897 resultados para Heroin Shortage
O presente trabalho, destinou-se à validação do Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth - AFQ- Y( Greco, Baer, & Lambert, 2008), traduzido por Questionário de Evitamento Experiencial e Fusão Cognitiva para Adolescentes. Isto porque, na prática clínica, se verifica uma escassez de instrumentos de auto-resposta que avaliam estes contructos, caracterizadores da inflexibilidade psicológica. A amostra do nosso estudo consiste em 461 adolescentes, com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 18 anos, a frequentar o 3º ciclo do ensino básio e ensino secundário de escolas situadas em meio rural e urbano. Para além do citado instrumento a validar, os jovens preencheram também outras medidas de sintomas psicopatológicos e de percepção do seu auto-conceito social; nomeadamente, o Inventário Depressivo para Crianças (CDI; Kovacs, 1985), a Escala Revista de Ansiedade Manifesta para Crianças (RCMAS; Reynolds & Richmond, 1978) e a Escala de Comparação Social (SCS; Allan, & Gilbert, 1995), bem como uma medida de um construto semelhante referente à aceitação e mindfulness em crianças(CAMM; Greco, Baer & Lambert, 2008). Os resultados obtidos mostram que o questionário possui uma boa consistência interna, uma adequada estabilidade temporal, assim como uma boa validade. Sugerem ainda tratar-se de uma escala unidimensional. Estes dados permitem o avanço da psicologia, no que diz respeito à prática clínica com adolescentes, nomeadamente no domínio das chamadas terapias de terceira geração em Portugal. São apresentados e discutidos os dados normativos para a população portuguesa. Não obstante às limitações apontadas, os resultados sugerem que o AFQ-Y é um questionário útil na avaliação da inflexibilidade psicológica em adolescentes. /
Esta investigação debruça-se sobre a análise do Combate ao Analfabetismo em Angola e o processo de alfabetização levado a cabo pelo Estado e os Parceiros Sociais no meio rural, desde o Acordo de paz em 2002, e especificamente, sobre dos Programas, Estratégias e Planos de Alfabetização do Estado, no contexto do Sistema de Educação, preconizados nesse período. Em Angola a maior parte das ações de alfabetização são asseguradas pelos parceiros sociais do Estado, pelo que procedemos à identificação das Organizações, Associações Nacionais e Organizações Internacionais em processos de Alfabetização e aos Métodos de Alfabetização associados ao Plano Estratégico para a Revitalização da Alfabetização (2012). Os constrangimentos ao processo de alfabetização no meio rural foram analisados em três vertentes: do acesso à educação e alfabetização de jovens e adultos; dos professores e alfabetizadores, sua formação, recrutamento e fixação, e o da utilização da Língua Oficial e das Línguas Nacionais. A investigação teve por base uma metodologia do tipo qualitativo assente na recolha e análise bibliográfica e documental, constituindo um estudo interpretativo fruto de uma Revisão Bibliográfica Narrativa. A gratuitidade, a equidade e a qualidade do ensino em Angola, enquanto objetivos primordiais dos principais documentos reitores do Sistema de Educação, não estão a ser asseguradas ou cumpridas com a amplitude e a eficácia pretendidas. Não obstante as estratégias, os programas e os planos de alfabetização concebidos após 2002, a sua implementação não tem conseguido materializar-se enquanto instrumento facilitador de uma “segunda oportunidade” educativa para jovens e adultos analfabetos. Perpetuam-se problemas no acesso ao ensino no meio rural, particularmente no que respeita à gratuidade, aos fracos apoios e incentivos financeiros do Estado e à insuficiente aplicação de políticas de ação social escolar. Persistem também a escassez de professores e alfabetizadores, as suas dificuldades de caracter formativo e profissional, a limitação de recursos de que dispõem e de incentivos que os levem a fixar-se. A utilização das línguas maternas não se efetiva no processo ensino-aprendizagem, onde a sua pertinência é maior devido à identidade bantu das populações. Estes constrangimentos repercutem-se no insucesso escolar dos alunos e no aumento das taxas de abandono/desistência e comprometem o direito à educação. Apesar do esforço nacional, a afetação de recursos do orçamento destinado ao sector da educação, ao combate ao analfabetismo e à alfabetização de jovens e adultos é ainda inferior a metade do recomendado internacionalmente nesta área. / This study focuses on the analysis of the struggle against Illiteracy in Angola and on the literacy process undertaken by the State and the Social Partners in the rural areas, since the Peace Agreement in 2002, and specifically on the Programs, Strategies and Plans of Literacy of the State in the context of the Education System proclaimed on that period. In Angola most literacy actions are ensured by the social partners of the State, therefore we proceed to identify the Organizations, National Associations and International Organizations in processes of Literacy and the Methods of Literacy associated to the Strategic Plan for the Revitalization of Literacy(2012). The constraints on the process of literacy in rural areas were analyzed in three strands: the access to education and literacy for young people and adults; the teachers and literacy teachers, their school formation, recruitment and fixation, and the use of the Official Language and the National Languages. The study used a qualitative methodology based on bibliographic and documentary collection and analysis, constituting an interpretative study, which is the result of a bibliographic narrative review. Free, equal and quality education in Angola as primary objectives of the main guiding documents of the Education System, are not being provided or accomplished with the scope and effectiveness required. Despite the Strategies, the Programs and the Literacy Plans designed after 2002, its implementation has not been able to be materialized as a facilitator of a "second chance" education for young people and adult illiterates. Problems remain in the access to education in rural areas, particularly, as far as free education, weak support and financial incentives from the State and inadequate implementation of the policies of school social work are concerned. The shortage of teachers and literacy teachers, the difficulties related to their training and their profession, the limited resources available and incentives that lead them to settle down also persist. The use of the mother tongues is not effective in the teaching-learning process, where its pertinence is greater due to the bantu identity of the populations. These constraints have repercussions on the students' school failure and on the abandonment rates increase and compromise the right to education. Despite the national effort, the allocation of budget resources intended for the education sector, to fight illiteracy and to improve young people and adults’ literacy, is still less than half of the recommended internationally in this area.
There is a shortage of nurses leading to challenges in recruitment in Sweden and many other countries. Especially for less populated regions recruitment can be chal-lenging. Nurses often face difficulties with work-life balance (WLB). This study aims to identify the importance of WLB opportunities and support that make a work-place attractive from the perspective of nursing students studying in Dalarna. A questionnaire was distributed via email to 525 students enrolled in the nursing bach-elor program at Dalarna University. They were asked to rate the importance of 15 sub questions regarding WLB opportunities and support. These sub questions were asked in order to analyze the importance of 15 components regarding WLB oppor-tunities and support. 196 students (37 percent) answered the questionnaire. Three WLB components, working from home, childcare and rooms for breastfeeding, were found to be not important to nursing students studying in Dalarna. This was reason-able due to the profession of nursing and the WLB support provided by the Swedish government. Cultural factors, such as the organization being positive towards using WLB opportunities and support, were more important than structural factors, such as the possibility to work part-time. Moreover, to have a manager that is supportive towards using WLB opportunities and support was found to be the most important factor and having workplace practical support such as childcare was found least im-portant. Furthermore, contrary to the expected results, no statistical significance was found on the influence on the importance of all combined relevant WLB opportuni-ties and support by the sociodemographic variables; gender, semester of studies, age, having children, months of work experience and work experience in the healthcare sector. However, nine individual components were found to be influ-enced by one or more sociodemographic variables. Therefore, some recommenda-tions on how to target specific groups of individuals were made. However, the con-clusion of the study is that, regardless of the sociodemographic variables and gov-ernmental support, organizations should offer new nurses opportunities and support to gain a balance between work and life, especially in terms of cultural factors.
Too often, validation of computer models is considered as a "once and forget" task. In this paper a systematic and graduated approach to evacuation model validation is suggested. This involves, (i) component testing, (ii) functional validation, (iii) qualitative validation and (iv) quantitative validation. Viewed in this manner, validation is considered an on-going activity and an integral part of the life cycle of the software. While the first three components of the validation protocol pose little or no significant problems, the task of quantitative validation poses a number of challenges, the most significant being a shortage of suitable experimental data. Finally, the validation protocol used in the development of the EXODUS suite of evacuation models is examined.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-09
On the aggravation of social problems and the shortage of resources, the improvement of evaluation methods and control of its application, requiring more efficiency, efficacy, effectiveness and participation in its management, has been growing. As a result, emerges the importance of studying and developing such methodologies. The overall goal of this dissertation is to know what are the difficults to incorporate the point of view of executers and beneficiaries in evaluation process. To do so, has been done a research characterized as qualitative, with a field strategy using the case study of two social projects called Petrobras Child Program, situated in the metropolitan region of Natal, and Content Analysis technique for analyze the data. The conclusions of this work can assist in improving the process of projects evaluation financed by Petrobras, contributing with its social role, besides the possibility of encouraging a greater participation of other society actors, such as beneficiaries, in the evaluation process
Le contenu de ce mémoire traite du problème de gestion des stocks dans un réseau constitué de plusieurs sites de stockage de produits. Chaque site i gère son stock de manière autonome pour satisfaire une demande déterministe sur un horizon donné. Un stock maximum Si est tenu à chaque site i. Lorsque le point de commande si est atteint, une commande de taille Qi est placée au centre de distribution qui alimente tous les sites. Qi est telle que Qi = Si - si. La quantité Qi est livrée dans un délai connu Li. Si, à un instant donné, la demande Di au site i excède la quantité en main, le site i fait appel à un ou à plusieurs autres sites du réseau pour le transfert d’une quantité Xji (j = 1, 2, …, n). Ce transfert s’effectue selon un certain nombre de règles de jeu qui tiennent compte des coûts de transfert, de stockage, d’approvisionnement et de pénurie. Ce mémoire examine six principales contributions publiées dans la littérature pour évaluer les contributions d’un modèle collaboratif aux performances, en termes de coûts et de niveau de service, de chaque site du réseau. Cette investigation se limite à une configuration du réseau à deux échelons : un entrepôt central et n (n > 2) sites de stockage. Le cas des pièces de rechange, caractérisé par une demande aléatoire, est examiné dans trois chapitres de ce mémoire. Une autre application de ces stratégies à la collaboration entre n centres hospitaliers (n > 2) est également examinée dans ce travail.
Se realizó un estudio descriptivo- retrospectivo desde enero de 2007 a diciembre del 2011. El universo estuvo constituido por los pacientes de 18 años y más con diagnóstico de Neumotórax, internados en los departamentos de cirugía del Hospital Regional Vicente Corral Moscoso y Hospital Teófilo Dávila. Para el levantamiento de la información se utilizó un formulario previamente diseñado. Los datos se transcribieron de las historias clínicas a los formularios respectivos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 73 pacientes del HTD y 52 del HVCM, el neumotórax de mayor prevalencia fue el traumático con el 85.6% de los casos, izquierdo en el 54.4%; las características clínicas de mayor relevancia fueron: dolor moderado 40.8%; taquicardia 15.2%; desviación de la tráquea hacia la derecha 32.8%; distención de las venas del cuello 38.4%; hipersonoridad 76.8%; murmullo vesicular disminuido 80%; disnea 99.2%; cianosis 22.4%; los método diagnósticos presentaron la siguiente prevalencia: radiografía de tórax 100%; tomografía 27.2% y resonancia en el 0.8% de los casos; el tratamiento fue en el 16% toracocentesis con aspiración de aguja y en el 100% tubo de tórax. La media de días de hospitalización fue de 5 días y la mortalidad fue del 10.4%.- Conclusiones: Se registraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambas instituciones en las características clínicas en cuanto a la procedencia, intensidad del dolor, frecuencia cardiaca, murmullo vesicular disminuido y presentación de cianosis. Además se evidencia una alta mortalidad.au
Acompanha: Dupla-hélice: a construção de um conhecimento
Selected papers from the 3rd Edition of the International Conference on Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities
Uno de los principales inconvenientes que tiene la pintura al óleo es su lento secado. Dicho esto, cabe preguntarse si existe algún tipo de pintura que tenga las cualidades de los óleos pero que sequen más rápido que estos. La respuesta, afirmativa, la encontramos en los óleos alquídicos, que en nuestro país únicamente se comercializan bajo la marca Griffin de Winsor & Newton. Se trata de unas pinturas relativamente recientes, poco conocidas por los pintores y muy poco estudiadas. Con el objetivo de paliar estas carencias, el presente artículo contiene las principales conclusiones de un trabajo en el que se ha estudiado la composición de las pinturas Griffin, sus principales características (viscosidad, brillo, flexibilidad, textura, opacidad, secado que es lo que más nos interesa, estabilidad etc.), su aplicación práctica mediante el arte pictórico (soportes, disolventes, reglas para pintar, correcciones, veladuras, barnizado, etc.) y su mezcla con otro tipo de procedimientos pictóricos como el óleo, el acrílico, la cera encáustica y diversos temples (huevo, cola y caseína).
The eutrofization is a natural process of accumulation of nutrients in aquatic´s body that it has been accelerated for the human´s actives, mainly the related with the activities of camp, industrial and the inadequate disposition of the domestic sewage. The enrichment of the aquatic´s body with nutrients, mainly the nitrogen and the phosphorus, and the consequent proliferation of algae and Cyanobacteria can commit the quality of the water for the public provisioning, for the fish farming and for other ends. The problem becomes more critical when there is a shortage of water naturally as in the semi-arid area of the Brazilian northeast. Before that problem this work had as objective evaluates the trophic state of six reservoirs of the basin of River Seridó of Rio Grande of Norte and also estimate the capacity of load of match of the reservoir and risk probabilities based on the established limits by the resolution Conama 357/05. The results demonstrate that the six reservoirs are eutrofization, with concentration of total phosphorus and cloro a in the water upster to 50 e 12 μg l-1. The results show that space homogeneity exists in the state trophic of the reservoirs, but a significant variation interanual in function of the increase of the concentrations of nutrients and decrease of the transparency of the water with the reduction of the body of water accumulated in the reservoirs.The results of the simulation risk estocastic show that the reservoirs could receive annually from 72 to 216 Kg of P, assuming a risk of 10% of increasing in more than 30 μg l-1 the annual medium concentrations of total match in the water of these reservoirs. This load could be high in until 360 kg of P a year in case the managers assume a risk of 10% of increasing in more than 50 μg l-1 the annual medium concentrations of total phosphorus in the waters of these reservoirs
This study examines the organizational structures and decision-making processes used by school districts to recruit and hire school librarians. For students to acquire the information and technology literacy education they need, school libraries must be staffed with qualified individuals who can fulfill the librarian’s role as leader, teacher, instructional partner, information specialist, and program administrator. Principals are typically given decision rights for hiring staff, including school librarians. Research shows that principals have limited knowledge of the skills and abilities of the school librarian or the specific needs and functions of the library program. Research also indicates that those with specific knowledge of school library programs, namely school district library supervisors, are only consulted on recruiting and hiring about half the time. School districts entrust library supervisors with responsibilities such as professional development of school librarians only after they are hired. This study uses a theoretical lens from research on IT governance, which focuses on the use of knowledge-fit in applying decision rights in an organization. This framework is appropriate because of its incorporation of a specialist with a specific knowledge set in determining the placement of input and decision rights in the decision-making processes. The method used in this research was a multiple-case study design using five school districts as cases, varying by the involvement of the supervisors and other individuals in the hiring process. The data collected from each school district were interviews about the district’s recruiting and hiring practices with principals, an individual in HR, library supervisors, and recently hired school librarians. Data analysis was conducted through iterative coding from themes in the research questions, with continuous adjustments as new themes developed. Results from the study indicate that governance framework is applicable to evaluating the decision-making processes used in recruiting and hiring school librarians. However, a district’s use of governance did not consistently use knowledge-fit in the determination of input and decision rights. In the hiring process, governance was more likely to be based on placing decision rights at a certain level of the district hierarchy rather than the location of specific knowledge, most often resulting in site-based governance for decision rights at the school-building level. The governance of the recruiting process was most affected by the shortage or surplus of candidates available to the district to fill positions. Districts struggling with a shortage of candidates typically placed governance for the decision-making process on recruiting at the district level, giving the library supervisor more opportunity for input and collaboration with human resources. In districts that use site-based governance and that place all input and decision rights at the building level, some principals use their autonomy to eliminate the school library position in the allotment phase or hire librarians that, while certified through testing, do not have the same level of expertise as those who achieve certification through LIS programs. The principals in districts who use site-based governance for decision rights but call on the library supervisor for advisement stated how valuable they found the supervisor’s expertise in evaluating candidates for hire. In no district was a principal or school required to involve the library supervisor in the hiring of school librarians. With a better understanding of the tasks involved, the effect of district governance on decision-making, and the use of knowledge to assign input and decision rights, it is possible to look at how all of these factors affect the outcome in the quality of the hire. A next step is to look at the hiring process that school librarians went through and connect those with the measurable outcomes of hiring: school librarian success, retention, and attrition; the quality of school library program services, outreach, and involvement in a school; and the perceptions of the success of the school librarian and the library program as seen from students, teachers, administrators, parents, and other community stakeholders.
O crescimento da população mundial e a tentativa de substituição parcial dos combustíveis fósseis por novas fontes de energia têm levado a uma maior atenção quanto à possível escassez de alimentos e a carência de grandes áreas disponíveis para agricultura. Microalgas, por meio do metabolismo fotossintético, utilizam energia solar e gás carbônico como nutrientes para o crescimento. A microalga Spirulina pode ser utilizada como suplemento alimentar, na biofixação de CO2, como fonte de biocombustíveis e no tratamento de efluentes. A digestão anaeróbia da biomassa microalgal produz biogás e os resíduos deste processo podem ser utilizados como substrato para novos cultivos da microalga. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a conversão de Spirulina sp. LEB-18 em biogás em escala piloto e produzir biomassa microalgal utilizando os efluentes bicarbonato e dióxido de carbono do processo anaeróbio como fonte de nutrientes. Spirulina foi utilizada como substrato na digestão anaeróbia para produção de biogás em escala piloto sob temperaturas variáveis (12- 38 °C). Efluente do processo anaeróbio foi adicionado (20 %, v/v) como fonte de carbono no cultivo da microalga para avaliar o crescimento e a composição da biomassa. A seguir foi avaliada a capacidade da microalga de remover CO2 presente no biogás através de biofixação para obtenção do biocombustível purificado. O biogás produzido sob as diferentes temperaturas apresentou entre 72,2 e 74,4 % de CH4, quando realizado nas temperaturas 12 a 21 °C e 26 a 38 °C, respectivamente. A redução na temperatura do processo anaeróbio provocou um decréscimo na conversão de biomassa em biogás (0,30 para 0,22 g.g-1 ), ocorrendo dentro da faixa adequada e segura para as bactérias metanogênicas (pH 6,9; alcalinidade entre 1706,0 e 2248,0 mg.L-1 CaCO3 e nitrogênio amoniacal 479,3 a 661,7 mg.L-1 ). Os cultivos de Spirulina sp. LEB-18 em efluente anaeróbio contendo 20 % (v/v) e meio Zarrouk modificado (NaHCO3 2,8 e 5,3 g.L-1 ) apresentaram velocidade específica máxima de crescimento entre 0,324 e 0,354 d-1 , produtividade volumétrica entre 0,280 e 0,297 g.L-1 .d-1 e produtividade areal entre 14,00 e 14,85 g.m-2 .d-1 , sem diferenças significativas (p > 0,05) entre as diferentes condições estudadas. Lipídios variaram entre 4,9 e 5,0 % com proporção de ácido linoleico maximizada nos meios com efluente e ácido alfa-linolênico reduzida nesses meios em comparação ao meio Zarrouk completo. Nos ensaios para avaliar a capacidade da microalga Spirulina sp. LEB-18 de remover CO2 contaminante no biogás, as máximas concentrações celulares e produtividades de biomassa variaram, respectivamente, entre 1,12 e 1,24 g.L-1 e 0,11 e 0,14 g.L-1 .d-1 , não apresentando diferenças significativas (p > 0,05) entre os ensaios. A maior fixação diária total (FDT) de dióxido de carbono obtida foi 58,01 % (v/v) em cultivos com adição de biogás contendo 25 % (v/v) CO2. Obteve-se biogás com 89,5 % (v/v) de CH4 após injeção em cultivos de Spirulina, no qual aproximadamente 45 % (v/v) do CO2 injetado foi fixado pela microalga, gerando biomassa para diversas aplicações e biogás purificado.
Transplantation is one of the medical activities with more expectation of success. For patients with end stage renal disease, kidney transplantation provides a better quality of life compared with those on dialysis, even for those with advanced age or co-morbidities. Greater access to food since the Second World War, high exposure to chemical and toxic, associated with changes in lifestyles, increased diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular disease, chronic renal failure and transplantation demands. The dream of replacing damaged parts in the human body materialized with the transplants, but the hope in transplantation reached much higher levels than the actual results deserve. The transplant was used as flags of technical and scientific differentiation and success. Nonetheless transplantation was faced with shortage of organs and increased demand. The claim to the right to treatment quickly was confused and understood as the right to transplantation.