957 resultados para Landscape design process


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When object databases arrived on the scene some ten years ago, they provided database capabilities for previously neglected, complex applications, such as CAD, but were burdened with one inherent teething problem, poor performance. Physical database design is one tool that can provide performance improvements and it is the general area of concern for this thesis. Clustering is one fruitful design technique which can provide improvements in performance. However, clustering in object databases has not been explored in depth and so has not been truly exploited. Further, clustering, although a physical concern, can be determined from the logical model. The object model is richer than previous models, notably the relational model, and so it is anticipated that the opportunities with respect to clustering are greater. This thesis provides a thorough analysis of object clustering strategies with a view to highlighting any links between the object logical and physical model and improving performance. This is achieved by considering all possible types of object logical model construct and the implementation of those constructs in terms of theoretical clusterings strategies to produce actual clustering arrangements. This analysis results in a greater understanding of object clustering strategies, aiding designers in the development process and providing some valuable rules of thumb to support the design process.


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The rapid developments in computer technology have resulted in a widespread use of discrete event dynamic systems (DEDSs). This type of system is complex because it exhibits properties such as concurrency, conflict and non-determinism. It is therefore important to model and analyse such systems before implementation to ensure safe, deadlock free and optimal operation. This thesis investigates current modelling techniques and describes Petri net theory in more detail. It reviews top down, bottom up and hybrid Petri net synthesis techniques that are used to model large systems and introduces on object oriented methodology to enable modelling of larger and more complex systems. Designs obtained by this methodology are modular, easy to understand and allow re-use of designs. Control is the next logical step in the design process. This thesis reviews recent developments in control DEDSs and investigates the use of Petri nets in the design of supervisory controllers. The scheduling of exclusive use of resources is investigated and an efficient Petri net based scheduling algorithm is designed and a re-configurable controller is proposed. To enable the analysis and control of large and complex DEDSs, an object oriented C++ software tool kit was developed and used to implement a Petri net analysis tool, Petri net scheduling and control algorithms. Finally, the methodology was applied to two industrial DEDSs: a prototype can sorting machine developed by Eurotherm Controls Ltd., and a semiconductor testing plant belonging to SGS Thomson Microelectronics Ltd.


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This thesis presents a new approach to designing large organizational databases. The approach emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to the design process. The development of the proposed approach was based on a comprehensive examination of the issues of relevance to the design and utilization of databases. Such issues include conceptual modelling, organization theory, and semantic theory. The conceptual modelling approach presented in this thesis is developed over three design stages, or model perspectives. In the semantic perspective, concept definitions were developed based on established semantic principles. Such definitions rely on meaning - provided by intension and extension - to determine intrinsic conceptual definitions. A tool, called meaning-based classification (MBC), is devised to classify concepts based on meaning. Concept classes are then integrated using concept definitions and a set of semantic relations which rely on concept content and form. In the application perspective, relationships are semantically defined according to the application environment. Relationship definitions include explicit relationship properties and constraints. The organization perspective introduces a new set of relations specifically developed to maintain conformity of conceptual abstractions with the nature of information abstractions implied by user requirements throughout the organization. Such relations are based on the stratification of work hierarchies, defined elsewhere in the thesis. Finally, an example of an application of the proposed approach is presented to illustrate the applicability and practicality of the modelling approach.


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While mobile devices offer many innovative possibilities to help increase the standard of living for individuals with disabilities and other special needs, the process of developing assistive technology, such that it will be effective across a group of individuals with a particular disability, can be extremely challenging. This chapter discusses key issues and trends related to designing and evaluating mobile assistive technology for individuals with disabilities. Following an overview of general design process issues, we argue (based on current research trends) that individuals with disabilities and domain experts be involved throughout the development process. While this, in itself, presents its own set of challenges, many strategies have successfully been used to overcome the difficulties and maximize the contributions of users and experts alike. Guidelines based on these strategies are discussed and are illustrated with real examples from one of our active research projects.


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Our paper presents the work of the Cuneiform Digital Forensic Project (CDFP), an interdisciplinary project at The University of Birmingham, concerned with the development of a multimedia database to support scholarly research into cuneiform, wedge-shaped writing imprinted onto clay tablets and indeed the earliest real form of writing. We describe the evolutionary design process and dynamic research and developmental cycles associated with the database. Unlike traditional publications, the electronic publication of resources offers the possibility of almost continuous revisions with the integration and support of new media and interfaces. However, if on-line resources are to win the favor and confidence of their respective communities there must be a clear distinction between published and maintainable resources, and, developmental content. Published material should, ideally, be supported via standard web-browser interfaces with fully integrated tools so that users receive a reliable, homogenous and intuitive flow of information and media relevant to their needs. We discuss the inherent dynamics of the design and publication of our on-line resource, starting with the basic design and maintenance aspects of the electronic database, which includes photographic instances of cuneiform signs, and shows how the continuous review process identifies areas for further research and development, for example, the “sign processor” graphical search tool and three-dimensional content, the results of which then feedback into the maintained resource.


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While mobile devices offer many innovative possibilities to help increase the standard of living for individuals with disabilities and other special needs, the process of developing assistive technology, such that it will be effective across a group of individuals with a particular disability, can be extremely challenging. This chapter discusses key issues and trends related to designing and evaluating mobile assistive technology for individuals with disabilities. Following an overview of general design process issues, we argue (based on current research trends) that individuals with disabilities and domain experts be involved throughout the development process. While this, in itself, presents its own set of challenges, many strategies have successfully been used to overcome the difficulties and maximize the contributions of users and experts alike. Guidelines based on these strategies are discussed and are illustrated with real examples from one of our active research projects.


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Bed expansion occurs during the operation of gas-fluidized beds and is influenced by particle properties, gas properties and distributor characteristics. It has a significant bearing on heat and mass transfer phenomena within the bed. A method of predicting bed expansion behavior from other fluidizing parameters would be a useful tool in the design process, dispensing with the need for small-scale trials. This study builds on previous work on fluidized beds with vertical inserts to produce a correlation that links a modified particle terminal velocity, minimum fluidizing velocity and distributor characteristics with bed voidage in the relationship with P as the pitch between holes in the perforated distributor plate. © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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A negative input-resistance compensator is designed to stabilize a power electronic brushless dc motor drive with constant power-load characteristics. The strategy is to feed a portion of the changes in the dc-link voltage into the current control loop to modify the system input impedance in the midfrequency range and thereby to damp the input filter. The design process of the compensator and the selection of parameters are described. The impact of the compensator is examined on the motor-controller performance, and finally, the effectiveness of the controller is verified by simulation and experimental testing.


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Optical differentiators constitute a basic device for analog all-optical signal processing [1]. Fiber grating approaches, both fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and long period grating (LPG), constitute an attractive solution because of their low cost, low insertion losses, and full compatibility with fiber optic systems. A first order differentiator LPG approach was proposed and demonstrated in [2], but FBGs may be preferred in applications with a bandwidth up to few nm because of the extreme sensitivity of LPGs to environmental fluctuations [3]. Several FBG approaches have been proposed in [3-6], requiring one or more additional optical elements to create a first-order differentiator. A very simple, single optical element FBG approach was proposed in [7] for first order differentiation, applying the well-known logarithmic Hilbert transform relation of the amplitude and phase of an FBG in transmission [8]. Using this relationship in the design process, it was theoretically and numerically demonstrated that a single FBG in transmission can be designed to simultaneously approach the amplitude and phase of a first-order differentiator spectral response, without need of any additional elements. © 2013 IEEE.


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This paper presents an up to date review of digital watermarking (WM) from a VLSI designer point of view. The reader is introduced to basic principles and terms in the field of image watermarking. It goes through a brief survey on WM theory, laying out common classification criterions and discussing important design considerations and trade-offs. Elementary WM properties such as robustness, computational complexity and their influence on image quality are discussed. Common attacks and testing benchmarks are also briefly mentioned. It is shown that WM design must take the intended application into account. The difference between software and hardware implementations is explained through the introduction of a general scheme of a WM system and two examples from previous works. A versatile methodology to aid in a reliable and modular design process is suggested. Relating to mixed-signal VLSI design and testing, the proposed methodology allows an efficient development of a CMOS image sensor with WM capabilities.


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Decision-making in product quality is an indispensable stage in product development, in order to reduce product development risk. Based on the identification of the deficiencies of quality function deployment (QFD) and failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), a novel decision-making method is presented that draws upon a knowledge network of failure scenarios. An ontological expression of failure scenarios is presented together with a framework of failure knowledge network (FKN). According to the roles of quality characteristics (QCs) in failure processing, QCs are set into three categories namely perceptible QCs, restrictive QCs, and controllable QCs, which present the monitor targets, control targets and improvement targets respectively for quality management. A mathematical model and algorithms based on the analytic network process (ANP) is introduced for calculating the priority of QCs with respect to different development scenarios. A case study is provided according to the proposed decision-making procedure based on FKN. This methodology is applied in the propeller design process to solve the problem of prioritising QCs. This paper provides a practical approach for decision-making in product quality. Copyright © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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This opinion piece argues for the necessity of student-staff partnerships that go beyond the common rhetoric of ‘student engagement’, achieving a richer student and staff dialogue which results in more meaningful change in policy and practice. In particular, attention is drawn to the need for such partnerships when determining technology applications that are often missed out from, or treated in isolation from, the curriculum design process. This piece cites, as an example, a student-led taught day on the Post Graduate Diploma in Learning and Teaching at Aston University in July 2015. There was clear evidence that the staff participants designed their assessments with student partners in mind. It is therefore proposed that a partnership relationship offers an effective means of moving forward from common practices where technology simply replicates, or supplements, traditional activities.


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Based on an unprecedented need of stimulating creative capacities towards entrepreneurship to university students and young researchers, this paper introduces and analyses a smart learning ecosystem for encouraging teaching and learning on creative thinking as a distinct feature to be taught and learnt in universities. The paper introduces a mashed-up authoring architecture for designing lesson-plans and games with visual learning mechanics for creativity learning. The design process is facilitated by creativity pathways discerned across components. Participatory learning, networking and capacity building is a key aspect of the architecture, extending the learning experience and context from the classroom to outdoor (co-authoring of creative pathways by students, teachers and real-world entrepreneurs) and personal spaces. We anticipate that the smart learning ecosystem will be empirically evaluated and validated in future iterations for exploring the benefits of using games for enhancing creative mindsets, unlocking the imagination that lies within, practiced and transferred to multiple academic tribes and territories.


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2011-ben műszeres vizsgálatokat végeztünk jó várostűrő Fraxinus excelsior ’Westhof’s Glorie’ fajtáján, Budapest két, különböző forgalmi terheltségű helyszínén, a közlekedésileg forgalmas Andrássy úton (WGS84 N47°30’36,1” E19°04’14,7”) és a kertvárosi jellegű Ménesi úton (WGS84: N47°28’52,0” E19°02’21,8”). A vizsgált növények sztómakonduktanciáját (gs), transzspirációját (E), nettó CO2 asszimilációját (A) és a fotoszintetikusan aktív besugárzás (PAR) mértékét infravörös gáz analizátor (IRGA) rendszerű LCi készülékkel mértük. A méréssorozatot augusztusban reggel 6 órától este 20 óráig, szeptemberben reggel 8 órától délután 18 óráig végeztük, két órás periódusokban ismételve. A két helyszínen mért PAR és a levélfelületi-hőmérséklet értékek, mint környezeti tényezők napi menete kisebb különbségekkel eltérően alakult. A nettó CO2 asszimiláció és a transzspiráció mértéke a sztómakonduktanciával szoros összefüggést mutatott. A nagyobb forgalmú helyszínen lévő fák esetében magasabb volt a sztómakonduktancia, a transzspiráció és a CO2 megkötés is, ami azt jelenti, hogy az itt elhelyezkedő fák többet párologtatnak, ellenben ezekben a növényekben nagyobb mértékű volt a szén beépülése. Ebből arra következtetünk, hogy a fák levélzete rugalmasan alkalmazkodik a rendelkezésre álló magasabb CO2 koncentrációhoz, viszont a nagyobb transzspiráció megnöveli ebben a környezetben a fák vízigényét.


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A Tájvédelmi és Tájrehabilitációs Tanszéken két évtizede folyó egyedi tájérték kataszterezések eredményeinek ismeretében keresték meg tanszékünket három évvel ezelőtt Tokaj-hegyaljai környezetvédő civil szervezetek azzal a kéréssel, hogy mérjük fel a világörökségi listára felvett borvidéki tájhoz tartozó néhány település egyedi tájértékeit. Abban az időben még javában folyt a vita a szerencsi szalmatüzelésű hőerőmű engedélyezéséről vagy létesítésének tiltásáról. A vitában – remélhetően véglegesen – a létesítést elvető álláspont érvényesült. Az elutasításban jelentős szerepe volt annak, hogy a beruházás a térség jövőbeni sorsa szempontjából kiemelt fontosságú világörökségi cím megtartását veszélyeztette. Ugyanakkor kiderült, hogy eddig nem készültek el a Tokaj-hegyaljai borvidék világörökségi jelentőségét alátámasztó értékleltárok. Korábbi gyakorlatunkat folytatva egyetemi hallgatói csoportokkal szakmai terepgyakorlatok keretében kezdtük el a felméréseket, és két év alatt hat település egyedi tájérték kataszterét készítettük el és adtuk át az érintett települések önkormányzatainak, valamint az értékvédelmet is felvállaló helyi civil szervezeteknek. Az egyedi tájérték kataszterezések mellett néhány évvel ezelőtt kezdtük el tanszékünkön a tájkarakter vizsgálatok módszertanának kidolgozását célzó kutatásokat. Amikor 2011-ben felmerült a Tokaj-hegyaljai világörökség helyszín történeti tájjá nyilvánítása, adódott a felismerés, hogy a tájkarakter vizsgálatainkat célszerű erre a térségre is kiterjeszteni.