928 resultados para Impactos negativos


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This article discusses, in general matters, the economic and social motivations, the organization and development of the program Minha Casa Minha Vida, made in 2009, by Federal Government of Brazil. The objective of this work was to analyse the Brazilian economic and housing context, and the program relation with the Subprime international crisis, which has been started at United States in 2008, as well as analysing and discussing the logistics and the program accessibility. The MCMV program, part of the PAC – Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento – has the intention to combat the economic crisis that had been installed and also minimize the deficit housing of the country. From PAC's initial estimate, US$250 Bi, it has been spent US$129 Bi and it has already been approved more than US$125 Bi designated for the second stage of the program, whose the estimate of PAC2 is about one trillion and a half of brazilian reais. One million homes were built between 2009 and 2012, and the goal for 2014 is two million and a half of new residences. If comparing the current program with the oldest programs, progress were observed ,however, problems and inconsistences are clearly seen: in the real concernment, the truly beneficiary, and contradiction between a social and economic program to urban demands, among other situational factors. It’s also evident, the incentivation for a new residential and closed neighbourhoods, thereby adding to the fragmentation of the urban space, beyond of the exclusion socioespacial caused financing of residences in farest allotments. The capitalist production of the space it’s clearly thriving in analysis of thisfinancing package of the urban habitation, where the biggest glebas rise between central neighbourhood and the newest generated suburb, they evidence the negligence of the authorities in well managing the space, not executing the application of urban instruments of planning the social function, and...


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The presented text aims to evaluate the causes that led to the formation of the current agrarian structure in Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay as well as the characteristics of the agro-export model that takes place in these countries, which is based on production and export of soybeans. Because of its contemporary importance and represent the bulk of agricultural production in the countries under study, is established the objective of identifying the particularities and commonalities between these soybean production, with regard to its production structure and the benefits and impacts generated by this. Finally, statistical historical data are presented, enabling this comparison, showing the development and crucial moments for the establishment of the current standard


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With the accelerated urbanization process of Brazil from the 50s, there was a disorderly occupation of spaces and consequent soil sealing. Unlike this growth, the support capacity of urban environments has not evolved in the same way, generating negative environmental impacts to the citizens. Among these impacts are the effects of flooding. In order to minimize the negative effects of extreme precipitation over cities, the government invests in corrective measures, like compensatory techniques on urban drainage, which have as a basic principle the retention and infiltration of the rainfall, dampening the peak flow and runoff. An example of applying these techniques in urban areas are the detention basins, commonly called large pools. The hydraulic design of these structures is dependent of complex data and variables, and projects involving small areas generally use simplified methods for defining the reservoirs volume of the storage (Tassi, 2005). One of these methods is presented in this study, which relates to the percentage of soil sealing to the specific storage volume (m³/ha) in combination by applying the hydrological model of the Rational Method and analyzing regional rainfall and soil occupation over the basin. Within this context, the basin of the Wenzel stream, which is located amidst the urban area of Rio Claro/SP, also presents the problems related to human occupation in its valley. Thus, by the method presented has been adjusted a curve correlating the percentage of impermeable area and the specific volume of a detention basin. For the current situation of Wenzel Basin with 82% of impermeable area, and return period of 10 years, the specific volume is 262.1 m³/ha. The presented method is consistent with the results of other studies in the area, and the expression obtained allows estimating the volume of storage required to match hydrograph pre and post-occupancy. It presents itself as a useful tool in the planning stage of...


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Acoustic communication is essential in mammals and has three main functions: acquisition of information about the environment, intraspecific communication and detection of predators and prey. Studies indicate that the introduction of sounds produced by anthropogenic activities such as military exercises, use of sonar and activities related to the extraction of oil and natural gas can cause interference in cetacean communication. Recently, the discovery of pre-salt tends to increase these activities. After a decade since the launch date of IBAMA`s licensing and before the imminent increase in exploration activities in Brazil, it is essential to conduct studies to monitor closely the impact of this type of activity on the marine ecosystem. Thus, this study aims to identify potential impacts that the process of oil and natural gas exploration and production might have on the communication of baleen whales. Data from literature on bioacoustics and ecology of these animals were linked with technical-scientific data regarding this type of activity. 310 documents related to the topic were analyzed. Among them only 81 documents are of academic origin, and the others mostly action plans and reports from government agencies. 80% of the documents do not have any species as a focus, and in the remaining 20%, 17% were focused on the Greenland Whale (Balaena mysticetus) and 22% on the gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus). The main impacts identified in this study were the increased frequency and amplitude of vocalization, reduction or cessation of more elaborate songs and masking problems


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The main objective of this study was to perform a temporal analysis of land use and cover of Itirapina – São Paulo estate, Brazil, for 1962, 2000 and 2008 scenarios, indicating the rate of change in native vegetation and contextualizing its modifications. Based on photointerpretation performed by supervised classification using the method of Bhattacharya, the thematic classes were mapped and characterized in an area equivalent to 56400 hectares. Using remote sensing technologies and geographic information systems, was structured and implemented a georeferenced and relational database, allowing the analysis of the size of the area occupied. The results showed that the expansion of cultivation of cane sugar and reforestation in the past 45 years has been conditioned the fragmentation of natural vegetation cover in the city, which fell by 34793 ha (61,7%) in 1962 to 9765,2 ha (17,3%) in 2008, with the loss of 25027,8 hectares.


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The Urbanization is a notable process in our society, being part of it since around 3500 BC in Mesopotamia, currently Iraq area. Since the Industrial Revolution, cities had a significant increase in their growth and began to concentrate increasingly labor and capital. Brazil, despite having had a late industrialization, also had a high population growth in cities, especially in the XVIII century, which were not provided with any kind of planning that targets the ordering and implementation of the urban essential apparatus. Therefore, Brazilian cities started to exhibit countless structural and environmental problems. Associated with inadequate infrastructure, the modifications in the urban atmosphere, like increased heat, air pollution and increased rainfall and storm frequency, cause different types of impacts in cities. Among the most worrisome are those from the intense rain, which cause human and material damage. The city of Rio Claro (SP) can be considered an example of this reality. Thereby, the objective of this study was to analyze the impacts on the population originated from rainfall in the urban area during the period 2005-2010, by the mapping of events and analysis of the active atmospheric systems. The information of the events were collected in the Fire Department and the Press and the synoptic maps were obtained in the library of INPE, in Cachoeira Paulista (SP) and in the site of the Navy of Brazil. The data showed that among 247 occurrences, during the six years, 233 occurred in the spring-summer period. Moreover, after finalizing the maps, it was found the locations considered critical regarding the frequency of occurrences, as: Visconde do Rio Claro Avenue and central area of the city, both with a total of 23 occurrences; Jardim Inocoop, with 20; Tancredo Neves Avenue, with 12 and Vila Paulista, with 10 occurrences. Through the graphs, it was found that the most recurrent atmospheric system, during the studied period, is...


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Esta pesquisa trata de um grande projeto hidrelétrico, Inambari, que estava se transformando em realidade como parte de acordos entre o governo do Brasil no segúndo período de Lula (2006-2010) e do governo peruano de Alan Garcia – AG (2006-2011). Inambari é um dos mais recentes projetos hidrelétricos peruanos feitos para exportar ao Brasil. Mas, apesar de formar parte de um acordo entre esses países, por agora está detido devido a protestos e mobilizações da população dos territ´porios de Inambari contra a política hegemônica de AG. Analogamente ao caso da estrada Interoceãnica Sul, a construção e operação da Usina Inambari pode ser entendida como um caso emblemático no cenário Latino Americano atual. Esta não seria apenas o maior projeto hidrelétrico da amazônia peruana, custando aproximadamente 4 bilhões de dolares e prometendo um potencial de geração de energia elétrica de cerca de 2.200 MW para exportar ao Brasil por ano, mas também concretizaria o vínculo energético estratégico entre estes dois países através de um complexo de usinas e linhas de transmissão interconectados. Para sua concretização se conta com o amparo financeiro e legislativo dos dois governos e suas instituições de fomento, além de instituições de internacionais de investimento (como o BID e o BM) e do capital internacional (este útlimo proveniente principalmente de empreiteiras brasileiras beneficiárias do modelo de concessões federais). Aqui se estudam os potenciais impactos na economia amazônica do modelo vigente de exploração de recursos naturais hídricos amazônicos através do caso INAMBARI. A conclusão aponta que inexistência de participação popular como o maior entrave ao desenvolvimento amazônico e tenta explicar a novaconfiguração dos movimentos sociais que buscam voz para os povos da Amazônia bem como o pioneirismo peruano em relação a lei de consulta prévia


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From the beginning of the century, with the advent of the flex fuel car, successor fluctuations in oil prices and the rise of awareness of the impending shortage of fossil fuels, the alcohol sector begins to reappear in the panorama of national economy making Brasill reaches the point of becoming a leading exporter of this product. Ethanol assumed the role of such importance in Brazilian exports, which Petrobras through the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) has made investments in the Brazilian pipeline network to better ensure the production of ethanol to major ports. The means of transport in pipelines are safe and inexpensive, but require careful evaluation in its implementation, they may lead to negative social and environmental impacts. Thus, the purpose of this project is to propose the best route for an ethanol pipeline connectin the Tietê-Paraná, leaving the municipality of Santa Maria da Serra (SP), to the Planalto Paulista Refinery (REPLAN), located in Paulinia (SP), belonging to the passage of ethanol export corridor, currently under revelopment. The technique used for the development of the stroke is the association of multicriteria evaluation, the geographical information system (SIG) and geotechnologies. This study presented three possible layouts for the ethanol pipeline, highlighting the best option, in addition, demonstrated the suitability of the area to receive projects of similar nature to a pipeline


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Os eventos extremos pluviométricos quando ocorrem em cidades sem um prévio planejamento capaz de suportar tais episódios, trazem certo desconforto para a população e seu habitual modo de vida. Os impactos registrados nos ambientes urbanos estão associados, na maioria das vezes, à inadequação do uso e ocupação do solo urbano. Assim, através deste estudo buscou-se analisar os impactos deflagrados por eventos de precipitação na cidade de Presidente Prudente, baseando-se principalmente no referencial teórico-metodológico Sistema Clima Urbano, em especial, no Subsistema Hidrodinâmico, proposto por Monteiro (1976). Assim, procurou-se analisar os transtornos que ocorreram na dinâmica socioambiental da cidade durante os eventos de precipitação mais expressivos. Para isto foram analisados os dados quantitativos da Estação Meteorológica da FCT/UNESP de Presidente Prudente e também dados qualitativos por meio dos registros dos jornais da cidade. Para as análises quantitativas foram utilizados os dados da estação meteorológica do período de 1969 a 2009, e para as análises qualitativas foi considerado este mesmo período. Através desse estudo, foi possível conhecer e estudar a distribuição espacial dos problemas sociais e ambientais deflagrados pela precipitação no ambiente urbano de Presidente Prudente e também entender a dinâmica desses impactos. Portanto, com este estudo pretende-se contribuir com os órgãos públicos de gestão urbana para que eles possam tomar medidas preventivas para diminuir os impactos em época de chuvas intensas, visando assim, à melhoria da qualidade de vida


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This study aimed to survey and analyze the geomorphological aspects of watershed stream Wenzel in Rio Claro, as well as anthropogenic incidents about which he eventually causing serious environmental impacts. All these changes in the natural environment are generated from the constant development of the urban environment, which ends up leaving aside factors relevant to the natural order and that over time they become problems to humans. As various forms of environmental degradation occurring on some form of relief, geomorphology can make a major contribution in this field, since the analysis of the hydrographic network can lead to understanding and explanation of numerous geomorphological issues because the waterways are process morphogenetic the most active in the terrestrial landscape sculpture. The research with a systems approach and vision interrelated aspects in question may even serve as a basis for practical planning and urban management, in addition to detailed study of the area, which is of paramount importance to the local society


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Esta monografia trata da questão do Programa Bolsa Família desenvolvido pelo governo Luís Inácio Lula da Silva. O objetivo é analisar se o programa tem capacidade de reduzir a pobreza no país. Esta dividida em três capítulos. O primeiro aborda a questão da pobreza no Brasil, apontando em dados qual é a magnitude desta. O segundo capítulo expõe o programa apontando as origens, características e o debate acadêmico. Por fim o terceiro capitulo faz uma análise do impacto do programa e as possíveis possibilidades de ação deste como política social de redução da pobreza


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No Brasil, 90% de pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica ou aguda dependem dos procedimentos de hemodiálise para remover produtos de degradação metabólica, excesso de água e de sais minerais do organismo, a fim de restaurar o equilíbrio ácido-base e eletrolítico. Entretanto, o processo de osmose reversa, que visa remover todos os íons da água, também remove o cloro, que exerce efeito bacteriostático sob diversas bactérias autóctones, que passam a se multiplicar na água. Entre os principais grupos dessas bactérias, estão os bastonetes Gram negativos não fermentadores (BGN) e os mais frequentemente associados a bacteremias, em pacientes de hemodiálise são Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia e Burkholderia cepacia. Essas bactérias podem produzir biofilmes, o que torna sua eliminação do encanamento quase impossível. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi a análise de água e do dialisato, da Unidade de Hemodiálise de um Hospital Universitário, na pesquisa dos três BGNs citados. Também foram utilizadas 42 cepas previamente isoladas do mesmo local. Entre as 67 amostras de água, foram isoladas 8 cepas de Pseudomonas aeruginosa e as 50 cepas foram submetidas à pesquisa do gene rpoS, um dos responsáveis pela produção de biofilme. Esse gene foi observado em 20 (40%) cepas, sendo 16 (80%) P. aeruginosa, seguida por 3 (15%) cepas de S. maltophilia e 1 (5%) de B. cepacia. Essas cepas foram submetidas à produção de biofilme a 35ºC (temperatura ótima de crescimento) e a 20ºC (temperatura média da água no encanamento da Unidade de Hemodiálise), em aço inoxidável (material de muitos instrumentos cirúrgicos), PVC (matéria prima da tubulação) e plástico de poliestireno (capacidade de produção de biofilmes em diferentes materiais). Em poliestireno, somente 1 (5%) cepa de P. aeruginosa produziu biofilme a 35ºC e a 20ºC, 2 (10%) cepas foram... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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O trabalho apresentado é constituído de dois capítulos distintos, ambos com preocupação recorrente de realizar uma ciência que tenha interface com a realidade, uma Ecologia aplicável às questões e demandas da sociedade contemporânea como ferramenta para compreender a realidade, mediar conflitos. No capítulo I - Integrando o meio físico, biológico e sócioeconômico na proposição de novos Índices de Sensibilidade Ambiental (ISA) propomos o desenvolvimento de índices que combinem aspectos bióticos, socioeconômicos e ecológicos como: a) Índice de Sensibilidade Ambiental Biológico (ISAB), pautado na comunidade de mamíferos de médio e grande porte; b) Índice de Sensibilidade Ambiental Socioeconômico (ISASE), composto pelo tipo de atividade econômica e pelas características da comunidade do entorno e c) Índice de Sensibilidade Ambiental Ecológico (ISAEc). No capítulo II - Contribuição da área do fragmento e dos corredores ecológicos para a comunidade de mamíferos de médio e grande porte das matas ciliares, ressaltamos a importância da Ecologia da Paisagem para a presença/ausência de espécies de mamíferos de médio e grande porte. Quais correlações são relevantes e como as métricas da paisagem têm influência sobre a comunidade da mastofauna. Há a clara intenção de compreender a realidade e propor soluções para as problemáticas modernas visando o bem estar da sociedade e a conservação e preservação da biota