872 resultados para History of Argentina


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by Laura A. Knott


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by Albert Edward Bailey and Charles Foster Kent


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Background. The association between a prior history of atopy or other autoimmune diseases and risk of alopecia areata is not well established. ^ Objective. Purpose of this study was to use the National Alopecia Areata Registry database to further investigate the association between history of atopy or other autoimmune diseases and risk of alopecia areata. ^ Methods. A total of 2,613 self-registered sporadic cases (n = 2,055) and controls (n = 558) were included in the present analysis. ^ Results. Possessing a history of any atopy (OR = 2.00; 95% CI 1.50-2.54) or autoimmune disease (OR = 1.73; 95% CI 1.10-2.72) was associated with an increased risk of alopecia areata. There was no trend for possessing a history of more than one atopy or autoimmune disease and increasing risk of alopecia areata. ^ Limitations. Recall, reporting, and recruiting bias are potential sources of limitations in this analysis. ^ Conclusion. This analysis revealed that a prior history of atopy and autoimmune disease was associated with an increased risk of alopecia areata and that the results were consistent for both the severe subtype of alopecia areata (i.e., alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis) and the localized subtype (i.e., alopecia areata persistent).^


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The natural history of placebo treated travelers' diarrhea and the prognostic factors of recovery from diarrhea were evaluated using 9 groups of placebo treated subjects from 9 clinical trial studies conducted since 1975, for use as a historical control in the future clinical trial of antidiarrheal agents. All of these studies were done by the same group of investigators in one site (Guadalajara, Mexico). The studies are similar in terms of population, measured parameters, microbiologic identification of enteropathogens and definitions of parameters. The studies had two different durations of followup. In some studies, subjects were followed for two days, and in some they were followed for five days.^ Using definitions established by the Infectious Diseases society of America and the Food and Drug Administration, the following efficacy parameters were evaluated: Time to last unformed stool (TLUS), number of unformed stools post-initiation of placebo treatment for five consecutive days of followup, microbiologic cure, and improvement of diarrhea. Among the groups that were followed for five days, the mean TLUS ranged from 59.1 to 83.5 hours. Fifty percent to 78% had diarrhea lasting more than 48 hours and 25% had diarrhea more than five days. The mean number of unformed stools passed on the first day post-initiation of therapy ranged from 3.6 to 5.8 and, for the fifth day ranged from 0.5 to 1.5. By the end of followup, diarrhea improved in 82.6% to 90% of the subjects. Subjects with enterotoxigenic E. coli had 21.6% to 90.0% microbiologic cure; and subjects with shigella species experienced 14.3% to 60.0% microbiologic cure.^ In evaluating the prognostic factors of recovery from diarrhea (primary efficacy parameter in evaluating the efficacy of antidiarrheal agents against travelers' diarrhea). The subjects from five studies were pooled and the Cox proportional hazard model was used to evaluate the predictors of prolonged diarrhea. After adjusting for design characteristics of each trial, fever with a rate ratio (RR) of 0.40, presence of invasive pathogens with a RR of 0.41, presence of severe abdominal pain and cramps with a RR of 0.50, number of watery stools more than five with a RR of 0.60, and presence of non-invasive pathogens with a RR of 0.84 predicted a longer duration of diarrhea. Severe vomiting with a RR of 2.53 predicted a shorter duration of diarrhea. The number of soft stools, presence of fecal leukocytes, presence of nausea, and duration of diarrhea before enrollment were not associated with duration of diarrhea. ^


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This thesis presents an analysis of data from Molecular Epidemiology of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Mexican Americans. The study included 294 families. Among the participating families were 500 Mexican American females aged 19 to 86 who provided information on characteristics such as height, weight, and a variety of biochemical indicators. The research questions for this thesis are: (1) How strong is the association between indicators of the metabolic syndrome in study participants and their family histories of type II diabetes; and (2) How is an individual's family history of type II diabetes, age and socioeconomic status associated with the metabolic syndrome? In this thesis education status of the participants is used as an indicator of socioeconomic status. Answers to these questions are provided through the analysis of women's responses to written questionnaires and biochemical data. ^


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The History of Pathology in Texas is the study of the changes of disease in Texas from the frontier days to the 1990s. Marilyn Miller Baker wrote the book for the Texas Society of Pathologists. The book was published in 1996 with a forward by Vernie A. Stembridge, MD, the Ashbel Smith Professor and Chairman Emeritus of Pathology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. The book covers the story of pathology from the "performance of crude autopsies" on the frontier through the emergence of bacteriology and immunology and beyond.


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The item was written by the Historical Committee of the Harris County Medical Society and signed on October 28, 1948. A brief history of medicine in Texas is given before the focus shifts to the Harris County and Houston area. Information on the early years is taken from various sources such as Pat Ireland Nixon’s The Medical Story of Early Texas and the writings of George Plunkett (Mrs. S. C.) Red. Significant information comes from the Minutes of the Harris County Medical Society.


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This invited commentary reviews the survey research described in "Examining the Relationship between Media use and Aggression, Sexuality, and Body Image" and situates this research within the recent history of entertainment media regulation.


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The fall armyworm (FAW) is the most important threat to corn crops in Argentina, and there exists very little up-to-date information on its actual pest status because the available literature was published more than 20 years ago. Therefore, field surveys were carried out in the northeast of Argentina, in order to establish the attack rates and injury levels of the pest in relation to the crop phenology. The study was carried out at two localities: Colonia Benítez, an agricultural region, and Tapenagá, a cattle-raising area. At each site two 1-ha plots were sown either with a Bt-corn expressing Cry 1F protein or with an untransformed corn germplasm. Optimal and late sowing was assayed and FAW larval abundance, relative age composition, attack rates and level of damage to corn were recorded. At the moment of the field experiments, Bt-corn was not affected by FAW larvae. However, untransformed germplasms were severely affected by FAW larvae, with an average of attacked plants of 18% or more. In contrast to data obtained 30 years ago, higher values of FAW density were registered. Levels of damage to corn plants were higher after the V4 stage. It was found that the sowing date affected the infestation levels and early seeding avoided high armyworm densities that develop later in the season; in northern Argentina, this was only relevant in agricultural areas.


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This article presents the findings of a qualitative study exploring the experiences of women living in Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area, Argentina, with the use of misoprostol for inducing an abortion. We asked women about the range of decisions they had to make, their emotions, the physical experience, strategies they needed to use, including seeking health care advice and in dealing with a clandestine medical abortion, and their overall evaluation of the experience. An in-depth interview schedule was used. The women had either used misoprostol and sought counselling or care at a public hospital (n=24) or had used misoprostol based on the advice of a local hotline, information from the internet or from other women (n=21). Four stages in the women’s experiences were identified: how the decision to terminate the pregnancy was taken, how the medication was obtained, how the tablets were used, and reflections on the outcome whether or not they sought medical advice. Safety and privacy were key in deciding to use medical abortion. Access to the medication was the main obstacle, requiring a prescription or a friendly drugstore. Correct information about the number of pills to use and dosage intervals was the least easy to obtain and caused concerns. The possibility of choosing a time of privacy and having the company of a close one was highlighted as a unique advantage of medical abortion. Efforts to improve abortion law, policy and service provision in Argentina in order to ensure the best possible conditions for use of medical abortion by women should be redoubled.


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Este trabajo trata sobre la famosa digresión de Tucídides en el libro sexto de su historia acerca de la caída de la tiranía en Atenas (Tuc. 6.54-59) y su relación con el relato de Heródoto. La digresión de Tucídides (y más específicamente su tono polémico) ha provocado controversia entre los comentadores, que han analizado a fondo las narrativas de los dos historiadores tanto desde una perspectiva histórica como historiográfica. Este estudio tiende a contribuir a esta discusión a través de tres sugerencias: la primera, Tucídides se mete no solo con la pequeña sección sobre los tiranicidas de la Historia de Heródoto (esto es Hdt. 5.55-65), sino, más bien, con toda la narrativa de la Historia de Heródoto sobre la liberación de Atenas de la tiranía que se extiende hasta el discurso de Socles (esto es Hdt. 5.55-5.96.2); segunda, las correcciones de Tucídides al relato de Heródoto son menores, tercera, dado que las divergencias de Tucídides con respecto a Heródoto no son decisivas para la versión correcta de los hechos, el tono polémico de Tucídides en su digresión resulta todavía más difícil de explicar. En este trabajo se sugiere tentativamente que la actitud polémica de Tucídides tiene más sentido si es interpretada en el contexto de la rivalidad del historiador con Heródoto


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Con un marco regulatorio de tipo proteccionista que buscaba promover la construcción de barcos en el país, la industria naval argentina se consolidó y expandió hasta los años 80 gracias a una fuerte intervención estatal, iniciada durante el proceso de Industrialización por Sustitución de Importaciones (isi). El presente trabajo se propone describir la historia reciente de este sector industrial, desde 1950 hasta la actualidad, centrando la atención en dos aspectos fundamentales: por un lado, el rol central del Estado (y de su política industrial) como regulador, productor, cliente y agente de financiación de la industria naval; por otro, la activa participación de los actores sociales, especialmente los trabajadores organizados, en la supervivencia productiva del sector en la década del 90. Para llevar adelante este propósito, nos centramos en el estudio de los dos astilleros estatales de construcción y reparación naval más importantes del país: Astillero Río Santiago (ars) y Talleres Dársena Norte (Tandanor). A modo de conclusión, reflexionamos sobre los principales desafíos y la perspectiva futura del sector así como sobre las responsabilidades que, en tal sentido, les caben a los actores sociales más relevantes