970 resultados para Information sciences
Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between ethnicity and skin cancer risk perception while controlling for other risk factors: education, gender, age, access to healthcare, family history of skin cancer, fear, and worry. ^ Methods. This study utilized the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) dataset, a nationally representative sample of 5,586 individuals 18 years of age or older. One third of the respondents were chosen at random and asked questions involving skin cancer. Analysis was based on questions that identified skin cancer risk perception, fear of finding skin cancer, and frequency of worry about skin cancer and a variety of sociodemographic factors. ^ Results. Ethnicity had a significant impact on risk perception scores while controlling for other risk factors. Other risk factors that also had a significant impact on risk perception scores included family history of skin cancer, age, and worry. ^
The ability of public health practitioners (PHPs) to work efficiently and effectively is negatively impacted by their lack of knowledge of the broad range of evidence-based practice information resources and tools that can be utilized to guide them in their development of health policies and programs. This project, a three-hour continuing education hands-on workshop with supporting resources, was designed to increase knowledge and skills of these resources. The workshop was presented as a pre-conference continuing education program for the Texas Public Health Association (TPHA) 2008 Annual Conference. Topics included: identification of evidence-based practice resources to aid in the development of policies and programs; identification of sources of publicly available data; utilization of data for community assessments; and accessing and searching the literature through a collection of databases available to all citizens of Texas. Supplemental resources included a blog that served as a gateway to the resources explored during the presentation, a community assessment workbook that incorporates both Healthy People 2010 objectives and links to reliable sources of data, and handouts providing additional instruction on the use of the resources covered during the workshop.^ Before- and after-workshop surveys based on Kirkpatrick's 4-level model of evaluation and the Theory of Planned Behavior were administered. Of the questions related to the trainer, the workshop, and the usefulness of the workshop, participants gave "Good" to "Excellent" responses to all one question. Confidence levels overall increased a statistically significant amount; measurements of attitude, social norms, and control showed no significant differences before and after the workshop. Lastly, participants indicated they were likely to use resources shown during the workshop within a one to three month time period on average. ^ The workshop and creation of supplemental resources served as a pilot for a funded project that will be continued with the development and delivery of four 4-week long webinar-based training sessions to be completed by December 2008. ^
The federal government is currently developing the Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN). Described as a “network of networks,” the NHIN seeks to provide a nationwide, interoperable health information infrastructure that will securely connect consumers with those involved in health care. As part of the national health information technology (HIT) agenda, the NHIN aims to improve individual and population health by enabling health information to follow the consumer, be available for clinical decision-making, and support important public health measures such as biosurveillance. While the NHIN promises to improve clinical care to individuals and to reduce U.S. health care system costs overall, this electronic environment presents novel challenges for protecting individually identifiable health information. A major barrier to achieving public trust in the NHIN is the development of, and adherence to, a consistent and coordinated approach to privacy and security of health information. This paper will analyze the policy framework for electronic health information exchange with the NHIN. This exercise will demonstrate that the current policy is an effective framework for achieving effective biosurveillance with the NHIN. ^
Background. Childhood immunization programs have dramatically reduced the morbidity and mortality associated with vaccine-preventable diseases. Proper documentation of immunizations that have been administered is essential to prevent duplicate immunization of children. To help improve documentation, immunization information systems (IISs) have been developed. IISs are comprehensive repositories of immunization information for children residing within a geographic region. The two models for participation in an IIS are voluntary inclusion, or "opt-in," and voluntary exclusion, or "opt-out." In an opt-in system, consent must be obtained for each participant, conversely, in an opt-out IIS, all children are included unless procedures to exclude the child are completed. Consent requirements for participation vary by state; the Texas IIS, ImmTrac, is an opt-in system.^ Objectives. The specific objectives are to: (1) Evaluate the variance among the time and costs associated with collecting ImmTrac consent at public and private birthing hospitals in the Greater Houston area; (2) Estimate the total costs associated with collecting ImmTrac consent at selected public and private birthing hospitals in the Greater Houston area; (3) Describe the alternative opt-out process for collecting ImmTrac consent at birth and discuss the associated cost savings relative to an opt-in system.^ Methods. Existing time-motion studies (n=281) conducted between October, 2006 and August, 2007 at 8 birthing hospitals in the Greater Houston area were used to assess the time and costs associated with obtaining ImmTrac consent at birth. All data analyzed are deidentified and contain no personal information. Variations in time and costs at each location were assessed and total costs per child and costs per year were estimated. The cost of an alternative opt-out system was also calculated.^ Results. The median time required by birth registrars to complete consent procedures varied from 72-285 seconds per child. The annual costs associated with obtaining consent for 388,285 newborns in ImmTrac's opt-in consent process were estimated at $702,000. The corresponding costs of the proposed opt-out system were estimated to total $194,000 per year. ^ Conclusions. Substantial variation in the time and costs associated with completion of ImmTrac consent procedures were observed. Changing to an opt-out system for participation could represent significant cost savings. ^
The three articles that comprise this dissertation describe how small area estimation and geographic information systems (GIS) technologies can be integrated to provide useful information about the number of uninsured and where they are located. Comprehensive data about the numbers and characteristics of the uninsured are typically only available from surveys. Utilization and administrative data are poor proxies from which to develop this information. Those who cannot access services are unlikely to be fully captured, either by health care provider utilization data or by state and local administrative data. In the absence of direct measures, a well-developed estimation of the local uninsured count or rate can prove valuable when assessing the unmet health service needs of this population. However, the fact that these are “estimates” increases the chances that results will be rejected or, at best, treated with suspicion. The visual impact and spatial analysis capabilities afforded by geographic information systems (GIS) technology can strengthen the likelihood of acceptance of area estimates by those most likely to benefit from the information, including health planners and policy makers. ^ The first article describes how uninsured estimates are currently being performed in the Houston metropolitan region. It details the synthetic model used to calculate numbers and percentages of uninsured, and how the resulting estimates are integrated into a GIS. The second article compares the estimation method of the first article with one currently used by the Texas State Data Center to estimate numbers of uninsured for all Texas counties. Estimates are developed for census tracts in Harris County, using both models with the same data sets. The results are statistically compared. The third article describes a new, revised synthetic method that is being tested to provide uninsured estimates at sub-county levels for eight counties in the Houston metropolitan area. It is being designed to replicate the same categorical results provided by a current U.S. Census Bureau estimation method. The estimates calculated by this revised model are compared to the most recent U.S. Census Bureau estimates, using the same areas and population categories. ^
Health Information Exchange (HIE) will play a key part in our nation’s effort to improve healthcare. The evidence of HIEs transformational role in healthcare delivery systems is quite limited. The lack of such evidence led us to explore what exists in the healthcare industry that may provide evidence of effectiveness and efficiency of HIEs. The objective of the study was to find out how many fully functional HIEs are using any measurements or metrics to gauge impact of HIE on quality improvement (QI) and on return on investment (ROI).^ A web-based survey was used to determine the number of operational HIEs using metrics for QI and ROI. Our study highlights the fact that only 50 percent of the HIEs who responded use or plan to use metrics. However, 95 percent of the respondents believed HIEs improve quality of care while only 56 percent believed HIE showed positive ROI. Although operational HIEs present numerous opportunities to demonstrate the business model for improving health care quality, evidence to document the impact of HIEs is lacking. ^
Background. Research has demonstrated associations between sociodemographic characteristics and illness perceptions; however, the impact of cancer exposure through personal or family diagnoses is not well-studied. The purposes of this study were to examine the prevalence of different cancer beliefs and the disparity in cancer beliefs across groups of individuals with distinct cancer histories; and to identify whether, when adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics, cancer history predicts a set of cancer beliefs.^ Methods. Using Leventhal’s Common Sense Model and data from the 2007 Health Information National Trends Survey (N=7172), we constructed multivariable logistic regressions to evaluate the effect of different stimuli, including cancer experience, on cancer perceptions (e.g., risk, worry, causation, outcome).^ Results. Findings indicate significant associations between cancer history and cancer perceptions. Individuals with family and personal cancer histories were more likely than individuals without any cancer history to worry about getting cancer (OR=3.55, P<0.01), agree they will develop cancer in the future (OR=8.81, P<0.01), and disagree that cancer is most often caused by a person’s behavior or lifestyle (OR=1.24, P=0.03). Additionally, results support education’s role in forming cancer perceptions. Individuals with high levels of education were more likely to endorse cancer prevention (OR=1.68, P<0.01) and higher 5-year survival rates (OR=1.41, P<0.01). ^ Conclusions. Results indicate cancer history affects cancer perceptions throughout the cancer continuum. Additionally, cancer history may influence coping behaviors and outcomes related to cancer.^ Impact. Cancer education and survivorship programs should assess important variables (e.g., cancer history) to more effectively tailor services and monitor evolving needs throughout cancer care.^
Breast and cervical cancer, though less common in Mexican-American than in Anglo women, are more likely to go undetected in Mexican-American women, leaving them more vulnerable to advanced disease and death. Although highly effective screening tests--the Pap smear and the mammogram--can detect these cancers early, many Mexican-American women do not regularly undergo these preventive screening tests.^ To explore the differential influence of encouraging sources of health information, this investigation examined the relationship between encouragement from a "peer"--husband or partner, child or children, other family members, or close friends--and a "health professional"--a doctor, a nurse, or another health professional--on Mexican-American women's cancer screening intentions and behaviors. Furthermore, this research explored whether the sources' influence on cancer screening intentions and behaviors differed depending on level of acculturation.^ One thousand seven hundred eleven surveys of Mexican-American women were analyzed to identify the source that most effectively encourages these women to participate in cancer screening. The data provided evidence that health professionals strongly influenced this population's cancer screening intentions and behaviors. Evidence for peer influence was also found; however, it was usually weaker, and, in some cases, negligible. Peer encouragement was related to Pap test behaviors and mammogram intentions, but not to Pap test intentions or mammogram behaviors. Consistently, women reported greater intentions and screening behaviors when encouraged from a health professional than from a peer. Acculturation was not found to be a modifying variable related to the relationship between sources of information and Pap test or mammogram intentions and behaviors.^ Because health professionals were identified as strongly influencing both intentions and behaviors for Pap tests and mammograms, further efforts should be undertaken to urge them to encourage their clients to obtain cancer screening. Failure to provide this encouragement leads to missed opportunities. Enlisting support from peers also may help to increase cancer screening participation in urban Mexican-American women; however, the consistently greater intentions and behaviors related to a health professional's encouragement indicated the greater power of the latter. ^
Additive and multiplicative models of relative risk were used to measure the effect of cancer misclassification and DS86 random errors on lifetime risk projections in the Life Span Study (LSS) of Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb survivors. The true number of cancer deaths in each stratum of the cancer mortality cross-classification was estimated using sufficient statistics from the EM algorithm. Average survivor doses in the strata were corrected for DS86 random error ($\sigma$ = 0.45) by use of reduction factors. Poisson regression was used to model the corrected and uncorrected mortality rates with covariates for age at-time-of-bombing, age at-time-of-death and gender. Excess risks were in good agreement with risks in RERF Report 11 (Part 2) and the BEIR-V report. Bias due to DS86 random error typically ranged from $-$15% to $-$30% for both sexes, and all sites and models. The total bias, including diagnostic misclassification, of excess risk of nonleukemia for exposure to 1 Sv from age 18 to 65 under the non-constant relative projection model was $-$37.1% for males and $-$23.3% for females. Total excess risks of leukemia under the relative projection model were biased $-$27.1% for males and $-$43.4% for females. Thus, nonleukemia risks for 1 Sv from ages 18 to 85 (DRREF = 2) increased from 1.91%/Sv to 2.68%/Sv among males and from 3.23%/Sv to 4.02%/Sv among females. Leukemia excess risks increased from 0.87%/Sv to 1.10%/Sv among males and from 0.73%/Sv to 1.04%/Sv among females. Bias was dependent on the gender, site, correction method, exposure profile and projection model considered. Future studies that use LSS data for U.S. nuclear workers may be downwardly biased if lifetime risk projections are not adjusted for random and systematic errors. (Supported by U.S. NRC Grant NRC-04-091-02.) ^
Innovative, aggressive treatments and prolonged survival rates for patients with childhood cancers have placed new demands on the patient, parent and physician. As a result, counterproductive coping behaviors are often noted in adolescent cancer patients.^ One of the main ways the environment is manipulated by the individual to achieve personal comfort is through selectivity of information. An individual will usually pull the support personally needed to cope from the environment if sufficient resources are available. However, information provided young cancer patients is often filtered through the physicians and parents perspectives of the patient's needs without systematic input from the patient. In order to ensure that adequate information resources are available to help teenage patients cope with their illness, health professionals must have insights into the information needs of those patients. No previous efforts to address this subject were found in the literature.^ This study was designed to identify adolescent perspectives of their disease-related information needs and to compare their viewpoints with those of their parents and physicians. Sixty-five outpatient cancer patients (ages 11-20) receiving treatment at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute in Houston, Texas, 60 of their parents, and 53 physicians, who were involved in the treatment of pediatric patients at M. D. Anderson, were asked to complete self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaires used were developed, administered and analyzed by the investigator. Specific areas addressed in the questionnaires included: Perceptions of cancer-related tests and treatments, the importance of 30 disease-related items of information, responses evoked by receipt of information, current and preferred sources of information, delivery of information at the time of diagnosis, and disease-related information requested for patients, family, friends and teachers.^ Adolescent perceptions of their information needs and their preferences for delivery of information were determined. The relationships between patient-parent and patient-physician perceptions were then analyzed to determine areas in which agreements and disparities in viewpoint existed. Programmatic and research recommendations were then provided.^ Hopefully, through these efforts, the adolescent patient will be helped to receive relevant information support from those deemed to be most important to his/her efforts to cope with cancer. ^
The Internet, and specifically web 2.0 social media applications, offers an innovative method for communicating child health information to low-income parents. The main objective of this study was to use qualitative data to determine the value of using social media to reach low-income parents with child health information. A qualitative formative evaluation employing focus groups was used to determine the value of using social media for dissemination of child health information. Inclusion criteria included: (1) a parent with a child that attends a school in a designated Central Texas school district; and (2) English-speaking. The students who attend these schools are generally economically disadvantaged and are predominately Hispanic. The classic analysis strategy was used for data analysis. Focus group participants (n=19) were female (95%); White (53%), Hispanic (42%) or African American (5%); and received government assistance (63%). Most had access to the Internet (74%) and were likely to have low health literacy (53%). The most preferred source of child health information was the family pediatrician or general practitioner. Many participants were familiar with social media applications and had profiles on popular social networking sites, but used them infrequently. Objections to social media sites as sources of child health information included lack of credibility and parent time. Social media has excellent potential for reaching low-income parents when used as part of a multi-channel communication campaign. Further research should focus on the most effective type and format of messages that can promote behavior change in this population, such as story-telling. ^
To reach the goals established by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) STOP TB USA, measures must be taken to curtail a future peak in Tuberculosis (TB) incidence and speed the currently stagnant rate of TB elimination. Both efforts will require, at minimum, the consideration and understanding of the third dimension of TB transmission: the location-based spread of an airborne pathogen among persons known and unknown to each other. This consideration will require an elucidation of the areas within the U.S. that have endemic TB. The Houston Tuberculosis Initiative (HTI) was a population-based active surveillance of confirmed Houston/Harris County TB cases from 1995–2004. Strengths in this dataset include the molecular characterization of laboratory confirmed cases, the collection of geographic locations (including home addresses) frequented by cases, and the HTI time period that parallels a decline in TB incidence in the United States (U.S.). The HTI dataset was used in this secondary data analysis to implement a GIS analysis of TB cases, the locations frequented by cases, and their association with risk factors associated with TB transmission. ^ This study reports, for the first time, the incidence of TB among the homeless in Houston, Texas. The homeless are an at-risk population for TB disease, yet they are also a population whose TB incidence has been unknown and unreported due to their non-enumeration. The first section of this dissertation identifies local areas in Houston with endemic TB disease. Many Houston TB cases who reported living in these endemic areas also share the TB risk factor of current or recent homelessness. Merging the 2004–2005 Houston enumeration of the homeless with historical HTI surveillance data of TB cases in Houston enabled this first-time report of TB risk among the homeless in Houston. The homeless were more likely to be US-born, belong to a genotypic cluster, and belong to a cluster of a larger size. The calculated average incidence among homeless persons was 411/100,000, compared to 9.5/100,000 among housed. These alarming rates are not driven by a co-infection but by social determinants. The unsheltered persons were hospitalized more days and required more follow-up time by staff than those who reported a steady housing situation. The homeless are a specific example of the increased targeting of prevention dollars that could occur if TB rates were reported for specific areas with known health disparities rather than as a generalized rate normalized over a diverse population. ^ It has been estimated that 27% of Houstonians use public transportation. The city layout allows bus routes to run like veins connecting even the most diverse of populations within the metropolitan area. Secondary data analysis of frequent bus use (defined as riding a route weekly) among TB cases was assessed for its relationship with known TB risk factors. The spatial distribution of genotypic clusters associated with bus use was assessed, along with the reported routes and epidemiologic-links among cases belonging to the identified clusters. ^ TB cases who reported frequent bus use were more likely to have demographic and social risk factors associated with poverty, immune suppression and health disparities. An equal proportion of bus riders and non-bus riders were cultured for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, yet 75% of bus riders were genotypically clustered, indicating recent transmission, compared to 56% of non-bus riders (OR=2.4, 95%CI(2.0, 2.8), p<0.001). Bus riders had a mean cluster size of 50.14 vs. 28.9 (p<0.001). Second order spatial analysis of clustered fingerprint 2 (n=122), a Beijing family cluster, revealed geographic clustering among cases based on their report of bus use. Univariate and multivariate analysis of routes reported by cases belonging to these clusters found that 10 of the 14 clusters were associated with use. Individual Metro routes, including one route servicing the local hospitals, were found to be risk factors for belonging to a cluster shown to be endemic in Houston. The routes themselves geographically connect the census tracts previously identified as having endemic TB. 78% (15/23) of Houston Metro routes investigated had one or more print groups reporting frequent use for every HTI study year. We present data on three specific but clonally related print groups and show that bus-use is clustered in time by route and is the only known link between cases in one of the three prints: print 22. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^
Background. Among Hispanics, the HPV vaccine has the potential to eliminate disparities in cervical cancer incidence and mortality but only if optimal rates of vaccination are achieved. Media can be an important information source for increasing HPV knowledge and awareness of the vaccine. Very little is known about how media use among Hispanics affects their HPV knowledge and vaccine awareness. Even less is known about what differences exist in media use and information processing among English- and Spanish-speaking Hispanics.^ Aims. Examine the relationships between three health communication variables (media exposure, HPV-specific information scanning and seeking) and three HPV outcomes (knowledge, vaccine awareness and initiation) among English- and Spanish-speaking Hispanics.^ Methods. Cross-sectional data from a survey administered to Hispanic mothers in Dallas, Texas was used for univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. Sample used for analysis included 288 mothers of females aged 8-22 recruited from clinics and community events. Dependent variables of interest were HPV knowledge, HPV vaccine awareness and initiation. Independent variables were media exposure, HPV-specific information scanning and seeking. Language was tested as an effect modifier on the relationship between health communication variables and HPV outcomes.^ Results. English-speaking mothers reported more media exposure, HPV-specific information scanning and seeking than Spanish-speakers. Scanning for HPV information was associated with more HPV knowledge (OR = 4.26, 95% CI = 2.41 - 7.51), vaccine awareness (OR = 10.01, 95% CI = 5.43 - 18.47) and vaccine initiation (OR = 2.54, 95% CI = 1.09 - 5.91). Seeking HPV-specific information was associated with more knowledge (OR = 2.27, 95% CI = 1.23 - 4.16), awareness (OR = 6.60, 95% CI = 2.74 - 15.91) and initiation (OR = 4.93, 95% CI = 2.64 - 9.20). Language moderated the effect of information scanning and seeking on vaccine awareness.^ Discussion. Differences in information scanning and seeking behaviors among Hispanic subgroups have the potential to lead to disparities in vaccine awareness.^ Conclusion. Findings from this study underscore health communication differences among Hispanics and emphasize the need to target Spanish language media as well as English language media aimed at Hispanics to improve knowledge and awareness.^
Making healthcare comprehensive and more efficient remains a complex challenge. Health Information Technology (HIT) is recognized as an important component of this transformation but few studies describe HIT adoption and it's effect on the bedside experience by physicians, staff and patients. This study applied descriptive statistics and correlation analysis to data from the Patient-Centered Medical Home National Demonstration Project (NDP) of the American Academy of Family Physicians. Thirty-six clinics were followed for 26 months by clinician/staff questionnaires and patient surveys. This study characterizes those clinics as well as staff and patient perspectives on HIT usefulness, the doctor-patient relationship, electronic medical record (EMR) implementation, and computer connections in the practice throughout the study. The Global Practice Experience factor, a composite score related to key components of primary care, was then correlated to clinician and patient perspectives. This study found wide adoption of HIT among NDP practices. Patient perspectives on HIT helpfulness on the doctor-patient showed a suggestive trend that approached statistical significance (p = 0.172). Clinicians and staff noted successful integration of EMR into clinic workflow and their perception of helpfulness to the doctor-patient relationship show a suggestive increase also approaching statistical significance (p=0.06). GPE was correlated with clinician/staff assessment of a helpful doctor-patient relationship midway through the study (R 0.460, p = 0.021) with the remaining time points nearing statistical significance. GPE was also correlated to both patient perspectives of EMR helpfulness in the doctor-patient relationship (R 0.601, p = 0.001) and computer connections (R 0.618, p = 0.0001) at the start of the study. ^
In light of the new healthcare regulations, hospitals are increasingly reevaluating their IT integration strategies to meet expanded healthcare information exchange requirements. Nevertheless, hospital executives do not have all the information they need to differentiate between the available strategies and recognize what may better fit their organizational needs. ^ In the interest of providing the desired information, this study explored the relationships between hospital financial performance, integration strategy selection, and strategy change. The integration strategies examined – applied as binary logistic regression dependent variables and in the order from most to least integrated – were Single-Vendor (SV), Best-of-Suite (BoS), and Best-of-Breed (BoB). In addition, the financial measurements adopted as independent variables for the models were two administrative labor efficiency and six industry standard financial ratios designed to provide a broad proxy of hospital financial performance. Furthermore, descriptive statistical analyses were carried out to evaluate recent trends in hospital integration strategy change. Overall six research questions were proposed for this study. ^ The first research question sought to answer if financial performance was related to the selection of integration strategies. The next questions, however, explored whether hospitals were more likely to change strategies or remain the same when there was no external stimulus to change, and if they did change, they would prefer strategies closer to the existing ones. These were followed by a question that inquired if financial performance was also related to strategy change. Nevertheless, rounding up the questions, the last two probed if the new Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act had any impact on the frequency and direction of strategy change. ^ The results confirmed that financial performance is related to both IT integration strategy selection and strategy change, while concurred with prior studies that suggested hospital and environmental characteristics are associated factors as well. Specifically this study noted that the most integrated SV strategy is related to increased administrative labor efficiency and the hybrid BoS strategy is associated with improved financial health (based on operating margin and equity financing ratios). On the other hand, no financial indicators were found to be related to the least integrated BoB strategy, except for short-term liquidity (current ratio) when involving strategy change. ^ Ultimately, this study concluded that when making IT integration strategy decisions hospitals closely follow the resource dependence view of minimizing uncertainty. As each integration strategy may favor certain organizational characteristics, hospitals traditionally preferred not to make strategy changes and when they did, they selected strategies that were more closely related to the existing ones. However, as new regulations further heighten revenue uncertainty while require increased information integration, moving forward, as evidence already suggests a growing trend of organizations shifting towards more integrated strategies, hospitals may be more limited in their strategy selection choices.^