996 resultados para Lanthanum


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This paper reports results of petrographic and geochemical studies of Miocene-Pleistocene volcanic rocks that accompanied formation of deep-water basins of the Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk. Geochemical types of these rocks, their geodynamic settings, and their derivation from different magmatic sources were determined. Marginal-sea basaltoids from the Sea of Japan are derivatives of fluid-enriched mantle (EMI), while volcanics from the Kuril basin were generated from mantle enriched in continental crust matter (EMU). In spite of different conditions of their genesis, they have some common geochemical features, in particular, their calc-alkaline signatures. These traces of influence of the sialic crust on magma generation confirm development of the basins of both these seas on the continental basement.


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Ferruginate shells and tubular worm burrows from the oxygenated zone of the Black Sea (Kalamit Bay and Danube River mouth) are studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy combined with analyses of elemental composition. Iron and manganese oxyhydroxide nodules considered here are enriched in phosphorus. They contain variable amounts of terrigenous and biogenic material derived from host sediments. Oxyhydroxides are mainly characterized by colloform structure, whereas globular and crystalline structures are less common. The dominating iron phase is represented by ferroxyhite and protoferroxyhite, whereas the manganese phase is composed of Fe-free vernadite. Concentrations of Mn, As, and Mo are 12-18 times higher relative to sediments, while concentrations of Fe, P, Ni, and Co increase 5-7 times during nodule formation.


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Abundance of noble metals and bulk chemical composition have been studied in bottom sediments of the Chukchi Sea. Distribution of noble metals and their correlation with major and trace elements in the sediments have been analyzed using multicomponent statistics. It was established that average contents of noble metals in the bottom sediments of the Chukchi Sea significantly exceed those both in shelf terrigenous sediments and stratisphere. Osmium and iridium enrich mixed and pelitic sediments relative to shallow-water sediments and their influx is presumably determined by erosion of coastal and bottom unconsolidated deposits. High Ag, Ru, Au, and Pt contents were identified in clayey sediments enriched in biogenic elements in the some areas of the Southern Chukchi plain (Chukchi Sea) confined to intersection zones of submeridional and sublatitudinal structures of the graben-rift system, which formed in Mesozoic and activated in Late Cenozoic.


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We report the major, rare earth, and other trace element compositions of clinopyroxenes from two Leg 140, Hole 504B diabase dikes. These pyroxenes reflect a complex history of crystal growth and magma evolution. The large ranges of composition found reflect incorporation of exotic phenocrysts into the melt, the early formation of crystal clots before dike intrusion during an undercooling event, and in-situ fractionation of melt during and following dike emplacement. Some of the pyroxenes occur in coarse two- and three-phase glomerocrysts, which may be ôprotogabbrosö representing early stages of melt crystallization in the lower crust. Large variations in trace element composition are found. These likely reflect heterogeneous nucleation and growth of plagioclase and pyroxene in the melt, as well as complex interface kinetics that may affect partition coefficients during rapid crystal growth expected during undercooling. This can explain the formation of irregular chemical sector zoning in some equant anhedral phenocrysts. Undercooling of magmas in the lower crust most likely reflects input of fresh hot melt into a stagnating melt-storage zone. Dikes intruded upward from an inflated melt-storage zone during such a cycle are likely to be larger than those intruded from the storage zone between such cycles, when it would be deflated, consistent with the greater overall thickness of the phyric dikes in the Leg 140 section of Hole 504B.


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A joint analysis of data on the anomalous magnetic field, seismicity, and structures of the Hess deep basalts have allowed to specify propagation of the spreading zone and to correct position of the neovolcanic zone. A precise petrogeochemical analysis of various types of basalts composing the uneven-aged oceanic crust of the basin showed that magmatics of the neovolcanic zone are related to the primitive type in contrast to rift boards of differential basalts. A model of the deep structure of the Galapagos rift in the area of the western Hess Deep has been suggested.


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This paper presents data on chemical composition of bottom sediments from the Chukchi Sea and the adjacent Arctic Ocean. Multivariate statistical techniques were used for analysis of the data set and revealed that grain size fractionation of the original terrigenous component during sedimentation was the major factor of clustering of the samples in study. Secondary factors include accumulation of biogenic siliceous and carbonate material and chemogenic or biochemical accumulation of iron, manganese, and some trace elements. The latter factor was significant in areas of tectonic activity within the graben-rift system of the Chukchi Sea.


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Major oxide and trace element determinations of the composition basalts from the bottom of Hole 487, together with microprobe analyses of their minerals (olivine, magnesiochromite, salite, and plagioclase), prove that they are depleted oceanic tholeiites.


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An evaluation has been made of the method of establishing the REE contents and patterns and Nd isotopic compositions of sea water over Cenozoic time from their record in the FeMn-oxide coatings of foraminiferal calcite. Using 0-60 Ma samples from the Rio Grande Rise (DSDP Site 357) it has been established that the REE contents of the coatings are generally similar to those of Recent samples. However, in the Cenozoic samples the surface coatings have been diagenetically modified under suboxic conditions resulting in a distinctly different REE pattern although the original 143Nd/144Nd ratios appear to have been preserved. The Nd isotopic curve for Cenozoic sea water in the S. Atlantic shows clear temporal trends, although these are not so extreme as to show 143Nd/144Nd ratios outside the range observed in modem sea water. With the principal exception of the oldest samples there is an approximate inverse relationship between the Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of the foraminifera. It is suggested that the changes reflect both global changes in the relative proportions of Nd and Sr derived from continental input and from the weathering of volcanic debris together with short term and local variations to which the Sr curve is insensitive, reflecting the different response times of the two elements to changes in oceanic input functions. The Nd isotope curve appears to be a potentially useful tracer of ocean palaeochemistry.


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The northwest trending walls of the Pito Deep Rift (PDR), a tectonic window in the southeast Pacific, expose in situ oceanic crust generated ?3 Ma at the superfast spreading southern East Pacific Rise (SEPR). Whole rock analyses were performed on over 200 samples of dikes and lavas recovered from two ~8 km**2 study areas. Most of the PDR samples are incompatible-element-depleted normal mid-ocean ridge basalts (NMORB; (La/Sm)N < 1.0) that show typical tholeiitic fractionation trends. Correlated variations in Pb isotope ratios, rare earth element patterns, and ratios of incompatible elements (e.g., (Ce/Yb)N) are best explained by mixing curves between two enriched and one depleted mantle sources. Pb isotope compositions of most PDR NMORB are offset from SEPR data toward higher values of 207Pb/204Pb, suggesting that an enriched component of the mantle was present in this region in the past ?3 Ma but is not evident today. Overall, the PDR crust is highly variable in composition over long and short spatial scales, demonstrating that chemically distinct lavas and dikes can be emplaced within the same segment over short timescales. However, the limited spatial distribution of high 206Pb/204Pb samples and the occurrence of relatively homogeneous MgO compositions (ranging <2.5 wt %) within a few of the individual dive transects (over distances of ~1 km) suggests that the mantle source composition evolved and magmatic temperatures persisted over timescales of tens of thousands of years. The high degree of chemical variability between pairs of adjacent dikes is interpreted as evidence for along-axis transport of magma from chemically distinct portions of the melt lens. Our findings suggest that lateral dike propagation occurs to a significant degree at superfast spreading centers.


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This study on phosphorites of different compositions and ages from shelf sediments and seamounts of the Pacific Ocean by means of analytical electron microscopy showed that these phosphorites contain ultra-microscopic inclusions of authigenic minerals and, more rarely, of rare earth element (REE) minerals. In some of phosphorite samples of Pleistocene-Pliocene age from the Namibian shelf both kinds of minerals were found. Uranium minerals were represented by uraninite, coffinite, and ningioite; those of REE - by monazite, xenotime, and bastnesite, which points to their potential accumulation not only as isomorphous admixtures in calcium phosphate but also as independent mineral phases. Coexistence of the minerals noted in shelf phosphorites is caused by repeated changes in redox conditions during formation and then redeposition of phosphate concretions. Presence of uranium minerals in phosphorites from seamounts shows that during an initial step of formation of these phosphorites environment was rather suboxic or reductive than oxic.