864 resultados para High-technology companies


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During the last decade advances in the field of sensor design and improved base materials have pushed the radiation hardness of the current silicon detector technology to impressive performance. It should allow operation of the tracking systems of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments at nominal luminosity (1034 cm-2s-1) for about 10 years. The current silicon detectors are unable to cope with such an environment. Silicon carbide (SiC), which has recently been recognized as potentially radiation hard, is now studied. In this work it was analyzed the effect of high energy neutron irradiation on 4H-SiC particle detectors. Schottky and junction particle detectors were irradiated with 1 MeV neutrons up to fluence of 1016 cm-2. It is well known that the degradation of the detectors with irradiation, independently of the structure used for their realization, is caused by lattice defects, like creation of point-like defect, dopant deactivation and dead layer formation and that a crucial aspect for the understanding of the defect kinetics at a microscopic level is the correct identification of the crystal defects in terms of their electrical activity. In order to clarify the defect kinetic it were carried out a thermal transient spectroscopy (DLTS and PICTS) analysis of different samples irradiated at increasing fluences. The defect evolution was correlated with the transport properties of the irradiated detector, always comparing with the un-irradiated one. The charge collection efficiency degradation of Schottky detectors induced by neutron irradiation was related to the increasing concentration of defects as function of the neutron fluence.


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Providing support for multimedia applications on low-power mobile devices remains a significant research challenge. This is primarily due to two reasons: • Portable mobile devices have modest sizes and weights, and therefore inadequate resources, low CPU processing power, reduced display capabilities, limited memory and battery lifetimes as compared to desktop and laptop systems. • On the other hand, multimedia applications tend to have distinctive QoS and processing requirementswhichmake themextremely resource-demanding. This innate conflict introduces key research challenges in the design of multimedia applications and device-level power optimization. Energy efficiency in this kind of platforms can be achieved only via a synergistic hardware and software approach. In fact, while System-on-Chips are more and more programmable thus providing functional flexibility, hardwareonly power reduction techniques cannot maintain consumption under acceptable bounds. It is well understood both in research and industry that system configuration andmanagement cannot be controlled efficiently only relying on low-level firmware and hardware drivers. In fact, at this level there is lack of information about user application activity and consequently about the impact of power management decision on QoS. Even though operating system support and integration is a requirement for effective performance and energy management, more effective and QoSsensitive power management is possible if power awareness and hardware configuration control strategies are tightly integratedwith domain-specificmiddleware services. The main objective of this PhD research has been the exploration and the integration of amiddleware-centric energymanagement with applications and operating-system. We choose to focus on the CPU-memory and the video subsystems, since they are the most power-hungry components of an embedded system. A second main objective has been the definition and implementation of software facilities (like toolkits, API, and run-time engines) in order to improve programmability and performance efficiency of such platforms. Enhancing energy efficiency and programmability ofmodernMulti-Processor System-on-Chips (MPSoCs) Consumer applications are characterized by tight time-to-market constraints and extreme cost sensitivity. The software that runs on modern embedded systems must be high performance, real time, and even more important low power. Although much progress has been made on these problems, much remains to be done. Multi-processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) are increasingly popular platforms for high performance embedded applications. This leads to interesting challenges in software development since efficient software development is a major issue for MPSoc designers. An important step in deploying applications on multiprocessors is to allocate and schedule concurrent tasks to the processing and communication resources of the platform. The problem of allocating and scheduling precedenceconstrained tasks on processors in a distributed real-time system is NP-hard. There is a clear need for deployment technology that addresses thesemulti processing issues. This problem can be tackled by means of specific middleware which takes care of allocating and scheduling tasks on the different processing elements and which tries also to optimize the power consumption of the entire multiprocessor platform. This dissertation is an attempt to develop insight into efficient, flexible and optimalmethods for allocating and scheduling concurrent applications tomultiprocessor architectures. It is a well-known problem in literature: this kind of optimization problems are very complex even in much simplified variants, therefore most authors propose simplified models and heuristic approaches to solve it in reasonable time. Model simplification is often achieved by abstracting away platform implementation ”details”. As a result, optimization problems become more tractable, even reaching polynomial time complexity. Unfortunately, this approach creates an abstraction gap between the optimization model and the real HW-SW platform. The main issue with heuristic or, more in general, with incomplete search is that they introduce an optimality gap of unknown size. They provide very limited or no information on the distance between the best computed solution and the optimal one. The goal of this work is to address both abstraction and optimality gaps, formulating accurate models which accounts for a number of ”non-idealities” in real-life hardware platforms, developing novel mapping algorithms that deterministically find optimal solutions, and implementing software infrastructures required by developers to deploy applications for the targetMPSoC platforms. Energy Efficient LCDBacklightAutoregulation on Real-LifeMultimediaAp- plication Processor Despite the ever increasing advances in Liquid Crystal Display’s (LCD) technology, their power consumption is still one of the major limitations to the battery life of mobile appliances such as smart phones, portable media players, gaming and navigation devices. There is a clear trend towards the increase of LCD size to exploit the multimedia capabilities of portable devices that can receive and render high definition video and pictures. Multimedia applications running on these devices require LCD screen sizes of 2.2 to 3.5 inches andmore to display video sequences and pictures with the required quality. LCD power consumption is dependent on the backlight and pixel matrix driving circuits and is typically proportional to the panel area. As a result, the contribution is also likely to be considerable in future mobile appliances. To address this issue, companies are proposing low power technologies suitable for mobile applications supporting low power states and image control techniques. On the research side, several power saving schemes and algorithms can be found in literature. Some of them exploit software-only techniques to change the image content to reduce the power associated with the crystal polarization, some others are aimed at decreasing the backlight level while compensating the luminance reduction by compensating the user perceived quality degradation using pixel-by-pixel image processing algorithms. The major limitation of these techniques is that they rely on the CPU to perform pixel-based manipulations and their impact on CPU utilization and power consumption has not been assessed. This PhDdissertation shows an alternative approach that exploits in a smart and efficient way the hardware image processing unit almost integrated in every current multimedia application processors to implement a hardware assisted image compensation that allows dynamic scaling of the backlight with a negligible impact on QoS. The proposed approach overcomes CPU-intensive techniques by saving system power without requiring either a dedicated display technology or hardware modification. Thesis Overview The remainder of the thesis is organized as follows. The first part is focused on enhancing energy efficiency and programmability of modern Multi-Processor System-on-Chips (MPSoCs). Chapter 2 gives an overview about architectural trends in embedded systems, illustrating the principal features of new technologies and the key challenges still open. Chapter 3 presents a QoS-driven methodology for optimal allocation and frequency selection for MPSoCs. The methodology is based on functional simulation and full system power estimation. Chapter 4 targets allocation and scheduling of pipelined stream-oriented applications on top of distributed memory architectures with messaging support. We tackled the complexity of the problem by means of decomposition and no-good generation, and prove the increased computational efficiency of this approach with respect to traditional ones. Chapter 5 presents a cooperative framework to solve the allocation, scheduling and voltage/frequency selection problem to optimality for energyefficient MPSoCs, while in Chapter 6 applications with conditional task graph are taken into account. Finally Chapter 7 proposes a complete framework, called Cellflow, to help programmers in efficient software implementation on a real architecture, the Cell Broadband Engine processor. The second part is focused on energy efficient software techniques for LCD displays. Chapter 8 gives an overview about portable device display technologies, illustrating the principal features of LCD video systems and the key challenges still open. Chapter 9 shows several energy efficient software techniques present in literature, while Chapter 10 illustrates in details our method for saving significant power in an LCD panel. Finally, conclusions are drawn, reporting the main research contributions that have been discussed throughout this dissertation.


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The need for high bandwidth, due to the explosion of new multi\-media-oriented IP-based services, as well as increasing broadband access requirements is leading to the need of flexible and highly reconfigurable optical networks. While transmission bandwidth does not represent a limit due to the huge bandwidth provided by optical fibers and Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) technology, the electronic switching nodes in the core of the network represent the bottleneck in terms of speed and capacity for the overall network. For this reason DWDM technology must be exploited not only for data transport but also for switching operations. In this Ph.D. thesis solutions for photonic packet switches, a flexible alternative with respect to circuit-switched optical networks are proposed. In particular solutions based on devices and components that are expected to mature in the near future are proposed, with the aim to limit the employment of complex components. The work presented here is the result of part of the research activities performed by the Networks Research Group at the Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems (DEIS) of the University of Bologna, Italy. In particular, the work on optical packet switching has been carried on within three relevant research projects: the e-Photon/ONe and e-Photon/ONe+ projects, funded by the European Union in the Sixth Framework Programme, and the national project OSATE funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research. The rest of the work is organized as follows. Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction to network context and contention resolution in photonic packet switches. Chapter 2 presents different strategies for contention resolution in wavelength domain. Chapter 3 illustrates a possible implementation of one of the schemes proposed in chapter 2. Then, chapter 4 presents multi-fiber switches, which employ jointly wavelength and space domains to solve contention. Chapter 5 shows buffered switches, to solve contention in time domain besides wavelength domain. Finally chapter 6 presents a cost model to compare different switch architectures in terms of cost.


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A systematic characterization of the composition and structure of the bacterial cell-surface proteome and its complexes can provide an invaluable tool for its comprehensive understanding. The knowledge of protein complexes composition and structure could offer new, more effective targets for a more specific and consequently effective immune response against a complex instead of a single protein. Large-scale protein-protein interaction screens are the first step towards the identification of complexes and their attribution to specific pathways. Currently, several methods exist for identifying protein interactions and protein microarrays provide the most appealing alternative to existing techniques for a high throughput screening of protein-protein interactions in vitro under reasonably straightforward conditions. In this study approximately 100 proteins of Group A Streptococcus (GAS) predicted to be secreted or surface exposed by genomic and proteomic approaches were purified in a His-tagged form and used to generate protein microarrays on nitrocellulose-coated slides. To identify protein-protein interactions each purified protein was then labeled with biotin, hybridized to the microarray and interactions were detected with Cy3-labelled streptavidin. Only reciprocal interactions, i. e. binding of the same two interactors irrespective of which of the two partners is in solid-phase or in solution, were taken as bona fide protein-protein interactions. Using this approach, we have identified 20 interactors of one of the potent toxins secreted by GAS and known as superantigens. Several of these interactors belong to the molecular chaperone or protein folding catalyst families and presumably are involved in the secretion and folding of the superantigen. In addition, a very interesting interaction was found between the superantigen and the substrate binding subunit of a well characterized ABC transporter. This finding opens a new perspective on the current understanding of how superantigens are modified by the bacterial cell in order to become major players in causing disease.


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Several activities were conducted during my PhD activity. For the NEMO experiment a collaboration between the INFN/University groups of Catania and Bologna led to the development and production of a mixed signal acquisition board for the Nemo Km3 telescope. The research concerned the feasibility study for a different acquisition technique quite far from that adopted in the NEMO Phase 1 telescope. The DAQ board that we realized exploits the LIRA06 front-end chip for the analog acquisition of anodic an dynodic sources of a PMT (Photo-Multiplier Tube). The low-power analog acquisition allows to sample contemporaneously multiple channels of the PMT at different gain factors in order to increase the signal response linearity over a wider dynamic range. Also the auto triggering and self-event-classification features help to improve the acquisition performance and the knowledge on the neutrino event. A fully functional interface towards the first level data concentrator, the Floor Control Module, has been integrated as well on the board, and a specific firmware has been realized to comply with the present communication protocols. This stage of the project foresees the use of an FPGA, a high speed configurable device, to provide the board with a flexible digital logic control core. After the validation of the whole front-end architecture this feature would be probably integrated in a common mixed-signal ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). The volatile nature of the configuration memory of the FPGA implied the integration of a flash ISP (In System Programming) memory and a smart architecture for a safe remote reconfiguration of it. All the integrated features of the board have been tested. At the Catania laboratory the behavior of the LIRA chip has been investigated in the digital environment of the DAQ board and we succeeded in driving the acquisition with the FPGA. The PMT pulses generated with an arbitrary waveform generator were correctly triggered and acquired by the analog chip, and successively they were digitized by the on board ADC under the supervision of the FPGA. For the communication towards the data concentrator a test bench has been realized in Bologna where, thanks to a lending of the Roma University and INFN, a full readout chain equivalent to that present in the NEMO phase-1 was installed. These tests showed a good behavior of the digital electronic that was able to receive and to execute command imparted by the PC console and to answer back with a reply. The remotely configurable logic behaved well too and demonstrated, at least in principle, the validity of this technique. A new prototype board is now under development at the Catania laboratory as an evolution of the one described above. This board is going to be deployed within the NEMO Phase-2 tower in one of its floors dedicated to new front-end proposals. This board will integrate a new analog acquisition chip called SAS (Smart Auto-triggering Sampler) introducing thus a new analog front-end but inheriting most of the digital logic present in the current DAQ board discussed in this thesis. For what concern the activity on high-resolution vertex detectors, I worked within the SLIM5 collaboration for the characterization of a MAPS (Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor) device called APSEL-4D. The mentioned chip is a matrix of 4096 active pixel sensors with deep N-well implantations meant for charge collection and to shield the analog electronics from digital noise. The chip integrates the full-custom sensors matrix and the sparsifification/readout logic realized with standard-cells in STM CMOS technology 130 nm. For the chip characterization a test-beam has been set up on the 12 GeV PS (Proton Synchrotron) line facility at CERN of Geneva (CH). The collaboration prepared a silicon strip telescope and a DAQ system (hardware and software) for data acquisition and control of the telescope that allowed to store about 90 million events in 7 equivalent days of live-time of the beam. My activities concerned basically the realization of a firmware interface towards and from the MAPS chip in order to integrate it on the general DAQ system. Thereafter I worked on the DAQ software to implement on it a proper Slow Control interface of the APSEL4D. Several APSEL4D chips with different thinning have been tested during the test beam. Those with 100 and 300 um presented an overall efficiency of about 90% imparting a threshold of 450 electrons. The test-beam allowed to estimate also the resolution of the pixel sensor providing good results consistent with the pitch/sqrt(12) formula. The MAPS intrinsic resolution has been extracted from the width of the residual plot taking into account the multiple scattering effect.


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Electronic applications are nowadays converging under the umbrella of the cloud computing vision. The future ecosystem of information and communication technology is going to integrate clouds of portable clients and embedded devices exchanging information, through the internet layer, with processing clusters of servers, data-centers and high performance computing systems. Even thus the whole society is waiting to embrace this revolution, there is a backside of the story. Portable devices require battery to work far from the power plugs and their storage capacity does not scale as the increasing power requirement does. At the other end processing clusters, such as data-centers and server farms, are build upon the integration of thousands multiprocessors. For each of them during the last decade the technology scaling has produced a dramatic increase in power density with significant spatial and temporal variability. This leads to power and temperature hot-spots, which may cause non-uniform ageing and accelerated chip failure. Nonetheless all the heat removed from the silicon translates in high cooling costs. Moreover trend in ICT carbon footprint shows that run-time power consumption of the all spectrum of devices accounts for a significant slice of entire world carbon emissions. This thesis work embrace the full ICT ecosystem and dynamic power consumption concerns by describing a set of new and promising system levels resource management techniques to reduce the power consumption and related issues for two corner cases: Mobile Devices and High Performance Computing.


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Hybrid technologies, thanks to the convergence of integrated microelectronic devices and new class of microfluidic structures could open new perspectives to the way how nanoscale events are discovered, monitored and controlled. The key point of this thesis is to evaluate the impact of such an approach into applications of ion-channel High Throughput Screening (HTS)platforms. This approach offers promising opportunities for the development of new classes of sensitive, reliable and cheap sensors. There are numerous advantages of embedding microelectronic readout structures strictly coupled to sensing elements. On the one hand the signal-to-noise-ratio is increased as a result of scaling. On the other, the readout miniaturization allows organization of sensors into arrays, increasing the capability of the platform in terms of number of acquired data, as required in the HTS approach, to improve sensing accuracy and reliabiity. However, accurate interface design is required to establish efficient communication between ionic-based and electronic-based signals. The work made in this thesis will show a first example of a complete parallel readout system with single ion channel resolution, using a compact and scalable hybrid architecture suitable to be interfaced to large array of sensors, ensuring simultaneous signal recording and smart control of the signal-to-noise ratio and bandwidth trade off. More specifically, an array of microfluidic polymer structures, hosting artificial lipid bilayers blocks where single ion channel pores are embededed, is coupled with an array of ultra-low noise current amplifiers for signal amplification and data processing. As demonstrating working example, the platform was used to acquire ultra small currents derived by single non-covalent molecular binding between alpha-hemolysin pores and beta-cyclodextrin molecules in artificial lipid membranes.


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In un quadro internazionale di forte interesse verso uno sviluppo sostenibile e sfide energetiche per il futuro, il DIEM, in collaborazione con altri istituti di ricerca ed imprese private, sta progettando l’integrazione di componentistica avanzata su di una caldaia alimentata a biomasse. Lo scopo finale è quello di realizzare una caldaia a biomasse che produca energia in maniera più efficiente e con un impatto ambientale ridotto. L’applicazione è indirizzata inizialmente verso caldaie di piccola-media taglia (fino a 350 kW termici) vista la larga diffusione di questa tipologia di impianto. La componentistica in oggetto è: - filtro sperimentale ad alta efficienza per la rimozione del particolato; - celle a effetto Seebeck per la produzione di energia elettrica direttamente da energia termica senza parti meccaniche in movimento; - pompa Ogden per la produzione di energia meccanica direttamente da energia termica; La finalità dell’attività di ricerca è la progettazione dell’integrazione dei suddetti dispositivi con una caldaia a biomassa da 290 kW termici per la realizzazione di un prototipo di caldaia stand-alone ad impatto ambientale ridotto: in particolare, la caldaia è in grado, una volta raggiunte le condizioni di regime, di autoalimentare le proprie utenze elettriche, garantendo il funzionamento in sicurezza in caso di black-out o consentendo l’installazione della caldaia medesima in zone remote e prive di allaccio alla rete elettrica. Inoltre, la caldaia può fornire, tramite l'utilizzo di una pompa a vapore o pompa Ogden, energia meccanica per il pompaggio di fluidi: tale opportunità si ritiene particolarmente interessante per l'integrazione della caldaia nel caso di installazione in ambito agricolo. Infine, l'abbinamento di un filtro ad alta efficienza e basso costo consente l'abbattimento delle emissioni inquinanti, favorendo una maggiore diffusione della tecnologia senza ulteriori impatti sull'ambiente.


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Network Theory is a prolific and lively field, especially when it approaches Biology. New concepts from this theory find application in areas where extensive datasets are already available for analysis, without the need to invest money to collect them. The only tools that are necessary to accomplish an analysis are easily accessible: a computing machine and a good algorithm. As these two tools progress, thanks to technology advancement and human efforts, wider and wider datasets can be analysed. The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, to provide an overview of one of these concepts, which originates at the meeting point between Network Theory and Statistical Mechanics: the entropy of a network ensemble. This quantity has been described from different angles in the literature. Our approach tries to be a synthesis of the different points of view. The second part of the work is devoted to presenting a parallel algorithm that can evaluate this quantity over an extensive dataset. Eventually, the algorithm will also be used to analyse high-throughput data coming from biology.