901 resultados para INTEGRAL-EQUATION METHOD


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Az x''+f(x) x'+g(x) = 0 alakú Liénard-típusú differenciálegyenlet központi szerepet játszik az üzleti ciklusok Káldor-Kalecki-féle [3,4] és Goodwin-féle [2] modelljeiben, sőt egy a munkanélküliség és vállalkozás-ösztönzések ciklikus változásait leíró újabb modellben [1] is. De ugyanez a nemlineáris egyenlettípus a gerjesztett ingák és elektromos rezgőkörök elméletét is felöleli [5]. Az ezzel kapcsolatos irodalom nagyrészt a határciklusok létezését vizsgálja (pl. [5]), pedig az alapvető stabilitási kérdések jóval áttekinthetőbb módon kezelhetők, s a kapott eredmények közvetve a határciklusok létezésének feltételeit is sokkal jobban be tudják határolni. Jelen dolgozatban az egyváltozós analízis hatékony nyelvezetével olyan egyszerűen megfogalmazható eredményekhez jutunk, amelyek képesek kitágítani az üzleti és más közgazdasági ciklusok modelljeinek kereteit, illetve pl. az [1]-beli modellhez újabb szemléltető speciális eseteket is nyerünk. ____ The Liénard type differential equation of the form x00 + f(x) ¢ x0 + g(x) = 0 has a central role in business cycle models by Káldor [3], Kalecki [4] and Goodwin [2], moreover in a new model describing the cyclical behavior of unemployment and entrepreneurship [1]. The same type of nonlinear equation explains the features of forced pendulums and electric circuits [5]. The related literature discusses mainly the existence of limit cycles, although the fundamental stability questions of this topic can be managed much more easily. The achieved results also outline the conditions for the existence of limit cycles. In this work, by the effective language of real valued analysis, we obtain easy-formulated results which may broaden the frames of economic and business cycle models, moreover we may gain new illustrative particular cases for e.g., [1].


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Recent technological developments have made it possible to design various microdevices where fluid flow and heat transfer are involved. For the proper design of such systems, the governing physics needs to be investigated. Due to the difficulty to study complex geometries in micro scales using experimental techniques, computational tools are developed to analyze and simulate flow and heat transfer in microgeometries. However, conventional numerical methods using the Navier-Stokes equations fail to predict some aspects of microflows such as nonlinear pressure distribution, increase mass flow rate, slip flow and temperature jump at the solid boundaries. This necessitates the development of new computational methods which depend on the kinetic theory that are both accurate and computationally efficient. In this study, lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) was used to investigate the flow and heat transfer in micro sized geometries. The LBM depends on the Boltzmann equation which is valid in the whole rarefaction regime that can be observed in micro flows. Results were obtained for isothermal channel flows at Knudsen numbers higher than 0.01 at different pressure ratios. LBM solutions for micro-Couette and micro-Poiseuille flow were found to be in good agreement with the analytical solutions valid in the slip flow regime (0.01 < Kn < 0.1) and direct simulation Monte Carlo solutions that are valid in the transition regime (0.1 < Kn < 10) for pressure distribution and velocity field. The isothermal LBM was further extended to simulate flows including heat transfer. The method was first validated for continuum channel flows with and without constrictions by comparing the thermal LBM results against accurate solutions obtained from analytical equations and finite element method. Finally, the capability of thermal LBM was improved by adding the effect of rarefaction and the method was used to analyze the behavior of gas flow in microchannels. The major finding of this research is that, the newly developed particle-based method described here can be used as an alternative numerical tool in order to study non-continuum effects observed in micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS).


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Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in United States women, estimated to be diagnosed in 1 out of 8 women in their lifetime. Screening mammography detects breast cancer in its pre-clinical stages when treatment strategies have the greatest chance of success, and is currently the only population-wide prevention method proven to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with breast cancer. Research has shown that the majority of women are not screened annually, with estimates ranging front 6% - 30% of eligible women receiving all available annual mammograms over a 5-year or greater time frame. Health behavior theorists believe that perception of risk/susceptibility to a disease influences preventive health behavior, in this case, screening mammography The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the association between breast cancer risk perception and repeat screening mammography using a structural equation modeling (SEM) framework. A series of SEM multivariate regressions were conducted using self-reported, nationally representative data from the 2005 National Health Interview Survey. Interaction contrasts were tested to measure the potential moderating effects of variables which have been shown to be predictive of mammography use (physician recommendation, economic barriers, structural barriers, race/ethnicity) on the association between breast cancer risk perception and repeat mammography, while controlling for the covariates of age, income, region, nativity, and educational level. Of the variables tested for moderation, results of the SEM analyses identify physician recommendation as the only moderator of the relationship between risk perception and repeat mammography, thus the potentially most effective point of intervention to increase mammography screening, and decrease the morbidity and mortality associated with breast cancer. These findings expand the role of the physician from recommendation to one of attenuating the effect of risk perception and increasing repeat screening. The long range application of the research is the use of the SEM methodology to identify specific points of intervention most likely to increase preventive behavior in population-wide research, allowing for the most effective use of intervention funds.^


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In his dialogue entitled - A Look Back to Look Forward: New Patterns In The Supply/Demand Equation In The Lodging Industry - by Albert J. Gomes, Senior Principal, Pannell Kerr Forster, Washington, D.C. What the author intends for you to know is the following: “Factors which influence the lodging industry in the United States are changing that industry as far as where hotels are being located, what clientele is being served, and what services are being provided at different facilities. The author charts these changes and makes predictions for the future.” Gomes initially alludes to the evolution of transportation – the human, animal, mechanical progression - and how those changes, in the last 100 years or so, have had a significant impact on the hotel industry. “A look back to look forward treats the past as prologue. American hoteliers are in for some startling changes in their business,” Gomes says. “The man who said that the three most important determinants for the success of a hotel were “location, location, location” did a lot of good only in the short run.” Gomes wants to make you aware of the existence of what he calls, “locational obsolescence.” “Locational obsolescence is a fact of life, and at least in the United States bears a direct correlation to evolutionary changes in transportation technology,” he says. “…the primary business of the hospitality industry is to serve travelers or people who are being transported,” Gomes expands the point. Tied to the transportation element, the author also points out an interesting distinction between hotels and motels. In addressing, “…what clientele is being served, and what services are being provided at different facilities,” Gomes suggests that the transportation factor influences these constituents as well. Also coupled with this discussion are oil prices and shifts in transportation habits, with reference to airline travel being an ever increasing method of travel; capturing much of the inter-city travel market. Gomes refers to airline deregulation as an impetus. The point being, it’s a fluid market rather than a static one, and [successful] hospitality properties need to be cognizant of market dynamics and be able to adjust to the variables in their marketplace. Gomes provides many facts and figures to bolster his assertions. Interestingly and perceptively, at the time of this writing, Gomes alludes to America’s deteriorating road and bridge network. As of right now, in 2009, this is a major issue. Gomes rounds out this study by comparing European hospitality trends to those in the U.S.


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Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring is an integral part of spinal surgeries and involves the recording of somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP). However, clinical application of IONM still requires anywhere between 200 to 2000 trials to obtain an SSEP signal, which is excessive and introduces a significant delay during surgery to detect a possible neurological damage. The aim of this study is to develop a means to obtain the SSEP using a much less, twelve number of recordings. The preliminary step involved was to distinguish the SSEP with the ongoing brain activity. We first establish that the brain activity is indeed quasi-stationary whereas an SSEP is expected to be identical every time a trial is recorded. An algorithm was developed using Chebychev time windowing for preconditioning of SSEP trials to retain the morphological characteristics of somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP). This preconditioning was followed by the application of a principal component analysis (PCA)-based algorithm utilizing quasi-stationarity of EEG on 12 preconditioned trials. A unique Walsh transform operation was then used to identify the position of the SSEP event. An alarm is raised when there is a 10% time in latency deviation and/or 50% peak-to-peak amplitude deviation, as per the clinical requirements. The algorithm shows consistency in the results in monitoring SSEP in up to 6-hour surgical procedures even under this significantly reduced number of trials. In this study, the analysis was performed on the data recorded in 29 patients undergoing surgery during which the posterior tibial nerve was stimulated and SSEP response was recorded from scalp. This method is shown empirically to be more clinically viable than present day approaches. In all 29 cases, the algorithm takes 4sec to extract an SSEP signal, as compared to conventional methods, which take several minutes. The monitoring process using the algorithm was successful and proved conclusive under the clinical constraints throughout the different surgical procedures with an accuracy of 91.5%. Higher accuracy and faster execution time, observed in the present study, in determining the SSEP signals provide a much improved and effective neurophysiological monitoring process.


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Recent technological developments have made it possible to design various microdevices where fluid flow and heat transfer are involved. For the proper design of such systems, the governing physics needs to be investigated. Due to the difficulty to study complex geometries in micro scales using experimental techniques, computational tools are developed to analyze and simulate flow and heat transfer in microgeometries. However, conventional numerical methods using the Navier-Stokes equations fail to predict some aspects of microflows such as nonlinear pressure distribution, increase mass flow rate, slip flow and temperature jump at the solid boundaries. This necessitates the development of new computational methods which depend on the kinetic theory that are both accurate and computationally efficient. In this study, lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) was used to investigate the flow and heat transfer in micro sized geometries. The LBM depends on the Boltzmann equation which is valid in the whole rarefaction regime that can be observed in micro flows. Results were obtained for isothermal channel flows at Knudsen numbers higher than 0.01 at different pressure ratios. LBM solutions for micro-Couette and micro-Poiseuille flow were found to be in good agreement with the analytical solutions valid in the slip flow regime (0.01 < Kn < 0.1) and direct simulation Monte Carlo solutions that are valid in the transition regime (0.1 < Kn < 10) for pressure distribution and velocity field. The isothermal LBM was further extended to simulate flows including heat transfer. The method was first validated for continuum channel flows with and without constrictions by comparing the thermal LBM results against accurate solutions obtained from analytical equations and finite element method. Finally, the capability of thermal LBM was improved by adding the effect of rarefaction and the method was used to analyze the behavior of gas flow in microchannels. The major finding of this research is that, the newly developed particle-based method described here can be used as an alternative numerical tool in order to study non-continuum effects observed in micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS).


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In this thesis, a numerical program has been developed to simulate the wave-induced ship motions in the time domain. Wave-body interactions have been studied for various ships and floating bodies through forced motion and free motion simulations in a wide range of wave frequencies. A three-dimensional Rankine panel method is applied to solve the boundary value problem for the wave-body interactions. The velocity potentials and normal velocities on the boundaries are obtained in the time domain by solving the mixed boundary integral equations in relation to the source and dipole distributions. The hydrodynamic forces are calculated by the integration of the instantaneous hydrodynamic pressures over the body surface. The equations of ship motion are solved simultaneously with the boundary value problem for each time step. The wave elevation is computed by applying the linear free surface conditions. A numerical damping zone is adopted to absorb the outgoing waves in order to satisfy the radiation condition for the truncated free surface. A numerical filter is applied on the free surface for the smoothing of the wave elevation. Good convergence has been reached for both forced motion simulations and free motion simulations. The computed added-mass and damping coefficients, wave exciting forces, and motion responses for ships and floating bodies are in good agreement with the numerical results from other programs and experimental data.


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This dissertation presents a calibration procedure for a pressure velocity probe. The dissertation is divided into four main chapters. The first chapter is divided into six main sections. In the firsts two, the wave equation in fluids and the velocity of sound in gases are calculated, the third section contains a general solution of the wave equation in the case of plane acoustic waves. Section four and five report the definition of the acoustic impedance and admittance, and the practical units the sound level is measured with, i.e. the decibel scale. Finally, the last section of the chapter is about the theory linked to the frequency analysis of a sound wave and includes the analysis of sound in bands and the discrete Fourier analysis, with the definition of some important functions. The second chapter describes different reference field calibration procedures that are used to calibrate the P-V probes, between them the progressive plane wave method, which is that has been used in this work. Finally, the last section of the chapter contains a description of the working principles of the two transducers that have been used, with a focus on the velocity one. The third chapter of the dissertation is devoted to the explanation of the calibration set up and the instruments used for the data acquisition and analysis. Since software routines were extremely important, this chapter includes a dedicated section on them and the proprietary routines most used are thoroughly explained. Finally, there is the description of the work that has been done, which is identified with three different phases, where the data acquired and the results obtained are presented. All the graphs and data reported were obtained through the Matlab® routine. As for the last chapter, it briefly presents all the work that has been done as well as an excursus on a new probe and on the way the procedure implemented in this dissertation could be applied in the case of a general field.


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No presente estudo sobre o tema: “Desenvolvimento e Justiça na Missão Integral: Uma análise crítica da presença da Teologia e Práxis da Missão Integral no Solo Paulistano” procura-se analisar a presença do conceito de desenvolvimento e justiça da Missão Integral no solo paulistano. Para tal análise tomou-se como sujeito de pesquisa a Primeira Igreja Batista de São Paulo. Esta dissertação foi desenvolvida no Programa de Pós- Graduação em Ciências da Religião, e pertence à linha de pesquisa “Religião, Sociedade e Cultura”. A metodologia adotada na coleta de dados foi de uma revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa de campo por meio de um roteiro de entrevista. Os questionamentos que nortearam a pesquisa foram: O que é desenvolvimento e Justiça na Missão Integral? É possível notar a presença desses conceitos na práxis e na teologia da Primeira Igreja Batista de São Paulo? Após uma análise da Missão Integral e da Igreja pesquisada, foi possível verificar as aproximações e distanciamentos, assim como hipóteses que justificassem esses fatos. No primeiro capítulo foi apresentada a Missão Integral, sua história, teologia e método. No segundo capítulo os conceitos de desenvolvimento e justiça foram trabalhados. O último capítulo apresentou a Primeira Igreja Batista de São Paulo; buscou estabelecer diálogo entre o conceito de Desenvolvimento e Justiça da Missão Integral e a teologia e práxis da Primeira Igreja Batista de São Paulo.


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We propose and examine an integrable system of nonlinear equations that generalizes the nonlinear Schrodinger equation to 2 + 1 dimensions. This integrable system of equations is a promising starting point to elaborate more accurate models in nonlinear optics and molecular systems within the continuum limit. The Lax pair for the system is derived after applying the singular manifold method. We also present an iterative procedure to construct the solutions from a seed solution. Solutions with one-, two-, and three-lump solitons are thoroughly discussed.


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Many dynamical processes are subject to abrupt changes in state. Often these perturbations can be periodic and of short duration relative to the evolving process. These types of phenomena are described well by what are referred to as impulsive differential equations, systems of differential equations coupled with discrete mappings in state space. In this thesis we employ impulsive differential equations to model disease transmission within an industrial livestock barn. In particular we focus on the poultry industry and a viral disease of poultry called Marek's disease. This system lends itself well to impulsive differential equations. Entire cohorts of poultry are introduced and removed from a barn concurrently. Additionally, Marek's disease is transmitted indirectly and the viral particles can survive outside the host for weeks. Therefore, depopulating, cleaning, and restocking of the barn are integral factors in modelling disease transmission and can be completely captured by the impulsive component of the model. Our model allows us to investigate how modern broiler farm practices can make disease elimination difficult or impossible to achieve. It also enables us to investigate factors that may contribute to virulence evolution. Our model suggests that by decrease the cohort duration or by decreasing the flock density, Marek's disease can be eliminated from a barn with no increase in cleaning effort. Unfortunately our model also suggests that these practices will lead to disease evolution towards greater virulence. Additionally, our model suggests that if intensive cleaning between cohorts does not rid the barn of disease, it may drive evolution and cause the disease to become more virulent.


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The nonlinear properties of small amplitude electron-acoustic solitary waves (EAWs) in a homogeneous system of unmagnetized collisionless plasma consisted of a cold electron fluid and isothermal ions with two different temperatures obeying Boltzmann type distributions have been investigated. A reductive perturbation method was employed to obtain the Kadomstev-Petviashvili (KP) equation. At the critical ion density, the KP equation is not appropriate for describing the system. Hence, a new set of stretched coordinates
is considered to derive the modified KP equation. Moreover, the solitary solution, soliton energy and the associated electric field at the critical ion density were computed. The present investigation can be of relevance to the electrostatic solitary structures observed in various space plasma environments, such as Earth’s magnetotail region.


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A new variant of the Element-Free Galerkin (EFG) method, that combines the diffraction method, to characterize the crack tip solution, and the Heaviside enrichment function for representing discontinuity due to a crack, has been used to model crack propagation through non-homogenous materials. In the case of interface crack propagation, the kink angle is predicted by applying the maximum tangential principal stress (MTPS) criterion in conjunction with consideration of the energy release rate (ERR). The MTPS criterion is applied to the crack tip stress field described by both the stress intensity factor (SIF) and the T-stress, which are extracted using the interaction integral method. The proposed EFG method has been developed and applied for 2D case studies involving a crack in an orthotropic material, crack along an interface and a crack terminating at a bi-material interface, under mechanical or thermal loading; this is done to demonstrate the advantages and efficiency of the proposed methodology. The computed SIFs, T-stress and the predicted interface crack kink angles are compared with existing results in the literature and are found to be in good agreement. An example of crack growth through a particle-reinforced composite materials, which may involve crack meandering around the particle, is reported.


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The routine use of integral abutments to tie bridge superstructures to foundation piling began in this country about 30 years ago. Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, North Dakota, and Tennessee were some of the early users. This method of construction has steadily grown more popular. Today more than half of the state highway agencies have developed design criteria for bridges without expansion joint devices.


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Water removal in paper manufacturing is an energy-intensive process. The dewatering process generally consists of four stages of which the first three stages include mechanical water removal through gravity filtration, vacuum dewatering and wet pressing. In the fourth stage, water is removed thermally, which is the most expensive stage in terms of energy use. In order to analyse water removal during a vacuum dewatering process, a numerical model was created by using a Level-Set method. Various different 2D structures of the paper model were created in MATLAB code with randomly positioned circular fibres with identical orientation. The model considers the influence of the forming fabric which supports the paper sheet during the dewatering process, by using volume forces to represent flow resistance in the momentum equation. The models were used to estimate the dry content of the porous structure for various dwell times. The relation between dry content and dwell time was compared to laboratory data for paper sheets with basis weights of 20 and 50 g/m2 exposed to vacuum levels between 20 kPa and 60 kPa. The comparison showed reasonable results for dewatering and air flow rates. The random positioning of the fibres influences the dewatering rate slightly. In order to achieve more accurate comparisons, the random orientation of the fibres needs to be considered, as well as the deformation and displacement of the fibres during the dewatering process.