983 resultados para Human-antibodies


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Rhythmic movements brought about by the contraction of muscles on one side of the body give rise to phase-locked changes in the excitability of the homologous motor pathways of the opposite limb. Such crossed facilitation should favour patterns of bimanual coordination in which homologous muscles are engaged simultaneously, and disrupt those in which the muscles are activated in an alternating fashion. In order to examine these issues, we obtained responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), to stimulation of the cervicomedullary junction (cervicomedullary-evoked potentials, CMEPs), to peripheral nerve stimulation (H-reflexes and f-waves), and elicited stretch reflexes in the relaxed right flexor carpi radialis (FCR) muscle during rhythmic (2 Hz) flexion and extension movements of the opposite (left) wrist. The potentials evoked by TMS in right FCR were potentiated during the phases of movement in which the left FCR was most strongly engaged. In contrast, CMEPs were unaffected by the movements of the opposite limb. These results suggest that there was systematic variation of the excitability of the motor cortex ipsilateral to the moving limb. H-reflexes and stretch reflexes recorded in right FCR were modulated in phase with the activation of left FCR. As the f-waves did not vary in corresponding fashion, it appears that the phasic modulation of the H-reflex was mediated by presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents. The observation that both H-reflexes and f-waves were depressed markedly during movements of the opposite indicates that there may also have been postsynaptic inhibition or disfacilitation of the largest motor units. Our findings indicate that the patterned modulation of excitability in motor pathways that occurs during rhythmic movements of the opposite limb is mediated primarily by interhemispheric interactions between cortical motor areas.


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Arriving in Brisbane some six years ago, I could not help being impressed by what may be prosaically described as its atmospheric amenity resources. Perhaps this in part was due to my recent experiences in major urban centres in North America, but since that time, that sparkling quality and the blue skies seem to have progressively diminished. Unfortunately, there is also objective evidence available to suggest that this apparent deterioration is not merely the result of habituation of the senses. Air pollution data for the city show trends of increasing concentrations of those very substances that have destroyed the attractiveness of major population centres elsewhere, with climates initially as salubrious. Indeed, present figures indicate that photochemical smog in unacceptably high concentrations is rapidly becoming endemic also over Brisbane. These regrettable developments should come as no surprise. The society at large has not been inclined to respond purposefully to warnings of impending environmental problems, despite the experiences and publicity from overseas and even from other cities within Australia. Nor, up to the present, have certain politicians and government officials displayed stances beyond those necessary for the maintenance of a decorum of concern. At this stage, there still exists the possibility for meaningful government action without the embarrassment of losing political favour with the electorate. To the contrary, there is every chance that such action may be turned to advantage with increased public enlightenment. It would be more than a pity to miss perhaps the final remaining opportunity: Queensland is one of the few remaining places in the world with sufficient resources to permit both rational development and high environmental quality. The choice appears to be one of making a relatively minor investment now for a large financial and social gain the near future, or, permitting Brisbane to degenerate gradually into just another stagnated Los Angeles or Sydney. The present monograph attempts to introduce the problem by reviewing the available research on air quality in the Brisbane area. It also tries to elucidate some seemingly obvious, but so far unapplied management approaches. By necessity, such a broad treatment needs to make inroads into extensive ranges of subject areas, including political and legal practices to public perceptions, scientific measurement and statistical analysis to dynamics of air flow. Clearly, it does not pretend to be definitive in any of these fields, but it does try to emphasize those adjustable facets of the human use system of natural resources, too often neglected in favour of air pollution control technology. The crossing of disciplinary boundaries, however, needs no apology: air quality problems are ubiquitous, touching upon space, time and human interaction.


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1. The response of the diaphragm to the postural perturbation produced by rapid flexion of the shoulder to a visual stimulus was evaluated in standing subjects. Gastric, oesophageal and transdiaphragmatic pressures were measured together with intramuscular and oesophageal recordings of electromyographic activity (EMG) in the diaphragm. To assess the mechanics of contraction of the diaphragm, dynamic changes in the length of the diaphragm were measured with ultrasonography. 2. With rapid flexion of the shoulder in response to a visual stimulus, EMG-activity in the costal and crural diaphragm occurred about 20 ms prior to the onset of deltoid EMG. This anticipatory contraction occurred irrespective of the phase of respiration in which arm movement began. The onset of diaphragm EMG-coincided with that of transversus abdominis. 3. Gastric and transdiaphragmatic pressures increased in association with the rapid arm flexion by 13.8 +/- 1.9 (mean +/- S.E.M.) and 13.5 +/- 1.8 cmH(2)O, respectively. The increases occurred 49 +/- 4 ms after the onset of diaphragm EMG, but preceded the onset of movement of the limb by 63 +/- 7 ms. 4. Ultrasonographic measurements revealed that the costal diaphragm shortened and then lengthened progressively during the increase in transdiaphragmatic pressure. 5. This study provides definitive evidence that the human diaphragm is involved in the control of postural stability during sudden voluntary movement of the limbs.


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Human N-acetyltransferase type 1 (NAT1) catalyses the N- or O-acetylation of various arylamine and heterocyclic amine substrates and is able to bioactivate several known carcinogens. Despite wide inter-individual variability in activity, historically, NAT1 was considered to be monomorphic in nature. However, recent reports of allelic variation at the NAT1 locus suggest that it may be a polymorphically expressed enzyme. In the present study, peripheral blood mononuclear cell NAT1 activity in 85 individuals was found to be bimodally distributed with approximately 8% of the population being slow acetylators. Subsequent sequencing of the individuals having slow acetylator status showed all to have either a (CT)-T-190 or G(560)A base substitution located in the protein encoding region of the NAT1 gene. The (CT)-T-190 base substitution changed a highly conserved Arg(64), which others have shown to be essential for fully functional NAT1 protein. The (CT)-T-190 mutation has not been reported previously and we have named it NAT1*17. The G(560)A mutation is associated with the base substitutions previously observed in the NAT1*10 allele and this variant (NAT1*14) encodes for a protein with reduced acetylation capacity. A novel method using linear PCR and dideoxy terminators was developed for the detection of NAT1*14 and NAT1*17. Neither of these variants was found in the rapid acetylator population. We conclude that both the (CT)-T-190 (NAT1*17) and G(560)A (NAT1*14) NAT1 structural variants are involved in a distinct NAT1 polymorphism. Because NAT1 can bioactivate several carcinogens, this polymorphism may have implications for cancer risk in individual subjects. (C) 1998 Chapman & Hall Ltd.


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Although Porphyromonas gingivalis is a defined pathogen in periodontal disease, many subjects control the infection without experiencing loss of attachment. Differences in host susceptibility to the disease may be reflected in the pattern of humoral antibodies against specific P. gingivalis antigens. The aim of this study was to determine the presence of antibodies against immunodominant P. gingivalis antigens as well as the isotype and subclass of anti-P. gingivalis antibodies against outer membrane antigens in four groups of patients: P. gingivalis-positive, 1) with and 2) without periodontitis, and P. gingivalis-negative, 3) with and 4) without periodontitis. Antigens of molecular weight 92, 63, and 32 kDa and lipopolysaccharide were found to be immunodominant. Group 1 subjects showed a significantly higher response to the 92 and 63 kDa antigens compared with other groups. The response to lipopolysaccharide was significantly higher in group 1, and lower in group 4 than in groups 2, 3. Immunoglobulin G(1) (IgG(1)), IgG(2) and IgM antibodies against P. gingivalis outer membrane were present in all subjects, while only some subjects were seropositive for IgG(3), IgG(4) and IgA. There were no differences in concentrations for IgG(1), IgG(3) and IgM. The IgG(2) concentration in group 4 was significantly higher than in groups 1 and 2, while the IgG(4) concentration in group 4 was significantly lower than in other groups. The frequency of seropositivity for IgG(4) and IgA was lowest in group 4, while IgG; seropositivity was almost exclusively seen in healthy patients iii groups 2, 4. These findings suggest that the presence of IgG(3) may reflect non-susceptibility to the disease, while lack of IgG(4) may be indicative of periodontal health and lack of infection.


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The human aryl sulfotransferases HAST4 and HAST4v vary by only two amino acids but exhibit markedly different affinity towards the sulfonate acceptor p-nitrophenol and the sulfonate donor 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS). To determine the importance of each of these amino acid differences, chimeric constructs were made of HAST4 and HAST4v. By attaching the last 120 amino acids of HAST-4v to HAST4 (changing Thr235 to Asn235) we have been able to produce a protein that has a K-m for PAPS similar to HAST4v. The reverse construct, HAST4v/4 produces a protein with a K-m for PAPS similar to HAST4. These data suggests that the COOH-terminal of sulfotransferases is involved in co-factor binding. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of replacing a single codon in the N-terminal of human aryl sulfotransferase (HAST) 1 and 3 with one that is more commonly found in E. coli genes was assessed. The pKK233-2 E. coli expression vector was employed and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to introduce the 5' nucleotide substitution, at the same time maintaining the fidelity of the amino acid sequence. The data indicates that this change had a minimal effect on protein production, subcellular localization or, in the case of HAST3, catalytic activity. In general, the pKK233-2 E. coli vector has been less than optimal for expressing human sulfotransferase cDNAs. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To date, the laboratory has cloned seven unique human sulfotransferases; five aryl sulfotransferases (HAST1, HAST2, HAST3, HAST4 and HAST4v), an estrogen sulfotransferase and a dehydroepiandrosterone sulfotransferase. The cellular distribution of human aryl sulfotransferases in human hepatic and extrahepatic tissues has been determined using the techniques of hybridization histochemistry and immunohistochemistry. Human aryl sulfotransferase expression was detected in liver, epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal mucosal layer, epithelial cells lining bronchioles and in mammary duct epithelial cells. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.