1000 resultados para Joaquim Sapinho
El comercio de derechos de emisión consiste en un mecanismo de mercado ‘diseñado’ y organizado por los poderes públicos, en el marco de un acuerdo internacional, como pieza central de la regulación económica/medio-ambiental sobre actividades que generan una externalidad negativa: emisión de cantidades importantes de dióxido de carbono, el principal gas responsable del efecto invernadero. ¿Cuáles son los costes de la reducción de emisiones pactadas en el PK y quien los está soportando? ¿porqué chocan los intereses de los grandes países en el desarrollo del PK? Después de los primeros años de funcionamiento (se inicia en el 2005), ¿cuáles han sido los resultados reales de este mecanismo de regulación & mercado, que fue diseñado con el objetivo de reducir las emisiones a escala mundial?
La producció de biodièsel a partir d'olis de cuina utilitzats, amb l'objectiu de transformar un residu en un producte amb valor comercial i ambiental, és més net que els combustibles fòssils i contribueix a disminuir el gran consum de petroli que estem fent. En una primera part teòrica s’ha realitzat un treball de recerca d' informació del biodièsel per saber si és un bon combustible i si podria ser un possible substitut dels combustibles fòssils. En quant a la part pràctica l'objectiu principal ha estat fabricar el biodièsel . Les matèries primeres són oli de gira-sol i oli de cuina utilitzat, per tal de comparar les seves qualitats. S’ha arribat a la conclusió que presenten característiques molt semblants. Després de fer les anàlisis físico-químics de qualitat vam fer una mescla dels dos biodièsels fabricats, i el vam provar en un motor Dièsel per comprovar si funciona correctament i fer una comparació dels gasos emesos pel nostre combustible amb els emesos pel gasoil comercial. El resultat va ser molt positiu ja que el motor va funcionar correctament, i la comparació de gasos va sortir tal i com esperàvem ja que les quantitats de diòxid i monòxid de carboni emeses eren menors que en el gasoil.
Esta investigación trata de esclarecer qué opinión merece y cómo repercute la existencia de gobiernos regionales en las organizaciones empresariales de ámbito regional. Ello lo observamos mediante el análisis de dos organizaciones empresariales catalanas: Foment del Treball Nacional y la Cambra de Comerç, Indústria i Navegació de Barcelona. Desafortunadamente, como sucede para el caso español, tras más de veinticinco años de experiencia regional existe un vacío en la literatura académica, tan sólo unos pocos estudios referenciados, tanto de organizaciones empresariales regionales como de su opinión sobre el Estado de las Autonomías y sus implicaciones para un determinado modelo económico y proyecto político.
Sixty-nine entire male pigs with different halothane genotype (homozygous halothane positive – nn –, n=36; and homozygous halothane negative – NN-, n=33) were fed with a supplementation of magnesium sulphate (Mg) and/or L-tryptophan (Trp) in the diet for 5 days before slaughter. Animals were housed individually and were submitted to stressful ante mortem conditions (mixed in the lorry according to treatments and transported 1 hour on rough roads). Individual feed intake was recorded during the 5-d treatment. At the abattoir, pig behaviour was assessed in the raceway to the stunning system and during the stunning period by exposure to CO2. Muscle pH, colour, water holding capacity, texture and cathepsin activities were determined to assess meat quality. The number of pigs with an individual feed intake lower than 2 kg/d was significantly different among diets (P&0.05; Control: 8.7 %; Mg&Trp: 43.5 %; Trp: 17.4 %) and they were considered to have inadequate supplement intake. During the ante mortem period, 15.2 % of pigs included in the experiment died, and this percentage decreased to 8.7 % in those pigs with a feed intake & 2kg/day, all of them from the stress-sensitive pigs (nn). In general, no differences were observed in the behaviour of pigs along the corridor leading to the stunning system and inside the CO2 stunning system. During the stunning procedure, Trp diet showed shorter periods of muscular excitation than control and Mg&Trp diets. The combination of a stressful ante mortem treatment and Mg&Trp supplementation led to carcasses with high incidence of severe skin lesions. Different meat quality results were found when considering all pigs or considering only those with adequate supplement intake. In this later case, Trp increased pH45 (6.15) vs Control diet (5.96) in the Longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle (P&0.05) and pH at 24h (Trp: 5.59 vs C: 5.47) led to a higher incidence of dark, firm and exudative (DFD) traits in SM muscle (P&0.05). Genotype affected negatively all the meat quality traits. Seventy-five percent of LT and 60.0 % of the SM muscles from nn pigs were classified as pale, soft and exudative (PSE), while none of the NN pigs showed these traits (P&0.0001). No significant differences were found between genotypes on the incidence of DFD meat. Due to the negative effects observed in the Mg&Trp group in feed intake and carcass quality, the utilization of a mixture of magnesium sulphate and tryptophan is not recommended.
En aquest treball analitzem el procés de formació dels mestres de música de la UAB en l’àmbit de la direcció musical i avaluem si allò que han après els serveix per donar resposta a les necessitats que tindran com a professionals de l’educació. Igualment deixem les portes obertes a possibles estudis en altres universitats.
Ketoconazole an azole antifungic drug which is already in the market has also been demonstrated to be active against Trypanossoma cruzi experimental infections. In this paper we confirmed the drug effect and investigated its range of activity against different T. cruzi strains naturally resistant or susceptible to both standard drugs Nifurtimox and Benznidazole used clinically in Chagas disease. Moreover, we have shown that the association of Ketoconazole plus Lovastatin (an inhibitor of sterol synthesis), which has an antiproliferative effect against T. cruzi in vitro, failed to enhance the supressive effect of Ketoconazole displayed when administered alone to infected mice. Finally, administration in chronic chagasic patients of Ketoconazole at doses used in the treatment of deep mycosis also failed to induce cure as demonstrated by parasitological and serological tests. The strategy of identify and test drugs which are already in the market and fortuitously are active against T. cruzi has been discussed.
Dissecting drivers of plant defence investment remains central for understanding the assemblage of communities across different habitats. There is increasing evidence that direct defence strategies against herbivores, including secondary metabolites production, differ along ecological gradients in response to variation in biotic and abiotic conditions. In contrast, intraspecific variation in indirect defences remains unexplored. Here, we investigated variation in herbivory rate, resistance to herbivores, and indirect defences in ant-attracting Vicia species along the elevation gradient of the Alps. Specifically, we compared volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ant attraction in high and low elevation ecotypes. Consistent with adaptation to the lower herbivory conditions that we detected at higher elevations in the field, high elevation plants were visited by fewer ants and were more susceptible to herbivore attack. In parallel, constitutive volatile organic compound production and subsequent ant attraction were lower in the high elevation ecotypes. We observed an elevation-driven trade-off between constitutive and inducible production of VOCs and ant attraction along the environmental cline. At higher elevations, inducible defences increased, while constitutive defence decreased, suggesting that the high elevation ecotypes compensate for lower indirect constitutive defences only after herbivore attack. Synthesis. Overall, direct and indirect defences of plants vary along elevation gradients. Our findings show that plant allocation to defences are subject to trade-offs depending on local conditions, and point to a feedback mechanism linking local herbivore pressure, predator abundance and the defence investment of plants.
Two contiguous villages in Tracunhaém county (State of Pernambuco), endemic for schistosomiasis, were studied: Itapinassu (138 inhabitants) and São Joaquim (91 inhabitants). Agriculture predominates in the former region while ceramics is the main activity in the latter. Although no statistical difference was found regarding prevalence, severe infection (>400 epg) predominated in Itapinassu, probably related to the kind of occupation. No association was found between parasite burden and severity of disease, in spite of the high infection rates for Schistosoma mansoni in both communities (approx. 60%). Typical epidemiological features of schistosomiasis such as age-related prevalences and intensities of infection (high in children, low in adults) were also mutual characteristics. Nutritional status determined through anthropometric evaluation was carried out by measuring specific anthropometric indicators. A deficit of energy intake, as well as vitamin A and riboflavin deficiencies were detected. The prevalence of moderate or severe undernutrition in patients under 18 years old was 21.9% in Itapinassu and 24.1% in São Joaquim. In this group an association was found between prevalence of schistosomiasis and chronic undernutrition. Similarly, for patients over 18 year old the prevalence of undernutrition was higher than 20%. However, in this case no association between nutritional status and either prevalence of schistosomiasis or parasite burden could be detected. The two communities had not been treated for eight years.
El objetivo del presente proyecto es el diseño de una planta de fabricación de acetaldehído mediante oxidación de etileno. El proceso conocido como proceso Wacker-Hoeschst, se llevará a cabo en una única etapa, usando como agente oxidante oxígeno. El proyecto además de ser viable técnica y económicamente, ha de cumplir toda la normativa y legislación vigente.
Este trabajo pretende contribuir a establecer la individualidad de la voz de los hablantes bilingües equilibrados de catalán y de castellano a partir del análisis de la frecuencia fundamental y estudiar los efectos, en el nivel acústico, que el uso de una lengua u otra produce en este parámetro. Se pretende obtener, así, parte del conocimiento fonético necesario para la mejora de los sistemas de reconocimiento, identificación o verificación automáticos del locutor y proporcionar a los especialistas en fonética judicial nuevos datos acústicos para que puedan comparar con un mayor grado de certeza locutores dubitados e indubitados
A collection of spherical obstacles in the unit ball in Euclidean space is said to be avoidable for Brownian motion if there is a positive probability that Brownian motion diffusing from some point in the ball will avoid all the obstacles and reach the boundary of the ball. The centres of the spherical obstacles are generated according to a Poisson point process while the radius of an obstacle is a deterministic function. If avoidable configurations are generated with positive probability Lundh calls this percolation diffusion. An integral condition for percolation diffusion is derived in terms of the intensity of the point process and the function that determines the radii of the obstacles.
"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt"
Ante la creciente necesidad de puesta a punto de técnicas de cultivo de manzano en agricultura ecológica (AE), el IRTA (Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries) de Cataluña y el SERIDA (Servicio Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario) de Asturias han aunado esfuerzos para estudiar los puntos críticos de la producción y proponer soluciones técnicas al sector productor. Las investigaciones que se presentan se han centrado en el estudio de la adaptación a las condiciones locales de variedades resistentes y de algunas de las principales variedades comerciales, en la evaluación de técnicas de control del moteado y del pulgón ceniciento, en el desarrollo de itinerarios prácticos para reducir la alternancia de cosechas y obtener frutos de buen calibre y calidad, y en el manejo de cubiertas arvenses para limitar la competencia de la vegetación espontánea y propiciar la conservación de los enemigos naturales y el control biológico de las plagas. Se trata, en definitiva, de disponer de alternativas de manejo que permitan obtener una manzana de la máxima calidad producida de manera respetuosa con el medio ambiente y la salud, en el marco de una orientación agroecológica. A la vista de los resultados, se muestra que la producción ecológica de manzana es factible, aunque será necesario seguir profundizando en la optimización del sistema de producción.
The present paper reports acuarioid nematodes recovered from avian hosts. A new species of the genus Schistorophus Railliet, 1916 is proposed based mainly on findings referring to ptilina, spicules and vagina. Ancyracanthopsis coronata (Molin, 1860) Chabaud & Petter, 1959 is referred again in Brazil since its proposition in 1860, from specimens recovered from a Brazilian bird. A revised key to the species of the genus Schistorophus is also presented.