951 resultados para Infectious-diseases


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São descritos a epidemiologia, os sinais clínicos, os achados de necropsia e a histopatologia de seis casos de febre catarral maligna (FCM) em bovinos de 5 fazendas localizadas nos estados de Mato Grosso do Sul e São Paulo. A doença ocorreu em bovinos de ambos os sexos e com idades variando de 4 meses a 11 anos. Os índices de morbidade variaram de 0,25% a 6.6% e a letalidade foi de 100%. A evolução clínica foi aguda (2-3 dias) em seis casos e crônica em um (3 meses). O diagnóstico presuntivo de FCM nos casos descritos neste relato foi baseado nos sinais clínicos, achados de necropsia e confirmados pela histopatologia. Os principais sinais clínicos nos casos agudos foram febre, corrimento mucopurulento pelas fossas nasais, opacidade da córnea, sialorréia, úlceras em várias superfícies mucosas e distúrbios nervosos. O bovino do caso crônico mostrou opacidade da córnea e distúrbios neurológicos. Os principais achados de necropsia incluíam hiperemia e lesões diftéricas em várias superfícies epiteliais e a histopatologia consistiu de vasculite, focos de infiltrado mononuclear multifocal em vários órgãos e necrose de superfícies epiteliais.


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O artigo trata da formação da indústria farmacêutica brasileira. Aborda algumas questões de história econômica e social, tais como o surgimento do sistema de saúde pública, as práticas de combate às doenças infecciosas, desde as desinfecções e produção de substâncias químicas pela indústria, à soroterapia e produção de soros e vacinas nas instituições de pesquisa científica públicas e nas empresas farmacêuticas privadas. Toma para análise da indústria farmacêutica privada nacional, a empresa Instituto Pinheiros - Produtos Terapêuticos S.A., enfatizando as relações entre seus cientistas, no desenvolvimento de produtos, de tecnologia e da própria discussão científica com as instituições públicas de pesquisa criadas no âmbito da política de saúde pública pelo estado de São Paulo.


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OBJETIVO: Observar a ocorrência de amebas de vida livre dos gêneros Acanthamoeba e Naegleria em amostras de poeira coletadas em hospitais. MÉTODOS: Foram coletadas 132 amostras de poeira em dois hospitais do município de Presidente Prudente, São Paulo. Os locais da coleta foram: Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, Centro Cirúrgico, Isolamento de Moléstias Infecciosas, Berçário, Emergência e Cozinha. As amostras foram semeadas em três meios de cultura: meio de ágar não nutriente com Escherichia coli, meio de ágar infusão de soja e microcultivo em meio de Pavlova modificado por Giazzi. As amebas isoladas foram identificadas segundo critérios morfológicos. RESULTADOS: O índice geral de positividade para amebas de vida livre, potencialmente patogênicas, dos gêneros Acanthamoeba e Naegleria, foi de 45,5%, sendo positivas 41,6% das amostras de poeira coletadas no hospital universitário e 50% no hospital estadual. Obtiveram-se 45,5% de positividade do gênero Acanthamoeba e 3,8% para amebas do gênero Naegleria. CONCLUSÕES: As amebas de vida livre, potencialmente patogênicas, estavam presentes em todos os ambientes estudados dos dois hospitais, sendo que as espécies do gênero Acanthamoeba foram as isoladas com maior freqüência.


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Crianças e adolescentes com doenças reumatológicas apresentam maior prevalência de doenças infecciosas quando comparados com a população em geral, em decorrência de atividade da doença, possível deficiência imunológica secundária à própria doença, ou uso de terapia imunossupressora. A vacinação é uma medida eficaz para a redução da morbidade e mortalidade nesses pacientes. O objetivo deste artigo foi realizar um consenso de eficácia e segurança das vacinas em crianças e adolescentes com doenças reumatológicas infantis baseadas em níveis de evidência científica. Imunização passiva para os pacientes e orientações para as pessoas que convivem com doentes imunodeprimidos também foram incluídas. Os 32 pediatras reumatologistas membros do Departamento de Reumatologia da Sociedade de Pediatria de São Paulo (SPSP) e/ou da Comissão de Reumatologia Pediátrica da Sociedade Brasileira de Reumatologia elaboraram o consenso, sendo que alguns desses profissionais estão envolvidos em pesquisas e publicações científicas nesta área. A pesquisa dos termos eficácia e/ou segurança das diferentes vacinas em crianças e adolescentes com doenças reumatológicas foi realizada nas bases de Medline e Scielo, de 1966 até março de 2009, incluindo revisões, estudos controlados e relatos de casos. O grau de recomendação e o nível científico de evidências dos estudos foram classificados em quatro níveis para cada vacina. de um modo geral, as vacinas inativadas e de componentes são seguras nos pacientes com doenças reumatológicas, mesmo em uso de terapias imunossupressoras. Entretanto, vacinas com agentes vivos atenuados são, em geral, contraindicadas para os pacientes imunossuprimidos.


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Progression of chronic hepatitis C is known to be associated with some factors, but influence of HCV genotypes is still controversial. Association between HCV genotypes and other risk factors was examined to determine which factors are associated with progression of infection. One hundred consecutive anti-HCV positive volunteer blood donors were evaluated for several risk factors, examined for HCV genotypes, and submitted to hepatic biopsy and biochemical exams.HCV genotyping were carried out in 89 patients and hepatic biopsy in 78. Transmission routes were found to be illicit intravenous drug use (26%), Gluconergan® use in a non-safe manner (48%) and blood transfusion (15%). HCV genotype was 1 in 45%, 3 in 40%, and it was not associated with the stage of fibrosis or with inflammatory activity. There was no significant association of factors related to infection, chronic alcohol use, or duration of illness, with progression of the lesion. There was a significant association of aminotransferase levels and the fibrosis stage. Univariate analysis showed that the age at contamination, patient's age, GT-gamma, and aminotransferase levels over three times the upper normal limits, were associated with fibrosis stages 2 to 4. Multivariate analysis detected age (odds ratio=1.19), and GT-gamma (odds ratio=2.02) as independent factors.


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Nasopharyngeal colonization with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) often precedes the development of nosocomial infections. In order to identify risk factors for MRSA colonization, we conducted a case-case-control study, enrolling 122 patients admitted to a medical-surgical intensive care unit (ICU). All patients had been screened for nasopharyngeal colonization with S. aureus upon admission and weekly thereafter. Two case-control studies were performed, using as cases patients who acquired colonization with MRSA and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA), respectively. For both studies, patients in whom colonization was not detected during ICU stay were selected as control subjects. Several potential risk factors were assessed in univariate and multivariable (logistic regression) analysis. MRSA and MSSA were recovered from nasopharyngeal samples from 27 and 10 patients, respectively. Independent risk factors for MRSA colonization were: length-of-stay in the ICU (Odds Ratio [OR]=1.12, 95%Confidence Interval[CI]=1.06-1.19, p<0.001) and use of ciprofloxacin (OR=5.05, 95%CI=1.38-21.90, p=0.015). The use of levofloxacin had a protective effect (OR=0.08, 95%CI=0.01-0.55, p=0.01). Colonization with MSSA was positively associated with central nervous system disease (OR=7.45, 95%CI=1.33-41.74, p=0.02) and negatively associated with age (OR=0.94, 95%CI=0.90-0.99, p=0.01). In conclusion, our study suggests a role for both cross-transmission and selective pressure of antimicrobials in the spread of MRSA.


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The combination of pegylated interferon (PEG-INF) and ribavirin is currently the best treatment for chronic hepatitis C, providing a sustained virological response (SVR) in 54%-63% of patients. In patients infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1, the SVR rate is 42%-52%. To evaluate the treatment efficacy of this drug combination, we conducted an open, prospective study of 58 consecutive treatment-naive patients infected with HCV genotype 1 and treated at a university hospital, comparing those presenting an SVR (SVRs), nonresponders (NRs), and relapsers (RELs). Among the intent-to-treat patients, an end-of-treatment virological response was achieved in 69 % of the sample as a whole and in 52 % of the SVRs. We found that being an SVR was significantly associated with mild fibrosis (p = 0.04) and with undetectable HCV RNA at weeks 12 and 24 of treatment (p < 0.0001). Comparing the SVR and REL groups, we observed that being older than 40 was significantly associated with being a REL (p = 0.04). Being an NR was found to be associated with severe fibrosis and moderate inflammatory infiltrates (portal or periportal). In the polytomous logistic regression, no independent factors were associated with the REL group when compared with the SVR group. We conclude that RELs and NRs differ in comparison with SVRs. The RELs accounted for 17% of the sample. The HCV RNA test results at weeks 12 and 24 of treatment, although independent predictors of non-response (OR: 4.8 and 8.2, respectively), did not differ between SVRs and RELs.


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To assess human cellular immune response to paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), lymphocyte proliferative responses to purified antigens from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis were determined in healthy persons previously infected by the fungus (positive donors), in healthy noninfected persons (controls), and in PCM patients. Affinity-purified gp70 and gp43, the two major antigens in humoral immune responses, were used, Both induced lymphocyte proliferation (gp43 species-specific) in positive donors but not in controls; healthy persons previously infected by Histoplasma capsulatum reacted to gp70 and not to gp43, A similar cross-reactivity in antibody response to gp70 was previously reported; however, antibody response to gp43 has been considered specific, Lymphocytes from PCM patients, who, unlike positive donors, have high levels of anti-gp43 and anti-gp70 antibodies, proliferated poorly with gp70 and gp43 but better with other stimuli, This dichotomy between humoral and cellular antigen-specific responses suggests a Th2 immune response in PCM, which may be related to failure to control the infection.


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In the present work, 199 patients with leprosy who underwent autopsy between 1970 and 1986 were retrospectively studied to determine the prevalence, types, clinical characteristics, and etiologic factors of renal lesions (RLs) in leprosy. Patients were divided into two groups: 144 patients with RLs (RL+) and 55 patients without RLs (RL-), RLs observed in 72% of the autopsied patients were amyloidosis (AMY) in 61 patients (31%), glomerulonephritis (GN) in 29 patients (14%), nephrosclerosis (NPS) in 22 patients (11%), tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN) in 18 patients (9%), granuloma in 2 patients (1%), and other lesions in 12 patients (6%), AMY occurred most frequently in patients with lepromatous leprosy (36%; nonlepromatous leprosy, 5%; P < 0.01), recurrent erythema nodosum leprosum (33%; P < 0.02), and trophic ulcers (27%; 0.05 < P < 0.10), Ninety-seven percent of AMY was found in patients with lepromatous leprosy, 88% showed recurrent trophic ulcers, and 76% presented with erythema nodosum leprosum, NPS was found in older patients with arterial hypertension, neoplastic diseases, infectious diseases, and vasculitis associated with GN, Most patients with AMY presented with proteinuria (95%) and renal failure (88%), the most frequent causes of death were renal failure in patients with AMY (57%), infectious diseases in patients with GN (41%) and TIN (45%), and cardiovascular diseases in patients with NPS (41%), No difference in survival rates was observed among RL- patients and those with AMY, GN, NPS, or TIN. (C) 2001 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.


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Background. Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is almost always lethal if not treated, but most infections with the causative agents are clinically silent. Mannan-binding lectin (MBL), an opsonin, is a candidate molecule for modifying progression to VL because it may enhance infection with intracellular pathogens. Mutations in the MBL2 gene decrease levels of MBL and may protect against development of VL. This case-control study examines genotypes of MBL2 and levels of MBL in individuals presenting with different outcomes of infection with Leishmania chagasi.Methods. Genotypes for MBL2 and levels of serum MBL were determined in uninfected control subjects (n=76) and in individuals presenting with asymptomatic infection (n=90) or VL (n=69).Results. Genotypes resulting in high levels of MBL were more frequent (odds ratio [OR], 2.5 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 1.3-5.0]; P=.006) among individuals with VL than among those with asymptomatic infections and were even more frequent (OR, 3.97 [95% CI, 1.10-14.38];P=.043) among cases of VL presenting with clinical complications than among those with uneventful courses. Serum levels of MBL were higher (P=.011) in individuals with VL than in asymptomatic infections.Conclusions. Genotypes of the MBL2 gene predict the risk for developing VL and clinical complications in infections with L. chagasi.


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We describe a vaccinialike virus, Aragatuba virus, associated with a cowpoxlike outbreak in a dairy herd and a related case of human infection. Diagnosis was based on virus growth characteristics, electron microscopy, and molecular biology techniques. Molecular characterization of the virus was done by using polymerase chain reaction amplification, cloning, an DNA sequencing of conserved orthopoxvirus genes such as the vaccinia growth factor (VGF), thymidine kinase (TK), and hemagglutinin. We used VGF-homologous and TK gene nucleoticle sequences to construct a phylogenetic tree for comparison with other poxviruses. Gene sequences showed 99% homology with vaccinia virus genes and were clustered together with the isolated virus in the phylogenetic tree. Aragatuba virus is very similar to Cantagalo virus, showing the same signature deletion in the gene. Aragatuba virus could be a novel vaccinialike virus or could represent the spread of Cantagalo virus.


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