1000 resultados para Instituição fiscal


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This study is an empirical analysis of the impact of direct tax revenue budgeting errors on fiscal deficits. Using panel data from 26 Swiss cantons between 1980 and 2002, we estimate a single equation model on the fiscal balance, as well as a simultaneous equation model on revenue and expenditure. We use new data on budgeted and actual tax revenue to show that underestimating tax revenue significantly reduces fiscal deficits. Furthermore, we show that this effect is channeled through decreased expenditure. The effects of over and underestimation turn out to be symmetric.


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Drawing on an analysis of austerity reforms in Greece and Portugal during the sovereign debt crisis from 2009 onwards, we show how the nature of the linkages between parties and citizens shapes party strategies of fiscal retrenchment. We argue that parties which rely to a greater extent on the selective distribution of state resources to mobilize electoral support (clientelistic linkages) are more reluctant to agree to fiscal retrenchment because their own electoral survival depends on their ability to control state budgets to reward clients. In Greece, where parties relied extensively on these clientelistic linkages, austerity reforms have been characterized by recurring conflicts and disagreements between the main parties, as well as a fundamental transformation of the party system. By contrast, in Portugal, where parties relied less on clientelistic strategies, austerity reforms have been more consensual because fiscal retrenchment challenged to a lesser extent the electoral base of the mainstream parties.


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This paper investigates the fiscal sustainability of an emerging, dollarized, oil-exporting country: Ecuador. A cointegrated VAR approach is adopted in testing, first, if the intertemporal budget constraint is satisfied in Ecuador and, second, in identifying the permanent and transitory shocks that affect a fiscal policy characterized by inertia and a heavy dependence on oil revenues. Following confirmation that the debt-GDP ratio does not place the Ecuadorian budget under any pressure, we reformulate the model and identify two forces that push the fiscal system out of equilibrium, namely, economic activity and oil revenues implemented in the government budget. We argue that Ecuador needs to recover control of its monetary policy and to promote the diversification of its economy in order that non-oil tax revenues can replace oil revenues as a pushing force. Finally, we calculate quarterly elasticities of tax revenues with respect to Ecuador’s GDP and that of eight Eurozone countries. We illustrate graphically how the Eurozone countries with low positive or high negative elasticities’ levels suffer debt problems after the crisis. This finding emphasizes the pressing need for Ecuador to strengthen the connection between its tax revenues and output, and also suggests that the convergence of these elasticities in the Eurozone might contribute to the success of an eventually future fiscal union.


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OBJETIVO: Relatar os resultados de tratamento de pacientes com câncer de pulmão de pequenas células com doença limitada (CPPC-DL), num período de dez anos, numa única instituição, para controle de qualidade e comparação com dados de literatura. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Entre janeiro de 1992 e dezembro de 2002, 101 pacientes portadores de CPPC-DL completaram tratamento em nossa instituição. Seus resultados foram revistos e incluíram quimioterapia, radioterapia, a seqüência dos dois tratamentos e o uso de irradiação profilática cerebral (PCI). A radiação foi administrada com dose mediana de 45 Gy em 1,8 a 2 Gy por fração. A dose mediana de PCI foi de 25 Gy em dez frações. RESULTADOS: O seguimento mediano foi de 50,6 meses e a idade mediana dos pacientes foi de 63 anos. Houve 85 mortes confirmadas, 5 pacientes foram perdidos de seguimento e 11 estavam vivos. O tempo de sobrevida mediano foi de 11 meses, a sobrevida global em dois e cinco anos foi de 25,5% e 10%, respectivamente. Não houve diferença significante na sobrevida global em dois ou cinco anos segundo a idade e sexo dos pacientes. Também não houve diferença significante na sobrevida global entre os pacientes que realizaram PCI ou não, ou foram tratados em dois períodos diferentes (1997-2002 vs. 1992-1996). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados de tratamento dos pacientes portadores de CPPC-DL na nossa instituição refletem as constantes mudanças no manuseio do CPPC. Nossa sobrevida global em dois anos de 25,5% é semelhante a outros resultados uni-institucionais publicados, mas menor que os resultados de 47% a 54% recentemente publicados por grupos cooperativos.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar, prospectivamente, gadopentato de dimeglumina (Gd-DTPA) e gadobenato de dimeglumina (Gd-BOPTA), ambos em dose plena, na detecção de lesões hepáticas focais, por meio de RM em pacientes com doença hepática crônica. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Oito pacientes com cirrose hepática e forte suspeita de um pequeno carcinoma hepatocelular, baseada em RM anterior, foram submetidos a exames de RM contrastada, um com dose plena de Gd-DTPA e outro com dose plena de Gd-BOPTA. Os exames foram realizados com um intervalo de 72 a 108 horas. Dois radiologistas independentes realizaram avaliação às cegas das imagens, considerando número, caracterização e realce das lesões, além de preferências subjetivas. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois exames quanto à detecção e caracterização das lesões. Observou-se um incremento de 18% no realce da lesão dominante pelo Gd-BOPTA, em comparação com o Gd-DTPA. Na maioria dos casos, ambos os observadores cegos subjetivamente preferiram as imagens utilizando Gd-BOPTA àquelas com Gd-DTPA, com base no maior realce e melhor definição das margens das lesões. CONCLUSÃO: Em doses plenas equivalentes, Gd-BOPTA e Gd-DTPA são similares na detecção e caracterização de lesões hepáticas focais em pacientes com doença hepática crônica. Entretanto, o Gd-BOPTA foi superior em relação ao realce da lesão, assim como na preferência subjetiva dos observadores.


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Basé sur un séminaire ISIS consacré au sujet et à l'heure où le droit pénal fiscal est plus que jamais d'actualité, le recueil aborde des questions essentielles du droit pénal fiscal actuel. Il place la problématique dans le cadre des principes généraux du droit pénal et de la procédure pénale (Prof. Alain Macaluso et Lyuska Hulliger), ainsi que dans celui du développement de l'assistance internationale en matière fiscale (Prof. Xavier Oberson). L'ouvrage examine par ailleurs, sur la base de cas pratiques, certains enjeux cruciaux du droit pénal fiscal en matière d'impôts directs (Marc Bugnon et Philippe Béguin) et de la TVA (Jacques Pittet et Valérie Paris). Enfin, une contribution traite spécifiquement de la problématique de la responsabilité pénale des organes et des mandataires (Prof. Pierre-Marie Glauser).


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El presente artículo tiene por objeto analizar el contenido, alcance, evolución y límites de la cláusula de intercambio de información incorporada en el Convenio Hispano-Brasileño para evitar la doble imposición y prevenir la evasión fiscal en materia de impuestos sobre la renta (1974), fin a cuyo logro se toma como punto de partida el marco jurídico instrumentalizador del intercambio de información tributaria y asistencia mutua entre Estados. Tendrá cabida en estas páginas un análisis en detalle de aspectos tan importantes y poco manidos como los problemas de interpretación de los convenios de doble imposición en materia de intercambio de información tributaria consecuencia de las modificaciones sustanciales tras la aprobación de las sucesivas versiones del Modelo de Convenio de la OCDE y sus Comentarios, interpretación que afecta de manera directa a cuestiones de primer orden como el ámbito subjetivo y objetivo de aplicación, límites y restricciones de la cláusula de intercambio de información sellada y ratificada por el Estado Español y la República Federativa del Brasil en 1974. Igualmente se da noticia de otros significados extremos tales como el destino del intercambio de información tributaria y el deber de confidencialidad de los Estados, con especial alusión al alcance de las restricciones específicas previstas para el intercambio de información tributaria no sólo desde la óptica de la legislación española sino también desde la visión de la normativa reguladora de la materia en Brasil.


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We estimate changes in fiscal policy regimes in Portugal with a Markov Switching regression of fiscal policy rules for the period 1978-2007, using a new dataset of fiscal quarterly series. We find evidence of a deficit bias, while repeated reversals of taxes making the budget procyclical. Economic booms have typically been used to relax tax pressure, especially during elections. One-off measures have been preferred over structural ones to contain the deficit during economic crises. The EU fiscal rules prompted temporary consolidation, but did not permanently change the budgeting process.


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It is commonly believed that a fiscal expansion raises interest rates. However, these crowding out effects of deficits have been found to be small or non-existent. One explanation is that financial integration offsets interest rate differentials on globalised bond markets. This paper measures the degree of integration of government bond markets, using spatial modelling techniques to take this spillover on financial markets into account. Our main finding is that the crowding out effect on domestic interest rates is significant, but is reduced by spillover across borders. This spillover is important in major crises or in periods of coordinated policy actions. This result is generally robust to various measures of cross-country linkages. We find spillover to be much stronger among EU countries.


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The fiscal policy rule implicit in the Stability and Growth Pact, has been rationalised as a way to ensure that national fiscal policies remain sustainable within the EU, thereby endorsing the independence of the ECB. We empirically examine the sustainability of European fiscal policies over the period 1970-2001. The intertemporal government budget constraint provides a test based on the cointegration relation between government revenues, expenditures and interest payments. Sustainability is analysed at both the national level and for a European panel. Results show that European fiscal policy has been sustainable overall, yet national experiences differ considerably.


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I reconsider the short-term effects of fiscal policy when both government spending and taxes are allowed to respond to the level of public debt. I embed the long-term government budget constraint in a VAR, and apply this common trends model to US quarterly data. The results overturn some widely held beliefs on fiscal policy effects. The main finding is that expansionary fiscal policy has contractionary effects on output and inflation. Ricardian effects may dominate when fiscal expansions are expected to be adjusted by future tax rises or spending cuts. The evidence supports RBC models with distortionary taxation. We can discard some alternative interpretations that are based on monetary policy reactions or supply-side effects.


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This paper analyses how fiscal adjustment comes about when both central and sub-national governments are involved in consolidation. We test sustainability of public debt with a fiscal rule for both the federal and regional government. Results for the German Länder show that lower tier governments bear a relatively smaller part of the burden of debt consolidation, if they consolidate at all. Most of the fiscal adjustment occurs via central government debt. In contrast, both the US federal and state levels contribute to consolidation of public finances.