921 resultados para Indonesia - History - 1966-1998


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To improve the cod stocks in the Baltic Sea, a number of regulations have recently been established by the International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission (IBSFC) and the European Commission. According to these, fishermen are obliged to use nets with escape windows (BACOMA nets) with a mesh size of the escape window of 120 mm until end of September 2003. These nets however, retain only fish much larger than the legal minimum landing size would al-low. Due to the present stock structure only few of such large fish are however existent. As a consequence fishermen use a legal alternative net. This is a conventional trawl with a cod-end of 130 mm diamond-shaped meshes (IBSFC-rules of 1st April 2002), to be increased to 140 mm on 1st September 2003, according to the mentioned IBSFC-rule. Due legal alterations of the net by the fishermen (e.g. use of extra stiff net material) these nets have acquired extremely low selective properties, i. e. they catch very small fish and produce great amounts of discards. Due to the increase of the minimum landing size from 35 to 38 cm for cod in the Baltic, the amount of discards has even increased since the beginning of 2003. Experiments have now been carried out with the BACOMAnet on German and Swedish commercial and research vessels since arguments were brought forward that the BACOMA net was not yet sufficiently tested on commercial vessels. The results of all experiments conducted so far, are compiled and evaluated here. As a result of the Swedish, Danish and German initiative and research the European Commission reacted upon this in June 2003 and rejected the increase of the diamond-meshed non-BACOMA net from 130 mm to 140mm in September 2003. To protect the cod stocks in the Baltic Sea more effectively the use of traditional diamond meshed cod-ends with-out escape window are prohibited in community waters without derogation, becoming effective 1st of September 2003. To enable more effective and simplified control of the bottom trawl fishery in the Baltic Sea the principle of a ”One-Net-Rule“ is enforced. This is going to be the BACOMA net, with the meshes of the escape window being 110 mm for the time being. The description of the BACOMA net as given in the IBSFC-rules no.10 (revision of the 28th session, Berlin 2002) concentrates on the cod-end and the escape window but only to a less extent on the design and mesh-composition of the remaining parts of the net, such as belly and funnel and many details. Thus, the present description is not complete and leaves, according to fishermen, ample opportunity for manipulation. An initiative has been started in Germany with joint effort from scientists and the fishery to better describe the entire net and to produce a proposal for a more comprehensive description, leaving less space for manipulation. A proposal in this direction is given here and shall be seen as a starting point for a discussion and development towards an internationally uniform net, which is agreed amongst the fishery, scientists and politicians. The Baltic Sea fishery is invited to comment on this proposal, and recommendations for further improvement and specifications are welcomed. Once the design is agreed by the Baltic Fishermen Association, it shall be proposed to the IBSFC and European Commission via the Baltic Fishermen Association.


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Elkhorn Slough was first exposed to direct tidal forcing from the waters of Monterey Bay with the construction of Moss Landing Harbor in 1946. Elkhorn Slough is located mid-way between Santa Cruz and Monterey close to the head of Monterey Submarine Canyon. It follows a 10 km circuitous path inland from its entrance at Moss Landing Harbor. Today, Elkhorn Slough is a habitat and sanctuary for a wide variety of marine mammals, fish, and seabirds. The Slough also serves as a sink and pathway for various nutrients and pollutants. These attributes are directly or indirectly affected by its circulation and physical properties. Currents, tides and physical properties of Elkhorn Slough have been observed on an irregular basis since 1970. Based on these observations, the physical characteristics of Elkhorn Slough are examined and summarized. Elkhorn Slough is an ebb-dominated estuary and, as a result, the rise and fall of the tides is asymmetric. The fact that lower low water always follows higher high water and the tidal asymmetry produces ebb currents that are stronger than flooding currents. The presence of extensive mud flats and Salicornia marsh contribute to tidal distortion. Tidal distortion also produces several shallow water constituents including the M3, M4, and M6 overtides and the 2MK3 and MK3 compound tides. Tidal elevations and currents are approximately in quadrature; thus, the tides in Elkhorn Slough have some of the characters of a standing wave system. The temperature and salinity of lower Elkhorn Slough waters reflect, to a large extent, the influence of Monterey Bay waters, whereas the temperature and salinity of the waters of the upper Slough (>5 km from the mouth) are more sensitive to local processes. During the summer, temperature and salinity are higher in the upper slough due to local heating and evaporation. Maximum tidal currents in Elkhorn Slough have increased from approximately 75 to 120 cm/s over the past 30 years. This increase in current speed is primarily due to the change in tidal prism which has increased from approximately 2.5 to 6.2 x 106 m3 between 1956 and 1993. The increase in tidal prism is the result of both 3 rapid man-made changes to the Slough, and the continuing process of tidal erosion. Because of the increase in the tidal prism, the currents in Elkhorn Slough exhibit positive feedback, a process with uncertain consequences. [PDF contains 55 pages]


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1 carta (mecanografiada) ; 210x297mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 17


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1 carta (mecanografiada) ; 210x297mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 71


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Das Aufgabengebiet der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei umfasst alle Forschungsaktivitäten, die zur Erreichung der politischen Ziele des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten (BML) im Bereich der Fischerei und ihrer Erzeugnisse erforderlich sind. Alle Arbeiten der Forschungsanstalt sind international eingebunden in die Ziele der gemeinsamen Fischereipolitik der EU, sowie die Arbeiten des Internationalen Rats für Meeresforschung. Die Bundesforschungsanstalt gliedert sich in fünf Institute.


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A short review of the actual assessments on the northeast atlantic groundfish stocks of cod, saithe, haddock, redfish and Greenland halibut provided by the ICES „Arctic Fisheries Working Group“is given. All these stocks are presently considered outside safe biological limits. For the first time since 5 years the cod stock is in an endangered situation, because the assessment was to optimistic and the TAC therefore set to high. According to the recent assessments necessary changes in the commercial fishery of the year 1998 off the Nowegian coast and in the Barent-Sea area are discussed. Information on distribution and fishery of cod, haddock, saithe and redfish is given. Biological investigations were carried out onboard the German factory trawler FMS „KIEL“ in January/March and September/ Occtober 1998 in order to collect data of the German fishery in that area. Aspects of length and age distributions, and stomach- and gonad investigation are represented.


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Recently, the German redfish fishery displayed a pronounced seasonal pattern in geographic effort distribution and depth. The second and third quarters were the main season when 80 % of the effort was exerted. During the second quarter, the fleet activities were concentrated in international waters close to the Icelandic Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), fishing at depths exceeding 600 m. In contrast, the catches in the third quarter were taken mainly inside the Greenland EEZ at depths around 300 m. From 1995 to 1998, the annual effort ranged from 14 000 to 18 000 trawling hours, without a trend. This effort yielded about 18 000 to 21 000 t (international catch > 100 000 t) annually. Since 1996, the catch rate (CPUE) decreased during the main season. The decrease in CPUE should be interpreted as the first reaction of the stock to increased exploitation. The fish size also varied seasonally and peaked during the second quarter at depths exceeding 600 m. Here, males were bigger than females and both sexes were equally frequent. The increase of fish size with increasing depth did not contribute to the hypothesis of two separate pelagic redfish stocks above and below 500 m. In contrast, the close relation between fish size and depth point to the so-called “deeper-bigger phenomenon” which was found in numerous fish stocks. Very few redfish in the catches were immature.


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In 1998 the longtime series of the standardized bottom trawl surveys conducted in the western Baltic (ICES Sub-division (SD) 22 and 24 since 1978) during spring and autumn and also in the eastern Baltic (ICES Sub-division since 1993) during spring were continued. The results of the surveys as well as those of a sampling programme carried out on board of commercial cutters (mainly financed by an EU study project) and on the market, the investigation of the survival rate of the discards, and the landing statistics are the basis of the analysis of the German and international cod fishery in 1998. The German cod fishery was concentrated on the ICES SD 22 and 24 (total landings 9722 t). The total landings from the fishing grounds east off Bornholm, the traditional German fishing ground, amounted only to about 1270 t. The German cod quota was utilized at 64 %. The fishery in the ICES SD 22 and 24 was characterized by a discard rate of undersized cod of 13 %. That corresponds to about 7.3 million specimens of 0-group, one- and two-years-old youngfish, respectively. The total international cod landings of the Baltic amounted to 101 500 t. In comparison with 1997 (total landings 129 600 t) the landing decreased by 23 %. The percentage utilization of the cod TAC (1998: 140 000 t) amounted to 74 % in 1998.


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The results of the assessments on North-east fish stocks of cod, haddock, saithe, redfish and Greenland halibut by the ICES ”Arctic Fisheries Working Group” in 1997 are presented. Whereas the stocks of cod, haddock and saithe are considered to be in fairly good conditions and within safe biological limits the assessments show the stocks of beaked redfish and Greenland halibut to be low. Assessments of cod and haddock differed from previous years, because data on cannibalism were introduced into the recruitment models.


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The atlanto-scandian herring consists of two major stocks, i.e. the Icelandic summer spawner and the Norwegian spring spawner. Both stocks have recovered well after complete collapse in the seventies and allow for a controlled fishery. The total allowable catch of the Norwegian spring spawner is currently 1.3 mill. t. The resumption of the fishery is accompanied by an annual and multi-national survey with Norwegian, Faeroe Islands, Icelandic and Russian contribution. In 1998 the EU will contribute to the survey with the Swedish vessel ”Argos” and in 1999 with the ”Walther Herwig III” under Dutch, Swedish and German participation. About half of the survey costs are covered by the EU by means of a funded study, the other half is contributed by the participating nations.


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The fishery ministers of the EU agreed in their yearly pre-Christmas marathon session on 18th and 19th Dec. 1997 on next year’s TACs and country quota. Main decision was the increase of the TAC for North sea cod and a smaller than feared cut of cod TACs in the West of Scotland zone, the Irish Sea and the English Channel. For the first time ministers set country quota for horse mackerel; until 1997 there had been - with the exception for Portugal and Spain - only a common quota. Also for the much disputed sandeel fishery a TAC of 1 mio. t was finally established, as well as for bluefin tuna and swordfish in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. For 1998 the EU member countries dispose of a total catch quota of 4.46 mio. t in EU waters, and together with quota in third country waters of 5.2 mio. t. Of this total quota, 3.16 mio. t are fish for human consumption and 2.1 mio. t fish for industrial purposes.


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Sixty delegates from Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and India met at Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB, West Nusa Tenggara) province, Indonesia, during 2-5 August 2009, for the workshop on “Customary Institutions in Indonesia: Do They Have a Role in Fisheries and Coastal Area Management?”. The workshop was organized by the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF), in co-operation with Indonesia’s Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) and the Provincial Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DKP) of the Government of NTB. (PDF contains 68 pages)


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The Workshop on Climate Change and Salmon Production was held in Vancouver, Canada, 26-27 March 1998. The Workshop was organized and sponsored by the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC). Each Party to the Commission designated one scientist to the Workshop Steering Committee. Each member of the Steering Committee chaired one half-day session of the Workshop. All necessary arrangements were made by the NPAFC Secretariat in cooperation with the Steering Committee and the Canadian Party to the Commission. (PDF contains 60 pages) Over 70 scientists, industry representatives and fisheries officials attended the Workshop. There were 20 presentations of scientific papers followed by the discussion sessions. Extended abstracts are included in this Technical Report, which also contains opening address by the Chairman of the Steering Committee and short review of the Workshop by the Coordinator. The material presented in the Technical Report has not been peer reviewed and does not necessarily reflect the views of either the NPAFC or the Parties. The material has been edited by the technical editor for clarity and publication purposes only. Items in this Report should not be cited except as personal communication and with the author's permission.


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Lake Chad is a very large, shallow eutrophic lake shared by Chad, Nigeria, Niger and Cameroun. It supplies approximately 13% of Nigeria's inland fish. It however lies in an unstable ecological environment characterised by intermittent period of rainfall and drought. This creates a very large draw down area. Consequently, the fisheries are affected by the oscillation in the size of lake due to the drought. Other factors affecting the volume of water are the numerous dams on the inflow rivers. The fishery is also subjected to intense overfishing and may be affected by pollution and other land use practices. The paper discusses changes that took place over the years as a result of the factors of drought, effect of dams on the inflow rivers. The fishery is also subjected to intense overfishing and may be affected by pollution and other land use practices. The paper discusses changes that took place over the years as a result of the factors of drought, effects of dams and overexploitation. Previous records of fish production, species composition and distribution, the status of the fish stocks, their sizes are compared with more recent data. The status of the fishery before and after the contraction of the lake is discussed. Suggestion for a national exploitation of the lake based on habitat improvement, increasing the volume of the water in the lake through controlled use of the influent rivers as well as reduction in overfishing are made