991 resultados para Heuslerverbindungen, Alkali-Sesquioxide, Supraleitung, Ferrimagnete, Korrelationen


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We have performed quantitative X-ray diffraction (qXRD) analysis of 157 grab or core-top samples from the western Nordic Seas between (WNS) ~57°-75°N and 5° to 45° W. The RockJock Vs6 analysis includes non-clay (20) and clay (10) mineral species in the <2 mm size fraction that sum to 100 weight %. The data matrix was reduced to 9 and 6 variables respectively by excluding minerals with low weight% and by grouping into larger groups, such as the alkali and plagioclase feldspars. Because of its potential dual origins calcite was placed outside of the sum. We initially hypothesized that a combination of regional bedrock outcrops and transport associated with drift-ice, meltwater plumes, and bottom currents would result in 6 clusters defined by "similar" mineral compositions. The hypothesis was tested by use of a fuzzy k-mean clustering algorithm and key minerals were identified by step-wise Discriminant Function Analysis. Key minerals in defining the clusters include quartz, pyroxene, muscovite, and amphibole. With 5 clusters, 87.5% of the observations are correctly classified. The geographic distributions of the five k-mean clusters compares reasonably well with the original hypothesis. The close spatial relationship between bedrock geology and discrete cluster membership stresses the importance of this variable at both the WNS-scale and at a more local scale in NE Greenland.


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Acidic to intermediate volcanic rocks were obtained as boulders, pebbles, and clasts with intercalated matrix sediments near the Japan Trench. A 47.5-meter conglomerate bed unconformably overlies acoustic basement consisting of Upper Cretaceous siltstone and is overlain in turn by massive coarse-sandstone and siltstone beds with many fossil mollusks. The volcanic cobbles and boulders in the conglomerate show pronounced porphyritic texture. Their phenocrysts are plagioclase, hornblende, and biotite; the groundmass consists of plagioclase, K-feldspar, quartz, iron oxide, and altered interstitial glass. The Plagioclase content of these volcanic rocks is very high, whereas iron oxide minerals are rare. The chemical composition of these volcanic rocks was analyzed to determine the rock series. Matrix sediments were also analyzed chemically, and their chemical composition was found to be similar to that of volcanic rocks, except for a lower CaO content. SiO2 content of the volcanic rocks ranges from 60.23 to 73.90, corresponding to that of andesite to rhyolite. All the samples show extremely high Al2O3 content, which reflects the high amounts of modal plagioclase. These volcanic rocks belong to both the calc-alkalic and tholeiitic rock series, and the differentiation trend is controlled by fractional crystallization, mainly of plagioclase, K-feldspar, and hornblende. The assemblage of calc-alkalic and tholeiitic rock series is frequently observed in island arcs and active continental margins. These volcanic rocks are derived from the Oyashio ancient landmass, which is a slightly matured island arc.


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New data are reported on structure of sections, chemical composition, and age of volcano-sedimentary and volcanic rocks from the Sinii Utes Depression in the Southern Primorye region. The Sinii Utes Depression is filled with two sequences: the lower sequence composed of sedimentary-volcanogenic coaliferous rocks (the stratotype of the Sinii Utes Formation) and the upper sequence consisting of tephroid with overlying basalts. This work considers chemical composition and problems of K-Ar dating of basalts. The uppermost basaltic flow has K-Ar age 22.0±1.0 Ma. The dates obtained for the middle and upper parts of lava flows are underestimated. It is explained by their heating due to combustion of brown coals of the Sinii Utes Formation underlying the lava flow. Calculations show that argon could only partly have been removed from the basalts owing to conductive heat transfer and was lost largely due to infiltration of hot gases in heterogeneous fissured medium. Basaltic volcanism on continental margins of the southern Primorye region and the adjacent Korean and Chinese areas at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary preceded Early-Middle Miocene spreading and formation of the Sea of Japan basin. Undifferentiated moderately alkaline basalts of intraplate affinity developed in the Amba Depression and some other structures of the southern Primorye region and intraplate alkali basalts of the Phohang Graben in the Korean Peninsula serve as indicators of incipient spreading regime in the Sea of Japan. Potassic basalt-trachybasalt eruptions occurred locally in riftogenic depressions and shield volcanoes. In some structures this volcanism was terminated by eruptions of intermediate and acid lavas. Such evolution of volcanism is explained by selective contamination of basaltic melts during their interaction with crustal acid material and generation of acid anatectic melts.


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Gabbroic xenoliths and diverse megacrysts (e.g., clinopyroxenes, amphiboles and plagioclases), which correspond to the lithology ranging from gabbro-norite to gabbro, occur in the Pleisto-Holocene alkali basalts from Jeju Island, South Korea. The gabbroic xenoliths consist primarily of moderate-K2O plagioclase, Ti-Al-rich clinopyroxene and CaO-rich orthopyroxene; additionally, TiO2-rich amphibole (kaersutite) and Ti-Fe oxides might or might not be present. The plagioclase is the most dominant phase (approx. 60-70 vol.%). The xenoliths and megacrysts provide evidence for the modal metasomatism of the lower continental crust by the mafic magmas during the Pleistocene. The coarse grain size (up to 5 mm), moderate Mg# [=100xMg/(Mg+Fe(total)) atomic ratio] of pyroxenes (70-77) and textural features (e.g., poikilitic) indicate that the gabbroic xenoliths are consistent with a cumulus origin. The clinopyroxenes from these xenoliths are enriched in REE with smooth convex-upward MREE patterns, which are expected for cumulus minerals formed from a melt enriched in incompatible trace elements. The strikingly similar major and trace element variations and the patterns of constituent minerals clearly indicate a genetic link between the gabbroic xenoliths (plus megacrysts) and the host basalt, indicating that the xenoliths belong to the Jeju Pleisto-Holocene magma system. On the basis of the textural features, the mineral equilibria and the major and trace element variations, the xenoliths appear to have crystallized from basaltic melts at the reservoir-roof environment within the lower crust (4-7 kbars) above the present Moho estimates beneath Jeju Island, where the xenoliths represent wall rocks. Following the consolidation of the xenolith lithologies, volatile- and incompatible element-enriched melt/fluid, as metasomatic agents, infiltrated through the grain boundaries and/or cracks and reacted with the preexisting anhydrous phases, which produced the metasomatic amphiboles. This volatile-enriched melt/fluid could have evolved from the initially anhydrous compositions to the volatile-saturated compositions by the active fractional crystallization in the Jeju Pleisto-Holocene magma system. This process was significant in that it was a relatively young event and played an important role in the formation of the hydrous minerals and the metasomatization of the lower continental crust, which is a plume-impacted area along the Asian continental margin. The major and trace element analyses of the mineral phases from the xenoliths were performed to define the principal geochemical characteristics of the crustal lithosphere segment represented by the studied xenoliths.


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Basalts from Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, are vesicular and olivine-phyric. Major, trace, and rare earth element concentrations are similar to those of alkali basalts from ocean islands and seamounts. The rocks are low in MgO, Cr, Ni, and Sc, and high in TiO2, K2O, P2O5, Zr, and LREE contents. The abundance of "primary" biotite and apatite in the matrix indicates the melting of a hydrous mantle. Prevalence of olivine and absence of plagioclase in the rocks suggests that the volatile in the melt was an H2O-CO2 mixture, where H2O was <0.5. Mantle derived xenocrysts in the basalt include corroded orthopyroxene, chromite, apatite, and olivine. Olivine (Fo90) is too magnesian to be in equilibrium with the basalts, as they contain only 5-6 wt% MgO. Based on the presence of mantle xenocrysts, the high concentration of incompatible elements, the spatial and chemical affinity with other ocean island basalts from the area, and the relative age of the basalt (overlain by late Campanian sediments), it is suggested that Maud Rise was probably generated by hot-spot activity, possible during a ridge crest jump prior to 84 Ma (anomaly 34 time). Iddingsite, a complex intergrowth of montmorillonite and goethite, is the major alteration product of second generation olivine. It is suggested that iddingsite crystallized at low temperatures (<200°C) from an oxidized fluid during deuteric alteration. Vesicles are commonly filled by zeolites which have been replaced by K-feldspars.


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Subducted sediments play an important role in arc magmatism and crust-mantle recycling. Models of continental growth, continental composition, convergent margin magmatism and mantle heterogeneity all require a better understanding of the mass and chemical fluxes associated with subducting sediments. We have evaluated subducting sediments on a global basis in order to better define their chemical systematics and to determine both regional and global average compositions. We then use these compositions to assess the importance of sediments to arc volcanism and crust-mantle recycling, and to re-evaluate the chemical composition of the continental crust. The large variations in the chemical composition of marine sediments are for the most part linked to the main lithological constituents. The alkali elements (K, Rb and Cs) and high field strength elements (Ti, Nb, Hf, Zr) are closely linked to the detrital phase in marine sediments; Th is largely detrital but may be enriched in the hydrogenous Fe-Mn component of sediments; REE patterns are largely continental, but abundances are closely linked to fish debris phosphate; U is mostly detrital, but also dependent on the supply and burial rate of organic matter; Ba is linked to both biogenic barite and hydrothermal components; Sr is linked to carbonate phases. Thus, the important geochemical tracers follow the lithology of the sediments. Sediment lithologies are controlled in turn by a small number of factors: proximity of detrital sources (volcanic and continental); biological productivity and preservation of carbonate and opal; and sedimentation rate. Because of the link with lithology and the wealth of lithological data routinely collected for ODP and DSDP drill cores, bulk geochemical averages can be calculated to better than 30% for most elements from fewer than ten chemical analyses for a typical drill core (100-1000 m). Combining the geochemical systematics with convergence rate and other parameters permits calculation of regional compositional fluxes for subducting sediment. These regional fluxes can be compared to the compositions of arc volcanics to asses the importance of sediment subduction to arc volcanism. For the 70% of the trenches worldwide where estimates can be made, the regional fluxes also provide the basis for a global subducting sediment (GLOSS) composition and flux. GLOSS is dominated by terrigenous material (76 wt% terrigenous, 7 wt% calcium carbonate, 10 wt% opal, 7 wt% mineral-bound H2O+), and therefore similar to upper continental crust (UCC) in composition. Exceptions include enrichment in Ba, Mn and the middle and heavy REE, and depletions in detrital elements diluted by biogenic material (alkalis, Th, Zr, Hf). Sr and Pb are identical in GLOSS and UCC as a result of a balance between dilution and enrichment by marine phases. GLOSS and the systematics of marine sediments provide an independent approach to the composition of the upper continental crust for detrital elements. Significant discrepancies of up to a factor of two exist between the marine sediment data and current upper crustal estimates for Cs, Nb, Ta and Ti. Suggested revisions to UCC include Cs (7.3 ppm), Nb (13.7 ppm), Ta (0.96 ppm) and TiO2 (0.76 wt%). These revisions affect recent bulk continental crust estimates for La/Nb and U/Nb, and lead to an even greater contrast between the continents and mantle for these important trace element ratios. GLOSS and the regional sediment data also provide new insights into the mantle sources of oceanic basalts. The classical geochemical distinction between 'pelagic' and 'terrigenous' sediment sources is not valid and needs to be replaced by a more comprehensive understanding of the compositional variations in complete sedimentary columns. In addition, isotopic arguments based on surface sediments alone can lead to erroneous conclusions. Specifically, the Nd/Hf ratio of GLOSS relaxes considerably the severe constraints on the amount of sediment recycling into the mantle based on earlier estimates from surface sediment compositions.


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The Marcus Necker Rise has two geologically distinct parts: the western one is composed of the Marcus Wake seamounts and the eastern one of the Wake-Necker seamounts. The first contain differentiated alkali basaltoids, while the second show a distinctive prolonged and complicated history. The latter contain Early Cretaceous olivine basalts and Late Cretaceous alkali and hornblende basaltoids.


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An upper Aptian to middle Albian series of volcaniclastic rocks more than 300 m thick was drilled at Site 585 in the East Mariana Basin. On the basis of textural and compositional (bulk-rock chemistry, primary and secondary mineral phases) evidence, the volcaniclastic unit is subdivided into a lower (below 830 m sub-bottom) and an upper (about 670-760 m) sequence; the boundary in the interval between is uncertain owing to lack of samples. The rocks are dominantly former vitric basaltic tuffs and minor lapillistones with lesser amounts of crystals and basaltic lithic clasts. They are mixed with shallow-water carbonate debris (ooids, skeletal debris), and were transported by mass flows to their site of deposition. The lower sequence is mostly plagioclase- and olivine-phyric with lesser amounts of Ti-poor clinopyroxene. Mineralogical and bulk-rock chemical data indicate a tholeiitic composition slightly more enriched than N-MORB (normal mid-ocean ridge basalt). Transport was by debris flows from shallow-water sites, as indicated by admixed ooids. Volcanogenic particles are chiefly moderately vesicular to nonvesicular blocky shards (former sideromelane) and less angular tachylite with quench plagioclase and pyroxene, indicating generation of volcanic clasts predominantly by spalling and breakage of submarine pillow and/or sheet-flow lavas. The upper sequence is mainly clinopyroxene- and olivine-phyric with minor plagioclase. The more Ti-rich clinopyroxene and the bulk-rock analyses show that the moderately alkali basaltic composition throughout is more mafic than the basal tholeiitic sequence. Transport was by turbidity currents. Rounded epiclasts of crystalline basalts are more common than in the lower sequence, and, together with the occurrence of oxidized olivine pseudomorphs and vesicular tachylite, are taken as evidence of derivation from eroded subaerially exposed volcanics. Former sideromelane shards are more vesicular than in the lower sequence; vesicularity exceeds 60 vol.% in some clasts. The dominant clastic process is interpreted to be by shallow-water explosive eruptions. All rocks have undergone low-temperature alteration; the dominant secondary phases are "palagonite," chlorite/smectite mixed minerals, analcite, and chabazite. Smectite, chlorite, and natrolite occur in minor amounts. Phillipsite is recognized as an early alteration product, now replaced by other zeolites. During alteration, the rocks have lost up to 50% of their Ca, compared with a fresh shard and fresh glass inclusions in primary minerals, but have gained much less K, Rb, and Ba than expected, indicating rapid deposition prior to significant seafloor weathering.


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Primary magmatic phases (spinel, olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, amphibole, and biotite) and secondary phyllosilicates (smectite, chlorite-smectite, and celadonite) were analyzed by electron microprobe in alkalic and tholeiitic dolerites and basalts from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 800, 801, and 802. Aphyric alkalic dolerite sills (Hole 800A) and basalt flows (Holes 801B and 801C) share common mineralogical features: matrix feldspars are strongly zoned from labradorite cores to discrete sodic rims of alkali feldspar with a high Or component, which overlaps that of quench microlites in glassy mesostasis; little fractionated clinopyroxenes are Ti-rich diopsides and augites (with marked aegirine-augite rims at Site 801); rare, brown, Fe**3+-rich amphibole is winchite; and late biotites exhibit variable Ti contents. Alkalic rims to feldspars probably developed at the same time as quenched mesostasis feldspars and late-stage magmatic biotite, and represent the buildup of K-rich hydrous fluids during crystallization. Phenocryst phases in primitive mid-ocean ridge tholeiites from Hole 801C (Mg numbers about 70) have extreme compositions with chrome spinel (Cr/Cr + Al ratios about 0.2-0.4), Ni-rich olivine (Fo90), and highly calcic plagioclase (An90). Later glomerophyric clumps of plagioclase (An75-80) and clinopyroxene (diopside-augite) are strongly zoned and probably reflect rapidly changing melt conditions during upward transport, prior to seafloor quenching. In contrast, phenocryst phases (olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene) in the Hole 802A tholeiites show limited variation and do not have such primitive compositions, reflecting the uniform and different chemical composition of all the bulk rocks. Replacive phyllosilicates in both alkalic and tholeiitic basalts include various colored smectites (Fe-, Mg-, and Al-saponites), chlorite-smectite and celadonite. Smectite compositions typically reflect the replaced host composition; glass is replaced by brown Fe-saponites (variable Fe/Mg ratios) and olivine by greenish Mg-saponites (or Al-rich chlorite-smectite).


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Pebble-sized basaltic and glassy clasts were extracted from seamount-derived volcaniclastic debris flows and analyzed for various trace elements, including the rare earths, to determine their genetic relationships and provenance. All the clasts were originally derived from relatively shallow submarine lava flows prior to sedimentary reworking, and have undergone minor low-grade alteration. They are classified into three petrographic groups (A, B, and C) characterized by different phenocryst assemblages and variable abundances and ratios of incompatible elements. Group A (clast from Hole 585) is a hyaloclastite fragment which is olivine-normative and distinct from the other clasts, with incompatibleelement ratios characteristic of transitional or alkali basalts. Groups B and C (clasts from Hole 585A) are quartz-normative, variably plagioclase-clinopyroxene-olivine phyric tholeiites, all with essentially similar ratios of highly incompatible elements and patterns of enrichment in light rare earth elements (chrondrite-normalized). Variation within Groups B and C was governed by low-pressure fractionation of the observed phenocryst phases, whereas the most primitive compositions of each group may be related by variable partial melting of a common source. The clasts have intraplate chemical characteristics, although relative to oceanic hot-spot-related volcanics (e.g., Hawaiian tholeiites) they are marginally depleted in most incompatible elements. The source region was enriched in all incompatible elements, compared with a depleted mid-ocean-ridge basalt source.


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Geochemical investigations were carried out on 19 discrete ash layers and on 42 dispersed ash accumulations in Oligocene to Pleistocene sediments from Sites 736, 737, 745, and 746 of ODP Leg 119 (Kerguelen Plateau in the southern Indian Ocean). The chemical data obtained from more than 500 single-grain glass analyses allow the characterization of two dominant petrographic rock series. The first consists of transitional- to alkali-basalts, the second mainly of trachytes with subordinated alkali-rhyolites and rhyolites. Chemical correlation with possible source areas indicates that the tephra layers from the northern Kerguelen Plateau Sites 736 and 737 were probably erupted from the nearby Kerguelen Islands. The investigated ash layers clearly reflect the Oligocene to recent changes in the composition of the volcanic material recorded from the Kerguelen Islands. The dispersed ashes from Sites 745 and 746 in the Australian-Antarctic Basin display almost the same range in chemical compositions as those from the north. Heard Island and other sources may have contributed to their formation, in addition to the Kerguelen Islands. Dispersed ash of calc-alkaline composition is most probably derived from the South Sandwich island arc, indicating sea-ice rafting as an important mechanism of transport.


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Epiclastic volcanogenic rocks recovered from the Kerguelen Plateau during Ocean Drilling Program Legs 119 and 120 comprise (pre-)Cenomanian(?) claystones (52 m thick, Site 750); a Turonian(?) basaltic pebble conglomerate (1.2 m thick, Site 748; Danian mass flows (45 m thick, Site 747); and volcanogenic debris flows of Quaternary age at Site 736 (clastic apron of Kerguelen Island). Pyroclastic rocks comprise numerous Oligocene to Quaternary marine ash layers. The epiclastic sediments with transitional mid-ocean-ridge basalt (T-MORB) origin indicate weathering (Site 750) and erosion (Site 747) of Early Cretaceous T-MORB from a then-emergent Kerguelen Plateau, connected to Late Cretaceous tectonic events. The basal pebble conglomerate of Site 748 has an oceanic-island basalt (OIB) composition and denotes erosion and reworking of seamount to oceanic-island-type volcanic sources. The vitric- to crystal-rich marine ash layers are a few centimeters thick, have rather uniform grain sizes around 60 ± 40 µm, and are a result of Plinian eruptions. Crystal-poor silicic vitric ashes may also represent co-ignimbrite ashes. The ash layers have bimodal, basaltic, and silicic compositions with a few intermediate shards. The basaltic ashes are evolved high-titanium T-MORB; a few grains in a silicic pumice lapilli layer have a low-titanium basaltic composition. The silicic ashes comprise trachytic and rhyolitic glass shards belonging to a high-K series, except for a few low-K glasses admixed to a basaltic ash layer. Feldspar and clinopyroxene compositions fit the glass chemistry: high-Ti tholeiite-basaltic glasses have Plagioclase of An40-80 and pigeonite to augite clinopyroxene compositions. Silicic ashes have K-rich anorthoclase and minor Plagioclase around An20 and ferriaugitic to hedenbergitic clinopyroxene compositions. The line of magmatic evolution for the glass shards is not compatible with simple two-end member (high-Ti T-MORB and high-K rhyolite) mixing, but favors successive Ca-Mg-Fe pyroxene, Ti magnetite, and apatite fractionation, and K-rich alkali feldspar fractionation in trachytic magmas to yield rhyolitic compositions. Plagioclase fractionation occurs throughout. This qualitative model is in basic accordance with the observed mineral assemblage. However, as the time span for explosive volcanism spans >30 m.y., this basic model cannot comply with fractional crystallization in a single magma reservoir. The ash layers resulted from highly explosive eruptions on Kerguelen and, with less probability, Heard islands since the Oligocene. The explosive history starts with widespread Oligocene basaltic ash layers that indicate sea-level or subaerial volcanism on the Northern Kerguelen Plateau. After a hiatus of 24 m.y.(?), explosive magmatic activity was vigorously renewed in the late Miocene with more silicic eruptions. A peak in explosive activity is inferred for the Pliocene-Pleistocene. The composition and evolution of Kerguelen Plateau ash layers resemble those from other hotspot-induced, oceanic-island realms such as Iceland and Jan Mayen in the North Atlantic, and the Canary Islands archipelago in the Central Atlantic.


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Low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of basement from Site 801 was studied through analyses of the mineralogy, chemistry, and oxygen isotopic compositions of the rocks. The more than 100-m section of 170-Ma basement consists of 60 m of tholeiitic basalt separated from the overlying 60 m of alkalic basalts by a >3-m-thick Fe-Si hydrothermal deposit. Four alteration types were distinguished in the basalts: (1) saponite-type (Mg-smectite) rocks are generally slightly altered, exhibiting small increases in H2O, d18O, and oxidation; (2) celadonite-type rocks are also slightly altered, but exhibit uptake of alkalis in addition to hydration and oxidation, reflecting somewhat greater seawater/rock ratios than the saponite type; (3) Al-saponite-type alteration resulted in oxidation, hydration, and alkali and 18O uptake and losses of Ca and Na due to the breakdown of plagioclase and clinopyroxene; and (4) blue-green rocks exhibit the greatest chemical changes, including oxidation, hydration, alkali uptake, and loss of Ca, Na, and Mg due to the complete breakdown of plagioclase and olivine to K-feldspar and phyllosilicates. Saponite- and celadonite-type alteration of the tholeiite section occurred at a normal mid-ocean ridge basalt spreading center at temperatures <20°C. Near- or off-axis intrusion of an alkali basalt magma at depth reinitiated hydrothermal circulation, and the Fe-Si hydrothermal deposit formed from cool (<60°C) distal hydrothermal fluids. Focusing of fluid flow in the rocks immediately underlying the deposit resulted in the extensive alteration of the blue-green rocks at similar temperatures. Al-saponite alteration of the subsequent alkali basalts overlying the deposit occurred at relatively high water/rock ratios as part of the same low-temperature circulation system that formed the hydrothermal deposit. Abundant calcite formed in the rocks during progressive "aging" of the crust during its long history away from the spreading center.


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A geochemical, mineralogical, and isotopic database comprising 75 analyses of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 193 samples has been prepared, representing the variable dacitic volcanic facies and alteration types observed in drill core from the subsurface of the PACMANUS hydrothermal system (Table T1. The data set comprises major elements, trace and rare earth elements (REE), various volatiles (S, F, Cl, S, SO4, CO2, and H2O), and analyses of 18O and 86Sr/87Sr for bulk rock and mineral separates (anhydrite). Furthermore, normative mineral proportions have been calculated based on the results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis (Table T2) using the SOLVER function of the Microsoft Excel program. Several of the samples analyzed consist of mesoscopically distinctive domains, and separate powders were generated to investigate these hand specimen-scale heterogeneities. Images of all the samples are collated in Figure F1, illustrating the location of each powder analyzed and documenting which measurements were performed.


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We report S concentrations and relative proportions of (SO4)2- and S2- in OL- and CPX-hosted glass inclusions and in host glassy lapilli from Miocene basaltic hyaloclastites drilled north and south of Gran Canaria during ODP Leg 157. Compositions of glass inclusions and lapilli resemble those of subaerial Miocene shield basalts on Gran Canaria and comprise mafic to more evolved tholeiitic to alkali basalt and basanite (10.3-3.7 wt.% MgO, 44.5-56.9 wt.% SiO2). Glass inclusions fall into three groups based on their S concentrations: a high-sulfur group (1050 to 5810 ppm S), an intermediate-sulfur group (510 to 1740 ppm S), and a low-sulfur group (<500 ppm S). The most S-rich inclusions have the highest and nearly constant proportion of sulfur dissolved as sulfate determined by electron microprobe measurements of SKa peak shift. Their average S6+/S_total value is 0.75+/-0.09, unusually high for ocean island basalt magmas. The low-sulfur group inclusions have low S6+/S_total ratios (0.08+/-0.05), whereas intermediate sulfur group inclusions show a wide range of S6+/S_total (0.05-0.83). Glassy lapilli and their crystal-hosted glass inclusions with S concentrations of 50 to 1140 ppm S have very similar S6+/S_total ratios of 0.36+/-0.06 implying that sulfur degassing does not affect the proportion of (SO4)2- and S2- in the magma. The oxygen fugacities estimated from S6+/S_total ratios and from Fe3+/Fe2+ ratios in spinel inclusions range from NNO-1.1 to NNO+1.8. The origin of S-rich magmas is unclear. We discuss (1) partial melting of a mantle source at relatively oxidized fO2 conditions, and (2) magma contamination by seawater either directly or through magma interaction with seawater-altered Jurassic oceanic crust. The intermediate sulfur group inclusions represent undegassed or slightly degassed magmas similar to submarine OIB glasses, whereas the low-sulfur group inclusions are likely to have formed from magmas significantly degassed in near-surface reservoirs. Mixing of these degassed magmas with stored volatile-rich ones or volatile-rich magma replenishing the chamber filled by partially degassed magmas may produce hybrid melts with strongly varying S concentrations and S6+/S_total ratios.