967 resultados para Johan Maurits, Prince of Nassau-Siegen, 1604-1679.


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InP(1 0 0) surfaces were sputtered under ultrahigh vacuum conditions by 5 keV N2+ ions at an angle of incidence of 41° to the sample normal. The fluence, φ, used in this study, varied from 1 × 1014 to 5 × 1018 N2+ cm-2. The surface topography was investigated using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). At the lower fluences (φ ≤ 5 × 1016 N2+ cm-2) only conelike features appeared, similar in shape as was found for noble gas ion bombardment of InP. At the higher fluences, ripples also appeared on the surface. The bombardment-induced topography was quantified using the rms roughness. This parameter showed a linear relationship with the logarithm of the fluence. A model is presented to explain this relationship. The ripple wavelength was also determined using a Fourier transform method. These measurements as a function of fluence do not agree with the predictions of the Bradley-Harper theory. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Co-electrolysis of carbon dioxide and steam has been shown to be an efficient way to produce syngas, however further optimisation requires detailed understanding of the complex reactions, transport processes and degradation mechanisms occurring in the solid oxide cell (SOC) during operation. Whilst electrochemical measurements are currently conducted in situ, many analytical techniques can only be used ex situ and may even be destructive to the cell (e.g. SEM imaging of microstructure). In order to fully understand and characterise co-electrolysis, in situ monitoring of the reactants, products and SOC is necessary. Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) is ideal for in situ monitoring of co-electrolysis as both gaseous and adsorbed CO and CO2 species can be detected, however it has previously not been used for this purpose. The challenges of designing an experimental rig which allows optical access alongside electrochemical measurements at high temperature and operates in a dual atmosphere are discussed. The rig developed has thus far been used for symmetric cell testing at temperatures from 450[degree]C to 600[degree]C. Under a CO atmosphere, significant changes in spectra were observed even over a simple Au|10Sc1CeSZ|Au SOC. The changes relate to a combination of CO oxidation, the water gas shift reaction and carbonate formation and decomposition processes, with the dominant process being both potential and temperature dependent.


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Marginal zone B-cell lymphomas (MZLs) have been divided into 3 distinct subtypes (extranodal MZLs of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue [MALT] type, nodal MZLs, and splenic MZLs). Nevertheless, the relationship between the subtypes is still unclear. We performed a comprehensive analysis of genomic DNA copy number changes in a very large series of MZL cases with the aim of addressing this question. Samples from 218 MZL patients (25 nodal, 57 MALT, 134 splenic, and 2 not better specified MZLs) were analyzed with the Affymetrix Human Mapping 250K SNP arrays, and the data combined with matched gene expression in 33 of 218 cases. MALT lymphoma presented significantly more frequently gains at 3p, 6p, 18p, and del(6q23) (TNFAIP3/A20), whereas splenic MZLs was associated with del(7q31), del(8p). Nodal MZLs did not show statistically significant differences compared with MALT lymphoma while lacking the splenic MZLs-related 7q losses. Gains of 3q and 18q were common to all 3 subtypes. del(8p) was often present together with del(17p) (TP53). Although del(17p) did not determine a worse outcome and del(8p) was only of borderline significance, the presence of both deletions had a highly significant negative impact on the outcome of splenic MZLs.


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Herein, the N-butyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis(fluorosulfonyl)amide and the N-propyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis(fluorosulfonyl)amide room temperature ionic liquids, combined with the lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide salt, are investigated as electrolytes for Li/LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 (Li/NMC) batteries. To conduct this study, volumetric properties, ionic conductivity and viscosity of the pure ionic liquids and selected electrolytes were firstly determined as a function of temperature and composition in solution. These data were then compared with those measured in the case of the standard alkyl carbonate-based electrolyte: e.g. the EC/PC/3DMC + 1 mol·L−1 LiPF6. The compatibility of the selected electrolytes with the lithium electrode was then investigated by following the evolution of Li/electrolyte interfaces through impedance measurements. Interestingly, the impedances of the investigated Li/electrolyte interfaces were found to be more than three times lower than that measured using the standard electrolyte. Finally, electrochemical performances of the ionic liquid-based electrolytes were investigated using galvanostatic charge and discharge and cyclic voltammetry of each Li/NMC cell. Using these electrolytes, each tested Li cell reaches up to 145 mA·h·g−1 at C/10 and 110 mA·h·g−1 at C with a coulombic efficiency close to 100 %.


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The speeds of sound in dibromomethane, bromochloromethane, and dichloromethane have been measured in the temperature range from 293.15 to 313.15 K and at pressures up to 100 MPa. Densities and isobaric heat capacities at atmospheric pressure have been also determined. Experimental results were used to calculate the densities and isobaric heat capacities as the function of temperature and pressure by means of a numerical integration technique. Moreover, experimental data at atmospheric pressure were then used to determine the SAFT-VR Mie molecular parameters for these liquids. The accuracy of the model has been then evaluated using a comparison of derived experimental high-pressure data with those predicted using SAFT. It was found that the model provide the possibility to predict also the isobaric heat capacity of all selected haloalkanes within an error up to 6%.


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Fermentation products can chaotropically disorder macromolecular systems and induce oxidative stress, thus inhibiting biofuel production. Recently, the chaotropic activities of ethanol, butanol and vanillin have been quantified (5.93, 37.4, 174kJkg(-1)m(-1) respectively). Use of low temperatures and/or stabilizing (kosmotropic) substances, and other approaches, can reduce, neutralize or circumvent product-chaotropicity. However, there may be limits to the alcohol concentrations that cells can tolerate; e.g. for ethanol tolerance in the most robust Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, these are close to both the solubility limit (<25%, w/v ethanol) and the water-activity limit of the most xerotolerant strains (0.880). Nevertheless, knowledge-based strategies to mitigate or neutralize chaotropicity could lead to major improvements in rates of product formation and yields, and also therefore in the economics of biofuel production.


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Herein, we report the densities and speeds of sound in binary mixtures of three hydrophobic and one hydrophilic ionic liquids: 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, [C4mim][NTf2], 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, [C4mpyr][NTf2], 1-propyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, [C3mim][NTf2] and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium thiocyanate, [C2mim][SCN], with water at 298.15 K and 0.1 MPa. The concentration range of water, which encompassed relatively small values well below the saturation point, is often regarded as an impurity for hydrophobic ionic liquids. On the basis of experimental results the molar volume, adiabatic molar compressibility, partial molar volume and apparent molar volume, as well as, partial molar and apparent molar isentropic compressibility properties were then calculated. Interesting results are obtained using the solutions based on the hydrophilic [C2mim][SCN], since these mixtures are characterized by relatively low density and high values of speed of sound. Furthermore, the partial molar volumes and partial molar adiabatic compressibilities of water in solution with [C2mim][SCN] are the lowest among the investigated in mixtures with ionic liquids. However, in the case of the hydrophobic ionic liquid solutions, only small differences are observed for molar adiabatic compressibilities with the change of the cation structure, i.e. for water + [C4mim][NTf2] or + [C4mpyr][NTf2]. A more pronounced difference has been observed for the partial molar compressibility of water in solutions with these two ionic liquids.


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In this work, we address the thermal properties of selected members of a
homologous series of alkyltriethylammonium bisf(trifluoromethyl)sulfonylgimide ionic
liquids. Their phase and glass transition behavior, as well as their standard isobaric heat
capacities at 298.15 K, were studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC),
whereas their decomposition temperature was determined by thermal gravimetry analysis.
DSC was further used to measure standard molar heat capacities of the studied ionic liquids
and standard molar heat capacity as a function of temperature for hexyltriethylammonium,
octyltriethylammonium, and dodecyltriethylammonium bisf(trifluoromethyl)sulfonylgimide
ionic liquids. Based on the data obtained, we discuss the influence of the alkyl chain
length of the cation on the studied ionic liquids on the measured properties. Using viscosity
data obtained in a previous work, the liquid fragility of the ionic liquids is then discussed.
Viscosity data were correlated by the VTF equation using a robust regression along a
gnostic influence function. In this way, more reliable VTF model parameters were obtained than in our previous work and a good estimate of the liquid fragility of the ionic liquids was made.


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In discussing the potential role of the EU, the Member States, their composite parts and civil society organisations in establishing social services of general interest at sub-national, national, transnational and EU wide levels, this chapter explores the EU competence regime for social services of general interest. Its analysis contradicts a tendency in academic writing to demand protection of national prerogatives for shaping welfare states against EU intervention at all costs, because this would be counterproductive for the progress of the EU project. It submits that an EU constitution of social governance should create mixed responsibilities so that the EU, states and civil society actors support each other in creating preconditions for social integration in the EU. It uses the field of social services of general interests as an example of applying this general theoretical concept.


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Production of fatty alcohols through selective hydrogenation of fatty acids was studied over a 4% ReOx/TiO2 catalyst. Stearic acid was hydrogenated to octadecanol at temperatures and pressures between 180-200 degrees C and 2-4 MPa, with selectivity reaching 93%. A high yield of octadecanol was attributed to a strong adsorption of the acid compared to alcohol on the catalyst, which inhibits further alcohol transformation to alkanes. Low amounts (<7%) of alkanes (mainly octadecane) were formed during the conversion of stearic acid. However, it was found that the catalyst could be tuned for the production of alkanes. The reaction intermediates were octadecanal and stearyl stearate. Based on the reaction products analysis and catalyst characterization, a reaction mechanism and possible pathways were proposed.


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Electrical conductivity of the supercooled ionic liquid [C8MIM][NTf2], determined as a function of temperature and pressure, highlights strong differences in its ionic transport behavior between low and high temperature regions. To date, the crossover effect which is very well known for low molecular van der Waals liquids has been rarely described for classical ionic liquids. This finding highlights that the thermal fluctuations could be dominant mechanisms driving the dramatic slowing down of ion motions near Tg. An alternative way to analyze separately low and high temperature dc-conductivity data using a density scaling approach was then proposed. Based on which a common value of the scaling exponent [gamma] = 2.4 was obtained, indicating that the applied density scaling is insensitive to the crossover effect. By comparing the scaling exponent [gamma] reported herein along with literature data for other ionic liquids, it appears that [gamma] decreases by increasing the alkyl chain length on the 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium-based ionic liquids. This observation may be related to changes in the interaction between ions in solution driven by an increase in the van der Waals type interaction by increasing the alkyl chain length on the cation. This effect may be related to changes in the ionic liquid nanostructural organization with the alkyl chain length on the cation as previously reported in the literature based on molecular dynamic simulations. In other words, the calculated scaling exponent [gamma] may be then used as a key parameter to probe the interaction and/or self-organizational changes in solution with respect to the ionic liquid structure.


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Sheep on the island of North Ronaldsay (Orkney, UK) feed mostly on seaweed, which contains high concentrations of dimethylated arsenoribosides. Wool of these sheep contains dimethylated, monomethylated and inorganic arsenic, in addition to unidentified arsenic species in unbound and complexed form. Chromatographic techniques using different separation mechanisms and detectors enabled us to identify five arsenic species in water extracts of wool. The wool contained 5.2 ± 2.3 μg arsenic per gram wool. About 80% of the arsenic in wool was extracted by boiling the wool with water. The main species is dimethylarsenic, which accounted for about 75 to 85%, monomethylated arsenic at about 5% and the rest is inorganic arsenic. Depending on the separation method and condition, the chromatographic recovery of arsenic species was between 45% for the anion exchange column, 68% for the size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and 82% for the cation exchange column. The SEC revealed the occurrence of two unknown arsenic compounds, of which one was probably a high molecular mass species. Since chromatographic recovery can be improved by either treating the extract with CuCl/HCl (CAT: 90%) or longer storage of the sample (CAT: 105%), in particular for methylated arsenic species, it can be assumed that labile arsenic -protein-like coordination species occur in the extract, which cannot be speciated with conventional chromatographic methods. It is clear from our study of sheep wool that there can be different kinds of 'hidden' arsenic in biological matrices, depending on the extraction, separation and detection methods used. Hidden species can be defined as species that are not recordable by the detection system, not extractable or do not elute from chromatographic columns. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Tactility Factory Story and Panels on display as part of Showcase of Northern Irish Innovation, Pump House. Organized by Innovation Centre, NI Science Park, Belfast. Showcasing 14 of NI most innovative companies. (Jan 2013-ongoing) presented to HRH Prince Andrew (Jan 2013)


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A new low-energy pathway is reported for the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to formate and syngas at low overpotentials, utilizing a reactive ionic liquid as the solvent. The superbasic tetraalkyl phosphonium ionic liquid [P66614][124Triz] is able to chemisorb CO2 through equimolar binding of CO2 with the 1,2,4-triazole anion. This chemisorbed CO2 can be reduced at silver electrodes at overpotentials as low as 0.17 V, forming formate. In contrast, physically absorbed CO2 within the same ionic liquid or in ionic liquids where chemisorption is impossible (such as [P66614][NTf2]) undergoes reduction at significantly increased overpotentials, producing only CO as the product.


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BACKGROUND: Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common cancer in men. PCa is strongly age associated; low death rates in surveillance cohorts call into question the widespread use of surgery, which leads to overtreatment and a reduction in quality of life. There is a great need to increase the understanding of tumor characteristics in the context of disease progression.

OBJECTIVE: To perform the first multigenome investigation of PCa through analysis of both autosomal and mitochondrial DNA, and to integrate exome sequencing data, and RNA sequencing and copy-number alteration (CNA) data to investigate how various different tumor characteristics, commonly analyzed separately, are interconnected.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Exome sequencing was applied to 64 tumor samples from 55 PCa patients with varying stage and grade. Integrated analysis was performed on a core set of 50 tumors from which exome sequencing, CNA, and RNA sequencing data were available.

OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Genes, mutated at a significantly higher rate relative to a genomic background, were identified. In addition, mitochondrial and autosomal mutation rates were correlated to CNAs and proliferation, assessed as a cell cycle gene expression signature.

RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS: Genes not previously reported to be significantly mutated in PCa, such as cell division cycle 27 homolog (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) (CDC27), myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia 3 (MLL3), lysine (K)-specific demethylase 6A (KDM6A), and kinesin family member 5A (KIF5A) were identified. The mutation rate in the mitochondrial genome was 55 times higher than that of the autosomes. Multilevel analysis demonstrated a tight correlation between high reactive-oxygen exposure, chromosomal damage, high proliferation, and in parallel, a transition from multiclonal indolent primary PCa to monoclonal aggressive disease. As we only performed targeted sequence analysis; copy-number neutral rearrangements recently described for PCa were not accounted for.

CONCLUSIONS: The mitochondrial genome displays an elevated mutation rate compared to the autosomal chromosomes. By integrated analysis, we demonstrated that different tumor characteristics are interconnected, providing an increased understanding of PCa etiology.