924 resultados para Inflammatory Bowel Diseases -- immunology


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Apoptosis is a key mechanism in the build up and maintenance of both innate and adaptive immunity as well as in the regulation of cellular homeostasis in almost every organ and tissue. Central to the apoptotic process is a family of intracellular cysteine proteases with aspartate-specificity, called caspases. Nevertheless, there is growing evidence that other non-caspase proteases, in particular lysosomal cathepsins, can play an important role in the regulation of apoptosis. In this review, the players and the molecular mechanisms involved in the lysosomal apoptotic pathways will be discussed as well as the importance of these pathways in the immune system and the pathogenesis of diseases.


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Eosinophils and gastrointestinal tract interact in an intimate and enigmatic relationship. Under inflammatory conditions, eosinophil infiltration in the gastrointestinal tract is a common feature of numerous eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders (EGIDs). EGIDs are disorders, for which the diagnosis is relatively difficult. Nevertheless, some common laboratory techniques are currently used for their diagnosis and disease monitoring. Besides eosinophils, mast cells and T cells have also been suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis of these disorders. Here, we review the pathogenesis and common laboratory approaches applied for their diagnosis, in particular eosinophil and mast cell markers.


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Apoptosis, the most common form of cell death, is a key mechanism in the build up and maintenance of both innate and adaptive immunity. Central to the apoptotic process is a family of intracellular cysteine proteases with aspartate-specificity, called caspases. Caspases are counter-regulated by multiple anti-apoptotic molecules, and the expression of the latter in leukocytes is largely dependent on survival factors. Therefore, the physiologic rates of apoptosis change under pathologic conditions. For instance, in inflammation, the expression of survival factors is usually elevated, resulting in increased cell survival and consequently in the accumulation of the involved immune cells. In many allergic diseases, eosinophil apoptosis is delayed contributing to both blood and tissue eosinophilia. Besides eosinophils, apoptosis of other leukocytes is also frequently prevented or delayed during allergic inflammatory processes. In contrast to inflammatory cells, accelerated cell death is often observed in epithelial cells, a mechanism, which amplifies or at least maintains allergic inflammation. In conclusion, deregulated cell death is a common phenomenon of allergic diseases that likely plays an important role in their pathogenesis. Whether the apoptosis is too little or too much depends on the cell type. In this review, we discuss the regulation of the lifespan of the participating leukocytes in allergic inflammatory responses.


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High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) preparations are used currently for the treatment of autoimmune or inflammatory diseases. Despite numerous studies demonstrating efficacy, the precise mode of action of IVIg remains unclear. Paradoxically, IgG can exert both pro- and anti-inflammatory activities, depending on its concentration. The proinflammatory activity of low-dose IVIg requires complement activation or binding of the Fc fragment of IgG to IgG-specific receptors (FcgammaR) on innate immune effector cells. In contrast, when administered in high concentrations, IVIg has anti-inflammatory properties. How this anti-inflammatory effect is mediated has not yet been elucidated fully, and several mutually non-exclusive mechanisms have been proposed. This paper represents the proceedings of a session entitled 'IVIg--Understanding properties and mechanisms' at the 6th International Immunoglobulin Symposium that was held in Interlaken on 26-28 March 2009. The presentations addressed how IgG may affect the cellular compartment, evidence for IVIg-mediated scavenging of complement fragments, the role of the dimeric fraction of IVIg, the anti-inflammatory properties of the minor fraction of sialylated IgG molecules, and the genetic organization and variation in FcgammaRs. These findings demonstrate the considerable progress that has been made in understanding the mechanisms of action of IVIgs, and may influence future perspectives in the field of Ig therapy.


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Growing evidence suggests a prominent role of the complement system in the pathogenesis of cardio- and cerebrovascular diseases (CVD). Mannan-binding lectin-associated serine proteases (MASPs) MASP-1 and MASP-2 of the complement lectin pathway contribute to clot formation and may represent an important link between inflammation and thrombosis. MBL-associated protein MAp44 has shown cardioprotective effects in murine models. However, MAp44 has never been measured in patients with CVD and data on MASP levels in CVD are scarce. Our aim was to investigate for the first time plasma levels of MAp44 and MASP-1, -2, -3 concomitantly in patients with CVD. We performed a pilot study in 50 healthy volunteers, in stable coronary artery disease (CAD) patients with one-vessel (n = 51) or three-vessel disease (n = 53) and age-matched controls with normal coronary arteries (n = 53), 49 patients after myocardial infarction (MI) and 66 patients with acute ischaemic stroke. We measured MAp44 and MASP-1 levels by in-house time-resolved immunofluorometric assays. MASP-2 and MASP-3 levels were measured using commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits. MASP-1 levels were highest in subacute MI patients and lowest in acute stroke patients. MASP-2 levels were lower in MI and stroke patients compared with controls and CAD patients. MASP-3 and MAp44 levels did not differ between groups. MASP or MAp44 levels were not associated with severity of disease. MASP and MAp44 levels were associated with cardiovascular risk factors including dyslipidaemia, obesity and hypertension. Our results suggest that MASP levels may be altered in vascular diseases. Larger studies are needed to confirm our results and elucidate the underlying mechanisms.


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Extracellular DNA traps are part of the innate immune response and are seen with many infectious, allergic, and autoimmune diseases. They can be generated by several different leukocytes, including neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes, as well as mast cells. Here, we review the composition of these extracellular DNA-containing structures as well as potential mechanisms for their production and function. In general, extracellular DNA traps have been described as binding to and killing pathogens, particularly bacteria, fungi, but also parasites. On the other hand, it is possible that DNA traps contribute to immunopathology in chronic inflammatory diseases, such as bronchial asthma. In addition, it has been demonstrated that they can initiate and/or potentiate autoimmune diseases. Extracellular DNA traps represent a frequently observed phenomenon in inflammatory diseases, and they appear to participate in the cross-talk between different immune cells. These new insights into the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases may open new avenues for targeted therapies.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES During pregnancy, gammadelta T cells expand at the fetomaternal interface where they induce a tolerogenic milieu. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) experience a spontaneous improvement of their disease during pregnancy and a postpartum aggravation. By contrast, pregnant patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) often experience persistent active disease. We hypothesised that the pregnancy related modulation of disease activity in RA patients versus AS patients is associated with numerical and functional changes of circulating gammadelta T cells. MATERIAL AND METHODS The frequency of surface markers and the intracellular cytokine profile of freshly isolated gammadelta T cells from RA (n = 54) and AS (n = 26) patients and healthy controls (n = 40) were analysed at each trimester during pregnancy and 6-8 weeks postpartum by flow cytometry. RESULTS Very discrete changes of Vdelta1 or Vdelta2 frequency were seen during pregnancy and postpartum in healthy controls and AS patients. In RA, however, the frequency of Vdelta2 cells decreased in the third trimester when disease activity was low. Low percentages of Vdelta 2 cells were also found in non-pregnant RA patients with active arthritis, yet only pregnant RA patients showed reduced percentages of Vdelta2 cells positive for the activation marker CD69 and the intracellular cytokine TNFalpha. Similarly, Vdelta1 + TNFalpha + cells were lower in pregnant RA patients compared to non-pregnant RA patients. The percentage of Vdelta2 + TNFalpha + cells, Vdelta2+ CD69+ and Vdelta1+ CD69+ cells correlated with disease activity in RA. As for the receptors which modulate cytotoxicity, RA patients showed a rise of the anti-cytotoxic receptor NKG2A on Vdelta1 cells in the 2(nd) trimester and a decrease postpartum. Since the pro-cytotoxic receptor NKG2D remained unchanged, the NKG2D/NKG2A ratio on Vdelta1 cells was reduced in RA patients during pregnancy. In AS patients, persistent disease activity during pregnancy was reflected by an increased frequency of Vdelta2+ CD69+ cells and an unchanged frequency of Vdelta2+ TNFalpha+ cells. In addition, pregnant AS patients showed an increased frequency of Vdelta1+CD161+ cells. CONCLUSIONS Disease amelioration of RA during pregnancy correlates with changes of cell activation, pro-inflammatory cytokines and anti-cytotoxic receptors of gammadelta T cells. By contrast, active disease during pregnancy as found in AS is associated with unchanged inflammatory responses of gammadelta T cells. Since gammadelta T cells remain unchanged in healthy pregnant controls, the modulation of gammadelta T cells in RA rather seems to be an effect of improved disease than of pregnancy itself.


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Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are a rare population of circulating cells, which selectively express intracellular Toll-like receptors (TLR)-7 and TLR-9 and have the capacity to produce large amounts of type I IFNs (IFN-a/b) in response to viruses or host derived nucleic acid containing complexes. pDCs are normally absent in skin but accumulate in the skin of psoriasis patients where their chronic activation to produce IFN-a/b drives the disease formation. Whether pDCs and their activation to produce IFN-a/b play a functional role in healthy skin is unknown. Here we show that pDCs are rapidly and transiently recruited into healthy human and mouse skin upon epidermal injury. Infiltrating pDCs were found to sense nucleic acids in wounded skin via TLRs, leading to the production of IFN-a/b. The production of IFN-a/b was paralleled by a short lived expression of cathelicidins, which form complexes with extracellular nucleic acids and activated pDCs to produce IFN-a/b in vitro. In vivo, cathelicidins were sufficient but not necessary for the induction of IFN-a/b in wounded skin, suggesting redundancy of this pathway. Depletion of pDCs or inhibition of IFN-a/bR signaling significantly impaired the inflammatory response and delayed re-epithelialization of skin wounds. Thus we uncover a novel role of pDCs in sensing skin injury via TLR mediated recognition of nucleic acids and demonstrate their involvement in the early inflammatory process and wound healing response through the production of IFN-a/b.


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The injurious effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the small intestine was not appreciated until the widespread use of capsule endoscopy. Animal studies found that NSAID-induced small intestinal injury depends on the ability of these drugs to be secreted into the bile. Because the individual toxicity of amphiphilic bile acids and NSAIDs directly correlates with their interactions with phospholipid membranes, we propose that the presence of both NSAIDs and bile acids alters their individual physicochemical properties and enhances the disruptive effect on cell membranes and overall cytotoxicity. We utilized in vitro gastric AGS and intestinal IEC-6 cells and found that combinations of bile acid, deoxycholic acid (DC), taurodeoxycholic acid, glycodeoxycholic acid, and the NSAID indomethacin (Indo) significantly increased cell plasma membrane permeability and became more cytotoxic than these agents alone. We confirmed this finding by measuring liposome permeability and intramembrane packing in synthetic model membranes exposed to DC, Indo, or combinations of both agents. By measuring physicochemical parameters, such as fluorescence resonance energy transfer and membrane surface charge, we found that Indo associated with phosphatidylcholine and promoted the molecular aggregation of DC and potential formation of larger and isolated bile acid complexes within either biomembranes or bile acid-lipid mixed micelles, which leads to membrane disruption. In this study, we demonstrated increased cytotoxicity of combinations of bile acid and NSAID and provided a molecular mechanism for the observed toxicity. This mechanism potentially contributes to the NSAID-induced injury in the small bowel.


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HIV can enter the body through Langerhans cells, dendritic cells, and macrophages in skin mucosa, and spreads by lysis or by syncytia. Since UVL induces of HIV-LTR in transgenic mice mid in cell lines in vitro, we hypothesized that UVB may affect HIV in people and may affect HIV in T cells in relation to dose, apoptosis, and cytokine expression. To determine whether HIV is induced by UVL in humans, a clinical study of HIV+ patients with psoriasis or pruritus was conducted during six weeks of UVB phototherapy, Controls were HIV-psoriasis patients receiving UVB and HIV+ KS subjects without UVB.Blood and skin biopsy specimens were collected at baseline, weeks 2 and 6, and 4 weeks after UVL. AIDS-related skin diseases showed unique cytokine profiles in skin and serum at baseline. In patients and controls on phototherapy, we observed the following: (1) CD4+ and CD8+ T cell numbers are not significantly altered during phototherapy, (2) p24 antigen levels, and also HIV plasma levels increase in patients not on antiviral therapy, (3) HIV-RNA levels in serum or plasma. (viral load) can either increase or decrease depending on the patient's initial viral load, presence of antivirals, and skin type, (4) HIV-RNA levels in the periphery are inversely correlated to serum IL-10 and (5) HIV+ cell in skin increase after UVL at 2 weeks by RT-PCR in situ hybridization mid we negatively correlated with peripheral load. To understand the mechanisms of UVB mediated HIV transcription, we treated Jurkat T cell lines stably transfected with an HIV-LTR-luciferase plasmid only or additionally with tat-SV-40 early promoter with UVB (2 J/m2 to 200 J/m2), 50 to 200 ng/ml rhIL-10, and 10 μg/ml PHA as control. HIV promoter activity was measured by luciferase normalized to protein. Time points up to 72 hours were analyzed for HIV-LTR activation. HIV-LTR activation had the following properties: (1) requires the presence of Tat, (2) occurs at 24 hours, and (3) is UVB dose dependent. Changes in viability by MTS (3-(4,5-dimethyhhiazol-2-y1)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphonyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium) mixed with PMS (phenazine methosulfate) solution and apoptosis by propidium iodide and annexin V using flow cytometry (FC) were seen in irradiated Jurkat cells. We determined that (1) rhIL-10 moderately decreased HIV-LTR activation if given before radiation and greatly decreases it when given after UVB, (2) HIV-LTR activation was low at doses of greater than 70 J/m2, compared to activation at 50 J/m2. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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AIM: To evaluate the influence of locally active Crohn's disease on systemic small-bowel motility in patients with chronic Crohn's disease compared to healthy individuals. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifteen healthy individuals (11 men, four women; mean age 37 years) and 20 patients with histopathologically proven active (n = 15; 10 women, 5 men; mean age 45 years) or chronic (n = 5; four women, one man; mean age 48 years) Crohn's disease were included in this institutional review board-approved, retrospective study. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI; 1.5 T) was performed after standardized preparation. Two-dimensional (2D) cine sequences for motility acquisition were performed in apnoea (27 s). Motility assessment was performed using dedicated software in three randomly chosen areas of the small-bowel outside known Crohn's disease-affected hotspots. The main quantitative characteristics (frequency, amplitude, occlusion rate) were compared using Student's t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). RESULTS: Three randomly chosen segments were analysed in each participant. Patients with active Crohn's disease had significantly (p < 0.05) reduced contraction frequencies (active Crohn's disease: 2.86/min; chronic: 4.14/min; healthy: 4.53/min) and luminal occlusion rates (active: 0.43; chronic: 0.70; healthy: 0.73) compared to healthy individuals and patients with chronic Crohn's disease. Contraction amplitudes were significantly reduced during active Crohn's disease (6.71 mm) compared to healthy participants (10.14 mm), but this only reached borderline significance in comparison to chronic Crohn's disease (8.87 mm). Mean bowel lumen diameter was significantly (p = 0.04) higher in patients with active Crohn's disease (16.91 mm) compared to healthy participants (14.79 mm) but not in comparison to patients with chronic Crohn's disease (13.68). CONCLUSION: The findings of the present study suggest that local inflammatory activity of small-bowel segments in patients with active Crohn's disease alters small-bowel motility in distant, non-affected segments. The motility patterns revealed reduced contraction-wave frequencies, amplitudes, and decreased luminal occlusion rates. Thus evaluation of these characteristics potentially helps to differentiate between chronic and active Crohn's disease.


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Basophils are primarily associated with a proinflammatory and immunoregulatory role in allergic diseases and parasitic infections. Recent studies have shown that basophils can also bind various bacteria both in the presence and the absence of opsonizing Abs. In this report, we show that both human and mouse basophils are able to produce mitochondrial reactive oxygen species and to form extracellular DNA traps upon IL-3 priming and subsequent activation of the complement factor 5 a receptor or FcεRI. Such basophil extracellular traps (BETs) contain mitochondrial, but not nuclear DNA, as well as the granule proteins basogranulin and mouse mast cell protease 8. BET formation occurs despite the absence of any functional NADPH oxidase in basophils. BETs can be found in both human and mouse inflamed tissues, suggesting that they also play a role under in vivo inflammatory conditions. Taken together, these findings suggest that basophils exert direct innate immune effector functions in the extracellular space.


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IL-1 and TNF are important proinflammatory cytokines implicated in both antimicrobial host defense and pathogenesis of diseases with an immune-mediated and/or inflammatory component. Respective studies in the dog have been hampered by the unavailability of reagents allowing the specific measurement of canine cytokine proteins and the effect of canine cytokine neutralization by Ab. Starting with recombinant canine (rcan) IL-1beta and rcanTNF, four polyclonal antisera and 22 mAb specific for rcanIL-1beta and rcanTNF were generated. Their usefulness in neutralization assays was determined. Using cytokine-containing supernatants of canine cells in bioassays, polyclonal antisera neutralized either canine IL-1beta or TNF. TNF was also neutralized by three antibodies developed in this study and one commercial mAb. The usefulness of monoclonal and polyclonal Ab in canine cytokine-specific Ab capture ELISA's was assessed. This resulted in the identification of a commercial mAb combination and one pair developed in this study allowing low levels of TNF to be detected by antibody capture ELISA. The detection limit was 141 pg/ml rcanTNF for both combinations. Using rcanIL-1beta as an antigen allowed the detection of lower concentrations of rcanIL-1beta (20 pg/ml, on the average) by a pair of polyclonal antisera than when monoclonals were used. By using such IL-1beta-specific and TNF-specific ELISA's, the respective cytokines were detected in supernatants of canine PBMC stimulated with LPS or heat-killed Listeria monocytogenes and interferon-gamma combined. Thus, monoclonal and polyclonal reagents were identified allowing the quantitation of canine IL-1beta and TNF production in vitro, and the neutralization of these cytokines.


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OBJECTIVE A controlled clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of oral prophylaxis on halitosis-associated, immunological and microbiological parameters. METHODS Thirty subjects were included in this controlled clinical trial (patients with generalized chronic periodontitis and controls without clinical attachment loss; each n = 15). Before oral prophylaxis and 14 days after (including tongue cleaning) volatile sulphur compounds (VSC), organoleptic scores and a tongue coating index were evaluated. The levels of IL-1β, IL-8, IL-10 and MMP-8 were measured in GCF, and also major periodontal pathogens were detected. Data were statistically analysed using anova and paired t-test. RESULTS Supragingival plaque and calculus removal with combined tongue cleaning was able to reduce significantly (P < 0.05) the VSC values in both groups (no significant differences between both groups). Two weeks after periodontal debridement, the VSC values were observed in the periodontitis group, but not in the control group, similar to the baseline values. The difference between the groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Only a repeated prophylaxis session in the periodontitis group was able to reduce VSC values significantly in comparison with baseline (P < 0.05). Organoleptic scores (10 and 30 cm) were significantly different (P < 0.05) between both groups before and after the treatment. Periodontal pathogens and host-derived markers were not significantly affected by a single prophylaxis session. CONCLUSIONS Oral prophylaxis may result in a significant decrease in VSC values. However, in periodontal diseases, a more complex treatment seems to be necessary.