1000 resultados para International projection


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International Business Development News from the Iowa Economic Development Authority


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The objective of this analysis was to assess the radiation exposure associated with (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan when used as consolidation therapy in adults with low or minimal tumor burden after first-line therapy of advanced follicular lymphoma (FL). METHODS: The patients who were enrolled in the phase 3 first-line indolent trial were 18 y or older, with CD20(+) grade 1 or 2 stage III or IV FL, and a partial response, complete response, or unconfirmed complete response to first-line chemotherapy. The patients were allocated randomly to receive a single infusion of unlabeled rituximab 250 mg/m(2) on day -7 and consolidation on day 0 with a single dose of (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan, 14.8 MBq/kg, immediately after unlabeled rituximab, 250 mg/m(2), or no further treatment. On day -7, a subset of patients received an injection of 185 MBq of (111)In-ibritumomab tiuxetan immediately after unlabeled rituximab, 250 mg/m(2), for central dosimetry analysis. Correlations were assessed between organ radiation absorbed dose and toxicity, body weight, body mass index, and progression-free survival. RESULTS: Central dosimetry evaluations were available from 57 of 70 patients. Median radiation absorbed doses were 100 cGy (range, 28-327 cGy) for the red marrow and 72 cGy (range, 46-106 cGy) for the whole body. Radiation absorbed doses did not differ significantly between patients who had a partial response or complete response to initial therapy. Progression-free survival correlated significantly with the whole-body (r = 0.4401; P = 0.0006) and bone marrow (r = 0.2976; P = 0.0246) radiation dose. Body weight was significantly negatively correlated with whole-body radiation dose (r = -0.4971; P < 0.0001). Neither the whole-body radiation dose nor the bone marrow radiation dose correlated with hematologic toxicity. CONCLUSION: In patients with low or minimal residual tumor burden after first-line chemotherapy of advanced FL, whole-body and bone marrow exposure after (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan consolidation showed a significant positive correlation with progression-free survival, whereas dosimetric data could not predict hematologic toxicity.


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Partnerships in international migration governance promise a cooperative approach between countries of origin, transit and destination. The literature has generally conceptualised migration partnerships as a policy instrument. This article suggests that understanding the broader transformations taking place in international migration governance under the rubric of partnership demands a novel analysis. Using a governmentality perspective, I interpret migration partnerships as an instance of neoliberal rule. Focusing on the convergence of international migration governance between the international realm and the European and North American region in particular, I demonstrate that the partnership approach frames international migration governance so as to enlist governments, migrants and particular experts in governing international migration, and invokes specific technologies of neoliberal governing which contribute to producing responsible, self-disciplined partners who can be trusted to govern themselves according to the norms established by the partnership discourse. The partnership approach is not a mere policy instrument; it goes beyond the European region and has become an essential element of the governance of international migration.


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In severe forms of Diamond-Blackfan anemia, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of histocompatibility leukocyte antigen-compatible embryos for enabling the next sibling in the family to be a stem-cell transplantation donor constitutes the sole lasting cure capable of terminating the enduring need for iterative transfusions. We report here an open collaboration between two renowned institutions to provide a family desiring this treatment even though they resided where the preimplantation genetic diagnosis procedure is banned.


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The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) convened the FRAX(®) Position Development Conference (PDC) in Bucharest, Romania, on November 14, 2010, following a two-day joint meeting of the ISCD and IOF on the "Interpretation and Use of FRAX(®) in Clinical Practice." These three days of critical discussion and debate, led by a panel of international experts from the ISCD, IOF and dedicated task forces, have clarified a number of important issues pertaining to the interpretation and implementation of FRAX(®) in clinical practice. The Official Positions resulting from the PDC are intended to enhance the quality and clinical utility of fracture risk assessment worldwide. Since the field of skeletal assessment is still evolving rapidly, some clinically important issues addressed at the PDCs are not associated with robust medical evidence. Accordingly, some Official Positions are based largely on expert opinion. Despite limitations inherent in such a process, the ISCD and IOF believe it is important to provide clinicians and technologists with the best distillation of current knowledge in the discipline of bone densitometry and provide an important focus for the scientific community to consider. This report describes the methodology and results of the ISCD-IOF PDC dedicated to FRAX(®).


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Among all sports, football is the one that saw the largest diffusion during the 20th century. Professional leagues exist on all continents and professional footballers are constantly on the move, trying to reach the wealthiest European clubs. Using the football players' market as an example, this article highlights some key features of economic globalization: the new international division of labour, the ever increasing role played by intermediaries to bind the demand and supply of work on a transnational scale, and the setting up of spatially fragmented trade circuits. These processes form the basis for the creation of a global market of footballers in which clubs and championships play complementary roles and are more than ever functionally integrated beyond national borders.


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[cat] Com afecten l’obertura comercial i financera a la volatilitat macroeconòmica? La literatura existent, tant empírica com teòrica, no ha assolit encara un consens. Aquest article usa un model microfonamentat de dos països simètrics amb entrada endògena d’empreses per estudiar-ho. L’anàlisis es du a terme per tres règims econòmics diferents amb diferents nivells d’integració internacional: una economia tancada, una autarquia financera i una integració plena. Es consideren diversos nivells d’obertura comercial, en forma de biaix domèstic de la demanda i l’economia pot patir pertorbacions en la productivitat del treball i en innovació. El model conclou que la incertesa macroeconòmica, representada principalment per la volatilitat del consum, la producció i la relació real d’intercanvi internacional, depèn del grau d’obertura i del tipus de pertorbació.