1000 resultados para Joao Cabral


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BACKGROUND: Fruit softening is generally attributed to cell wall degradation in the majority of fruits. However, unripe bananas contain a large amount of starch, and different banana cultivars vary in the amount of starch remaining in ripe fruits. Since studies on changes in pulp firmness carried outwith bananas are usually inconclusive, the cell wall carbohydrates and the levels of starch and soluble cell wall monosaccharides from the pulps of three banana cultivars were analysed at different ripening stages. RESULTS: Softening of Nanicao and Mysore bananas seemed to be more closely related to starch levels than to cell wall changes. For the plantain Terra, cell wall polysaccharide solubilisation and starch degradation appeared to be the main contributors. CONCLUSION: Banana softening is a consequence of starch degradation and the accumulation of soluble sugars in a cultivar-dependent manner. However, contributions from cell wall-related changes cannot be disregarded. (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry


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Objective We characterized the impact of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its components on cardiovascular adverse events in patients with symptomatic chronic multivessel coronary artery disease, which have been followed prospectively for 2 years. Methods Patients enrolled in the MASS II study were evaluated for each component of the MetS, as well as the full syndrome. Results The criteria for MetS were fulfilled in 52% of patients. The presence of MetS (P < 0.05), glucose intolerance (P=0.007), and diabetes (P=0.04) was associated with an increased mortality in our studied population. Moreover, despite a clear tendency for each of its components to increase the mortality risk, only the presence of the MetS significantly increased the risk of mortality among nondiabetic study participants in a multivariate model (P=0.03, relative risk 3.5, 95% confidence interval 1.1-6). Finally, MetS was still associated with increased mortality even after adjustment for diabetes status. These results indicate a strong and consistent relationship of the MetS with mortality in patients with stable coronary artery disease. Conclusion Although glucose homeostasis seems to be the major force driving the increased risk of MetS, the operational diagnosis of MetS still has information for stratifying patients when diabetes information is taken into account.


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The starch content of unripe mango Keitt is around 7% (FW), and it is converted to soluble sugars during the ripening of the detached fruit. Despite the importance of starch-to-soluble sugar metabolism for mango quality, little literature is found on this subject and none concerning the physical aspects of starch degradation. This manuscript presents some changes in the physical aspects of the starch granule during ripening, as analyzed by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). According to the analysis, unripe Keitt-mango-starch being spherical in shape and measuring around 15,mu m, has A-type X-ray diffraction pattern with a degree of crystallinity around 21% with slight changes after 8 days of ripening. AFM images of the surface of the granules showed ultra microstructures, which are in agreement with a blocklet-based organization of the granules. The AFM-contrast image of growing layers covering the granule showed fibril-like structures, having 20 nm in diameter, transversally connecting the layer to the granule. The appearance of the partially degraded granules and the pattern of degradation were similar to those observed as a result of amylase activity, suggesting a hydrolytic pathway for the degradation of starch from mango cultivar Keitt. These results provide clues to a better understanding of starch degradation in fruits.


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During mango ripening, soluble sugars that account for mango sweetening are accumulated through carbon supplied by both photosynthesis and starch degradation. The cultivar Keitt has a characteristic dependence on sugar accumulation during starch degradation, which takes place during ripening, only a few days after detachment from the tree. Most knowledge about starch degradation is based on seeds and leaves currently used as models. However, information about the mango fruit is scarce. This work presents the evaluation of alpha- and beta-amylases in the starch granule surface during fruit development and ripening. Extractable proteins were assayed for amylase activity and detected by immunofluorescence microscopy and correlated to gene expression. The results suggest that both amylases are involved in starch degradation during mango ripening, probably under the dependence of another signal triggered by the detachment from the mother-plant.


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Objective: To analyze the prognostic effect of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9, and vascular endothelial growth factor expression in patients with locally recurrent oral carcinoma after salvage surgery. Design: Retrospective cohort study. Settings: Tertiary center cancer hospital. Patients: The charts of 111 patients with local recurrence of oral carcinomas were retrospectively analyzed. The previous treatment consisted of surgery in 33 patients (30.0%), radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy in 46 patients (41.0%), and surgery with adjuvant radiotherapy in 32 patients (29.0%). The expression of EGFR, matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9, and vascular endothelial growth factor was analyzed with a tissue microarray immunohistochemical technique. Main Outcome Measures: Overall survival and cancer-specific survival (CSS). Results: The recurrences were diagnosed in less than 1 year in 69 patients (62.2%) and in more than 1 year in 42 patients (37.8%). The prognosis was worse in the group with the disease-free interval of less than 1 year (P=.01). Patients with more advanced disease (clinical stage of recurrence, III/IV) had worse rates of CSS (P=.04). Cases that were positive for EGFR had a 3-year CSS of 27.2%, while EGFR-negative cases had a 3-year CSS of 64.3% (P=.001). The expression of matrix metalloproteinases 2 (P=.83) and 9 (P=.15) and vascular endothelial growth factor (P=.86) was not significant in this group. In multivariate analysis, only the disease-free interval and the overexpression of EGFR were associated with a higher risk of cancer death. Conclusions: Local recurrence in oral carcinomas carries a poor prognosis. A disease-free interval of more than 1 year and a EGFR-negative expression are the main prognostic factors related to better CSS in patients treated with salvage surgery.


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Sugar is a determinant for the quality of mangoes, but information about its accumulation is scarce. Although starch can contribute to sugar production during ripening, not much is known about the enzymes involved. This work presents the changes in carbohydrate and enzymes during the development and ripening of Keitt mangoes. Starch disappearance was concomitant to a fivefold increase of sucrose, the most abundant sugar of the ripe fruits. The activities of alpha-amylase, beta-amylase, phosphorylase and isoamylase were detected in the pulp, and while alpha-amylase increased parallel to the starch content, beta-amylase presented a 20-fold increase during ripening. On the other hand, high phosphorylase activity was observed when fruits were still accumulating starch, and lowered during ripening. Isoamylase was detected during development and increased slightly during ripening, which would be in agreement to the expected role for isoamylases as acting on both subproduct of starch synthesis and degradation.


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A number of primary immunodeficiency diseases represent a paradox of immunodeficiency and autoimmunity. In this minireview, we present basic concepts of apoptosis and disorder of apoptosis as one of the mechanisms to explain such a paradox between immunodeficiency and autoimmunity, which is exemplified by autoimmune lympho-proliferative syndrome (ALPS).


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Objective: To increase dobutamine stress echocardiography feasibility in patients with uncontrolled hypertension, we studied 729 consecutive patients referred for ischemia assessment. Methods: Patients with blood pressure ( BP) levels above 160/ 110 mm Hg were randomized to sublingual placebo or captopril ( 25 mg), and dobutamine stress echocardiography undertaken if BP decreased below 160/ 110 mm Hg after 15 minutes. Results: Of 149 patients ( 20%) with high BP levels, 104 ( 63 +/- 11 years, 51 male) were randomized. Baseline BP levels were similar for captopril ( 178 +/- 15/ 103 +/- 15 mm Hg) and placebo ( 181 +/- 17/ 103 +/- 15 mm Hg) groups. After intervention, 15 patients from captopril and 17 from placebo group had decreased BP ( 11% and 12% for systolic and 13% and 13% for diastolic BP, respectively). Five patients from placebo group ( P =.007) had to prematurely terminate the test because of hypertension ( BP > 220/ 120 mm Hg). Feasibility was similar for captopril and placebo groups ( 35% vs 25%, respectively, P = not significant). Conclusion: Although both captopril and placebo are effective in increasing dobutamine stress echocardiography feasibility in patients with uncontrolled BP, test interruption because of hypertension is less likely to occur after captopril administration.


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Background. Clinical manifestations of dengue vary in different areas of endemicity and between specific age groups, whereas predictors of outcome have remained controversial. In Brazil, the disease burden predominantly affects adults, with an increasing trend toward progression to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) noted. Methods. A cohort of adults with confirmed cases of dengue was recruited in central Brazil in 2005. Patients were classified according to the severity of their disease. Associations of antibody responses, viremia levels (as determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction [PCR]), and serotypes (as determined by multiplex PCR) with disease severity were evaluated. Results. Of the 185 symptomatic patients > 14 years of age who had a confirmed case of dengue, 26.5% and 23.2% were classified as having intermediate dengue fever (DF)/ DHF (defined as internal hemorrhage, plasma leakage, manifested signs of shock, and/ or thrombocytopenia [platelet count, <= 50,000 platelets/mm(3)]) and DHF, respectively. The onset of intermediate DF/ DHF and DHF occurred at a late stage of disease, around the period of defervescence. Patients with DHF had abnormal liver enzyme levels, with a > 3-fold increase in aspartate aminotransferase level, compared with the range of values considered to be normal. Overall, 65% of patients presented with secondary infections with dengue virus, with such infection occurring in similar proportions of patients in each of the 3 disease category groups. Dengue virus serotype 3 (DV3) was the predominant serotype, and viremia was detected during and after defervescence among patients with DHF or intermediate DF/ DHF. Conclusions. Viremia was detected after defervescence in adult patients classified as having DHF or intermediate DF/ DHF. Secondary infection was not a predictor of severe clinical manifestation in adults with infected with the DV3 serotype.


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Objective - We hypothesized that reactive oxygen species ( ROS) contribute to progression of aortic valve ( AV) calcification/ stenosis. Methods and Results - We investigated ROS production and effects of antioxidants tempol and lipoic acid ( LA) in calcification progression in rabbits given 0.5% cholesterol diet +10(4) IU/d Vit.D-2 for 12 weeks. Superoxide and H2O2 microfluorotopography and 3-nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity showed increased signals not only in macrophages but preferentially around calcifying foci, in cells expressing osteoblast/ osteoclast, but not macrophage markers. Such cells also showed increased expression of NAD(P) H oxidase subunits Nox2, p22phox, and protein disulfide isomerase. Nox4, but not Nox1 mRNA, was increased. Tempol augmented whereas LA decreased H2O2 signals. Importantly, AV calcification, assessed by echocardiography and histomorphometry, decreased 43% to 70% with LA, but increased with tempol (P <= 0.05). Tempol further enhanced apoptosis and Nox4 expression. In human sclerotic or stenotic AV, we found analogous increases in ROS production and NAD(P) H oxidase expression around calcifying foci. An in vitro vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) calcification model also exhibited increased, catalase-inhibitable, calcium deposit with tempol, but not with LA. Conclusions - Our data provide evidence that ROS, particularly hydrogen peroxide, potentiate AV calcification progression. However, tempol exhibited a paradoxical effect, exacerbating AV/vascular calcification, likely because of its induced increase in peroxide generation.


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Pectus excavatum is a congenital deformity that can require surgical treatment. Since Nuss proposed a correction technique, several modifications have been proposed in order to achieve more safety and efficiency in the placement and removal of both bars. Our objective is to describe the technique of placing and removing the bars by proposing three technical modifications: two in bar placement and one in the bar removal. We describe two cases where Nuss bars were placed and one case where the bar was removed as per the technical modification proposed herein. According to the original technique, bar stabilisers. were placed close to the lateral bar edges. We propose a more medial position in order to reduce bar displacement. New stabilisers were designed with central grooves in the posterior surface, which allow better sliding. The technical modification suitable for bar removal was the use of a protective film around the bars to protect the surrounding tissues from the sharp edges, and thereby minimise the risk of injuries. All the proposed modifications were performed without any additional surgical risk or perioperative complication. These three technical modifications can be easily and safety performed, and seem to reduce the risk of bleeding with no additional perioperative complications. (C) 2009 European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Abrao J, Bianco MP, Roma W, Krippa JAS, Hallak JE - Spinal Myoclonus after Subarachnoid Anesthesia with Bupivacaine. Background and objectives: It is presented in this case report a very rare complication after spinal anesthesia to provide subsidies to the management and therapeutic conduct. Case report: This is a 63-year old African-Brazilian patient, ASA I, scheduled for transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). He underwent subarachnoid anesthesia with bupivacaine (15 mg) without adrenaline. Intercurrences were not observed during puncture, and the patient was positioned for surgery. Soon after positioning the patient, he complained of severe pain in the perineum region followed by involuntary tonic-clonic movements of the lower limbs. The patient was treated with a benzodiazepine to control the myoclonus without response. This episode was followed by significant agitation and the patient was intubated. He was maintained in controlled ventilation and transferred to the Intensive Care Unit. Despite all biochemical and imaging tests performed, an apparent cause was not detected. The medication was not changed and the same batch of anesthetic had been used in other patients that same day without intercurrences. Conclusions: After ruling out all possible causes, the diagnosis of spinal myoclonus after spinal anesthesia with bupivacaine was made by exclusion.


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This in vivo study evaluated the osteogenic potential of two proteins, recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) and a protein extracted from natural latex (Hevea brasiliensis, P-1), and compared their effects on bone defects when combined with a carrier or a collagen gelatin. Eighty-four (84) Wistar rats were divided into two groups, with and without the use of collagen gelatin, and each of these were divided into six treatment groups of seven animals each. The treatment groups were: (1) 5 mu g of pure rhBMP-2; (2) 5 mu g of rhBMP-2/monoolein gel; (3) pure monoolein gel; (4) 5 mu g of pure P-1; (5) 5 mu g of P-1/monoolein gel; (6) critical bone defect control. The animals were anesthetized and a 6 mm diameter critical bone defect was made in the left posterior region of the parietal bone. Animals were submitted to intracardiac perfusion after 4 weeks and the calvaria tissue was removed for histomorphometric analysis. In this experimental study, it was concluded that rhBMP-2 allowed greater new bone formation than P-1 protein and this process was more effective when the bone defect was covered with collagen gelatin (P < 0.05). Anat Rec, 293:794-801, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Because of the scarcity of information about the comparison of training to sedentarism beforehand immobilization and rehabilitation through muscle mechanical properties, the present work investigates this theme. Seventy rats were divided into 7 groups: 1-control (C); 2-trained (T); 3-sedentary (S); 4-trained and immobilized (TI); 5-sedentary and immobilized (SI); 6-trained, immobilized and rehabilitated (TIR); 7-sedentary, immobilized and rehabilitated (SIR). Interventions: Swimming training; Sedentarism (reduced size cages); Cast immobilization (pelvic limb) and water rehabilitation. Load at the limit of proportionality (LLP), maximum limit load (MLL) and stiffness (St) were the mechanical properties determined after a mechanical test of traction of the gastrocnemius. The training improved all mechanical properties when compared to sedentarism. After immobilization, LLP and MLL were reduced in TI and SI. However, there was no difference in St between C and TI. Additionally, TI showed improved MLL when compared to SI. The comparison of TI and TIR showed significant melioration in all properties after remobilization. SIR showed an improvement only in MLL when compared to SI. Significant melioration in LLP and St was observed in TIR compared to SIR. We demonstrated that the training before immobilization and rehabilitation had a positive effect on the muscle mechanical behavior compared to sedentarism. This analysis is of fundamental importance because it helps characterize the muscle tissue under different functional demands.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the newly formed bone, comparing two different carriers for rhBMP-2, using the decortication and nondecorticatication surgical technique in Wistar rat mandibles, evaluated by radiographic densitometry method. It was used fifty six animals according to specific treatment, which were sacrificed after 3 and 6 weeks after this. It was concluded that the decortication surgical technique was able to optimize the osteoinduction properties of the rhBMP-2, independently of the material carrier used and the period of time, according to radiographic densitometry technique.