885 resultados para Interior Decoration


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La Guerra civil española supuso una complicación importante para la diplomacia vaticana. La situación de los primeros meses en la zona republicana donde se produjo una situación de exterminio de lo religioso católico en prácticamente toda la zona de su jurisdicción, la persecución que continuó, una vez consolidado el gobierno del Frente Popular, y la ausencia de garantías para la libertad de cultos hasta prácticamente el final de la guerra fueron factores condicionantes que impidieron un acercamiento entre el Vaticano y el gobierno del Frente Popular. El gobierno del General Franco, por el contrario, apoyó a la Iglesia Católica. Ello no obsta para que existiesen importantes puntos de fricción entre el Vaticano y el gobierno de Franco. La cuestión del reconocimiento, el fusilamiento de sacerdotes vascos, los intentos de que el Vaticano condenase la alianza del PNV con el gobierno del Frente Popular, los intentos de mediación, los bombardeos de poblaciones, el apoyo diplomático de Alemania e Italia al gobierno de Franco fueron puntos de especial fricción y preocupación. Esto explicará que el nombramiento del Cardenal Pacelli como Papa Pío XII fuese acogido por el gobierno de Franco con extrema frialdad.


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TiO2 nanotubes (NTs) have been widely used for a number of applications including solar cells, photo(electro)chromic devices, and photocatalysis. Their quasi-one-dimensional morphology has the advantage of a fast electron transport although they have a relatively reduced interfacial area compared with nanoparticulate films. In this study, vertically oriented, smooth TiO2 NT arrays fabricated by anodization are decorated with ultrathin anatase nanowires (NWs). This facile modification, performed by chemical bath deposition, allows to create an advantageous self-organized structure that exhibits remarkable properties. On one hand, the huge increase in the electroactive interfacial area induces an improvement by 1 order of magnitude in the charge accumulation capacity. On the other hand, the modified NT arrays display larger photocurrents for water and oxalic acid oxidation than bare NTs. Their particular morphology enables a fast transfer of photogenerated holes but also efficient mass and electron transport. The importance of a proper band energy alignment for electron transfer from the NWs to the NTs is evidenced by comparing the behavior of these electrodes with that of NTs modified with rutile NWs. The NT-NW self-organized architecture allows for a precise design and control of the interfacial surface area, providing a material with particularly attractive properties for the applications mentioned above.


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Introducing an appropriate inclusion between approximate minima associated with two nonconvex functions, we derive explicit relations between the closed convex hulls of these functions. The formula we obtain goes beyond the so-called epi-pointed property of functions which is usually concerned with such a topic.


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El present article analitza i situa en el context l’expedient urbanístic sobre la reforma interior del nucli urbà de Crevillent que l’ajuntament d’aquesta ciutat intentà dur a terme en l’últim quart del segle xix i que, en part, constitueix el plànol geomètric parcial d’aquesta vila. Es tracta d’un expedient municipal en què se succeeixen les actes del consistori per a la seua tramitació administrativa (entre 1876 i 1878) i en què s’intercala el projecte urbà de reforma interior, que consta de tres documents (memòria i dos planols: geomètric i de perfils), firmats el 12 de gener de 1877 per l’arquitecte José Guardiola y Picó (1836-1909), i que es tanca amb un plànol solt del 9 de gener de 1884 de firma no molt llegible.


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É um projeto financiado pelo PRODER num valor global aproximado de 600 000€, tendo sido submetido em fevereiro de 2013, aprovado em junho de 2014 e com execução durante os ciclos da cultura de 2015 e 2016.


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This is a contract signed between Loammi Baldwin, acting on behalf of the President and Fellows of Harvard College, and Josiah Moore, John Walton, Thomas Mason, Samuel Mason, and Joseph Holmes for completing the dining rooms and chapel of University Hall. The agreement was witnessed by Abraham Edwards and Thomas Edwards.


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Draft of the official signed copy of the contract in Box 1, Folder 42. This copy is written in a different hand and contains several struck through phrases.


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On the basis of Kandinsky’s article “On the Question of Form” (as well as passages of Concerning the Spiritual in Art), there arises the possibility of reconstructing the specific features of the artist’s concept of “pure inner vibration” in connection with the concept of the “spiritual”. These features include an important articulation of different modalities of time (hastiness, protracted time and suddenness), and a complex gradation of inner experience that starts with abstraction from external finality and ends with a criticism of subjectivity and a conception of inner universality, which – instead of being reducible to a logical procedure – indicates the exact place of singularity (and art) inside the structure of one’s experience.


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Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016