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There is much complexity to the term ‘higher education research’. This paper explores the notion and provides some background for ongoing discussion with members of the College of Distinguished Deakin Educators (CDDE) and other staff stakeholders at Deakin University.


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The viewpoints of academic teaching staff take centre stage in the analysis of the changing conceptions of what it means to act with integrity when teaching online. To teach with integrity in contemporary online-supported environments in higher education is not necessarily to teach the same as if one would in teaching regularly face-to-face in the classroom. The paper argues that to teach with integrity online is to teach differently. With integrity both enhanced and in some respects diminished in teaching online, the apparent contradiction can only be resolved through developing conceptions of what teaching with integrity means in the contemporary world of higher education. Implications are drawn in the context of teaching extended and wholly online units in the field of engineering.


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This paper surveys the development of various approaches to quality that are essentially learning-centred:

•In the Schools sector: a brief overview of the Victorian Quality in Schools project;

•In Higher Education: work in progress at two Australian universities (Victoria University of Technology and Swinburne Universities of Technology in Melbourne); and

•In Vocational Education and Training: work in progress in re-orienting the policy approach to Quality towards a more flexible and learning-centred model.

This paper will argue that when looked at from the perspective of the individual learner, there is a strong case for student learning to be placed at the very heart of Quality Systems in all sectors of education, and also therefore in related sectoral Quality Assurance programs and processes.


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An analysis of DEST statistical data on nursing education had suggested that there were issues with the classification of undergraduate data and new initiatives, such as combined degrees, which were poorly captured. This project had two distinct aims. First, to explore and map exhaustively the range of undergraduate programs offered by tertiary education providers across Australia leading to an initial qualification and entry into nursing practice. Second, to explore and map in detail specialist nursing education courses offered by tertiary and other education providers across Australia. This research was funded under the Evaluations and Investigations Programme (EIP).


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The author undertook a major national study of e-business for the Australian National Training Authority (ANTA) from November 1999 - February 2000, resulting in the report E-competent Australia: The Impact of E-commerce on the National Training Framework (ANTA, 2000; available at http;://www.anta.gov.au). This ANTA study and other research by the author show that e-business will eventually have a significant impact on the Australian economy, on industries, organisations, occupations and education and training organisations. From April-May 2000, the author is undertaking a major study for the Commonwealth Government (DETYA): a scoping study of e-commerce in the education and training sector (higher education, VET, schools) of Australia.

This paper starts where the ANTA study (Mitchell 2000a) and the DETYA study stop, by exploring the implications of e-business for online learning systems. E-business will eventually impact not only on the organisations providing online education but on their online learning systems.

The paper is based also on research by the author for a Doctorate in Education within the Faculty of Education at Deakin University that commenced in 1997 and is continuing. The research for this paper involved a review of national and international developments in ebusiness, relating them to online learning systems.

This paper traces the origins, definitions and drivers of both e-business and online learning systems in the 1990s, showing how e-business principles and strategies in the future will have a beneficial impact on online learning systems, even if online learning systems eventually lose their identities as separate from the rest of the organisation.

An e-business focus for online learning systems would start with an understanding of the customers' needs; would find a customer-centric solution, not a technology-centric solution; would empower the customer; would provide sufficient and multiple types of support for the customer; would provide quality and skilled input; and would provide cost effective, reliable and accessible technology.

This vision of an e-business approach to training varies greatly from the traditional business model for the delivery of training, particularly by VET Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). The traditional business model includes real estate prices dictating location of campuses; architecture dictating class sizes; industrial relations dictating the number and length of sessions and prescribing tight role descriptions; queues of students enrolling in February and July each year; and students seated in teacher-dominated classrooms. In contrast, an e-business basis for RTOs would involve the use of electronic communication to improve business performance, improve the use of existing resources, enhance existing services and increase market reach.

An e-business model for RTOs would include the following features: the development of new relationships with customers, using electronic communication to strengthen the relationship; the pursuit of new student markets; and the development of new relationships and alliances between providers. In this new arena of potential and threat, of disintermediation and reintermediation, there will be new roles for new intermediaries; and there will emerge new ways of supporting teaching and learning. Progressive education and training organisations will realize the potential offered by e-business and enjoy the fruits of reintermediation.


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Many tertiary institutions in Australia provide support to develop online teaching and learning resources, an environment characterised by demands from students for quality face-to-face and distance education, staff concern over workloads, institutional budgeting constraints and an imperative to use management systems. There also remains a legitimate focus on using online learning to facilitate new learning strategies within a complex social setting. This paper presents an extended instructional design model in which the development cycle for online teaching and learning materials uses a scaffolding strategy in order to cater for learner-centred activities and to maximise scarce developer and academic resources. The model also integrates accepted phases of the instructional development process to provide guidelines for the disposition of staff and to more accurately reflect the creation of resources as learning design rather than instructional design.


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Human rights theory is based on universalistic moral perspectives that regard each individual as a bearer of rights. These rights are often legislated nationally and implementation mandated for institutions including higher education institutions. Arendt contests this kind of governance and ruling. Arendt argues for an agonal politics. Arendt theorises politics and power as something that cannot occur in isolation; it is through ‘acting in concert’ with others that a political community is constituted. Arendt advocates for a public space where people can take care of the ‘public things’ between them to work out how to live together. In this paper I reflect on my role promoting equity within Australian higher education institutions and explore what Arendt’s theorising can add to rethinking this kind of human rights work. Arendt argued that re-valuing politics would pave the way to a ‘new appreciation of human plurality’ (Villa 1996: 17). I will argue that the ‘Fair Chance for All’ (1990) equity policy promoted a form of identity politics within higher education institutions. I argue that Arendt’s theorising can effectively disrupt identity politics and offers a corrective to the way human rights legislation and related institutional policies tend to focus on specific target populations.


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The discourse of internationalization is well established but it appears that globalisation has crept ‘by stealth’ (Currie, 1998) into our international programs resulting in an apparent domination by a neoliberal economic discourse. Clyne, Marginson and Woock (2001), drawing on research regarding globalisation and internationalization in Australian universities, suggest that this domination is so pervasive that the term is “irretrievably lost” to cultural usages of globalisation. This paper arises from a case study of the understandings of globalisation within an international higher education program. Understandings of globalisation were sought from both Australian  and Thai policymakers and participants in an international higher education program. It is argued that domination by the neoliberal discourse is evident and predominant but that, in the use of metaphors of globalisation by these  educators, a repositioned understanding from lived experience exists alongside the economically dominated experience of international higher  education. It is here that divergent understandings of globalisation are  constructed. These findings are of value to those involved in the  internationalization of higher education.


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Aims & Rationale/Objectives
To locate, analyse and make accessible innovative models of health training and service delivery that have been developed in response to a shortage of skills.

Drawing on a synthesis of Australian and international literature on innovative and effective models for addressing health skill shortages, 50 models were selected for further study. Models were also identified from nominations by key health sector stakeholders. Selected models represent diversity in terms of the nature of skill shortage addressed, barriers overcome in developing the model, health care specialisations, and customer groups.

Principal Findings
Rural and remote areas have become home to a set of innovative service delivery models. Models identified encompass local, regional and state/national responses. Local responses are usually single health service-training provider partnerships. Regional responses, the most numerous, tend to have a specific focus, such as training young people. A small number of holistic state or national responses, eg the skills ecosystem approach, address multiple barriers to health service provision. Typical barriers include unwillingness to risk-take, stakeholder differences, and entrenched workplace cultures. Enhancers include stakeholder commitment, community acceptance, and cultural fit.

Of particular interest is increasing numbers of therapy assistants to help address shortages of allied health professionals, and work to formalise their training, and develop standards of practice and policy. Other models likely to help address skill shortage amongst VET health workers focus on recruiting, supporting and training employees from a range of disadvantaged target groups, and on providing career paths with opportunities for staff to expand their skills. Such models are underpinned by nationally recognised qualifications, but each solution is targeted to a particular context in terms of the potential workforce and local need.


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Introduction: This article reports findings of a project funded by the Australian National Council for Vocational Education Research. The project explores solutions to current and projected skills shortages within the health and community services sector, from a vocational education and training perspective. Its purpose is to locate, analyse and disseminate information about innovative models of health training and service delivery that have been developed in response to skill shortages.

Methods: The article begins with a brief overview of Australian statistics and literature on the structure of the national health workforce and perceived skill shortages. The impact of location (state and rurality), demographics of the workforce, and other relevant factors, on health skill shortages is examined. Drawing on a synthesis of the Australian and international literature on innovative and effective models for addressing health skill shortages and nominations by key stakeholders within the health sector, over 70 models were identified. The models represent a mixture of innovative service delivery models and training solutions from Australia, as well as international examples that could be transposed to the Australian context. They include the skill ecosystem approach facilitated by the Australian National Training Authority Skill Ecosystem Project. Models were selected to represent diversity in terms of the nature of skill shortage addressed, barriers overcome in development of the model, healthcare specialisations, and different customer groups.

Results: Key barriers to the development of innovative solutions to skills shortages identified were: policy that is not sufficiently flexible to accommodate changing workplace needs; unwillingness to risk take in order to develop new models; delays in gaining endorsement/accreditation; current vocational education and training (VET) monitoring and reporting systems; issues related to working in partnership, including different cultures, ways of operating, priorities and timelines; workplace culture that is resistant to change; and organisational boundaries. For training-only models, additional barriers were: technology; low educational levels of trainees; lack of health professionals to provide training and/or supervision; and cost of training. Key enhancers for the development of models were identified as: commitment by all partners and co-location of partners; or effective communication channels. Key enhancers for model effectiveness were: first considering work tasks, competencies and job (re)design; high profile of the model within the community; community-based models; cultural fit; and evidence of direct link between skills development and employment, for example VET trained aged care workers upskilling for other health jobs. For training only models, additional enhancers were flexibility of partners in accommodating needs of trainees; low training costs; experienced clinical supervisors; and the provision of professional development to trainers.

Conclusions: There needs to be a balance between short-term solutions to current skill shortages (training only), and medium to longer term solutions (job redesign, holistic approaches) that also address projected skills shortages. Models that focus on addressing skills shortages in aged care can provide a broad pathway to careers in health. Characteristics of models likely to be effective in addressing skill shortages are: responsibility for addressing skills shortage is shared between the health sector, education and training organisations and government, with employers taking a proactive role; the training component is complemented by a focus on retention of workers; models are either targeted at existing employees or identify a target group(s) who may not otherwise have considered a career in health.


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Occupational health services can make a valuable contribution to the performance of HEIs, yet a pilot study in 1999 suggested that occupational health provision in the HE sector lags behind other sectors, with some noticeable gaps. This project will:

* survey all UK HEIs to establish a baseline and identify examples of good practice in occupational health provision
* disseminate benchmarking information and case studies
* establish a collaborative network to encourage the development, sharing and implementation of recognised good practice and ensure the sustainability of improvements resulting from the project
* evaluate the outcomes of the above work.


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The second of three surveys of occupational health provision in UK higher education institutions was carried out in March 2003.

Information was collected on occupational health provision arrangements for all 193 members of UUK, other HEIs funded by HEFCE, constituent parts of the University of London and the University of Wales, and degree awarding bodies in the UK. There was a wide variety of arrangements. Thirty-eight percent had in-house services, 33% contracted with external providers for occupational health services, 13% made use of a local general practice or student health service, 6% had other or ad hoc arrangements and 9% had no occupational health service.


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The adoption of a more market-oriented economy under doi moi has paved the way for Vietnam to record remarkable human development achievements in the past decades. The Vietnamese education system has been undergoing continuous changes for almost twenty years. Key reforms have been implemented in the education and training sector such as privatising the sector; expanding the schooling system, the vocational education and training (VET) system, and higher education. This paper examines: (1) key reforms implemented in the education and training sector, placed in a broader context of economic reforms in Vietnam; (2) a development of arts management training courses in Vietnam to assist cultural organisations to adjust to social changes, as Vietnamese education institutions have not had much experience in designing training courses in arts and culture management; (3) several arts management training courses in Australian institutions to see the possibility to apply training in arts management in Australia to Vietnam. The findings indicate that a variety of management training modes in Australia can be adapted and applied to the Vietnamese training context. Some factors such as differences in culture, education and training systems, shortages in training staff and resources are also considered in this paper.


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When the Institute of International Education reported a drop of 2.4% in international student enrollment in the United States in 2003/2004, the first absolute decline in foreign enrollments since 1971/1972 (Open Doors, 2004), many were quick to point fingers at visa policies instituted after the September 11, 2001 attacks. The "Visas Mantis" review—a security clearance required for foreign students studying any of roughly 200 scientific fields—was blamed for tarnishing the view of the United States as a welcoming place for international students. Although the review has certainly been the cause of increased visa delays and rejections, this article takes the view that it is not the only cause for the dip in foreign enrollments in the United States. Through econometric analyses, it is shown that other than the visa quagmires, improved access to domestic education opportunities and tuition fee increases can indeed explain the drop in foreign enrollments.


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Transnational higher education (TNHE) development is not an entirely new international activity in the education services sector. The nature and scale of the global expansion of contemporary TNHE developments are, however, changing substantially. An understanding of this growth is currently largely lacking because of a dearth of comprehensive statistics. The scale of the latter TNHE developments has been particularly hard to identify and has until now been largely based on guesstimates. This article is an attempt at filling this gap. Through a triangulation methodology of available secondary data, this article is a very first attempt at providing a stock take of the current level of activity in TNHE worldwide.