866 resultados para Landfill biogas
During the PhD program in chemistry at the University of Bologna, the environmental sustainability of some industrial processes was studied through the application of the LCA methodology. The efforts were focused on the study of processes under development, in order to assess their environmental impacts to guide their transfer on an industrial scale. Processes that could meet the principles of Green Chemistry have been selected and their environmental benefits have been evaluated through a holistic approach. The use of renewable sources was assessed through the study of terephthalic acid production from biomass (which showed that only the use of waste can provide an environmental benefit) and a new process for biogas upgrading (whose potential is to act as a carbon capture technology). Furthermore, the basis for the development of a new methodology for the prediction of the environmental impact of ionic liquids has been laid. It has already shown good qualities in identifying impact trends, but further research on it is needed to obtain a more reliable and usable model. In the context of sustainable development that will not only be sector-specific, the environmental performance of some processes linked to the primary production sector has also been evaluated. The impacts of some organic farming practices in the wine production were analysed, the use of the Cereal Unit parameter was proposed as a functional unit for the comparison of different crop rotations, and the carbon footprint of school canteen meals was calculated. The results of the analyses confirm that sustainability in the industrial production sector should be assessed from a life cycle perspective, in order to consider all the flows involved during the different phases. In particular, it is necessary that environmental assessments adopt a cradle-to-gate approach, to avoid shifting the environmental burden from one phase to another.
Il presente lavoro di tesi riguarda lo sviluppo di un innovativo processo di produzione di poliidrossialcanoati (PHA), volto a diminuire i costi ed incrementare la sostenibilità ambientale dei processi attualmente utilizzati per produrre PHA. A tal fine sono state utilizzate colture microbiche miste (MMC) presenti nei fanghi attivi derivanti dai processi di depurazione delle acque reflue e substrati di scarto dell’industria vitivinicola. I substrati sono stati inizialmente fermentati anaerobicamente per ottenere acidi grassi volatili (VFA), fonte di carbonio ideale per produrre PHA tramite MMC. Il processo di produzione sviluppato nel presente lavoro di tesi è suddiviso in tre stadi, mediante l'accoppiamento di processi termochimici e biologici: 1. Fermentazione anaerobica di varie matrici di scarto provenienti dall'industria vitivinicola per produrre VFA. Tutti i substrati sono stati testati sia con inoculo tal quale e sia con inoculo autoclavato per inibire l’attività degli Archea metanogeni. Nel primo caso sono stati ottenuti elevati quantitativi di biogas (~70% di resa), mentre il pre-trattamento dell’inoculo ha portato un’elevata produzione di VFA, soprattutto nel caso della vinaccia (45% di resa). 2. Pre-trattamento termochimico dei fanghi di depurazione e scarti tramite pirolisi al fine di rendere il carbonio contenuto negli scarti più disponibile per i batteri anaerobi. In questo caso le rese di VFA sono sensibilmente aumentate rispetto alla digestione della biomassa tal quale, con valori prossimi al 99% nel caso della vinaccia. 3. Valutazione delle capacità delle popolazioni batteriche che compongono il fango aerobico di accumulare naturalmente PHA, testando fanghi provenienti da impianti di depurazione sia industriali che urbani. Solo le comunità batteriche presenti nei fanghi di tipo urbano hanno mostrato buona potenzialità di accumulare PHA, senza che questi siano stati inizialmente sottoposti a regimi ciclici alimentari.
The increasing attention to environmental issues of recent times encourages us to find new methods for the production of energy from renewable sources, and to improve existing ones, increasing their energy yield. Most of the waste and agricultural residues, with a high content of lignin and non-hydrolysable polymers, cannot be effectively transformed into biofuels with existing technology. The purpose of the study was to develop a new thermochemical/ biological process (named Py-AD) for the valorization of scarcely biodegradable substances. A complete continuous prototype was design built and run for 1 year. This consists into a slow pyrolysis system coupled with two sequential digesters and showed to produce a clean pyrobiogas (a biogas with significant amount of C2-C3 hydrocarbons and residual CO/H2), biochar and bio-oil. Py-AD yielded 31.7% w/w biochar 32.5% w/w oil and 24.8% w/w pyrobiogas. The oil condensate obtained was fractionated in its aqueous and organic fraction (87% and 13% respectively). Subsequently, the anaerobic digestion of aqueous fraction was tested in a UASB reactor, for 180 days, in increasing organic loading rate (OLR). The maximum convertible concentration without undergoing instability phenomena and with complete degradation of pyrogenic chemicals was 1.25 gCOD L digester-1 d-1. The final yield of biomethane was equal to 40% of the theoretical yield and with a noticeable additional production equal to 20% of volatile fatty acids. The final results confirm that anaerobic digestion can be used as a useful tool for cleaning of slow pyrolysis products (both gas and condensable fraction) and the obtaining of relatively clean pyrobiogas that could be directly used in internal combustion engine.
The study of the combined Steam/Dry Reforming (S/DR) process for the production of syngas (CO + H2) from clean biogas was carried out using Ni/Ir bimetallic catalysts on Mg and Al mixed-oxides, obtained by calcination of hydrotalcite-type precursors (Ht) prepared by co-precipitation. The presence of small amounts of Ir promoted the catalytic activity and limited the deactivation phenomena through the formation of a bimetallic alloy, which does the catalyst very active even at lowest temperature and in lack of steam. By integrating a High Temperature–WGS unit (HTS) after the S/DR reactor it was possible to increase the H2 yield of the process. The performance of the Zn/Al/Cu-based catalyst was improved using a templating agent during the synthesis of the catalyst, which increased the catalyst’s structural properties and activity especially at lowest temperatures and at highest contact times. Finally, starting from the laboratory data, it was possible to simulate the S/DR process on industrial scale, evaluating its scalability and environmental impact. The results showed that, using the S/DR technology instead of the current processes, it was possible to reduce the energy costs and the atmospheric emissions of the plant.
L’aumento del consumo di energia globale e le problematiche legate all’inquinamento stanno rendendo indispensabile lo spostamento verso fonti di energia rinnovabile. La digestione anaerobica rappresenta una possibile soluzione in quanto permette di produrre biogas da biomassa organica di scarto ma, l’ottimizzazione del processo risulta difficoltosa a causa delle numerose variabili chimiche, biologiche, fisiche e geometriche correlate. Nel presente elaborato, concentrandosi sulle problematiche relative alla miscelazione interna, è stata investigata la fluidodinamica interna di un reattore modello ottenuto tramite scale-down di un digestore anaerobico industriale che presentava problemi di sedimentazione di sostanza solida sul fondo del reattore. Tramite tecniche di diagnostica ottiche, è stato studiato il movimento del fluido, prima utilizzando acqua demineralizzata e poi una soluzione di gomma di xantano come fluido di processo, al fine di studiare il campo di moto medio interno al reattore. Le tecniche utilizzate sono la Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) e la Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF). Al fine di rendere il sistema investigato il più rappresentativo possibile del digestore industriale, è stato utilizzato come fluido di processo per alcune delle prove raccolte, una soluzione acquosa 1,0g/kg di gomma di xantano, le cui proprietà reologiche sono state investigate grazie ad un Reometro Anton Paar MCR 301.
The aim of the Ph.D. research project was to explore Dual Fuel combustion and hybridization. Natural gas-diesel Dual Fuel combustion was experimentally investigated on a 4-Stroke, 2.8 L, turbocharged, light-duty Diesel engine, considering four operating points in the range between low to medium-high loads at 3000 rpm. Then, a numerical analysis was carried out using a customized version of the KIVA-3V code, in order to optimize the diesel injection strategy of the highest investigated load. A second KIVA-3V model was used to analyse the interchangeability between natural gas and biogas on an intermediate operating point. Since natural gas-diesel Dual Fuel combustion suffers from poor combustion efficiency at low loads, the effects of hydrogen enriched natural gas on Dual Fuel combustion were investigated using a validated Ansys Forte model, followed by an optimization of the diesel injection strategy and a sensitivity analysis to the swirl ratio, on the lowest investigated load. Since one of the main issues of Low Temperature Combustion engines is the low power density, 2-Stroke engines, thanks to the double frequency compared to 4-Stroke engines, may be more suitable to operate in Dual Fuel mode. Therefore, the application of gasoline-diesel Dual Fuel combustion to a modern 2-Stroke Diesel engine was analysed, starting from the investigation of gasoline injection and mixture formation. As far as hybridization is concerned, a MATLAB-Simulink model was built to compare a conventional (combustion) and a parallel-hybrid powertrain applied to a Formula SAE race car.
Waste management worldwide has received increasing attention from global policies in recent years. In particular, agro-industrial streams represent a global concern due to the huge volumes generated and a high number of residues, which produce an environmental and economic impact on the ecosystem. The use of biotechnological approaches to treat these streams could allow the production of desirable by-products to be reinjected into the production cycle through sustainable processes. Purple phototrophic bacteria (PPB) are targeted as microorganisms capable to reduce the pressure of agro-industrial streams on environmental issues, due to their metabolic versatility (autotrophic and/or heterotrophic growth under different conditions). This Ph.D. research project aims to assess the effectiveness of PPB cultivation for industrial streams valorisation in the applications of biogas desulfurization and microbial protein production. For these purposes, the first part of the present work is dedicated to the cultivation of purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) for biogas streams upgrading, cleaning biogas from sulfur compounds (H2S), and producing elemental sulfur (S0), potentially suitable as a slow-release fertilizer. The second part of the thesis, instead, sees the application of purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB) on streams rich in organics, such as molasses, generating biomass with high content of proteins and pigments, useful as supplements in animal feed. The assessment of the main metabolic mechanisms involved in the two processes is evaluated at a laboratory scale using flasks and a photobioreactor, to define the consumption of substrates and the accumulation of products both in the autotrophic (on biogas) and in heterotrophic grow (on molasses). In conclusion, the effectiveness of processes employing PPB for a sustainable valorisation of several agro-industrial streams has been proved promising, using actual residues, and coupling their treatments with the production of added-value by-products.
The first part of the thesis has been devoted to the transmission planning with high penetration of renewable energy sources. Both stationary and transportable battery energy storage (BES, BEST) systems have been considered in the planning model, so to obtain the optimal set of BES, BEST and transmission lines that minimizes the total cost in a power network. First, a coordinated expansion planning model with fixed transportation cost for BEST devices has been presented; then, the model has been extended to a planning formulation with a distance-dependent transportation cost for the BEST units, and its tractability has been proved through a case study based on a 190-bus test system. The second part of this thesis is then devoted to the analysis of planning and management of renewable energy communities (RECs). Initially, the planning of photovoltaic and BES systems in a REC with an incentive-based remuneration scheme according to the Italian regulatory framework has been analysed, and two planning models, according to a single-stage, or a multi-stage approach, have been proposed in order to provide the optimal set of BES and PV systems allowing to achieve the minimum energy procurement cost in a given REC. Further, the second part of this thesis is devoted to the study of the day-ahead scheduling of resources in renewable energy communities, by considering two types of REC. The first one, which we will refer to as “cooperative community”, allows direct energy transactions between members of the REC; the second type of REC considered, which we shall refer to as “incentive-based”, does not allow direct transactions between members but includes economic revenues for the community shared energy, according to the Italian regulation framework. Moreover, dispatchable renewable energy generation has been considered by including producers equipped with biogas power plants in the community.
The pursuit of decarbonization and increased efficiency in internal combustion engines (ICE) is crucial for reducing pollution in the mobility sector. While electrification is a long-term goal, ICE still has a role to play if coupled with innovative technologies. This research project explores various solutions to enhance ICE efficiency and reduce emissions, including Low Temperature Combustion (LTC), Dual fuel combustion with diesel and natural gas, and hydrogen integration. LTC methods like Dual fuel and Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) show promise in lowering emissions such as NOx, soot, and CO2. Dual fuel Diesel-Natural Gas with hydrogen addition demonstrates improved efficiency, especially at low loads. RCCI Diesel-Gasoline engines offer increased Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE) compared to standard diesel engines while reducing specific NOx emissions. The study compares 2-Stroke and 4-Stroke engine layouts, optimizing scavenging systems for both aircraft and vehicle applications. CFD analysis enhances specific power output while addressing injection challenges to prevent exhaust short circuits. Additionally, piston bowl shape optimization in Diesel engines running on Dual fuel (Diesel-Biogas) aims to reduce NOx emissions and enhance thermal efficiency. Unconventional 2-Stroke architectures, such as reverse loop scavenged with valves for high-performance cars, opposed piston engines for electricity generation, and small loop scavenged engines for scooters, are also explored. These innovations, alongside ultra-lean hydrogen combustion, offer diverse pathways toward achieving climate neutrality in the transport sector.
Il lavoro di tesi si è posto l'obiettivo di studiare il comportamento fluidodinamico di un reattore agitato meccanicamente, scale-down di un digestore anaerobico per la produzione di biogas, attraverso tecniche di diagnostica ottica. Le tecniche utilizzate sono state la Particle Image Velocimetry, PIV, e la Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence, PLIF. Le prove sono iniziate utilizzando acqua all’interno del reattore e sono proseguite utilizzando una soluzione di acqua e Carbometilcellulosa (CMC) a concentrazione di CMC progressivamente crescente per aumentare la viscosità apparente della soluzione non newtoniana con lo scopo di simulare il più realisticamente possibile la viscosità del contenuto reale del digestore. Tutte le diverse soluzioni sono state indagate per diverse velocità e diversi sensi di rotazione. Le prove di diagnostica ottica sono state progressivamente affiancate da prove al reometro di campioni di soluzione per il calcolo della viscosità apparente. La PIV ha fornito la misura del campo di moto di un piano, è stato scelto di analizzare un piano verticale. Il metodo di diagnostica ottica ho previsto l’utilizzo di quattro componenti: una sezione per il test otticamente trasparente contenente la soluzione inseminata con piccole particelle di tracciante (particelle di argento e vetro cavo) che seguono il flusso, una sorgente di illuminazione pulsata (laser), un dispositivo di registrazione (una telecamera digitale ad alta definizione) ed un software per la cross-correlazione delle immagini acquisite (DynamicStudio). La PLIF è stata implementata per lo studio del tempo caratteristico di miscelazione nel reattore. La strumentazione utilizzata è stata la stessa della PIV con un tracciante diverso a base di Rodhamina-6G. Lo studio ha riguardato il tempo necessario all’omogeneizzazione del tracciante mediante un’analisi del coefficiente di variazione, CoV, delle immagini acquisite.
Nel presente elaborato di tesi la metodologia Life Cycle Assessment (che in accordo con le norme ISO 14040-44 permette di quantificare i potenziali impatti sull’ambiente associati ad un bene o servizio lungo tutto il suo ciclo di vita) è applicata a processi appartenenti al settore agro-industriale, con particolare riguardo alla valorizzazione dei coprodotti della filiera olivicola olearia. Nello specifico vengono descritti i risultati di un’analisi del ciclo di vita condotta sul processo di valorizzazione delle sanse di oliva operata dalla Società Agricola A.R.T.E, che ha sede in Puglia. In questo processo, la sansa di olive è trattata mediante digestione anaerobica che permette la produzione di energia elettrica e di un digestato, stabilizzato e utilizzato come ammendante. Il processo analizzato si pone in alternativa sia al metodo di produzione che dà origine a sanse trifasiche, sia allo spandimento delle sanse su suolo agricolo, confrontati in termini di impronta di carbonio. Inoltre nello studio sono state confrontate diverse tecnologie di upgrading di biogas a biometano per valutare quale risulta essere ambientalmente preferibile e potenzialmente installabile nell’azienda A.R.T.E. Il sistema analizzato risulta un'alternativa complessivamente preferibile, da un punto di vista ambientale, sia al metodo di produzione che dà origine a sanse trifasiche, sia allo spandimento delle sanse su suolo agricolo. Il credito ambientale conseguibile mediante il recupero energetico dal biogas prodotto dalla digestione anaerobica delle sanse bifasiche e la produzione di un digestato stabile permettono un beneficio ambientale che controbilancia l’emissione di CO2 attribuibile all’intero sistema. Inoltre lo studio ha permesso una stima di quale tecnologia di raffinazione del biogas a biometano sia potenzialmente installabile nell’azienda A.R.T.E. I risultati mostrano che la tecnologia separazione a membrana risulta meno impattante rispetto alle altre tecnologie di upgrading.