish bioenergy-based micro-enterprises that will produce and distribute energy carriers to rural households at an affordable cost. The ESCOs will function as intermediaries between these enterprises and the international carbon market both in aggregating carbon credits and in trading them under CDM. If implemented, such a program could address the challenges of rural energy empowerment by creating access to modern energy carriers and climate change mitigation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Incident energy gets transmitted, reflected and absorbed across an interface in jointed rock mass leading to energy dissipation and alteration of waves. Wave velocities get attenuated during their propagation across joints and this behavior is studied using bender/extender element tests. The velocity attenuation and modulus reduction observed in experimental tests are modeled with three dimensional distinct element code and results are validated. Normal propagation of an incident shear wave through a jointed rock mass cause slip of the rock blocks if shear stress of wave exceeds the shear strength of the joint. As the properties of joint determine the transmission of energy across an interface, a parametric study is then conducted with the validated numerical model by varying the parameters that may determine the energy transmission across a joint using modified Miller's method. Results of the parametric study are analyzed and presented in the paper. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lead telluride and its alloys are well known for their thermoelectric applications. Here, a systematic study of PbTe1-ySey alloys doped with indium has been done. The powder X-Ray diffraction combined with Rietveld analysis confirmed the polycrystalline single phase nature of the samples, while microstructural analysis with scanning electron microscope results showed densification of samples and presence of micrometer sized particles. The temperature dependent transport properties showed that in these alloys, indium neither pinned the Fermi level as it does in PbTe, nor acted as a resonant dopant as in SnTe. At high temperatures, bipolar effect was observed which restricted the zT to 0.66 at 800 K for the sample with 30% Se content. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Resumen: Para entender el Cuidado Paliativo, según el Personalismo ontológico y el Magisterio, se necesita una ética del cuidado, basado en el imperativo del amor al prójimo. El centro de toda la asistencia es la persona, el respeto por su dignidad y la inviolabilidad de la vida humana, sin dejar de hacer referencia al fin último trascendente que fundamenta toda la existencia. Se considera imprescindible el diálogo integrador entre la fe, la razón y las ciencias que permita iluminar los Cuidados Paliativos a través de una antropología y filosofía moral que guíe la praxis de los profesionales y voluntarios. En el Hospice Madre Teresa se cuida al enfermo hasta su fin natural intentando anunciar el Se ayuda a todas las personas a descubrir, a la luz de la razón y de la fe, el significado a su existencia. Se trata de encontrar puntos de diálogo con los no creyentes para promover la cultura de la vida sabiendo que la razón, iluminada por la fe, se libera de los límites propios de la naturaleza humana encontrando la fuerza necesaria para elevarse al conocimiento del misterio de Dios.


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Avalia a dinâmica da Comissão de Minas e Energia da Câmara dos Deputados, entre 2003 e 2006, sob o enfoque das Teorias do Legislativo e do Agenda Setting, tendo-se verificado dominância das perspectivas distributivista e partidária sobre a informacional, visto que os trabalhos no âmbito do órgão nortearam-se por preferências do Poder Executivo e que a motivação de seus membros centrou-se na reeleição.


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Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, retrospectiva de fonte secundária,que adota uma abordagem quantitativa descritiva-exploratória. A partir da constatação de altos índices de absenteísmo nas unidades hospitalares, despertou-se o interesse em estudar os custos diretos das doenças ocupacionais que levam aos afastamentos e seu impacto econômico para o orçamento de recursos humanos de um hospital universitário do Rio de Janeiro. Neste contexto, definiu-se como objeto de estudo, o impacto econômico do absenteísmo por doença na equipe de enfermagem e, como objetivos: identificar as causas prevalentes de afastamentos no hospital universitário, de acordo com Classificação Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados a Saúde (CID-10); estimar os custos diretos mínimos das doenças que afastaram o trabalhador de enfermagem; estimar o custo real aproximado do absenteísmo relacionado a 1 (um) dia de trabalho prestado pelos trabalhadores de enfermagem, com projeção de 1 (um) mês e 1(um) ano numa visão operacional do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Foi utilizada uma amostra estratificada de prontuários dos profissionais de saúde da equipe de enfermagem (enfermeiros e técnicos de enfermagem), a partir do seguinte critério de inclusão: profissionais de enfermagem concursados com afastamento no ano de 2010 e com diagnóstico médico determinante do afastamento, definido claramente. Para a coleta das informações foi feita a apreciação dos documentos arquivados no Serviço de Saúde do Trabalhador do hospital estudado e contou com a apreciação de especialistas médicos relativos aos grupos de diagnósticos estudados, orientados por roteiros criados pela pesquisadora. Os dados foram analisados e armazenados no programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versão 15 e no editor Microsoft excel 2003. Dentre os resultados obtidos tiveram destaque para as seguintes causas de afastamento, respectivamente, às doenças do sistema osteomuscular, os fatores que influenciam o estado de saúde e o contato com serviços de saúde, os transtornos mentais e comportamentais, as lesões, envenenamento e outras consequencias de causas externas e, as doenças do sistema circulatório, que representam um custo estimado aproximado de R$ 2,6 milhões. Pôde-se constatar que o impacto econômico do absenteísmo decorrentes dos agravos à saúde para o orçamento de recursos humanos do hospital universitário foi de aproximadamente 2,7%. O custo real aproximado do absenteísmo de enfermagem por dia, foi avaliado em R$ 92,50, tendo projeção mensal de R$ 2.775,00 e anual de R$ 33.300,00. Recomenda-se avaliar o absenteísmo dos profissionais regularmente para identificar as causas reais do absenteísmo por doença, a fim de definir metas para os programas de intervenção à saúde dos trabalhadores e promover uma Gestão participativa que favoreça uma análise do processo de trabalho no que concerne o atendimento das necessidades de saúde e operacionais da força de trabalho, determinantes do absenteísmo.


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Neste trabalho, escolheu-se a estrada canal Arroio Pavuna, em Jacarepaguá, para avaliar quimicamente a qualidade do solo que recebe diariamente resíduos sólidos urbanos. A região deste estudo é também conhecida como estrada do Urubu, sendo este animal um dos principais vetores presente no local. Para uma caracterização química, foram determinados pH, carbono orgânico, matéria orgânica, concentrações dos metais alumínio, cádmio, chumbo, cobre, cromo, ferro, níquel e zinco, utilizando a técnica de Absorção Atômica por Chama, além da identificação dos principais compostos orgânicos através da técnica de Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada a Espectrometria de Massas. Também foi realizado o teste de comportamento com oligoquetas da espécie Eisenia andrei para avaliar a função de habitat do solo analisado. Os resultados obtidos apontaram que a região apresenta um solo ácido na faixa de 5,51 a 6,70, bem como as concentrações de Cobre, Cromo, Níquel e Zinco acima dos valores orientadores de referência de qualidade dos solos, um teor médio de matéria orgânica na faixa de 21,71 g.kg-1 a 29,73 g.kg-1, além de presença de compostos orgânicos com estruturas muito complexas. O solo apresentou função de habitat limitada. E como sugestão para a remediação deste solo, a fitorremediação apresenta bons rendimentos na literatura para remoção parcial ou total desses metais


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Pretendemos com esse trabalho analisar as relações entre as Mineradoras e a sociedade civil local das regiões mineradoras, por meio principalmente da Teoria da Dependência. Tentamos refletir sobre os efeitos da atividade minério-exportadora nas populações locais e as maneiras de manutenção dessa ordem social. O estudo pode ser dividido em dois que se interrelacionam: 1) no primeiro, empreendemos uma discussão sobre o subdesenvolvimento, a dependência e a mineração num país semiperiférico como o Brasil; 2) no segundo, analisamos, especificamente, a conjuntura da instalação da Mina Apolo da Vale. Esta parte da pesquisa está baseada no trabalho de campo e na análise das entrevistas com os envolvidos no debate sobre a Mina Apolo e o Parque Nacional do Gandarela. Ao buscarmos nas relações de classe da região as razões para a manutenção da atividade mineira-exportadora, intentamos discutir o tipo de desenvolvimento que a mineração engendra. Partimos da hipótese de que são inúmeros os danos causados pela mineração à sociedade civil local, principalmente a longo e médio prazo. A população local e as classes populares não mobilizam um discurso contra-hegemônico, ou mesmo questionador, de ampla aceitação na sociedade civil local porque o discurso do desenvolvimento minerador e a dependência econômica da região frente à mineração desmobilizam os movimentos críticos e contrários às mineradoras. Esta dependência econômica é traduzida em dependência sócio-política.


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Lake Victoria shoreline in Jinja Municipality has four urban wetlands of Kirinya West/Loco, Kirinya East/Walukuba, Masese and Budumbuli which have undergone major changes during the past fifty years due to increased human activities. Amongst these activities is the continuous inflow of agricultural run-off, industrial and municipal wastewater. A significant increase in nutrient loads of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from the catchment area continues to enhance eutrophication of Lake Victoria. Pollution from point sources (Industrial plants and NWSC Kirinya final maturation pond) into Jinja’s urban wetlands were therefore studied using a simplified material flux analysis methodology to identify the active elements and estimate the pollution loads due to Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Carbon (nutrients), Chromium, Copper, Lead, Nickel and Manganese metals.


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A number of ocean science fields have profitted, either directly or indirectly from satellite remote sensing, including physical, biological and geological oceanography. User oriented applications include fishing, shipping, offshore drilling and mining, coastal engineering and coastal hydrology. Following a brief account of the technology involved, areas in oceanography benefitting from satellite information are detailed. Examples are given of satellite data applications to marine resources.