880 resultados para Internal astigmatism


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This study addresses the properties of a newly identified internal ribosome entry site (IRES) contained within the mRNA of the homeodomain protein Gtx. Sequential deletions of the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) from either end did not define distinct IRES boundaries; when five nonoverlapping UTR fragments were tested, four had IRES activity. These observations are consistent with other cellular IRES analyses suggesting that some cellular IRESes are composed of segments (IRES modules) that independently and combinatorially contribute to overall IRES activity. We characterize a 9-nt IRES module from the Gtx 5′ UTR that is 100% complementary to the 18S rRNA at nucleotides 1132–1124. In previous work, we demonstrated that this mRNA segment could be crosslinked to its complement within intact 40S subunits. Here we show that increasing the number of copies of this IRES module in the intercistronic region of a dicistronic mRNA strongly enhances IRES activity in various cell lines. Ten linked copies increased IRES activity up to 570-fold in Neuro 2a cells. This level of IRES activity is up to 63-fold greater than that obtained by using the well characterized encephalomyocarditis virus IRES when tested in the same assay system. When the number of nucleotides between two of the 9-nt Gtx IRES modules was increased, the synergy between them decreased. In light of these findings, we discuss possible mechanisms of ribosome recruitment by cellular mRNAs, address the proposed role of higher order RNA structures on cellular IRES activity, and suggest parallels between IRES modules and transcriptional enhancer elements.


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The 5′-untranslated region of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is highly conserved, folds into a complex secondary structure, and functions as an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) to initiate translation of HCV proteins. We have developed a selection system based on a randomized hairpin ribozyme gene library to identify cellular factors involved in HCV IRES function. A retroviral vector ribozyme library with randomized target recognition sequences was introduced into HeLa cells, stably expressing a bicistronic construct encoding the hygromycin B phosphotransferase gene and the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene (HSV-tk). Translation of the HSV-tk gene was mediated by the HCV IRES. Cells expressing ribozymes that inhibit HCV IRES-mediated translation of HSV-tk were selected via their resistance to both ganciclovir and hygromycin B. Two ribozymes reproducibly conferred the ganciclovir-resistant phenotype and were shown to inhibit IRES-mediated translation of HCV core protein but did not inhibit cap-dependent protein translation or cell growth. The functional targets of these ribozymes were identified as the gamma subunits of human eukaryotic initiation factors 2B (eIF2Bγ) and 2 (eIF2γ), respectively. The involvement of eIF2Bγ and eIF2γ in HCV IRES-mediated translation was further validated by ribozymes directed against additional sites within the mRNAs of these genes. In addition to leading to the identification of cellular IRES cofactors, ribozymes obtained from this cellular selection system could be directly used to specifically inhibit HCV viral translation, thereby facilitating the development of new antiviral strategies for HCV infection.


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Sequences that control translation of mRNA may play critical roles in regulating protein levels. One such element is the internal ribosome entry site (IRES). We previously showed that a 9-nt segment in the 5′ leader sequence of the mRNA encoding Gtx homeodomain protein could function as an IRES. To identify other short sequences with similar properties, we designed a selection procedure that uses a retroviral vector to express dicistronic mRNAs encoding enhanced green and cyan fluorescent proteins as the first and second cistrons, respectively. Expression of the second cistron was dependent upon the intercistronic sequences and was indicative of IRES activity. B104 cells were infected with two retroviral libraries that contained random sequences of 9 or 18 nt in the intercistronic region. Cells expressing both cistrons were sorted, and sequences recovered from selected cells were reassayed for IRES activity in a dual luciferase dicistronic mRNA. Two novel IRESes were identified by this procedure, and both contained segments with complementarity to 18S rRNA. When multiple copies of either segment were linked together, IRES activities were dramatically enhanced. Moreover, these synthetic IRESes were differentially active in various cell types. These properties are similar to those of the previously identified 9-nt IRES module from Gtx mRNA. These results provide further evidence that short nucleotide sequences can function as IRESes and support the idea that some cellular IRESes may be composed of shorter functional modules. The ability to identify IRES modules with specific expression properties may be useful in the design of vectors for biotechnology and gene therapy.


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In higher eukaryotes, translation of some mRNAs occurs by internal initiation. It is not known, however, whether this mechanism is used to initiate the translation of any yeast mRNAs. In this report, we identify naturally occurring nucleotide sequences that function as internal ribosome entry sites (IRESes) within the 5′ leader sequences of Saccharomyces cerevisiae YAP1 and p150 mRNAs. When tested in the 5′ untranslated regions of monocistronic reporter genes, both leader sequences enhanced translation efficiency in vegetatively growing yeast cells. Moreover, when tested in the intercistronic region of dicistronic mRNAs, both sequences were shown to contain IRESes that functioned in living cells. The activity of the p150 leader was much greater than that of the YAP1 leader. The second cistron was not expressed in control dicistronic constructs that lacked these sequences or contained the 5′ leader sequence of the CLN3 mRNA in the intercistronic region. Further analyses of the p150 IRES revealed that it contained several nonoverlapping segments that were able independently to mediate internal initiation. These results suggested a modular composition for the p150 IRES that resembled the composition of IRESes contained within some cellular mRNAs of higher eukaryotes. Both YAP1 and p150 leaders contain several complementary sequence matches to yeast 18S rRNA. The findings are discussed in terms of our understanding of internal initiation in higher eukaryotes.


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During macronuclear development in the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila, extensive DNA deletions occur, eliminating thousands of internal eliminated sequences (IESs). Using an rDNA-based transformation assay we have analyzed the role during DNA deletion of DNA flanking mse2.9, an IES within the second intron of a gene encoding an as yet incompletely characterized protein. We establish that a cis-acting sequence for mse2.9 deletion acts at a distance to specify deletion boundaries. A complex sequence element necessary for efficient and accurate mse2.9 deletion is located in the region 47–81 bp from the right side of mse2.9. The ability of a variety of IES flanking sequences to rescue a processing deficient mse2.9 construct indicates that some cis-acting signal is shared among different IESs. In addition, the short intronic sequence that flanks mse2.9 is able to direct efficient and accurate processing. Despite no obvious sequence similarity between mse2.9 and other IESs, we suggest that a common mechanism is used to delete different families of IESs in Tetrahymena.


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We have developed a semi-synthetic approach for preparing long stretches of DNA (>100 bp) containing internal chemical modifications and/or non-Watson–Crick structural motifs which relies on splint-free, cell-free DNA ligations and recycling of side-products by non-PCR thermal cycling. A double-stranded DNA PCR fragment containing a polylinker in its middle is digested with two restriction enzymes and a small insert (∼20 bp) containing the modification or non-Watson–Crick motif of interest is introduced into the middle. Incorrect products are recycled to starting materials by digestion with appropriate restriction enzymes, while the correct product is resistant to digestion since it does not contain these restriction sites. This semi-synthetic approach offers several advantages over DNA splint-mediated ligations, including fewer steps, substantially higher yields (∼60% overall yield) and ease of use. This method has numerous potential applications, including the introduction of modifications such as fluorophores and cross-linking agents into DNA, controlling the shape of DNA on a large scale and the study of non-sequence-specific nucleic acid–protein interactions.


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In neurons, translation of dendritically localized mRNAs is thought to play a role in affecting synaptic efficacy. Inasmuch as components of the translation machinery may be limiting in dendrites, we investigated the mechanisms by which translation of five dendritically localized mRNAs is initiated. The 5′ leader sequences of mRNAs encoding the activity-regulated cytoskeletal protein, the α subunit of calcium–calmodulin-dependent kinase II, dendrin, the microtubule-associated protein 2, and neurogranin (RC3) were evaluated for their ability to affect translation in the 5′ untranslated region of a monocistronic reporter mRNA. In both neural and nonneural cell lines, the activity-regulated cytoskeletal protein, microtubule-associated protein 2, and α-CaM Kinase II leader sequences enhanced translation, whereas the dendrin and RC3 5′ untranslated regions slightly inhibited translation as compared with controls. When cap-dependent translation of these constructs was suppressed by overexpression of a protein that binds the cap-binding protein eIF4E, it was revealed that translation of these mRNAs had both cap-dependent and cap-independent components. The cap-independent component was further analyzed by inserting the 5′ leader sequences into the intercistronic region of dicistronic mRNAs. All five leader sequences mediated internal initiation via internal ribosome entry sites (IRESes). The RC3 IRES was most active and was further characterized after transfection in primary neurons. Although translation mediated by this IRES occurred throughout the cell, it was relatively more efficient in dendrites. These data suggest that IRESes may increase translation efficiency at postsynaptic sites after synaptic activation.


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We investigated the feedback regulation of ethylene biosynthesis in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruit with respect to the transition from system 1 to system 2 ethylene production. The abundance of LE-ACS2, LE-ACS4, and NR mRNAs increased in the ripening fruit concomitant with a burst in ethylene production. These increases in mRNAs with ripening were prevented to a large extent by treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene (MCP), an ethylene action inhibitor. Transcripts for the LE-ACS6 gene, which accumulated in preclimacteric fruit but not in untreated ripening fruit, did accumulate in ripening fruit treated with MCP. Treatment of young fruit with propylene prevented the accumulation of transcripts for this gene. LE-ACS1A, LE-ACS3, and TAE1 genes were expressed constitutively in the fruit throughout development and ripening irrespective of whether the fruit was treated with MCP or propylene. The transcripts for LE-ACO1 and LE-ACO4 genes already existed in preclimacteric fruit and increased greatly when ripening commenced. These increases in LE-ACO mRNA with ripening were also prevented by treatment with MCP. The results suggest that in tomato fruit the preclimacteric system 1 ethylene is possibly mediated via constitutively expressed LE-ACS1A and LE-ACS3 and negatively feedback-regulated LE-ACS6 genes with preexisting LE-ACO1 and LE-ACO4 mRNAs. At the onset of the climacteric stage, it shifts to system 2 ethylene, with a large accumulation of LE-ACS2, LE-ACS4, LE-ACO1, and LE-ACO4 mRNAs as a result of a positive feedback regulation. This transition from system 1 to system 2 ethylene production might be related to the accumulated level of NR mRNA.


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Mg2+ ions block N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) channels by entering the pore from either the extracellular or the cytoplasmic side of the membrane in a voltage-dependent manner. We have used these two different block phenomena to probe the structure of the subunits forming NMDA channels. We have made several amino acid substitutions downstream of the Q/R/N site in the TMII region of both NR1 and NR2A subunits. Mutant NR1 subunits were coexpressed with wild-type NR2A subunits and vice versa in Xenopus oocytes. We found that individually mutating the first two amino acid residues downstream to the Q/R/N site affects mostly the block by external Mg2+. Mutations of residues five to seven positions downstream of the Q/R/N site do not influence the external Mg2+ block, but clearly influence the block by internal Mg2+. These data add support to the hypothesis that there are two separate binding sites for external and internal Mg2+ block. They also indicate that the C-terminal end of TMII contributes to the inner vestibule of the pore of NMDA channels and thus provide additional evidence that TMII forms a loop that reemerges toward the cytoplasmic side of the membrane.


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Quasielastic incoherent neutron scattering from hydrogen atoms, which are distributed nearly homogeneously in biological molecules, allows the investigation of diffusive motions occurring on the pico- to nanosecond time scale. A quasielastic incoherent neutron scattering study was performed on the integral membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin (BR), which is a light-driven proton pump in Halobacterium salinarium. BR is embedded in lipids, forming patches in the cell membrane of the organism, which are the so called purple membranes (PMs). Measurements were carried out at room temperature on oriented PM-stacks hydrated at two different levels (low hydration, h = 0.03 g of D2O per g of PM; high hydration, h = 0.28 g of D2O per g of PM) using time-of-flight spectrometers. From the measured spectra, different diffusive components were identified and analyzed with respect to the influence of hydration. This study supports the idea that a decrease in hydration results in an appreciable decrease in internal molecular flexibility of the protein structure. Because it is known from studies on the function of BR that the pump activity is reduced if the hydration level of the protein is insufficient, we conclude that the observed diffusive motions are essential for the function of this protein. A detailed analysis and classification of the different kinds of diffusive motions, predominantly occurring in PMs under physiological conditions, is presented.


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The neuroendocrine protein 7B2 contains two domains, a 21-kDa protein required for prohormone convertase 2 (PC2) maturation and a carboxyl-terminal (CT) peptide that inhibits PC2 at nanomolar concentrations. To determine how the inhibition of PC2 is terminated, we studied the metabolic fate of the 7B2 CT peptide in RinPE-7B2, AtT-20/PC2-7B2, and alphaTC1-6 cells. Extracts obtained from cells labeled for 6 h with [3H]valine were subjected to immunoprecipitation using an antibody raised against the extreme carboxyl terminus of r7B2, and immunoprecipitated peptides were separated by gel filtration. All three cell lines yielded two distinct peaks at about 3.5 kDa and 1.5 kDa, corresponding to the CT peptide and a smaller fragment consistent with cleavage at an interior Lys-Lys site. These results were corroborated using a newly developed RIA against the carboxyl terminus of the CT peptide which showed that the intact CT peptide represented only about half of the stored CT peptide immunoreactivity, with the remainder present as the 1.5-kDa peptide. Both peptides could be released upon phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate stimulation. We investigated the possibility that PC2 itself could be responsible for this cleavage by performing in vitro experiments. When 125I-labeled CT peptide was incubated with purified recombinant PC2, a smaller peptide was generated. Analysis of CT peptide derivatives for their inhibitory potency revealed that CT peptide 1-18 (containing Lys-Lys at the carboxyl terminus) represented a potent inhibitor, but that peptide 1-16 was inactive. Inclusion of carboxypeptidase E (CPE) in the reaction greatly diminished the inhibitory potency of the CT peptide against PC2, in line with the notion that the CT peptide cleavage product is not inhibitory after the removal of terminal lysines by CPE. In summary, our data support the idea that PC2 cleaves the 7B2 CT peptide at its internal Lys-Lys site within secretory granules; deactivation of the cleavage product is then accomplished by CPE, thus providing an efficient mechanism for intracellular inactivation of the CT peptide.


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Neuropathogenicity of poliovirus can be attenuated by mutations in the internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) within the 5' nontranslated region of its genome. The Sabin vaccine strains used in prevention of poliomyelitis carry such mutations in their IRES elements. In addition, mutations within the structural and nonstructural proteins of Sabin strains may equally contribute to the attenuation phenotype. Despite their effectiveness as vaccines, the Sabin strains retain a neuropathogenic potential in animal models for poliomyelitis and, at a very low rate, they can cause poliomyelitis in vaccine recipients. The elimination of the neurocytopathic phenotype was achieved through the exchange of the entire poliovirus IRES with its counterpart from human rhinovirus type 2 without affecting growth properties in nonneuronal cells. The attenuating effect of the human rhinovirus type 2 IRES within the context of a poliovirus genome has been mapped to the 3' portion of this genetic element.


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Chimeric genomes of poliovirus (PV) have been constructed in which the cognate internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) element was replaced by genetic elements of hepatitis C virus (HCV). Replacement of PV IRES with nt 9-332 of the genotype Ib HCV genome, a sequence comprising all but the first eight residues of the 5' nontranslated region (5'NTR) of HCV, resulted in a lethal phenotype. Addition of 366 nt of the HCV core-encoding sequence downstream of the HCV 5'NTR yielded a viable PV/HCV chimera, which expressed a stable, small-plaque phenotype. This chimeric genome encoded a truncated HCV core protein that was fused to the N terminus of the PV polyprotein via an engineered cleavage site for PV proteinase 3CPpro. Manipulation of the HCV core-encoding sequence of this viable chimera by deletion and frameshift yielded results suggesting that the 5'-proximal sequences of the HCV open reading frame were essential for viability of the chimera and that the N-terminal basic region of the HCV core protein is required for efficient replication of the chimeric virus. These data suggest that the bona fide HCV IRES includes genetic information mapping to the 5'NTR and sequences of the HCV open reading frame. PV chimeras replicating under translational control of genetic elements of HCV can serve to study HCV IRES function in vivo and to search for anti-HCV chemotherapeutic agents.


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The transcriptional transactivator (Tas) of simian foamy virus type 1 strongly augments gene expression directed by both the promoter in the viral long terminal repeat and the newly discovered internal promoter located within the env gene. A region of 121 bp, located immediately 5' to the TATA box in the internal promoter, is required for transactivation by Tas. The present study aimed to identify the precise Tas-responsive target(s) in this region and to determine the role of Tas in transcriptional regulation. By analysis of both clustered-site mutations and hybrid promoters in transient expression assays in murine and simian cells, two separate sequence elements within this 121-bp region were shown to be Tas-dependent transcriptional enhancers. These targets, each < 30 bp in length and displaying no apparent sequence homology one to the other, are designated the promoter-proximal and promoter-distal elements. By means of the gel electrophoresis mobility-shift assays, using purified glutathione S-transferase-Tas fusion protein expressed in Escherichia coli, the target proximal to the TATA box exhibited strong binding to glutathione S-transferase-Tas, whereas the distal element appears not to bind. In addition, footprint analysis revealed that 26 bp in the promoter proximal element was protected by glutathione S-transferase-Tas from DNase I. We propose a model for transactivation of the simian foamy virus type 1 internal promoter in which Tas interacts directly with the proximal target element positioned immediately 5' to the TATA box. In this model, Tas attached to this element is presumed to interact with a component(s) of the cellular RNA polymerase II initiation complex and thereby enhance transcription directed by the viral internal promoter.