939 resultados para Lattes Platform


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Human polyomaviruses JC and BK may cause several clinical manifestations in immunocompromised hosts, including progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy and hemorrhagic cystitis. Molecular detection by PCR is recognized as a sensitive and specific method for detecting human polyomaviruses in clinical samples. In this study, a real-time PCR assay using the LightCycler platform was evaluated and compared to an in-house PCR assay using a conventional detection method. A total of 122 urine specimens were tested, and human polyomavirus was detected in 49 specimens (40%) by both conventional PCR and LightCycler PCR. The remaining 73 specimens (60%) were found negative by both assays. For 46 of the 49 positive specimens, LightCycler PCR and conventional PCR identified the same polyomavirus type. These samples included 30 samples with JC virus (JCV), 14 samples with BK virus (BKV), and 2 samples in which both viruses were detected. In the remaining three samples, both JCV and BKV were detected by the conventional assay, but only JCV was detected by the LightCycler assay. The results of this study show that the LightCycler PCR assay displays sensitivity and specificity similar to those of a conventional PCR assay. These data, combined with its rapid turnaround time for results and decreased hands-on time, make the LightCycler PCR assay highly suitable for the rapid detection and differentiation of JCV and BKV in the clinical laboratory.


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Application of novel analytical and investigative methods such as fluorescence in situ hybridization, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), microelectrodes and advanced numerical simulation has led to new insights into micro-and macroscopic processes in bioreactors. However, the question is still open whether or not these new findings and the subsequent gain of knowledge are of significant practical relevance and if so, where and how. To find suitable answers it is necessary for engineers to know what can be expected by applying these modern analytical tools. Similarly, scientists could benefit significantly from an intensive dialogue with engineers in order to find out about practical problems and conditions existing in wastewater treatment systems. In this paper, an attempt is made to help bridge the gap between science and engineering in biological wastewater treatment. We provide an overview of recently developed methods in microbiology and in mathematical modeling and numerical simulation. A questionnaire is presented which may help generate a platform from which further technical and scientific developments can be accomplished. Both the paper and the questionnaire are aimed at encouraging scientists and engineers to enter into an intensive, mutually beneficial dialogue. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is now recognized as a sensitive and specific method of diagnosing infection by the organism. In this Study 152 urine specimens were examined for N. gonorrhoeae by a real-time PCR method using the LightCycler platform and results were compared to an in-house PCR assay using an ELISA-based detection method. N. gonorrhoeae DNA was detected in 29 (19%) specimens by LightCycler PCR (LC-PCR) and in 31 (20%) specimens by the in house PCR method. The LightCycler assay proved to be specific and 94% sensitive when compared to the in house PCR method. These features combined with the rapid turn-around time for results makes the LC-PCR particularly suitable for the detection of N. gonorrhoeae in a routine clinical laboratory. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Control of chaotic instability in a rotating multibody system in the form of a dual-spin spacecraft with an axial nutational damper is achieved using an algorithm derived using energy methods. The control method is implemented on two realistic spacecraft parameter configurations which have been found to exhibit chaotic instability when a sinusoidally varying torque is applied to the spacecraft for a range of forcing amplitudes and frequencies. Such a torque, in practice, may arise under malfunction of the control system or from an unbalanced rotor. Chaotic instabilities arising from these torques could introduce uncertainties and irregularities into a spacecraft's attitude and consequently impair pointing accuracy. The control method is formulated from nutational stability results derived using an energy sink approximation for a dual-spin spacecraft with an asymmetric platform and axisymmetric rotor. The effectiveness of the control method is shown numerically and the results are studied by means of time history, phase space, Poincare map, Lyapunov characteristic exponents and Bifurcation diagrams.


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Improvements to peroxide oxidation methods for analysing acid sulfate soils (ASS) are introduced. The soil solution ratio has been increased to 1 : 40, titrations are performed in suspension, and the duration of the peroxide digest stage is substantially shortened. For 9 acid sulfate soils, the peroxide oxidisable sulfur value obtained using the improved method was compared with the reduced inorganic sulfur result obtained using the chromium reducible sulfur method. Their regression was highly significant, the slope of the regression line was not significantly different (P = 0.05) from unity, and the intercept not significantly different from zero. A complete sulfur budget for the improved method showed there was no loss of sulfur as has been reported for earlier peroxide oxidation techniques. When soils were very finely ground, efficient oxidation of sulfides was achieved, despite the milder digestion conditions. Highly sulfidic and organic soils were shown to be the most difficult to analyse using either the improved method or the chromium method. No single analytical method can be universally applied to all ASS, rather a suite of methods is necessary for a thorough understanding of many ASS. The improved peroxide method, in combination with the chromium method and the 4 M HCl extraction, form a sound platform for informed decision making on the management of acid sulfate soils.


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Workflow technology provides a suitable platform to define and manage the coordination of business process activities. We introduce a flexible e-learning environment – called Flex-eL – that has been built upon workflow technology. The workflow functionality of Flex-eL manages the coordination of learning and assessment activities of the course process between students and teaching staff. It provides a unique environment for teachers to design and develop process-centric courses and to monitor student progress. It allows students to learn at their own pace while observing the learning guidelines and checkpoints modeled into the course process by teaching staff. We also report on the successful deployment of the concept and system for university courses and our experiences from the implementation.


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In this paper I explore the Indigenous Australian women's performance classroom (hereafter ANTH2120) as a dialectic and discursive space where the location of possibility is opened for female Indigenous performers to enter into a dialogue from and between both non-Indigenous and Indigenous voices. The work of Bakhtin on dialogue serves as a useful standpoint for understanding the multiple speaking positions and texts in the ANTH2120 context. Bakhtin emphasizes performance, history, actuality and the openness of dialogue to provide an important framework for analysing multiple speaking positions and ways of making meaning through dialogue between shifting and differing subjectivities. I begin by briefly critiquing Bakhtin's "dialogic imagination" and consider the application and usefulness of concepts such as dialogism, heteroglossia and the utterance to understanding the ANTH2120 classroom as a polyphonic and discursive space. I then turn to an analysis of dialogue in the ANTH2120 classroom and primarily situate my gaze on an examination of the interactions that took place between the voices of myself as family/teacher/student and senior Yanyuwa women from the r e m o t e N o r t h e r n T e r r i t o r y A b o r i g i n a l c o m m u n i t y o f B o r r o l o o l a as family/performers/teachers. The 2000 and 2001 Yanyuwa women's performance workshops will be used as examples of the way power is constantly shifting in this dialogue to allow particular voices to speak with authority, and for others to remain silent as roles and relationships between myself and the Yanyuwa women change. Conclusions will be drawn regarding how my subject positions and white race privilege affect who speaks, who listens and on whose terms, and further, the efficacy of this pedagogical platform for opening up the location of possibility for Indigenous Australian women to play a powerful part in the construction of knowledges about women's performance traditions.


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Objectives: (a) To compare the magnitude of gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata activation between a group of subjects with clinical unilateral hip osteoarthritis and a group of healthy older adults. (b) To compare the magnitude of activation of the gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata between sides in a group of subjects with clinical unilateral hip osteoarthritis and a group of healthy older adults. Methods: 19 subjects with clinical unilateral hip osteoarthritis and 19 healthy controls were investigated. The subjects performed a stepping task during which recordings were obtained using surface electromyograms from the hip abductors, and kinetic data were obtained from a dual force platform. Results: Subjects with clinical hip osteoarthritis had higher gluteus medius activation than the healthy older adults (p=0.037). In addition, there were no differences in the magnitude of gluteus medius activation between the sides (p=0.733). There was no difference in the force platform data between the groups (p=0.078). Conclusions: The increased magnitude of gluteus medius activation in the group with hip osteoarthritis is evidence of a muscular dysfunction associated with hip disease. This has implications for the progressive nature of the disease and for its conservative management.


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The recent description of the respiratory pathogen human metapneumovirus (hMPV) has highlighted a deficiency in current diagnostic techniques for viral agents associated with acute lower respiratory tract infections. We describe two novel approaches to the detection of viral RNA by use of reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR). The PCR products were identified after capture onto a solid-phase medium by hybridization with a sequence-specific, biotinylated oligonucleotide probe. The assay was applied to the screening of 329 nasopharyngeal aspirates sampled from patients suffering from respiratory tract disease. These samples were negative for other common microbial causes of respiratory tract disease. We were able to detect hMPV sequences in 32 (9.7%) samples collected from Australian patients during 2001. To further reduce result turnaround times we designed a fluorogenic TaqMan oligoprobe and combined it with the existing primers for use on the LightCycler platform. The real-time RT-PCR proved to be highly reproducible and detected hMPV in an additional 6 out of 62 samples (9.6%) tested during the comparison of the two diagnostic approaches. We found the real-time RT-PCR to be the test of choice for future investigation of samples for hMPV due to its speed, reproducibility, specificity, and sensitivity.


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Development of an epitope-based vaccination strategy designed to enhance Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-specific CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) is increasingly being considered as a preferred approach for the treatment of EBV-associated relapsed Hodgkin disease (HD) and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). EBV-encoded latent membrane proteins, LMP1 and LMP2, are the only target antigens available for therapeutic augmentation of CTL responses in patients with HD and NPC. Here, we describe preclinical studies using a recombinant poxvirus vaccine that encodes a polyepitope protein comprising 6 HLA A2-restricted epitopes derived from LMP1. Human cells infected with this recombinant polyepitope construct were efficiently recognized by LM1-specific CTL lines from HLAA2 healthy individuals. Furthermore, immunization of HLrA A2/K-b mice with this polyepitope vaccine consistently generated strong LMP1 -specific CTL responses to 5 of the. 6 epitopes, which were readily detected by both ex vivo and in vitro assays. More important, this polyepitope vaccine successfully reversed the outgrowth of LMP1-expressing tumors in HLA A2/Kb mice. These studies provide an important platform for the development of an LMP-based polyepitope vaccine as an immunotherapeutic tool for the treatment of EBV-associated HD and NPC. (C) 2003 by The American Society of Hematology.


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Como manter a estrat??gia europ??ia de desenvolvimento atualizada, e ?? luz dos valores europeus, para reagir aos novos desafios decorrentes da globaliza????o, da mudan??a tecnol??gica e do envelhecimento das popula????es? Um novo paradigma emerge, em que o conhecimento e a inova????o s??o as principais fontes de riqueza e tamb??m de diferen??as entre as na????es, as empresas e as pessoas. Era preciso definir a via europ??ia de transi????o para essa economia baseada na inova????o e no conhecimento, com marcas distintas que v??o da salvaguarda da coes??o social e da diversidade cultural ??s pr??prias escolhas tecnol??gicas. Criar uma nova plataforma competitiva ?? fundamental para sustentar o modelo social europeu, que tamb??m dever?? ser renovado. Este artigo nos traz o debate dos pa??ses membros da Uni??o Europ??ia que precedeu a Cimeira de Lisboa (23 e 24 de Mar??o de 2000).


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Esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma multimodal de aquisição e processamento de sinais. O projeto proposto insere-se no contexto do desenvolvimento de interfaces multimodais para aplicação em dispositivos robóticos cujo propósito é a reabilitação motora adaptando o controle destes dispositivos de acordo com a intenção do usuário. A interface desenvolvida adquire, sincroniza e processa sinais eletroencefalográficos (EEG), eletromiográficos (EMG) e sinais provenientes de sensores inerciais (IMUs). A aquisição dos dados é feita em experimentos realizados com sujeitos saudáveis que executam tarefas motoras de membros inferiores. O objetivo é analisar a intenção de movimento, a ativação muscular e o início efetivo dos movimentos realizados, respectivamente, através dos sinais de EEG, EMG e IMUs. Para este fim, uma análise offline foi realizada. Nessa análise, são utilizadas técnicas de processamento dos sinais biológicos e técnicas para processar sinais provenientes de sensores inerciais. A partir destes, os ângulos da articulação do joelho também são aferidos ao longo dos movimentos. Um protocolo experimental de testes foi proposto para as tarefas realizadas. Os resultados demonstraram que o sistema proposto foi capaz de adquirir, sincronizar, processar e classificar os sinais combinadamente. Análises acerca da acurácia dos classificadores utilizados mostraram que a interface foi capaz de identificar intenção de movimento em 76, 0 ± 18, 2% dos movimentos. A maior média de tempo de antecipação ao movimento foi obtida através da análise do sinal de EEG e foi de 716, 0±546, 1 milisegundos. A partir da análise apenas do sinal de EMG, este valor foi de 88, 34 ± 67, 28 milisegundos. Os resultados das etapas de processamento dos sinais biológicos, a medição dos ângulos da articulação, bem como os valores de acurácia e tempo de antecipação ao movimento se mostraram em conformidade com a literatura atual relacionada.


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When the Arab Spring broke out, the United States was in a quandary over how to handle the crisis in its attempt to balance its moral obligations and ideals without undercutting its strategic interests and those of its close allies. Flaws in US diplomatic approach have contributed to one of the most serious foreign policy crisis for a US administration to date with consequential upheaval and erosion of the US-built balance of power. The reactions and policy responses of the Obama administration highlight the difficulties in grasping with the new reality in the Middle East and in enunciating a policy platform that could combine American interests and values.


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The goal of the present study is mapping the nature of possible contributions of participatory online platforms in citizen actions that may contribute in the fight against cancer and its associated consequences. These platforms are usually associated with entertainment: in that sense, we intent to test their validity in other domains such as health, as well as contribute to an expanded perception of their potential by their users. The research is based on the analysis of online solidarity networks, namely the ones residing on Facebook, Orkut and the blogosphere, that citizens have been gradually resorting to. The research is also based on the development of newer and more efficient solutions that provide the individual (directly or indirectly affected by issues of oncology) with the means to overcome feelings of impotence and fatality. In this article, we aim at summarizing the processes of usage of these decentralized, freer participatory platforms by citizens and institutions, while attempting to unravel existing hype and stigma; we also provide a first survey of the importance and the role of institutions in this kind of endeavor; lastly, we present a prototype, developed in the context of the present study, that is specifically dedicated to addressing oncology through social media. This prototype is already available online at www.talkingaboutcancer.org, however, still under development and testing. The main objective of this platform is to allow every citizen to freely build their network of contacts and information, according to their own individual and/ or collective needs and desires.


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Purpose – The health and social care sector is receiving growing attention due to the increased life expectancy and to the public demand for a better quality of life and better health services. New cost-efficient approaches are required, and the paper aims to present and discuss the main results of a study undertaken in a Portuguese municipality on the perceived relevance of an e-marketplace of social and healthcare services for the inhabitants in general, and for people with special needs in particular, and the identification of the most relevant services to be offered through this platform. Design/methodology/approach – A wide survey was undertaken to identify the needs of potential users and their expectancies with relation to the proposed platform. The results of the study are a support for the project promoters to understand the viability of the solution and the requirements to the deployment of the pilot experiment, as well as to drive the selection of domains of activities/classes of services to be offered by the platform. Findings – Services such as information about healthcare services, home monitoring/accompanying services 24 hours per day, and personal hygiene services provided at home are the ones recognized by the inquired citizens as the most important, which indicates that the potential users will be mostly people with special needs or their family or caregivers. Originality/value – While still at a preliminary development phase, the project represents a good opportunity to develop a totally innovative service with high potential impact for the senior population and for individuals with special needs.