977 resultados para Index numbers (Economics)


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The author gives a financial and economic valuation of the operation of vessels in the 38 foot GRP class. He discusses particularly the materials and methods of fishing they use, species composition of their catches, their rate of return, break-even analysis, financial and social analysis.


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Economic aspects of producing liquid and dried silage from silver belly (Leiognathus splendens) in Sri Lanka are considered. A discounted cash flow analysis for the production of a dried fish silage/rice bran product suitable for use in compounded poultry feeds shows that the internal rate of return for a 10-year project would be between 34-77% and for a 5-year project between 26-73%. Thus it is concluded that the project would be extremely profitable.


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Studies were conducted to observe the effects of different types of feeds on the gonado-somatic index (GSI) and fecundity of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rogenbergii. Three different treatments (T1 T2 and T3) were designed with three types of feed as follows: (i) Saudi-Bangla Prawn feed 100% - T1 (ii) SaudiBangla prawn feed 50%+ local feed 50%- T2 and (iii) local feed 100%- T3. The results showed that the average value of gonado-somatic index (GSI) was 14.39, 14.35 and 14.36 and the average fecundity of M. rogenbergiiwas 99,741, 98,125 and 97,911 in T1 T2 and T3 respectively. No significant difference (p>00.5) was between gonado-somatic indices (GSI) and fecundities of M. rogenbergii among different feeding trails. The price of Saudi-Bangla prawn feed was very high (Tk. 23/kg) than the local feed (Tk. 14/kg). So, use of local feed was recommended for M. rogenbergii brood rearing.


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Transmission terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) measurements of carbon nanotube arrays are presented. A relatively thin film with vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes has been prepared and measured using THz-TDS. Experimental results were obtained from 80GHz to 2.5THz, and the sample has been characterized by extracting the relative permittivity of the carbon nanotubes. A combination of the Maxwell-Garnett and Drude models within the frequency range provide a good fit to the measured permittivity.


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A simple costs and return analysis was done to determine the profitability of pond fish culture in three selected thanas namely Nertakona Sadar, Purbadhala and Kendua under Netrakona district. Cobb-douglas production function model was used to estimate the contribution of key variables to the production process of pond fish culture. It was found that cost of pond fish production was Tk. 10,103/ha/yr and the per hectare fish yield was 943 kgl/yr and the average gross and net return were Tk. 49,515 and Tk. 39,412 respectively. It was found that medium and small farms had the higher yield because of efficient use of production inputs compared to large farms. It was also observed that ownership of pond, number of species and human labour had negative impact on pond fish output, while depth of pond water, farm size, fish seed, fertilizer and artificial feed had significant positive effects on pond fish output.


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This study examines the relative profitability of pond aquaculture (polyculture and monoculture of silver barb) under BRAC supervision in Trishal Upazila, Mymensingh district in Bangladesh. The results of the study showed that polyculture was economically more rewarding than monoculture, though both the farming activities were profitable. Production function analysis proved that inputs such as fingerlings, fertilizer, feed and manure had positive impact on output. Human labor and insecticides were over used. The coefficients had expected signs and were found to be very significant.


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A study was conducted among fifty women fish vendors in Kancheepuram and Chennai districts to determine the factors influencing the livelihood index and level of aspiration. The independent variables such as annual income, scientific orientation, expenditure per year and savings per year were found to have highest factor loadings on livelihood index and level of aspiration of fisherwomen. Besides most of the fisherwomen had a high level (score of <50) of livelihood index and a high level (score greater than 13) of aspiration.


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An attempt was made to study the input-output relationships and economics of pangas monoculture and carp-pangas polyculture in Bangladesh. By analyzing the data collected from 50 pangas farms and 55 carp-pangas farms, the study has investigated the production systems of two technologies and the effects of fingerling stocking and applications of feed and fertilizer on fisheries income. The data were collected from the fishermen of Trishal and Bhaluka of Mymensingh district, and Kahaloo and Adamdighee of Bogra district during 2001-02. For pangas monoculture, the stocking density was 31,561 per ha while it was 55,017 per ha in carp-pangas polyculture. Most of the farmers used urea, TSP and lime before stocking. Rice and wheat bran happened to be the most common feed ingredients for both types of culture in general. Other important ingredients used were mustard oil-cakes, rice polish, wheat flour, fish meal, bone meal, soybean meal and poultry litter. In terms of quantities, rice bran and wheat bran dominated the farmers list. Rice and wheat bran together constituted about 60% of all studied feeds. Feed cost constituted 59.13% of total costs for pangas monoculture and 67.44% for carp-pangas polyculture. Per ha productions of pangas and carp-pangas in a single culture cycle were 15,508 kg and 19,745 kg, respectively. Per ha gross profits were estimated to be Tk 310,311 and Tk 464,418 for pangas monoculture and carp-pangas polyculture, respectively. Net profit appeared to be Tk 264,216 per ha for pangas monoculture and Tk 416,509 per ha for carp-pangas polyculture. The BCRs calculated were 1.46 and 1.68 for monoculture and polyculture, respectively. The break-even costs per kg of fish were estimated at Tk 36.93 for pangas and Tk 30.93 for mixed species which was much lower than the prices the producers received. Break-even productions were estimated at 10,702 kg per ha for pangas monoculture and 11,784 kg per ha for carp-pangas polyculture. Fingerling and feed cost, and pond size significantly explained the variation of income from pangas monoculture. These factors have significantly influenced the income from the crop. Functional analysis shows that 1% increase in the feed cost might increase 0.51% of pangas income and 0.41% in carp-pangas income. No other inputs had shown this much of responses to increasing income from a fish.


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This communication describes the design aspect and functions of individual pieces of equipment of a pilot plant for the production of fish ensilage based on lactic acid fermentation process. Details about the equipment, process flow sheet and equipment layout of the pilot plant have been given. An attempt has been made to prepare an estimate of the cost of production of liquid ensilage and solid feed mix.


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Results of a preliminary investigation on the overall chemical nature of fish skin mucin in lung fish, Clarias batrachus, with special reference to water soluble low molecular weight compounds, are presented. Changes observed during room temperature spoilage have been studied with a view to present a new approach towards the assessment of freshness in fish inspection. pH of the mucin was distinctly alkaline (8.2) and remained unchanged during spoilage. Much of the nitrogen was found to be present in the glycoprotein fraction. Free amino acids and purine bases were present in appreciable quantities in the aqueous extracts which registered a significant increase after 10 hrs. Post-mortem increase in total solids was accompanied by a slight rise in protein nitrogen which may indicate tissue breakdown. Increase in TVN was also observed to occur earlier in the outside mucin as compared to the inside muscle. Presence of free sugars or sialic acid could not be confirmed nor was there any indication of cholesterol and lipoid material as stated in earlier literature.


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A radical and revolutionary change from the hitherto employed shrimp trawling is reported for better productivity and economy in deep sea trawling with medium and large vessels. Studies carried out off Veraval with a 13.7 m. four seam shrimp trawl as conventional single-rig and two 6.8 m four seam shrimp trawls as double-rig from a 15.2 m fishing vessel showed an increase of 98% shrimp catch by double-rig over single-rig at 86.3 % of the power utilised by the latter. It has also been worked out, theoretically, how better this available power can be utilised for further improvement of catch. An increase of 15% head rope length in case of double-rig over the optimum single-rig gear of any vessel is recommended.


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An attempt was made to correlate the catalase production with the actual number of aerobic bacterial cells generating the enzyme: bacteria were obtained from the surface of marine fish. A linear correlation was found between the log of catalase activity and log of bacterial count in single culture.


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Observations (76 nos) on height-length and whole weight-meat weight relations of mussels (Perna viridis), both wild and cultured were made. From the length of mussel the height can be worked out by the equations (logarithmic scale), 1. y = 0.360+0.988 x for wild; 2. y = 0.334+1.011 x for cultured, where x is the length (cm) and y is the height (cms). So also to any height the corresponding meat weight can be obtained by the regression equation. log w=-0.8178+1.9769 log H for wild variety (1) log w=-1.3049+2.8385 log H for culture-variety (2) where w is the meat weight (g) and H is the height (cm) of the mussel. Fourteen observations on size weight measurements of dams were made. The yield varied from 8.9 to 13%. The length-height relationship worked out for clams (Villorita sp) is y=0.485+1.005 x for length x and height y.


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Sixty one observations on length-breadth and whole weight-meat weight relations of India crab (Scylla serrata) were made. From the length of crab (cm) the whole weight (gm) can be computed by the equation: log W=-0.1708+2.3341 log L. Similarly for any given length (cm) the meat weight (gm) can be found by the relation, log w=-1.5745+3.0148 log L.