880 resultados para Jefferson Medical College. Hospital


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Information technology (IT) in the hospital organization is fast becoming a key asset, particularly in light of recent reform legislation in the United States calling for expanding the role of IT in our health care system. Future payment reductions to hospitals included in current health reform are based on expected improvements in hospital operating efficiency. Since over half of hospital expenses are for labor, improved efficiency in use of labor resources can be critical in meeting this challenge. Policy makers have touted the value of IT investments to improve efficiency in response to payment reductions. ^ This study was the first to directly examine the relationship between electronic health record (EHR) technology and staffing efficiency in hospitals. As the hospital has a myriad of outputs for inpatient and outpatient care, efficiency was measured using an industry standard performance metric – full time equivalent employees per adjusted occupied bed (FTE/AOB). Three hypotheses were tested in this study.^ To operationalize EHR technology adoption, we developed three constructs to model adoption, each of which was tested by separate hypotheses. The first hypothesis that a larger number of EHR applications used by a hospital would be associated with greater staffing efficiency (or lower values of FTE/AOB) was not accepted. Association between staffing efficiency and specific EHR applications was the second hypothesis tested and accepted with some applications showing significant impacts on observed values for FTE/AOB. Finally, the hypothesis that the longer an EHR application was used in a hospital would be associated with greater labor efficiency was not accepted as the model showed few statistically significant relationships to FTE/AOB performance. Generally, there does not appear a strong relationship between EHR usage and improved labor efficiency in hospitals.^ While returns on investment from EHR usage may not come from labor efficiencies, they may be better sought using measures of quality, contribution to an efficient and effective local health care system, and improved customer satisfaction through greater patient throughput.^


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Objective: In this secondary data analysis, three statistical methodologies were implemented to handle cases with missing data in a motivational interviewing and feedback study. The aim was to evaluate the impact that these methodologies have on the data analysis. ^ Methods: We first evaluated whether the assumption of missing completely at random held for this study. We then proceeded to conduct a secondary data analysis using a mixed linear model to handle missing data with three methodologies (a) complete case analysis, (b) multiple imputation with explicit model containing outcome variables, time, and the interaction of time and treatment, and (c) multiple imputation with explicit model containing outcome variables, time, the interaction of time and treatment, and additional covariates (e.g., age, gender, smoke, years in school, marital status, housing, race/ethnicity, and if participants play on athletic team). Several comparisons were conducted including the following ones: 1) the motivation interviewing with feedback group (MIF) vs. the assessment only group (AO), the motivation interviewing group (MIO) vs. AO, and the intervention of the feedback only group (FBO) vs. AO, 2) MIF vs. FBO, and 3) MIF vs. MIO.^ Results: We first evaluated the patterns of missingness in this study, which indicated that about 13% of participants showed monotone missing patterns, and about 3.5% showed non-monotone missing patterns. Then we evaluated the assumption of missing completely at random by Little's missing completely at random (MCAR) test, in which the Chi-Square test statistic was 167.8 with 125 degrees of freedom, and its associated p-value was p=0.006, which indicated that the data could not be assumed to be missing completely at random. After that, we compared if the three different strategies reached the same results. For the comparison between MIF and AO as well as the comparison between MIF and FBO, only the multiple imputation with additional covariates by uncongenial and congenial models reached different results. For the comparison between MIF and MIO, all the methodologies for handling missing values obtained different results. ^ Discussions: The study indicated that, first, missingness was crucial in this study. Second, to understand the assumptions of the model was important since we could not identify if the data were missing at random or missing not at random. Therefore, future researches should focus on exploring more sensitivity analyses under missing not at random assumption.^


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The study analyzed Hospital Compare data for Medicare Fee-for-service patients at least 65 years of age to determine whether hospital performance for AMI outcome and processes of care measures differ amongst Texas hospitals with respect to ownership status (for profit vs. not-for-profit), academic status (teaching vs. non-teaching) and geographical setting (rural vs. urban). ^ The study found a statistically significant difference between for-profit and not-for-profit hospitals in four process-of-care measures (aspirin at discharge, P=0.028; ACE or ARB inhibitor for LSVD, P=0.048; Smoking cessation advice: P=0.034; outpatients who got aspirin with 24 hours of arrival in the ED, P=0.044). No significant difference in performance was found between COTH-member teaching and non-teaching hospitals for any of the eight process-of-care measures or the two outcome measures for AMI. The study was unable to compare performance based on geographic setting of hospitals due to lack of sufficient data for rural hospitals. ^ The results of the study suggest that for-profit Texas hospitals might be slightly better than not-for –profit hospitals at providing possible heart attack patients with certain processes of care.^


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This study sought to understand the elements affecting the success or failure of strategic repositioning efforts by academic medical centers (AMC). The research question was: What specific elements in the process appear to be most important in determining the success or failure of an AMC.s strategic repositioning? Where success is based on the longterm sustainability of the new position.^ "An organization's strategic position is its perceptual location relative to others" (Gershon, 2003). Hence, strategic repositioning represents a shift from one strategic position within an environment to another (H. Mintzberg, 1987a). A deteriorating value proposition coupled with an unsustainable national health care financing system is forcing AMCs to change their strategic position. Where the value proposition is defined as the health outcome per dollar spent. ^ AMCs are of foundational importance to our health care system. They educate our new physicians, generate significant scientific breakthroughs, and care for our most difficult patients. Yet, their strategic, financial and business acumen leaves them particularly vulnerable in a changing environment. ^ After a literature review revealed limited writing on this subject, the research question was addressed using three separate but parallel exploratory case study inquiries of AMCs that recently underwent a strategic repositioning. Participating in the case studies were the Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, and the University of Texas Medical Branch.^ Each case study consisted of two major research segments; a thorough documentation review followed by semi-structured interviews of selected members of their governance board, executive and faculty leadership teams. While each case study.s circumstances varied, their response to the research question, as extracted through thematic coding and analysis of the interviews, had a high degree of commonality.^ The results identified managing the strategic risk surrounding the repositioning and leadership accountability as the two foundational elements of success or failure. Metrics and communication were important process elements. They both play a major role in managing the strategic repositioning risk communication loop. Sustainability, the final element, was the outcome sought.^ Factors leading to strategic repositioning included both internal and external pressures and were primarily financial or mission based. Timing was an important consideration as was the selection of the strategic repositioning endpoint.^ In conclusion, a framework for the strategic repositioning of AMCs was offered that integrates the findings of this study; the elements of success, the factors leading to strategic repositioning, and the risk communication loop. ^


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Children with cystic fibrosis are at increased risk of seasonal influenza associated complications, which makes them a judicious target of interventions designed to increase influenza vaccination rates. The Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children's Hospital Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis (BCM/TCH CF) Care Center implemented an enhanced multi-component initiative designed to increase influenza vaccination rates in its patient population during the 2011-2012 influenza season. We evaluated the impact of specific components of this intervention on vaccination rates among the clinic's patient population via a historical medical chart review and examined the relationship between vaccination status and the number of pulmonary exacerbations requiring hospital admission during the influenza season. The multi-component intervention was comprised of providing influenza free of charge in the CF Care Center, reminders via phone call and letters, and drive through influenza vaccine clinics on nights and weekends. The intervention to increase influenza vaccination rates led to overall improved vaccination rates among the patients at the BCM/TCH CF Care Center, increasing from 90% adherence observed during the 2010-2011 season to 94% adherence during the 2011-2012 season. The availability of free influenza vaccine in the CF Care Center, combined with reminders about being vaccinated early in the season proved to be the most effective practices for improving the vaccination rate in the CF Care Center.^


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Background. It is estimated that hospitals spend between 28 and 33 billion dollars per year as a result of hospital-acquired infections. (Scott, 2009) The costs continue to rise despite the guidance and controls provided by hospital infection control staff to reduce patient exposures to fungal spores and other infectious agents. With all processes and controls in place, the vented elevator shaft represents an unprotected opening from the top of the building to the lower floors. The hypothesis for this prospective study is that there is a positive correlation between the number of Penicillium/Aspergillus-like spores, Cladosporium, ascospores, basidiospores in spores/m3 as individual spore categories found in the hoistway vent of an elevator shaft and the levels of the same spores, sampled near-simultaneously in the outdoor intake of the elevator shaft. Specific aims of this study include determining if external Penicillium/Aspergillus-like spores are entering the healthcare facility via the elevator shaft and hoistway vents. Additional aims include determining levels of Penicillium/Aspergillus-like spores outdoors, in the elevator shafts, and indoors in areas possibly affected by elevator shaft air; and, finally, to evaluate whether any effect is observed due to the installation of a hoistway vent damper, installed serendipitously during this study. ^ Methods. Between April 2010 and September 2010, a total of 3,521 air samples were collected, including 363 spore trap samples analyzed microscopically for seven spore types, and polymerase chain reaction analyses on 254 air samples. 2178 particle count measurements, 363 temperature readings and 363 relative humidity readings were also obtained from 7 different locations potentially related to the path of air travel inside and near a centrally-located and representative elevator shaft. ^ Results. Mean Penicillium/Aspergillus-like spore values were higher outside the building (530 spores/m3 of air) than inside the hoistway (22.8 spores/m3) during the six month study. Mean values inside the hospital were lower than outside throughout the study, ranging from 15 to 73 spores/m3 of air. Mean Penicillium/Aspergillus-like spore counts inside the hoistway decreased from 40.1 spores/m3 of air to 9 spores/m3 of air following the installation of a back draft damper between the outside air and the elevator shaft. Comparison of samples collected outside the building and inside the hoistway vent prior to installing the damper indicated a strong positive correlation (Spearman's Rho=0.8008, p=0.0001). The similar comparison following the damper installation indicated a moderate non-significant inverse correlation (Spearman's rho = −0.2795, p=0.1347). ^ Conclusion. Elevator shafts are one pathway for mold spores to enter a healthcare facility. A significant correlation was detected between spores and particle counts inside the hoistway and outside prior to changes in the ventilation system. The insertion of the back draft damper appeared to lower the spore counts inside the hoistway and inside the building. The mold spore counts in air outside the study building were higher in the period following the damper installation while the levels inside the hoistway and hospital decreased. Cladosporium and Penicillium/Aspergillus -like spores provided a method for evaluating indoor air quality as a natural tracer from outside the building to inside the building. Ascospores and basidiospores were not a valuable tracer due to low levels of detection during this study. ^ Installation of a back draft damper provides additional protection for the indoor environment of a hospital or healthcare facility, including in particular patients who may be immunocompromised. Current design standards and references do not require the installation of a back draft damper, but evaluation of adding language to relevant building codes should be considered. The data indicate a reduction in levels of Penicillium/Aspergillus -like spores, particle counts and a reduction in relative humidity inside of the elevator shaft after damper installation.^


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In light of the new healthcare regulations, hospitals are increasingly reevaluating their IT integration strategies to meet expanded healthcare information exchange requirements. Nevertheless, hospital executives do not have all the information they need to differentiate between the available strategies and recognize what may better fit their organizational needs. ^ In the interest of providing the desired information, this study explored the relationships between hospital financial performance, integration strategy selection, and strategy change. The integration strategies examined – applied as binary logistic regression dependent variables and in the order from most to least integrated – were Single-Vendor (SV), Best-of-Suite (BoS), and Best-of-Breed (BoB). In addition, the financial measurements adopted as independent variables for the models were two administrative labor efficiency and six industry standard financial ratios designed to provide a broad proxy of hospital financial performance. Furthermore, descriptive statistical analyses were carried out to evaluate recent trends in hospital integration strategy change. Overall six research questions were proposed for this study. ^ The first research question sought to answer if financial performance was related to the selection of integration strategies. The next questions, however, explored whether hospitals were more likely to change strategies or remain the same when there was no external stimulus to change, and if they did change, they would prefer strategies closer to the existing ones. These were followed by a question that inquired if financial performance was also related to strategy change. Nevertheless, rounding up the questions, the last two probed if the new Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act had any impact on the frequency and direction of strategy change. ^ The results confirmed that financial performance is related to both IT integration strategy selection and strategy change, while concurred with prior studies that suggested hospital and environmental characteristics are associated factors as well. Specifically this study noted that the most integrated SV strategy is related to increased administrative labor efficiency and the hybrid BoS strategy is associated with improved financial health (based on operating margin and equity financing ratios). On the other hand, no financial indicators were found to be related to the least integrated BoB strategy, except for short-term liquidity (current ratio) when involving strategy change. ^ Ultimately, this study concluded that when making IT integration strategy decisions hospitals closely follow the resource dependence view of minimizing uncertainty. As each integration strategy may favor certain organizational characteristics, hospitals traditionally preferred not to make strategy changes and when they did, they selected strategies that were more closely related to the existing ones. However, as new regulations further heighten revenue uncertainty while require increased information integration, moving forward, as evidence already suggests a growing trend of organizations shifting towards more integrated strategies, hospitals may be more limited in their strategy selection choices.^


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Built on a free, bilingual, "high-touch, high-tech" platform, New Futuro has created a robust community of Latino students and parents, non-profit organizations, education institutions, government agencies, and corporations to connect those that need help with those that provide it. One of the resources developed by New Futuro is a proprietary 10-Steps College Plan that provides structured information targeted to Latino students and families to help them prepare, apply and pay for college.


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In 1941 the Texas Legislature appropriated $500,000 to the Board of Regents of the University of Texas to establish a cancer research hospital. The M. D. Anderson Foundation offered to match the appropriation with a grant of an equal sum and to provide a permanent site in Houston. In August, 1942 the Board of Regent of the University and the Trustees of the Foundation signed an agreement to embark on this project. This institution was to be the first one in the medical center, which was incorporated in October, 1945. The Board of Trustees of the Texas Medical Center commissioned a hospital survey to: - Define the needed hospital facilities in the area - Outline an integrated program to meet these needs - Define the facilities to be constructed - Prepare general recommendations for efficient progress The Hospital Study included information about population, hospitals, and other health care and education facilities in Houston and Harris County at that time. It included projected health care needs for future populations, education needs, and facility needs. It also included detailed information on needs for chronic illnesses, a school of public health, and nursing education. This study provides valuable information about the general population and the state of medicine in Houston and Harris County in the 1940s. It gives a unique perspective on the anticipated future as civic leaders looked forward in building the city and region. This document is critical to an understanding of the Texas Medical Center, Houston and medicine as they are today. SECTIONS INCLUDE: Abstract The Abstract was a summary of the 400 page document including general information about the survey area, community medical assets, and current and projected medical needs which the Texas Medical Center should meet. The 123 recommendations were both general (e.g., 12. “That in future planning, the present auxiliary department of the larger hospitals be considered inadequate to carry an added teaching research program of any sizable scope.”) and specific (e.g., 22. That 14.3% of the total acute bed requirement be allotted for obstetric care, reflecting a bed requirement of 522 by 1950, increasing to 1,173 by 1970.”) Section I: Survey Area This section basically addressed the first objective of the survey: “define the needed hospital facilities in the area.” Based on the admission statistics of hospitals, Harris County was included in the survey, with the recognition that growth from out-lying regional areas could occur. Population characteristics and vital statistics were included, with future trends discussed. Each of the hospitals in the area and government and private health organizations, such as the City-County Welfare Board, were documented. Statistics on the facilities use and capacity were given. Eighteen recommendations and observations on the survey area were given. Section II: Community Program This section basically addressed the second objective of the survey: “outline an integrated program to meet these needs.” The information from the Survey Area section formed the basis of the plans for development of the Texas Medical Center. In this section, specific needs, such as what medical specialties were needed, the location and general organization of a medical center, and the academic aspects were outlined. Seventy-four recommendations for these plans were provided. Section III: The Texas Medical Center The third and fourth objectives are addressed. The specific facilities were listed and recommendations were made. Section IV: Special Studies: Chronic Illness The five leading causes of death (heart disease, cancer, “apoplexy”, nephritis, and tuberculosis) were identified and statistics for morbidity and mortality provided. Diagnostic, prevention and care needs were discussed. Recommendations on facilities and other solutions were made. Section IV: Special Studies: School of Public Health An overview of the state of schools of public health in the US was provided. Information on the direction and need of this special school was also provided. Recommendations on development and organization of the proposed school were made. Section IV: Special Studies: Needs and Education Facilities for Nurses Nursing education was connected with hospitals, but the changes to academic nursing programs were discussed. The needs for well-trained nurses in an expanded medical environment were anticipated to result in significant increased demands of these professionals. An overview of the current situation in the survey area and recommendations were provided. Appendix A Maps, tables and charts provide background and statistical information for the previous sections. Appendix B Detailed census data for specific areas of the survey area in the report were included. Sketches of each of the fifteen hospitals and five other health institutions showed historical information, accreditations, staff, available facilities (beds, x-ray, etc.), academic capabilities and financial information.


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In 1998, Texas initiated a bold new statewide university admission policy aimed at increasing college access for traditionally underserved students in the state. House Bill 588 (known as the Texas Top 10 Percent Plan (TTPP)) guaranteed automatic admission to the college or university of their choice for all top performing students in Texas public high schools. Fourteen years after the plan’s implementation, we see great strides and complexities in understanding student outcomes as a result of the percent plan. However, the legal controversy over the percent plan both in Texas and other states incorporating similar yet distinctly motivated alternative admissions plans continues to play out from institutional decision boards to the highest court in the nation. This study seeks to add to that discussion by exploring two questions. Descriptively, what are the admission and enrollment patterns within racial/ethnic groups of percent plan eligible students, over time, for Texas elite, emergent elite, and remaining public institutions? Given that all eligible percent plan students may enter the institution of choice in Texas, does which type of institution a TTPP student chooses relate to their race/ethnicity? The descriptive story told by the admission and enrollment distributions of equally eligible TTPP students is a complex but compelling one. Fundamentally, it identifies that statistically different application and enrollment patterns exist for Hispanic and especially African American TTPP beneficiaries relative to their White and Asian American counterparts.


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Invited commentary on "When Policy Opportunity is not Enough: College Access and Enrollment Patterns among Texas Percent Plan Eligible Students" by Catherine Horn and Stella Flores.


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A strategy of pre-hospital reduced dose fibrinolytic administration coupled with urgent coronary intervention (PCI) for patients with STEMI (FAST-PCI) has been found to be superior to primary PCI (PPCI) alone. A coordinated STEMI system-of-care that includes FAST-PCI might offer better outcomes than pre-hospital diagnosis and STEMI team activation followed by PPCI alone. We compared the in-hospital outcomes for patients treated with the FAST-PCI approach with outcomes for patients treated with the PPCI approach during a pause in the FAST-PCI protocol. In-hospital data for 253 STEMI patients (03/2003–12/2009), treated with FAST-PCI protocol were compared to 124 patients (12/2009–08/2011), treated with PPCI strategy alone. In-hospital mortality was the primary endpoint. Stroke, major bleeding, and reinfarction during index hospitalization were secondary endpoints. Comparing the strategies used during the two time intervals, in-hospital mortality was significantly lower with FAST-PCI than with PPCI (2.77% vs. 10.48%, p = 0.0017). Rates of stroke, reinfarction and major bleeding were similar between the two groups. There was a lower frequency of pre- PCI TIMI 0 flow (no patency) seen in patients treated with FAST-PCI compared to the PPCI patients (26.7% vs. 62.7%, p<0.0001). Earlier infarct related artery patency in the FAST-PCI group had a favorable impact on the incidence of cardiogenic shock at hospital admission (FAST-PCI- 3.1% vs. PPCI- 20.9%, p<0.0001). The FAST-PCI strategy was associated with earlier infarct related artery patency and the lower incidence of cardiogenic shock on hospital arrival, as well as with reduced in-hospital mortality among STEMI patients.^


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Better morbidity and mortality outcomes associated with increased hospital procedural volume have been demonstrated across a number of different medical procedures. Existence of such a volume-outcome relationship is posited to lead to increased specialization of care, such that patients requiring specific procedures are funneled to physicians and hospitals that achieve a minimum volume of such procedures each year. In this study, the 2009 Nationwide Inpatient Sample is used to examine the relationship between hospital volume and patient outcome among patients undergoing procedures related to malignant brain cancer. Multiple regression models were used to examine the impact of hospital volume on length of inpatient stay and cost of inpatient stay; logistic regression was used to examine the impact of hospital volume on morbidity. Hospital volume was found to be a significant predictor of both length of stay and cost of stay. Hospital volume was associated with a lower length of stay, but was also associated with increased costs. Hospital volume was not found to be a statistically significant predictor of morbidity, though less than three percent of this sample died while in the hospital. Volume is indeed a significant predictor of outcome for procedures related to brain malignancies, though further research regarding the cost of such procedures is recommended.^


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Second Edition. Pp.5-61 General Surgical Necessities, Gauze, Antiseptic Sundries, Surgical Sundries, Rubber Bandages, Catheters, Bougies, Splints, Tents, Emergency Bags, Surgeon's Needles, Operating Instruments, Amputating, Forceps, Aspiration, Cases, Catheters and Directors, Pocket Case Instruments, Dissecting and Post-Mortem Pp.62-118 General Operating - Osteotomy, Mastoid, Trephining, Eye Instruments, Aural, Nasal, Mouth and Throat, Tooth Forceps, Laryngoscopic Sets, Hydraulic Air Compressor, Variocele, Genito Urinary Pp. 119-167 Genito Urinary-Lithotrity, Alimentary, Anal and Rectal, Gynaecological, Pessaries, Microscopes, Syringes Pp.168-205 Chemical Apparatus and Glassware, Physician's Cabinets, Office Furniture, Operating Chairs and Tables, Hospital Beds, Cautery, Electrolytic, Batteries Pp.206-246 Cases, Varicose, Braces, Abdominal Supporters, Trusses, Invalid Chairs and Supplies, Sterilizers, Saddle-Bags, Deformity Apparatus Advertisements: Bandages, Abdominal Supporters, Rubber Supplies, Bags, Batteries, Cotton, Microscopes, Hypodermic Tablets, Atomizers, Furniture, Sterilizers, Syringes


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The basis for the recent transition of Enterococcus faecium from a primarily commensal organism to one of the leading causes of hospital-acquired infections in the United States is not yet understood. To address this, the first part of my project assessed isolates from early outbreaks in the USA and South America using sequence analysis, colony hybridizations, and minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) which showed clinical isolates possess virulence and antibiotic resistance determinants that are less abundant or lacking in community isolates. I also revealed that the level of ampicillin resistance increased over time in clinical strains. By sequencing the pbp5 gene, I demonstrated an ~5% difference in the pbp5 gene between strains with MICs <4ug/ml and those with MICs >4µg/ml, but no specific sequence changes correlated with increases in MICs within the latter group. A 3-10% nucleotide difference was also seen in three other genes analyzed, which suggested the existence of two distinct subpopulations of E. faecium. This led to the second part of my project analyzing concatenated core gene sequences, SNPs, the 16S rRNA, and phylogenetics of 21 E. faecium genomes confirming two distinct clades; a community-associated (CA) clade and hospital-associated (HA) clade. Molecular clock calculations indicate that these two clades likely diverged ~ 300,000 to > 1 million years ago, long before the modern antibiotic era. Genomic analysis also showed that, in addition to core genomic differences, HA E. faecium harbor specific accessory genetic elements that may confer selection advantages over CA E. faecium. The third part of my project discovered 6 E. faecium genes with the newly identified “WxL” domain. My analyses, using RT-PCR, western blots, patient sera, whole-cell ELISA, and immunogold electron microscopy, indicated that E. faecium WxL genes exist in operons, encode bacterial cell surface localized proteins, that WxL proteins are antigenic in humans, and are more exposed on the surface of clinical isolates versus community isolates (even though they are ubiquitous in both clades). ELISAs and BIAcore analyses also showed that proteins encoded by these operons bind several different host extracellular matrix proteins, as well as to each other, suggesting a novel cell-surface complex. In summary, my studies provide new insights into the evolution of E. faecium by showing that there are two distantly related clades; one being more successful in the hospital setting. My studies also identified operons encoding WxL proteins whose characteristics could also contribute to colonization and virulence within this species.