942 resultados para Iberian rivers
There are many ways of practising freshwater nature conservation: from strict legislative protection of individual species considered rare or threatened to protecting whole lakes or long stretches of rivers; from practical conservation management at a local scale to integrated catchment management at the river basin scale; and from the encouragement of better habitat management through codes of good practice to statutory control of pollution or abstraction. Whatever the mechanism, an essential pre-requisite is a way of choosing where to put the effort, especially when resources for nature conservation are severely limited. The aim of this article is to review the contribution from four specific international measures to the task of assigning priorities for conservation. The 1990s saw the introduction of two European directives (the Habitats Directive (HD) and the Water Framework Directive (WFD)) and one international convention (the Biodiversity Convention (CBD)) each with the potential for influencing, to a greater or lesser extent, the conservation of freshwater habitats and species. This article also discusses a much older convention – the Ramsar Convention – adopted in 1971 specifically to help tackle the conservation and management of wetlands and aquatic ecosystems. Although the authors have focused mainly on the UK, the subject is relevant to other parts of Europe and beyond. The article explores the degree to which these measures help in identifying the most important fresh waters for conservation, and asks whether or not they present the right conservation message to a wide audience.
Ephemera danica Müller, 1764 (Ephemeroptera) is one of the largest mayflies found in the British Isles with some females reaching over 30 mm. It is a common and widespread species found in rivers, lakes and streams throughout Europe and is particularly abundant in many of the lowland rivers of the British Isles. The larvae are burrowers – mainly found where silt accumulates below macrophytes. This article gives a general overview of research work on the factors affecting the life cycle of Ephemera danica over a seven year period (1995–2002) on two rivers, the River Test at Leckford in Hampshire and the North Wey at Tilford in Surrey.
A escassez de água é um dos maiores desafios do nosso século. Parece mentira, uma vez que do planeta são ocupados por água. Essa abundância aparente leva-nos a considerar a água como um elemento barato, farto e inesgotável. Contudo, desse total, 97,5% são de água salgada, restando 2,5% de água doce, dos quais 1,75% formam geleiras, sendo, portanto, inacessíveis. E o pior: a exploração irracional da água doce armazenada nos lençóis subterrâneos, rios e lagos está ameaçando a magra fatia de 0,75% da água que pode ser usada pelo homem. Se a escassez e a poluição já são problemas concretos em muitos países, os quais já instituíram um efetivo gerenciamento de seus recursos hídricos, no Brasil a preocupação de cientistas e ambientalistas nem sempre é levada a sério. Afinal, temos mais de 12% da água potável do globo. No entanto, esta riqueza é extremamente mal distribuída: cerca de 80% estão na região amazônica; os 20% restantes distribuem-se desigualmente pelo país, atendendo a 95% da população. Cada vez que chove, milhões de litros de água, que normalmente deveram se infiltrar no solo correm pelos telhados e pelo asfalto até acabar em um rio poluído, sem nenhuma possibilidade de uso. E essa água pode e deve ser aproveitada, tanto para evitar enchentes quanto para economizar recursos hídricos e financeiros. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi o de estruturar um projeto de um sistema de coleta e aproveitamento da água de chuva, para fins não potáveis, para uma edificação a ser construída nas instalações de uma indústria de reparo e construção naval. Para tanto, foi apresentada uma metodologia cuja tecnologia para captação e aproveitamento da água de chuva baseou-se num levantamento bibliográfico e foi validada através da aplicação em um estudo de caso. Espera-se que este trabalho seja o ponto de partida para muitos outros dentro da indústria, procurando incentivar o aproveitamento da água de chuva para consumo não potável e criando assim uma consciência ecológica em todos os níveis da empresa, contribuindo dessa forma para a sustentabilidade.
This paper tries to develop more generally some fundamental bases for the ecological study of freshwater plankton. A special attention is given to the phytoplankton associations which can be separated out and made into groups according to their dependence upon changing environments. Plankton formations in different types of water bodies (ponds, lakes and rivers) are studied.
The connection between the activity of the gonadotropic cells of the hypophysis and the neurosecretion in the pre-optico neuro-hypophysial system in different groups of vertebrates has been examined by many authors. It has been established that in many species there exists some kind of synchronism between the sexual cycle and the cellular activity of neurosecretion, a fact that has led to the prevailing idea that gonadotropic activity in the hypophysis is regulated by the hypothalamus. This paper summarises the results of experiments made in this direction on Cyclostomata. The materials for research came from adult individuals of Eudontomyson danfordi Regan taken from the rivers Somes-Rece and Ivo (Harghita district) at different times of the year.
Seasonal changes and flooding have an extraordinarily great influence on the drift of organisms. The free water space plays the main part in the provision of food for some fish (Salmo trutta - trout): drift and content of the stomach are balanced here (Simuliidae): whereas others (Thymallus vulgaris) only selectively chose certain animals living at the bottom (molluscs). The total drift, drift of organisms and drift of organic material and minerals, plays a main role in the rate of production in streams. Besides the biology of the organisms living on the river bed, also the geological and hydrographical situation of the area plays a very important role for the composition of the drift. During the years 1964-1966 three streams in the characteristical geological formations flysch, gneiss and chalk of lower Austria were studied in regard to their drift. The Tulln (above St. Christopen), the Krems (above Senftenberg) and the Schwarza (above Hirschwang) seemed to be ideal for this comparative study because they are easy to reach. After summarising the hydrography and chemistry of examined rivers, the author examines the relationship between water level and total drift and the stratification of the total drift before analysing the drift of living organisms. Also considered are seasonal changes of drift of organisms and drift of exuviae.
Este trabalho iniciou-se a partir das inquietações que surgiram por ocasião da primeira visita ao município de Itacaré, no litoral sul da Bahia, onde trabalhamos com alfabetização de jovens e adultos, em função das muitas vozes que se fizeram ouvir. Itacaré, rica em belezas naturais, com praias, rios e cachoeiras lindíssimas, vem sofrendo, segundo a população nativa da região, muitas transformações em nome do progresso e da globalização, via processo de turistificação. Precisamente, nos últimos cinco anos as mudanças são tantas, com a chegada dos turistas das mais variadas regiões, que moradores já se percebem desterritorializados, bem como já se torna visível por intermédio das vozes ouvidas, que o processo de desconstrução de identidades é uma realidade inconteste. Desta forma, tentando entender o processo de desterritorialização que se generaliza, como também o de desconstrução de identidades, nos propusemos a entender as especificidades deste município permeadas pelos desdobramentos do turismo e suas consequências, desvelando as memórias coletivas e as representações sociais, através das histórias da população local que apontam, de certa forma, a usurpação daquilo que, segundo eles, são os seus maiores bens: a dignidade e o respeito aos filhos da terra, pois que boa parcela da população local está perdendo o seu espaço na medida em que as preocupações do poder público local se solidificam nos privilégios aos estrangeiros. Buscou-se o Serviço Social como o lugar da discussão na medida em que neste vislumbramos de forma mais adensada a preocupação com políticas sociais que deem conta de grande parcela da população excluída ou incluída perversamente.
The Siberian Dace (Leuciscus leuciscus baicalensis (Dyb)is an important trade fish in Siberian waters. In the Ob basin more than 30,000 centners are produced annually. Catches of dace fluctuate significantly both between different rivers and between years in the Tomsk region. Defining the stocks of dace in the waters of the Tomsk region and explaining the fluctuations over time seems to be a very important and relevant question for the workers of the fishing industry. An answer, however, requires an accurate knowledge of the biology of dace; its reproductive, feeding and migration habits and the conditions of wintering etc. In the following we examine one of the above questions i.e. the biology of the reproduction of dace. The study was carried out in the Middle Ob in May 1951. This tranlations provides the introduction, summary and table captions only of the original article.
Few detailed studies have been made on the ecology of the chalk streams. A complex community of plants and animals is present and much more information is required to achieve an understanding of the requirements and interactions of all the species. It is important that the rivers affected by this scheme should be studied and kept under continued observation so that any effects produced by the scheme can be detected. This need has been recognised by the Thames Conservancy and the Water Resources Board who jointly sponsored this investigation on one of the chalk streams involved in the scheme. The present investigation has two main objectives both of which depend on obtaining a detailed picture of the ecology of the river at the present time. First, it will provide basic information on the state of the river prior to the development of the pumping scheme which will be available for comparison at any later date. Secondly, it may be possible to use some of the data to predict the ecological changes which may occur if the flow of the river is altered by the pumping scheme. The study covers suspended solids, invertebrates, fish.This report is part of a series of fives studies on the River Lambourn which were undertaken between 1970 and 1979. [PDF contains 24 pages]
Few detailed studies have been made on the ecology of the chalk streams. A complex community of plants and animals is present and much more information is required to achieve an understanding of the requirements and interactions of all the species. It is important that the rivers affected by this scheme should be studied and kept under continued observation so that any effects produced by the scheme can be detected. The report gives a brief synopsis of work carried out during the second year of a four year ecological study sponsored jointly by the Thames Water Authority and the Central Water Planning Unit. It assumes some familiarity with the investigations carried out on the River Lambourn during the preceding three years which was sponsored jointly by the Thames Conservancy and Water Resources Board (immediate predecessors of the present sponsoring organisations). (PDF contains 31 pages)
Few detailed studies have been made on the ecology of the chalk streams. A complex community of plants and animals is present and much more information is required to achieve an understanding of the requirements and interactions of all the species. It is important that the rivers affected by this scheme should be studied and kept under continued observation so that any effects produced by the scheme can be detected. The report gives a brief synopsis of work carried out during the third year of a four year ecological study sponsored jointly by the Thames Water Authority and the Central Water Planning Unit. It assumes . It assumes some familiarity with the investigations carried out on the River Lambourn during the preceding three years which was sponsored jointly by the Thames Conservancy and Water Resources Board (immediate predecessors of the present sponsoring organisations). (PDF contains 35 pages)
Few detailed studies have been made on the ecology of the chalk streams. A complex community of plants and animals is present and much more information is required to achieve an understanding of the requirements and interactions of all the species. It is important that the rivers affected by this scheme should be studied and kept under continued observation so that any effects produced by the scheme can be detected. The report gives a synopsis of work carried out between 1971 and 1979 focusing on the present phase 1978-1979. It assumes some familiarity with the investigations carried out on the River Lambourn during the preceding years. The aims of the present phase of the project may be divided into two broad aspects. The first involves collecting further information in the field and includes three objectives: a continuation of studies on the Lambourn sites at Bagnor; comparative studies on other chalk streams; and a comparative study on a limestone stream. The second involves detailed analyses of data previously collected to document the recovery of the Lambourn from operational pumping and to attempt to develop simple conceptual and predictive models applicable over a wide range of physical and geographical variables. (PDF contains 43 pages)
Rivers in Teesdale and its fish population have been monitored for several years. This report briefly describes the life cycle of British salmonid fishes and indicates the main ways in which this life cycle is influenced by discharge and related effects. Some highlights of the research results for 1977 - 1981 are briefly stated and proposals for future research are listed. Some practical implications of the results are discussed. (PDF contains 34 pages)
A progress report on research undertaken on the chemical budget of a lake, outlining the importance of nitrogen and phosphorus in governing the production of life in freshwater. The report uses the Rivers Brathay and Leven, which flow into Windermere, as examples. The report also refers to the Rivers Rothay, Troutbeck and Cunsey. A table is including which shows the monthly average nitrate content (mg per litre) of the River Brathey and River Leven for 1937 into 1938. The report also includes a figure showing Windermere lake levels, discharge and rainfall during 1937. It also briefly considers possible anthropogenic influences on water quality.
The objective of this study is to describe the present statu s of the coarse fish populations of the River Avon, Hampshire. The study arose from a widespread concern among anglers and riparian owners that fish numbers had decreased since the early 1970's, and from a scarcity of accurate information on population densities on which to assess this complaint. It was realised at the outset that, without such information from earlier years, the survey would not reveal the extent of any decline in the fisheries. The result s of the survey are compared with available data from other rivers , chiefly the nearby R. Frome and R. Stour. They may be used to assess any futur e changes in population densities and growth rates, and to indicate promising areas for future research. The data were collected from a quantitative survey of twelve river sections along the fifty kilometres of river between Salisbury and Sopley, and a qualitative survey of three weir pools within the same area from 14 September to 9 October, 1987.