907 resultados para Humor negro
El humor político alrededor del mundo ha sido un recurso para criticar el poder y la esfera política con la mordacidad que otros escenarios no permiten y con lenguajes que generan empatía con el público. En la capacidad de criticar a todos los poderes –y poderosos- por igual, sin condescendencias, recae la credibilidad de esa crítica, la cual se debe poder hacer sin censura en una sociedad pluralista y democrática. En Colombia, el humor político en televisión emergió y vivió su época dorada en la década de los noventa, hasta que su principal exponente, Jaime Garzón, fue asesinado. Este trabajo de grado buscó indagar por qué, a pesar de que nuevos productos de crítica política con humor surgieron en el país, hoy no hay ese tipo de oferta en la televisión abierta nacional. La respuesta a ese interrogante se pudo encontrar en múltiples factores, como un nuevo modelo económico en la industria de la televisión, un ambiente político polarizado y la ausencia o falta de promoción de talentos detrás de los libretos. Asimismo, en medio de esta coyuntura, se plantea que internet ha sido un vehículo para expresar, incluso de manera anónima, lo que miembros de la sociedad creen que anda mal con el poder y la política.
La hipótesis de retroalimentación facial planteada por Tomkins en 1962 sustenta que la activación de algunos músculos faciales envía información sensorial al cerebro y se induce entonces una experiencia emocional en el sujeto. Partiendo de dicha teoría y de investigaciones que la sustentan, el presente estudio se propuso confirmar el efecto de la emoción inducida a través de la retroalimentación facial sobre la evaluación de cinco tipos de humor en publicidad. Para ello se realizó un experimento con 60 hombres y 60 mujeres, que fueron asignados aleatoriamente a una de dos condiciones: estimulación de sonrisa –músculos hacia arriba- o inhibición de sonrisa –músculos hacía abajo-, mientras evaluaban 16 imágenes de publicidad de humor. A partir del análisis de los resultados se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las condiciones; en línea con la hipótesis formulada, los participantes expuestos a la condición estimulación de sonrisa –músculos hacía arriba- evaluaron más positivamente los comerciales. También se encontraron diferencias significativas en función del sexo y los tipos de humor evaluados. El estudio ofrece evidencia empírica de la teoría propuesta hace más de medio siglo y su efecto en el ámbito de la publicidad actual.
This paper aimed to study and compare the hematology of newborns, young, subadults, adult males, adult females and pregnant females of Potamotrygon wallacei (cururu stingray), Potamotrygon motoro and Paratrygon aiereba. Newborn cururu stingrays had lower red blood parameters than those of other development stages. Thrombograms and leukograms showed a conservative pattern between development stage, sexual dimorphism and pregnancy. In P. motoro and P. aiereba, variables relating to red blood parameters, biochemistry and leukograms showed little variation between the species' biological characteristics, thus showing that these variables are not good criteria for differentiating them within the same species. In conclusion, the development stage is an important factor for differentiating hematological properties in the cururu stingray, while this has not been observed in P. motoro and P. aiereba stingrays.
Recibido 09 de junio de 2011 • Aceptado 24 de octubre de 2011 • Corregido 27 de setiembre de 2011 El presente ensayo tiene como finalidad reflexionar sobre la importancia del humor pedagógico como estrategia de enseñanza aprendizaje en el aula; esto, tomando en cuenta la problemática de desmotivación y aburrimiento que sucede normalmente en la clase. Para plantear si “el enseñar contento y el aprender con alegría” pueden aumentar la eficacia en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, se abordará cómo, a pesar de las múltiples ventajas que puede aportar el humor en las aulas, se omite su empleo por la existencia de ciertos prejuicios y temores. La idea no es que los docentes hagan el papel de comediantes o payasos, sino la de mediar y acercar la clase de manera pedagógica y didáctica a través del uso del humor, y sobre esto reflexionaba Platón (1992), cuando planteaba que muchas veces ayudaba una broma, en donde la seriedad oponía resistencia.
A degradação das pastagens pode ser definida como um processo evolutivo de perda de vigor, produtividade e capacidade de recuperação natural, e é atualmente um dos maiores problemas para a pecuária brasileira. Estudos recentes com imagens de satélites de sensoriamento remoto apresentam resultados promissores para identificar e mapear diferentes níveis de degradação em pastagens. Estas imagens também permitem monitor ao longo dos anos o processo de degradação em escala local ou regional. O objetivo do presente estudo consiste em avaliar o uso de imagens fusionadas dos sensores HRC e CCD do satélite CBERS-2B, para identificar e caracterizar áreas com pastagens degradadas nos municípios de Corguinho e Rio Negro no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. As imagens foram processadas utilizando o aplicativo SPRING. A classificação foi baseada na segmentação, no MAXVER e na Bhattacharya gerando um mapa temático das áreas de pastagens degradadas na escala de 1:50.000.
A cartografia é uma forma de representação espacial, tensionada por relações de poder, expressa de acordo com os interesses de quem a faz e utilizada para além da confecção de um mapa. A ciência, como resultado de um processo moderno-colonial, é tida hoje como a única forma de conhecimento credível. Isso significa dizer que determinados grupos produzem a hegemonia das representações cartográficas visando a transformação ou dominação. Várias são as maneiras de difundir a cartografia dominante como, por exemplo, os livros didáticos. Assim como também são várias as maneiras de subalternizar outras cartografias. Temos um cenário de disputas de diferentes representações do espaço com grupos, excluídos e oprimidos, na outra face da modernidade. Investigamos aqui o Movimento Negro brasileiro, em sua luta anti-racismo. Setores deste movimento social vêm fazendo usos da cartografia como um dos instrumentos para endossar lutas como a demarcação de terras Quilombolas e de Negros Rurais e o mapeamento de casas de religiões de matrizes africanas contra a intolerância religiosa.
O presente artigo pretende iniciar algumas discussões em Análise do Discurso e de Literatura a respeito da obra Viva o povo brasileiro( 1984) de João Ubaldo Ribeiro.Pontuaremos o título da obra e a releitura da História Oficial do Brasil, em cujos moldes, os fatos relativos ao negro foram encobertos. Portanto, o romance agencia os discursos ocultados pela historiografia com uma multiplicidade de vozes, que compõem a identidade nacional brasileira via o discurso oral dos negros da ilha de Itaparica – BA.
Este artigo apresenta uma leitura do poema “Morfologia do soberano”, de Zuca Sardan, com base na análise de seus recursos humorísticos, cujo emprego pode ser interpretado como estratégia para aumentar a comunicabilidade e chamar a atenção do leitor. Em primeiro lugar, desenvolvo um breve panorama da longa discussão sobre os múltiplos sentidos atribuídos ao termo humor, desde sua antiga acepção fisiológica (atrelada à doutrina dos chamados quatro humores corporais), passando pelos conceitos modernos de engenho (humor deliberadamente cultivado) e wit, até chegar à noção de humor estético. Como forma particular de representação literária, enfoco a idéia de que o humor caracteriza-se por elaborações discursivas variadas que empregam determinados procedimentos lingüísticos, no intuito de construir visões de mundo notadamente marcadas pela crítica e pela dessacralização. No caso do poema de Sardan, procuro também ressaltar como esse estrato ideológico associado ao humor vincula-se, num sentido mais amplo, ao questionamento de formas tradicionais do fazer poético brasileiro, tal como foi empreendido pela poesia marginal no contexto da década de 70.
This study sought to improve understanding of the persuasive process of emotion-based appeals not only in relation to negative, fear-based appeals but also for appeals based upon positive emotions. In particular, the study investigated whether response efficacy, as a cognitive construct, mediated outcome measures of message effectiveness in terms of both acceptance and rejection of negative and positive emotion-based messages. Licensed drivers (N = 406) participated via the completion of an on-line survey. Within the survey, participants received either a negative (fear-based) appeal or one of the two possible positive appeals (pride or humor-based). Overall, the study's findings confirmed the importance of emotional and cognitive components of persuasive health messages and identified response efficacy as a key cognitive construct influencing the effectiveness of not only fear-based messages but also positive emotion-based messages. Interestingly, however, the results suggested that response efficacy's influence on message effectiveness may differ for positive and negative emotion-based appeals such that significant indirect (and mediational) effects were found with both acceptance and rejection of the positive appeals yet only with rejection of the fear-based appeal. As such, the study's findings provide an important extension to extant literature and may inform future advertising message design.
This is a review of "Capitalism, socialism, and democracy", by Joseph A. Schumpeter, New York, Harper Perennial, 1942 (first Harper Colophon edition published 1975). "The public mind has by now so thoroughly grown out of humor with it as to make condemnation of capitalism and all its works a foregone conclusion – almost a requirement of the etiquette of discussion. Whatever his political preference, every writer or speaker hastens to conform to this code and to emphasize his critical attitude, his freedom from ‘complacency’, his belief in the inadequacies of capitalist achievement, his aversion to capitalist and his sympathy with anti-capitalist interests. Any other attitude is voted not only foolish but anti-social and is looked upon as an indication of immoral servitude." We might easily mistake this for a voice weary of contemplating the implications for neo-liberal nostrums of our current global financial crisis were it not for the rather formal, slightly arch, style and the gender exclusive language. It was in fact penned in the depths of World War II by Harvard economist Joseph Schumpeter, who fell off the map only to re-emerge from the 1970s as oil shocks and stagflation in the west presaged the decline of the Keynesian settlement, as east Asian newly industrialising economies were modelling on his insistence that entrepreneurialism, access to credit and trade were the pillars of economic growth, and as innovation became more of a watchword for post-industrial economies in general. The second coming was perhaps affirmed when his work was dubbed by Forbes in 1983 – on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of both men – as of greater explanatory import than Keynes’. (And what of our present resurgent Keynesian moment?)...
Teaching is emotional work. This is especially the case in the first years of teaching when new teachers are particularly vulnerable. By understanding changes in teacher emotions in the early years of teaching we hope to identify strategies that might ultimately reduce teacher attrition. As part of a larger study of the transition of new teachers to the profession, this ethnographic case study explores how a new science teacher produced and reproduced positive emotional interaction rituals with her students in her first year of teaching. We show how dialogical interactions were positive and satisfying experiences for the teacher, and how they were reproduced successfully in different contexts. We also illustrate how both teacher and students used humor to create a structure for dialogical interactions. During these successful interactions the students used shared resources to satisfy their teacher that they were engaging in the relevant science content. The implications of what we have learned for the professional development of new teachers are discussed in relation to an expanded understanding of teacher emotions.
"Bollywood Extras" has been described as a bit like Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita" (1955) meets Nathanael West's "Day of the Locust" (1939). Unlike those two classics, this new novel by Dr D. Bruno Starrs is set in 21st Century India's Hindi-language film industry epicenter known as 'Bollywood', Mumbai's answer to America's 'Hollywood'. And there is another major difference: the story (i.e. the narrative interaction between an American Extras Casting Agent, 'Dr Arden Pyle', an under-age wannabe Bollywood starlet, 'Chandy', and the despicable but wealthy Indian man who stalks her, 'Ishmail'), is all staged against a backdrop of rabid religious terrorism. Written with the unique black comedic and literary flair Dr D. Bruno Starrs is renown for, this, his 3rd full-length novel, boldly captures the feel of Mumbai and the small-time players in its big-time film industry, with style, humor and originality. Tom Flood, winner of the Miles Franklin Literary Award and founder of Flood Manuscripts, said this of the novel's second last draft: "What is best about 'Bollywood Extras' will likely be its albatross in the sliced bread world of mainstream publishing. Three strengths that make the work what it is - the length, the style, the intellectual capital - will be three strikes against it when it comes to the money. While I delight in rich language and agile invention, I've given you the reasons the trade ('legit') presses won't take 'Bollywood Extras'. Do I think you should you change it? No. I like it. Why ruin an interesting work for money?" As a professional assessor, Flood did, of course, offer many suggestions and these were duly implemented, although the author steadfastly adhered to the style he had already cemented, thus not changing in anyway what Flood refers to as its three strengths. Dr Starrs knew (having accessed Flood's professional services previously) that a 'Thumbs Up' from the best manuscript assessor in the country meant that Bollywood Extras was ready to be birthed. So, here it is: Dr Starrs has delivered his 3rd baby and 'christened' it "Bollywood Extras"!
For decades the prevailing idea in B2B marketing has been that buyers are motivated by product/service specifications. Sellers are put on approved supplier lists, invited to respond to RFPs, and are selected on the basis of superior products, at the right price, delivered on time. The history of B2B advertising is filled with the advice “provide product specifications” and your advertising will be noticed, lead to sales inquiries, and eventually result in higher sales. Advertising filled with abstractions might work in the B2C market, but the B2B marketplace is about being literal. What we know about advertising — and particularly the message component of advertising — is based on a combination of experience, unproven ideas and a bit of social science. Over the years, advertising guidelines produced by the predecessors of BMA (National Industrial Advertising Association, Association of Industrial Advertising, and the Business/Professional Advertising Association) stressed emphasizing product features and tangible benefits. The major publishers of B2B magazines, e.g., McGraw-Hill, Penton Publishing, et al. had similar recommendations. Also, B2B marketing books recommend advertising that focuses on specific product features (Kotler and Pfoertsch, 2006; Lamons, 2005). In more recent times, abstraction in advertising messages has penetrated the B2B marketplace. Even though such advertising legends as David Ogilvy (1963, 1985) frequently recommended advertising based on hard-core information, we’ve seen the growing use of emotional appeals, including humor, fear, parental affection, etc. Beyond the use of emotion, marketers attempt to build a stronger connection between their brands and buyers through the use of abstraction and symbolism. Below are two examples of B2B advertisements — Figure 1A is high in literalism and Figure 1B is high in symbolism. Which approach — a “left-brain” (literal) or “right brain” (symbolic) is more effective in B2B advertising? Are the advertising message creation guidelines from the history of B2B advertising accurate? Are the foundations of B2B message creation (experience and unproven ideas) sound?
The ways we assume, observe and model “presence” and its effects are the focus in this paper. Entities with selectively shared presences are the basis of any collective, and of attributions (such as “humorous”, “efficient” or “intelligent”). The subtleties of any joint presence can markedly influence potentials, perceptions and performance of the collective as demonstrated when a humorous tale is counterpoised with disciplined thought. Disciplines build on presences assumed known or knowable while fluid and interpretable presences pervade humor. Explorations in this paper allow considerations of collectives, causality and the philosophy of computing. Economics has long considered issues of collective action in ways circumscribed by assumptions about the presence of economic entities. Such entities are deemed rational but they are clearly not intelligent. To reach its potential, collective intelligence research needs more adequate considerations of alternate presences and their impacts.
The world of classical ballet exerts considerable physical and psychological stress upon those who participate, and yet the process of coping with such stressors is not well understood. The purpose of the present investigation was to examine relationships between coping strategies and competitive trait anxiety among ballet dancers. Participants were 104 classical dancers (81 females and 23 males) ranging in age from 15 to 35 years (M = 19.4 yr., SD = 3.8 yr.) from three professional ballet companies, two private dance schools, and two full-time, university dance courses in Australia. Participants had a mean of 11.5 years of classical dance training (SD = 5.2 yr.), having started dance training at 6.6 years of age (SD = 3.4 yr.). Coping strategies were assessed using the Modified COPE scale (MCOPE: Crocker & Graham, 1995), a 48-item measure comprising 12 coping subscales (Seeking Social Support for Instrumental Reasons, Seeking Social Support for Emotional Reasons, Behavioral Disengagement, Planning, Suppression of Competing Activities, Venting of Emotions, Humor, Active Coping, Denial, Self-Blame, Effort, and Wishful Thinking). Competitive trait anxiety was assessed using the Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS: Smith, Smoll, & Schutz, 1990), a 21-item measure comprising three anxiety subscales (Somatic Anxiety, Worry, Concentration Disruption). Standard multiple regression analyses showed that trait anxiety scores, in particular for Somatic Anxiety and Worry, were significant predictors of seven of the 12 coping strategies (Suppression of Competing Activities: R2 = 27.1%; Venting of Emotions: R2 = 23.2%; Active Coping: R2 = 14.3%; Denial: R2 = 17.7%; Self-Blame: R2 = 35.7%; Effort: R2 = 16.6%; Wishful Thinking: R2 = 42.3%). High trait anxious dancers reported more frequent use of all categories of coping strategies. A separate two-way MANOVA showed no significant main effect for gender nor status (professional versus students) and no significant interaction effect. The present findings are generally consistent with previous research in the sport psychology domain (Crocker & Graham, 1995; Giacobbi & Weinberg, 2000) which has shown that high trait anxious athletes tend, in particular, to use more maladaptive, emotion-focused coping strategies when compared to low trait anxious athletes; a tendency which has been proposed to lead to negative performance effects. The present results emphasize the need for the effectiveness of specific coping strategies to be considered during the process of preparing young classical dancers for a career in professional ballet. In particular, the results suggest that dancers who are, by nature, anxious about performance may need special attention to help them to learn to cope with performance-related stress. Given the absence of differences in coping strategies between student and professional dancers and between males and females, it appears that such educational efforts should begin at an early career stage for all dancers.