983 resultados para Implementação BIM
This paper presents a study on the development of a manufacturing system of printed circuit boards through copper milling. An advantage of this system is the replacement of chemical processes by physical process presenting a sustainable solution. The paper uses programs that will generate G-code needed to establish the coordinates where the milling forms the tracks. After obtaining the code, it will be transformed into steps that will be sent through the serial port to the microcontroller and the serial communication control will be in software. After obtaining information the microcontroller will execute the movement of the stepper motors through their drivers, H-bridge, the microcontroller also drives the spindle motor responsible for rotating the grinding tool, using a driver with a optocoupler and TRIAC
La mission de ce rapport se trouvée dans un projet major de mise en place de la TPM dans l’usine de Biotechnologie à Huningue. Le même sera utilisé comme pilote pour les autres sites de l’entreprise. Le but spécifique de ma mission au sein de Novartis, était d’identifier les activités principales des équipes de maintenance, étudier la façon de travailler et la manière comment ils étaient renseignées dans leurs Ordres de Travail (OT). Ensuite, proposer un standard de flux de travail et façon de renseigner les OT et ainsi organiser la façon de travailler et pouvoir planifier les activités de maintenance, ayant une bonne base de données pour faire les indicateurs
In uncertainly economic scenarios, an economic feasibility analysis must be done to accept a project based on investment criteria, such as NPV and IRR, mainly because the shareholders tend to invest their budget in a project if it has a great chance to return their investments. The studied company outsources all of its foundry services, what makes it very dependent of its suppliers, because the products have a lower quality level, long delivery periods and high prices. Therefore, this work will analyze the project of building an iron-casting foundry to decrease the dependence of its suppliers. In order to develop this research, all needed data related to the construction of the foundry and sales were collected to create deterministic and probabilistic (Monte Carlo Simulation) cash flows using MsExcel® and Oracle's Crystal Ball® software. As a result, the project was found to be risky by the NPV and IRR in the case of this new production line supplying only the internal needs. However, when the company offers its services to the foundry market, the project turns to be feasible
Fossil fuels are the main energy sources of the modern industrial age. Very sophisticated processes have been developed to extract these resources, due to increased demand on a global scale, as the extraction of oil. However, the complexity of these processes can cause accidents such as the release of oil to seas and oceans. In this context, this study proposes to carry out the implementation of a system of information to charts of environmental sensitivity to oil and prepare maps of vulnerability to oil for the city of Caraguatatuba-SP. The implementation of the database with geographical information of coastal environments was appropriate to be provided by the Internet, allowing wide access of data. The maps of vulnerability are important tool developed for the Individual Emergency Plans, because they were developed in operational scale, appropriate to actions to combat oil.
The Biosusceptometry AC (BAC) is a research tool that has been extensively explored by the group Biomagnetism IBB-UNESP for monitoring of the gastrointestinal tract, its response to a known drug or in vivo performance of solid dosage forms. During this period the BAC, which has the characteristics of high sensitivity and low cost, has been developed primarily for recording signals contraction of activity and traffic human gastrointestinal tract. With the possibility of producing images with this instrumentation, it was possible to evaluate different situations in vitro and in vivo for physiological studies and pharmaceuticals. Considering the good performance of this system to produce planar images, the first aim of the BAC system tomography (TBAC) was to evaluate the system performance of BAC to produce tomographic images of phantoms ferromagnetic for a single channel system. All these applications were only possible because of their sensitivity to materials of high magnetic suscepitibility as ferrite, which allow to produce an electrical signal proportional to the variation of the magnetic flux generated by the presence of magnetic marker next to a first-order gradiometer. Measuring this variation at various points was possible to generate planar images that recently came to be produced in systems with multiple detectors, said multi-channels. From planar images, also producing tomographic images of simulators BAC bars in a system of 13 channels using only the center channel, with good results when applied to simple objects as one and two bars. When testing the resolution of the system with more elaborate forms the quality and resolution of images reconstructed is not satisfactory, which would be solved by increasing the spatial sampling rate and hence the acquisition time. The present system works with an acquisition time of about five hours. Whereas this system will be applied for in vivo experiments, the acquisition time became a ...
The mobile application proposed in this undergraduate project, classified as a Location-Based Service and named Traveller, was developed to support users of mobile phones equipped with GPS in unknown locations by providing information about weather, location of users and stores in urban areas. The mobile devices whose this project is intended are those equipped with Android. The programming language Java was selected and the Eclipse development environment was used along with the toolkit for developing Android (ADT - Android Development Tools)
The world is an environment in constant process of globalization, where physical boundaries are no longer limits. The competitiveness has also evolved, forcing companies to adopt efficient practices in order to increase productivity gains, reduce losses and improve quality. Nowadays, the supply chain management and its element, including the internal logistics, is regarded as a key element for gaining competitiveness. Thus, this study focused on identifying and implementing improvements in the internal raw materials transport operations of a consumer goods company, based on concepts and tools of the lean thinking. The results showed considerable gains in productivity with consequent cost reduction, proving the efficiency of the methodology lean even in support areas of an organization.
With the imposition of the suspension of production and subsequent banning of incandescent light bulbs will be necessary to replace it by other more energy-efficient. Although the main alternative is the compact fluorescent lamp, the environmental impact caused by it due to incorrect disposal and the amount of harmonics included in the network resulting in losses related to the quality of electric power system makes them sought new alternatives for lighting systems that are efficient and have low environmental impact. In this context, the LED (Lighting Emitting Diode), based on solid-state components, is presented as an option for new projects and replacement of existing lighting. In this work we studied aspects of energy, environmental and economic impacts of a possible replacement of conventional lighting systems for new technology. From laboratory tests and surveys of the costs of different types of lamps used for residential lighting, we performed a comparative analysis considering energy and economic aspects which showed that the LED technology, but has a high initial investment, it is best when power quality and environmental preservation are relevant factors in decision making for the choice of technology to be used in the lighting system
The steel type AISI 4130 (ultra-high strength steel) is an alloy of low carbon and its main alloying elements are chromium and molybdenum, which improves the toughness of the weld metal. It has numerous applications, especially where the need for high mechanical strength. It is widely used in equipment used by the aviation industry, such as cradle-tomotor, and this is the motivation for this study. Cots are of fundamental importance, because the engine supports and maintains balance in the fixed landing gear. This equipment is subjected to intense loading cycles, whose fractures caused by fatigue are constantly observed. Will be determined the effects caused by re-welding the structure of aeronautical equipment, and will also study the microstructure of the metal without welding. The studies will be done on materials used in aircraft, which was given to study. The results provide knowledge of microstructure to evaluate any type of fracture that maybe caused by fatigue. Fatigue is a major cause of aircraft accidents and incidents occurred, which makes the study of the microstructure of the metal, weld and re-solder the knowledge essential to the life of the material. The prevention and control of the process of fatigue in aircraft are critical, since the components are subjected to greater responsibility cyclic loading
This work presents a theoretical study of ordinary differential equations of first order directed so as to provide basis for the development of an educational software that helps students and researchers confronted with this issue. The algorithm was developed in HTML language in to that the results provide a website that allows the audience to access the software anywhere which has internet connection
Oil spills cause serious damage to the cost life and environments. Those impacts affect ecologic and socio-economic resources (like fishing and tourism). Within this background, response actions have two main objectives: the contaminant removal, with the less additional impacts, and enhance environment restoration in order to make this process complete in the shortest time possible. The present work proposes to contribute for the emergency environmental management in cases of oil spills by systematization of relevant information for oil spill environmental sensitivity maps. The next stage was to insert all these data on a geographic database, which allows data access by web. Beside that, this work aimed to recommend suitable clean-up techniques for the ecosystems located on the study area, composed by the municipalities: Praia Grande, Mongaguá, Itanhaém and Peruíbe, belonging to Baixada Santista and Iguape, Cananéia and Ilha Comprida, south cost of São Paulo state. This area is situated between two important Brazilian ports: Santos and Paranaguá, and that make it under considerable accident risks. The results were all data inserted on the geodatabase and available to user recover the information by web consulting. With that, this work wishes to contribute to individual emergencial planning of the region.
The need to know and to preserve the coastal ecosystems is justified by the whole importance that those ecosystems have for our society. Then, it is big the concern in guaranteeing that those places stay free from contaminations. Among the several types of potentials pollutants that can affect the coastal systems, the petroleum-derived are the ones that cause the worst impacts, given the frequency of these accidents. Rapid actions are necessary in order to minimize the oil negative effects . This answer is faster when the most sensitive areas are known and when it presents characteristics of larger importance, as for instance, the presence of sea harvesting or the habitat of an endemic specie. Besides, it is necessary to know which cleanup methods are recommended and which are not recommended for the reached areas, so, the corrected emergency plans for each coastal environment can be applied. It is in this context that this project was developed, implementing a geographical database for the different coastal environment of São Sebastião municipality, SP, and also the data about the best cleanup techniques for each segment of the coast. This database was made available by the internet, enabling the access for several types of users.
Ante a modernidade, a informação está em toda parte, tornando-se grande o desafio de separar as informações atualizadas das ultrapassadas, as confiáveis das questionáveis e as reais das imaginadas. Em relação aos medicamentos, a despeito dos inegáveis avanços terapêuticos, os produtos farmacêuticos passaram a sofrer uso indiscriminado e irracional. Não se pode negar, que o uso racional de medicamentos implica o conhecimento específico e atualizado sobre os mesmos, como também de profissionais envolvidos e compreensão dos pacientes sobre a importância do tratamento. Na expectativa de se contribuir para dirimir as frequentes dúvidas em relação aos medicamentos, reduzir as ocorrências do surgimento de doenças iatrogênicas e esclarecer ao usuário, conseguindo-se a consciência sobre os riscos da automedicação é que entram em cena os Centros de Informação sobre Medicamentos. Estes são locais, onde se acumulam, organizam, processam, avaliam e se informa sobre medicamentos, com o objetivo de melhorar a saúde. No Brasil, após cerca de 30 anos de experiência em Kentucky, EUA, alguns profissionais e acadêmicos atentaram-se à necessidade e importância da existência de tais Centros. Ante ao exposto, a partir de uma revisão não sistemática da literatura, no presente trabalho foram relatadas a importância, necessidade e desafios para se implementar um Centro de Informação sobre Medicamentos
This work presents a project of Action Search in a consumption industry of the sector of personal care, health and beauty. Following the implementation steps of Autonomous Maintenance Pillar of TPM methodology, stands for Total Productive Maintenance, this work aims to ensure the advancement of some machines in a production line of the company to the next steps of the methodology implementation, demonstrating the results achieved by the TPM. In the company in question, the TPM has been implemented in the past but lost strength over the years and some of its concepts were abandoned, producing then a drop in the equipments efficiency, increased wastes and breaks in the processes, as well as loss in product quality. Then, the need arose to restart the implementation process from the beginning, to strictly follow all the steps of the methodology, ensuring increased efficiency of equipment and processes. Through training and a changing in the company culture, it was possible a joint effort between Operation and Maintenance in order to enhance the knowledge of the operators on their machines. Initially, it was developed a general cleanliness program of equipments so that it could be possible to find the anomalies in the process. Subsequently, operators and maintainers were trained to detect anomalies, enabling equipments to work under their basic conditions of operation and subsequently building provisional standards of equipment cleaning, lubrication and inspection. Through the improvement presented by some indicators such as OEE, wastes, bankruptcies and unavailability, it was proved the importance and the positive effects of TPM implementation in manufacturing
Communities are present on physical, chemical and biological systems and their identification is fundamental for the comprehension of the behavior of these systems. Recently, available data related to complex networks have grown exponentially, demanding more computational power. The Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) is a cost effective alternative suitable for this purpose. We investigate the convenience of this for network science by proposing a GPU based implementation of Newman community detection algorithm. We showed that the processing time of matrix multiplications of GPUs grow slower than CPUs in relation to the matrix size. It was proven, thus, that GPU processing power is a viable solution for community dentification simulation that demand high computational power. Our implementation was tested on an integrated biological network for the bacterium Escherichia coli