999 resultados para Lâmina histológica


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A intensidade da cor verde da folha pode ser alternativa para estimar a concentração de N na planta, devido à relação entre o teor de clorofila e o de N no tecido foliar. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar índices da cor verde da grama esmeralda obtidos da análise da imagem digital e pelo uso do clorofilômetro para predizer o estado nutricional em N fornecido pelo lodo de esgoto. O experimento foi instalado e desenvolvido em uma propriedade comercial de grama esmeralda, localizada na cidade de Itapetininga (SP). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e cinco doses de lodo de esgoto: 0, 10, 20, 30 e 40 Mg ha-1, base seca. As doses de lodo aplicadas correspondem a 100, 200, 300 e 400 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio disponível. Foram avaliadas as concentrações de N e a intensidade de coloração verde da folha pelo uso do clorofilômetro (ICV) e por meio da análise da imagem digital (G, H e ICVE) aos 45, 105 e 165 dias após a aplicação do lodo. Os valores de intensidade obtidos foram correlacionados com a concentração de N na lâmina foliar e com a taxa de cobertura do solo determinada nas mesmas épocas. A aplicação de doses de lodo de esgoto proporcionou aumento dos índices de cor verde e da concentração de N nas folhas da grama esmeralda. A concentração de N na lâmina foliar pode auxiliar a adubação nitrogenada em cobertura, pois proporcionou altas correlações com a taxa de cobertura do solo. O matiz (H) obtido com a imagem digital e a intensidade de cor verde da folha (ICV) obtida com o clorofilômetro correlacionaram-se com a concentração de N e com a taxa de cobertura do solo e, dessa forma, podem servir como índices na recomendação da adubação nitrogenada.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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As estatinas são utilizadas no tratamento das dislipidemias, com grande tolerância; no entanto, vários efeitos colaterais podem surgir, destacando-se miopatia. A prática regular do exercício físico (EF) produz modificações favoráveis no perfil lipídico; entretanto, pode gerar lesões musculares. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da associação entre exercício físico e estatinas na função muscular, pela análise histológica, em modelo experimental animal com dislipidemia. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 80 ratos machos Wistar, distribuídos em oito grupos, incluindo animais submetidos à dieta hipercolesterolêmica (DH), sinvastatina com (G1) e sem (G2) EF; DH e fluvastatina, com (G3) e sem EF (G4); alimentados com ração comercial (RC) na presença (G5) e ausência de (G6) EF; DH submetidos (G7) ou não (G8) a EF. A DH foi administrada por 90 dias, as estatinas e prática de EF em esteira rolante por oito semanas. Os animais foram sacrificados, e o músculo sóleo retirado para análise histológica. Aplicaram-se os testes t de Student pareado e análise multivariada, com nível significante para p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: As principais alterações histológicas encontradas foram fibras de diferentes diâmetros, atróficas, em degeneração, splitting, edema, infiltrado inflamatório. Essas alterações foram observadas em 90% dos animais do grupo G1, 80% do G2, 70% do G3, 30% do G4, 40% do G5 e 30% do G7. Nos grupos G6 e G8 identificaram-se fibras musculares com morfologia preservada. CONCLUSÕES: Na avaliação histológica muscular, a associação entre fluvastatina, sinvastatina e exercício físico acarreta alterações morfológicas com predomínio no uso da sinvastatina, variando de grau leve a grave, no músculo sóleo de ratos, induzidos pelos inibidores da HMG-CoA redutase.


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No presente estudo, investigamos o papel da resposta imune na morfologia do granuloma leishmaniótico induzido na bolsa jugal do hamster, um local imunologicamente privilegiado, após inoculação de 3x10(5) Leishmania mexicana. Os animais foram avaliados histológica e imunologicamente até os 120 dias da inoculação. Independente da época do sacrifício, os animais foram sempre não reatores ao teste do coxim plantar. Histologicamente, a inoculação de Leishmania mexicana na bolsa jugal resultou na formação de abcesso que evoluiu para reação granulomatosa rica em formas amastigotas e, posteriormente, para resolução. Esses resultados sugerem que o desenvolvimento da resposta imune não é preponderante no controle da infecção induzida pela Leishmania mexicana inoculada subcutaneamente na bolsa jugal do hamster. Sugerem ainda que os macrófagos que compõe os granulomas leishmanióticos são capazes de eliminar esse parasita, independente da presença de resposta imune avaliável pelo teste do coxim plantar.


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Oral and facial bone defects can undertake appearance, psychosocial well-being and stomathognatic function of its patients. Over the yerars several strategies for bone defect regeneration have arised to treat these pathologies, among them the use of frozen and irradiated bone allograft. Manipulation of bone grafts it s not determined yet, and several osteotomy alternatives can be observed. The present work evaluated with a microscope the bone fragments obtained from different osteotomy methods and irrigation on rings and blocks allografts irradiated and frozen at 80° negative in a rabbit model. The study is experimental in vitro and it sample was an adult male New Zealand rabbit. The animal was sacrificed to obtain long bones, that were submitted to freezing at 80º negative and irradiated with Cobalt- 60. Then the long bones were sectioned into 24 bone pieces, divided into 4 groups: G1 (n=06) osteotomy was performed with bur No. 6 forming rings with 5 mm thickness with high-speed handpiece with manual irrigation; G2 (n=06) osteotomy was performed with bur No. 6 forming rings with 5 mm thick with surgical motor with a manual irrigation rotation 1500 rpm; GA (n=06), osteotomy with trephine using manual irrigation with saline; and GB (n=06), osteotomy with trephine using saline from peristaltic pumps of surgical motor. Five bone pieces of each group were prepared for analysis on light microscopy (LM) and one on electronic scan electronic microscopy (SEM). On the SEM analysis edges surface, presence of microcracks and Smear Layer were evaluated. Analyzing osteotomy technics on SEM was observed: increased presence of microcracks cutting with high speed; increased presence of areas covered by Smear Layer when cutting with motor implant. The irrigation analysis with SEM was observed: that the presence of microcracks does not depend on the type of irrigation; on manual irrigation, there was greater discrepancy between the cutting lines. The descriptive analysis of the osteotomy and irrigation process on LM showed: histological analysis showing the bony margins with clear tissue changed layer, composed of blackened tissue of charred appearance near to the cortical bone; on the edges of the bony part, bone fragments that were displaced during the bone cut and bone irregularities were observed. After analysis of results we can conclude: that there was greater regularity of the bone cut using high-speed handpiece than using motor implant; the cut with trephine using saline irrigated from peristaltic pumps of surgical motor showed greater homogeneity when compared with manual irrigation; charred tissue was found in all obtained bone samples, whit no significant statistically difference on the proportion of carbonization of the two analysed technics


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Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo


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Esse estudo se propôs a avaliar um método auxiliar de diagnóstico (DIAGNOdent®) na predição de cárie de dentina em dentes decíduos, através de validação histológica e de microdureza. Verificando possíveis diferenças entre os valores obtidos através do método auxiliar, além de determinar um ponto de corte para parada de remoção de tecido cariado. A amostra do estudo foi de 15 crianças que apresentaram 21 cavidades de cárie, tratadas e analisadas desde antes da realização da restauração até quando da exodontia do elemento dentário. Os espécimes foram analisados através do DIAGNOdent® antes da abertura das cavidades, após a remoção do tecido cariado e depois da reabertura das cavidades que se deu após a exodontia dos elementos dentários. Posteriormente, receberam preparo metalográfico para realização de testes de microdureza e microscopia óptica que serviram como forma de validação para as mensurações obtidas pela fluorescência a laser. Houve diferença significativa entre os valores DIAGNOdent® encontrados antes da abertura da cavidade e os demais (p < 0,0001). Havendo correlação significativa (r = 0,432 ; p = 0,019) apenas para as aferições obtidas antes da abertura das cavidades e quando do término da remoção do tecido cariado. Para a microdureza, as médias axiais foram significativamente maiores que as pulpares, existindo correlação entre a microdureza pulpar e os valores do DIAGNOdent® após a reabertura (r = - 0,472 ; p = 0,002). Valores de 15,38% para a sensibilidade, 100% para a especificidade, 100% para o valor preditivo positivo e 71,79% para o valor preditivo negativo, foram obtidos quando se utilizou um ponto de corte de 30 para fluorescência a laser, tendo como padrão-ouro a microdureza pulpar. Partindo da média dos valores de fluorescência a laser obtidos após a remoção do tecido cariado e acrescentando-se um desvio-padrão a esta, o método indicou o valor de 19 como ponto de corte para cessar a remoção de dentina. Concluiu-se que, nas condições analisadas, o método auxiliar de diagnóstico (DIAGNOdent®) é um método acurado na predição de cárie de dentina em dentes decíduos. Além disso, o método comprovou que o padrão usual de remoção de dentina garante a remoção do tecido cariado


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The squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common malignant neoplasm of epithelial origin in oral cavity and present high capacity to invade adjacent structures. Traditionally, SCC has a predominance of 50 years male patients with long-time use of tobacco and alcohol, and the tongue is the most affected anatomic site. At present, there is an increasing incidence of SCC in patients below 40 years of age, who has been exposed or not to risk factors, mainly for tongue lesions. This study aims to analyze cell proliferation index using Ki-67 antigen in SCC of the tongue for two groups of different age range: until 40 years and older than 50 years. The first group was composed by 16 patients and the second one was composed by 20 patients. Clinicopathological features of the cases were also assessed. There was a male predominance in both groups. Tobacco and alcohol habits were common for patients until 40 years (72,2%), as well as for patients older than 50 years (52,9%). The first group had statistical association with the presence of regional metastases (p = 0,036) and with the most advanced stages of the disease (p = 0,012). Considering the histological malignancy grading, there was higher incidence (56,2%) of high malignancy grade tumors in the group of patients until 40 years old, but no statistical difference has found between groups and histologic malignancy grading. Regarding the immunohistochemical expression of Ki-67, there was no statistically significant difference between the antibody expression of the groups, as well as between other clinical and histopathological parameters. This study identified no significant difference regarding cell proliferation between the analyzed groups


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Currently, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) have effective participation in the growth of malignancies. Knowing that there are few studies involving BMPs and oral squamous cell carcinoma, this work constitutes an immunohistochemical study of BMP-2, BMPR IA and BMPR II in squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) of the lower lip relating to the clinical and pathological aspects of this lesion. The sample consisted of 40 cases of SCC of the lower lip, being 20 cases of SCC of the lower lip with regional metastasis and 20 cases without metastasis. We evaluated the intensity of expression (score 1 to mark absent / weak, score 2 for high ) and was found the percentage of labeled cells, where the score was 1 cases with 0 to 50% of positive cells, score 2 with 51 to 75% of positive cells, and score 3 more than 75% of positive cells. The sample comprised 72.5% of men with a mean age of 65.8 years, there was a predominance of stage II and 52.5% of the carcinomas were classified as low grade, being carcinoma with metastasis presenting most cases (70%) as carcinomas of high malignancy grade (p = 0.004). The largest number of cases of SCC of the lower lip that were in stages I / II (61, 9%) were classified as carcinomas of low grade malignancy and carcinomas in stages III / IV were classified as high-grade tumors (p = 0, 024). The BMP-2 showed strong intensity of immunostaining in 82.5%, BMPR-IA showed 55% of cases with an intensity of immunostaining absent / weak and BMPR-II showed 85% of cases with an intensity of immunostaining absent / weak. Only the protein BMPR-IA were significantly associated with all clinic-pathological parameters studied, metastasis (p <0.001), TNM (p <0.001) and histological grade of malignancy with (p = 0.028). The percentage of positive cells, all markers showed the highest number of cases with more than 75% of positive cells (score 3) and only BMPR-II showed statistical difference when related to the presence and absence of metastasis (p = 0.049 ). We conclude that there is disturbance in the BMP signaling pathway in EC-mediated lower lip and that high expression of BMP-2 associated with the expression of BMPR-IA and BMPR-II are associated with metastasis in carcinoma


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The Epidermoid Carcinoma (EC) is the most common lesions located in the region of the head and neck and, despite advances in treatment modalities, the prognosis is still poor. The malignant cells show an increase in glucose uptake, process mediated by glucose transporters (GLUTs). Increased expression of GLUT 1 and GLUT 3 is related to the aggressive behavior of this lesion. The aim of this study was to evaluate, through immunohistochemistry, the expression of GLUTs 1 and 3 in EC of the lower lip. The sample consisted of 40 cases of EC of the lower lip, of which 20 had regional lymph node metastasis and the remaining 20 with absence of metastasis. The percentages of immunostained cells in front of tumor invasion and in the center of tumor were evaluated. These results were related to the presence and absence of lymph node metastasis, TNM classification and histological grading. The percentage of cytoplasmic/membranous expression of GLUT 1 ranged from 77.35% to 100%, while for GLUT 3 this value ranged from 0.79% to 100%. As for nuclear staining for GLUT 1, this percentage ranged from 0 to 0.42%, however. GLUT 3 showed only one case with nuclear staining. Despite the significant expression of tumor cells related to the proteins studied, we observed no statistically significant relationship between the variables and the antibodies analyzed, regardless of the region evaluated. However, there was a moderate positive correlation between cytoplasmic/membranous immunoexpressions of GLUT 1 in invasion front and in the tumor center (r = 0.679, p <0.001). Similarly, moderate positive correlation was found between the nuclear immunoexpressions of GLUT 1 in the invasion front and in the tumor center (r = 0.547, p <0.001). For GLUT 3, was also observed a moderate statistically significant positive correlation between cytoplasmic/membranous expression in tumor invasion front and in tumor center (r = 0.589, p <0.001). We also observed that the immunoreactivity for GLUT 1 was higher than GLUT 3 expression in invasion front (p <0.001) and tumor center (p <0.001). From these results, this study suggests that tumor hypoxia is a remarkable characteristic of the EC of the lower lip and GLUT 1 may be primarily responsible for glucose uptake into the interior of the malignant cells


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The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) has been strongly implicated on development of some cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). However, the immunological system somehow reacts against the presence of this virus. Among the cells involved on such mechanism of defense detaches the Langerhans cells (LC), which are responsible for processing and presenting antigens. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the immunohistochemical reactivity for Langerhans cells between HPV positive and HPV negative OSCC, as well as, the relation of the immunoreactivity for this cells and the histological grading of malignancy proposed by Bryne (1998) and modified by Miranda (2002). Additionally, HPV infection was evaluated in relation to sex, age, lesion localization and histological grading of malignancy. In the total, 27 cases of OSSC were evaluated, 09 of them HPV positive and 18 HPV negative. Anti S-100 antibody was utilized for the immunohistochemical labelling, followed by the counting of LCs in 5 highpower fields (400x). No statistically significant difference was verified between the variables sex, age, lesion localization, histological grading of malignancy and HPV presence in OSSC. There was neither association between the immunohistochemical labeling for LCs (S-100+) and HPV infection nor correlation between the quantity of LCs labeled and the histological grading of malignancy of OSSC. The results suggest that despite the absence of statistically significant difference, the presence of HPV in such cases of OSCC can alter the immunological system, particularly the Langerhans cells


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A displasia epitelial (DE) oral é uma desordem potencialmente maligna (DPM), cujo diagnóstico e gradação histológica se baseiam nas suas alterações arquiteturais e citológicas. Para avaliar o risco de transformação maligna dessas lesões de forma mais precisa é fundamental entender e localizar alterações genéticas e epigenéticas nas células displásicas, as quais podem ajudar a compreender melhor a progressão para a malignidade. Dessa forma, o presente estudo objetivou avaliar a imunoexpressão de EGFR e PTEN nas DEs orais e relacionar esse aspecto com as características clínicas e gradação histológica pelo sistema binário (baixo e alto risco de transformação maligna). Para tanto, foram selecionados 20 casos de DE de alto risco e 20 de baixo risco para serem submetidos à análise imunoistoquímica para os biomarcadores supracitados. A imunomarcação de cada caso foi avaliada semiquantitativamente através de escores e quanto à localização nos estratos epiteliais. A análise estatística foi realizada através dos testes de Mann-Whitney, Qui-quadrado de Pearson, Exato de Fisher e de correlação de Spearman com nível de significância estabelecido em 5%. Os resultados mostraram que 57,5% dos pacientes eram do gênero feminino, a média de idade foi de 57,5 anos, 42,5% foram diagnosticados clinicamente como leucoplasia e a maioria dos casos foi proveniente de lesões localizadas na língua (32,5%). De forma geral, gênero e idade não exerceram influência na imunoexpressão do EGFR e PTEN. A expressão do EGFR foi observada em 100% dos casos, nos quais houve predomínio do escore 3 (75%) e imunoreatividade em todas as camadas epiteliais (55%), independente da gradação histológica (p = 0,453 e p = 0,204, respectivamente). O PTEN revelou positividade de marcação em 87,5% dos casos, nos quais observou-se predomínio do escore 0 (55%) e imunoreatividade limitada à camada basal (40%), porém sem diferenças significativas entre os grupos histológicos (p = 0,904 e p = 0,915, respectivamente). Por fim, quando analisados, em conjunto, os 40 casos de DEs, foi observada uma fraca correlação positiva, estatisticamente significativa, entre os padrões de imunoexpressão do EGFR e do PTEN (r = 0,317; p = 0,046). Com base nesses resultados, alterações no padrão de expressão do EGFR e PTEN sugerem que essas proteínas participam de processos moleculares relacionados com a carcinogênese em mucosa oral


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Th17 cells have been strongly associated to the pathogenesis of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, although their influence on the carcinogenesis is still little known, there are reports of anti-tumor and protumoral actions. The objective of this study is to research the presence of Th17 lineage in lip and tongue SCC, using the analysis of the immunoexpression of IL-17 and RORγt, relating this immunoexpression with clinical and morphological findings in the attempt to better comprehend the role of these cells on the tumoral immunity of OSCCs. The results were submitted to non-parametric statistical tests with significance level of 5%. On the histomorphological analysis, it was observed the predominance of low level lesions on lip and high level lesions on tongue (p=0,024). It was not observed statistical significance between clinical stage and histological gradation of malignancy (p=0,644). For the immunohistochemical study, 5 random fields with greater immunoreactivity of the peritumoral inflammatory infiltrate were photomicrographed on the 400x magnification. It was done the count of lymphocytes which showed cytoplasmic and pericytoplasmic staining for the IL-17 cytokine as well as nuclear and cytoplasmic staining for RORγt. It was observed statistical significance difference on the quantity of immunopositive lymphocytes to IL-17 between the groups of SCC of lip and tongue (p=0,028). For the RORγt it was not observed statistical significance difference between the groups of SCC of lip and tongue (p=0,915). It was not observed statistical difference between the immunostaining of IL-17 and RORγt with histological gradation of malignancy and clinical staging. The findings of this research suggest a possible anti-tumor role of IL-17 for cases of lip. The results of the analysis of the RORγt are possibly due to the wide duality of the anti-tumor and protumoral role of the Th17 cells and their plasticity which, in the presence of different cytokines expressed on the tumor microenvironment, can alter its phenotype.


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Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common malignant neoplasm in the oral cavity, accounting for more than 90% of all malignancies in this location. Cyclooxygenases (COX s) are key enzymes on arachidonic acid metabolism and prostaglandin synthesis, being expressed basically in two forms: the constitutive (COX-1) and the inducible (COX-2). Increased levels on the expression of COX-2 have been implicated in the pathogenesis tumor progression of various forms of human cancer, including oral squamous cell carcinoma, some of what suggesting a possible interaction between COX-2 and the protein expressed by the tumor suppressor gene p53, mutated in more than 50% of all human cancers. The mean of the present research consisted in analyze the correlation between the expression of COX-2 and p53, at the protein level, as well as evaluate the difference on the expression of these two proteins with the histological grading of malignancy. 34 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma were selected and graded according to the histological grading system proposed by Bryne (1998) and the labeling indexes (LI s) for COX-2 and p53 evaluated using immunohistochemistry method. The results revealed that COX-2 was expressed in increased levels in most of the specimens, although there was no statistic significant correlation between LI s from COX-2 and p53 (p>0.05), and there were no statistical differences on the expression of these proteins between tumors of high and low grade of malignancy (p>0.05). Interestingly, the expression of COX-2 and p53 was detected in fragments of dysplastic oral epithelium adjacent to tumor areas, on basal and suprabasal layers. The absence of statistical correlation between the expression of COX-2 and p53 proteins do not rule ot the existence of a relation between them, were it may reflect the diversity of regulatory pathways between both, different direct and indirect inhibitory effects of COX-2 over p53, as well as the wide range of activation macheenisms for COX-2 and mutational status of the p53 gene Another conclusion point that the increased expression of COX-2 observed in oral squamous cell carcinomas suggest a role for this protein in the processes of pathogenesis and tumoral evolution of this malignant neoplasm


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The utilization of the immunohistochemical/histochemical double staining technique comes permitting the analysis of two molecular parameters at the same time in an even tissue. Starting from this, the objective of this study was to investigate the existence of differences between the number of NORS/NUCLEUS between p53 positive and p53 negative cells, as well as the existence of correlation between the medium of the NORs of the p53 positive and negative cells and the histological scores of maligninancy in 16 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma. It was first classified in agreement with the histological grade system of maligninancy proposed by Bryne (1998) and the double staining technique immunohistochemistry/histochemistry was utilized for the achievement to quantify of the NORs in p53 positive and negative cells. It had not significant differences between the medium number of NORs of the p53 positive cells and of the p53 negative cells, and they were not correlated with the histological scores of malignancy. We conclude that the related phenotype to the p53 immunohistochemical expression did not influence the average of NORS/NUCLEUS and this medium, in both positive and negative cells, is not correlated with the degree of histological aggressivity of the oral squamous cell carcinoma