979 resultados para Honoré Beaugrand


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It is such a pleasure to honor innovation and accomplishment in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources today through this 2007 Omtvedt Innovation Award. This award is made possible because of the generosity of Leone and the late Neal Harlan, great friends of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The Harlans had the vision and the foresight to realize the importance of recognizing and supporting outstanding and innovative work in the Institute. They honored Irv Omtvedt on his retirement as Vice Chancellor of the Institute with a generous gift of funds to support the Omtvedt Innovation Awards. These awards recognize areas of strength and promise within the Institute, as well as innovative research and programming by our faculty, staff, and students.


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It is such a pleasure to honor innovation and strength in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources today through this 2006 Omtvedt Innovation Award. This award is made possible because of the generosity of Leone and the late Neal Harlan, great friends of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The Harlans had the vision and the foresight to realize the importance of recognizing and supporting outstanding and innovative work in the Institute, and honored Irv Omtvedt on his retirement as Vice Chancellor of the Institute with a generous gift of funds to support the Omtvedt Innovation Awards. These awards recognize areas of strength and promise within the Institute, as well as innovative research and programming by our faculty, staff, and students.


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I am really pleased to have this opportunity to present the 2008 Gamma Sigma Delta Award of Merit to Alan Baquet. Being here to say "Congratulations, Alan," is a special treat for me - and I do say, "Congratulations, Alan." You are very deserving of this honor.


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William V. (Bill) Sliter, an internationally known micropaleontologist and research geologist for the U.S. Geological Survey, passed away suddenly, October, 1997, while talking to a colleague in his office. In his honor, B. Huber, T. Bralower, and M. Leckie organized a keynote symposium ‘‘Paleoecological and Geochemical Signatures of Cretaceous Anoxic Events’’ at the 1998 annual meeting of the Geological Society of America in Toronto, Canada. This theme issue of the Journal of Foraminiferal Research contains the published papers from the symposium and is dedicated to his memory.


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SHERMAN, D.J.; LI, B.; FERRELL E.J.; ELLIS, J.T.; COX, W.D.; MAIA, L.P., and SOUSA, P.H.G.O., 2011. Measuring Aeolian Saltation: A Comparison of Sensors. In: Roberts, T.M., Rosati, J.D., and Wang, P. (eds.), Proceedings, Symposium to Honor Dr. Nicholas C. Kraus, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, No. 59, pp. 280-290. West Palm Beach (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. We report the results of field experiments designed to compare four types of aeolian saltation sensors: the Safire; the Wenglor (R) Particle Counter; the Miniphone; and the Buzzer Disc. Sets of sensors were deployed in tight spatial arrays and sampled at rates as fast as 20 kHz. In two of the three trials, the data from the sensors are compared to data obtained from sand traps. The Miniphone and the Buzzer Disc, based on microphone and piezoelectric technologies, respectively, produced grain impact counts comparable to those derived from the trap data. The Satire and the Wenglor (R) Particle Counter produce count rates that were an order of magnitude too slow. Satires undercount because of their large momentum threshold and because its signal is saturated at relatively slow transport rates. We conclude that the Miniphone and the Buzzer Disc are appropriate for deployment as grain counters because their small size allows them to be installed in closely-spaced sets.


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Conferencia pronunciada al Saló Fontana d'or de Girona, el Dilluns, día 6 de Maig, a l'acte solemne en honor de Sant Isidor


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Editorial: La gestión del personal docente e investigador. Actualidad institucional: Llegan más de 600 estudiantes de intercambio 1.616 Profesores e investigadores para cubrir la docencia universitaria. La ULPGC facilita información a los representantes de la comunidad universitaria sobre la Gripe A. La ULPGC impartirá Enfermería en Fuerteventura. Concurso de emprendedores Universitarios. Reportaje: Acto de Apertura del Curso Académico 2009-2010. La ULPGC investiga: Mención Especial de Honor en un concurso internacional de Arquitectura. Descubren un corredor de remolinos oceánicos en Canarias. Los científicos desarrollan una terapia que frena el Lupus en ratones. Comunidad universitaria: Ayudas para la mejora de la Gestión Ambiental y la Sostenibilidad. III Olimpiada Iberoamericana de Biología. Campeonas de Europa en el Universitario de Kárate


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[ES] El objetivo de este estudio ha sido determinar si es posible predecir la altura de vuelo en el salto vertical a partir de variables cinemáticas, dinamométricas y antropométricas, mediante un modelo de regresión múltiple lineal. Participaron en el estudio 53 sujetos, 21 hombres jugadores de voleibol de categorías nacionales (División de Honor y Primera División) y 9 mujeres jugadoras de voleibol de División de Honor, así como 23 estudiantes de Educación Física, de los cuales 12 eran hombres y 11 mujeres. Inicialmente se determinó la altura de vuelo en saltos efectuados sin contramovimiento o "squat jumps" (SJ) y en saltos precedidos por un contramovimiento o "countermovement jumps" (CMJ). Además, se determinó la fuerza isométrica máxima (FIM) en posición de semisentadillla, con las rodillas flexionadas a 90º, 120º y 140º , simultáneamente se tomaron medidas de la actividad electromiográfica del vasto externo del cuádriceps. La masa muscular de las extremidades inferiores se midió mediante absociometría fotónica dual de rayos X (DEXA). El impulso positivo explicó por sí solo un 77% de la variabilidad en altura de vuelo. La variable anterior combinada con el porcentaje de masa corporal representado por la masa muscular de las extremidades inferiores permitió explicar un 82% de la variabilidad de la altura de vuelo en el CMJ. Al añadir a la ecuación anterior la masa muscular de las extremidades inferiores se pudo explicar un 98% de la variabilidad en altura de vuelo. En los saltos sin contramovimiento, también fue posible explicar un porcentaje similar de la variabilidad de la altura de vuelo utilizando las mismas variables.


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Programa de doctorado [de] Lengua Española y Lingüística General.


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Cross-sectoral interorganizational relationships in post-conflict situations occur regularly. Whether formal task forces, advisory groups or other ad hoc arrangements, these relations take place in chaotic and dangerous situations with urgent and turbulent political, economic and social environments. Furthermore, they typically involve a large number of players from many different nations, operating across sectors, and between multiple layers of bureaucracy and diplomacy. The organizational complexity staggers many participants and observers, as do the tasks they are charged with completing. Reform efforts in Bosnia and Herzegovina starting in 1995 may serve as the archetype model of conflict, transition and development for the 21st century. It wins this honor due not to its particular programmatic successes and failures, rather to the interorganizational complexity of the International Community. From the massive response to the crisis, to the modern nation-building policies it spawned, and the development assistance practices and institutional arrangements it created, the Bosnian development experience has much to offer by way of lessons learned. This manuscript frames the unique Bosnian development situation, and provides lessons learned from the experience of nation building given local realities. Pettigrew (1992) called this "contextualizing." While network and/or organizational structure, strategy and process explain many interorganizational relationship issues, the development variables identified in this manuscript prove equally important, yet elusive and difficult to measure despite their very real and overt presence.