939 resultados para Heavy metals
La intoxicación por ingestión de munición de plomo en aves silvestres es conocida en España desde finales del siglo pasado. Elevadas densidades de perdigones de plomo en diversos humedales de importancia internacional producen tasas de ingestión de perdigones cercanas al 70% en especies como el ánade rabudo (Anas acuta) y el plumbismo llega a ser una de las principales causas de mortalidad de la amenazada malvasía cabeciblanca (Oxyura leucocephala). El plumbismo también ha sido descrito en diversas especies de aves rapaces y se ha comprobado que la exposición al plomo es elevada en las especies más carroñeras y oportunistas. La contaminación de la carne de caza también ha sido objeto de estudio, debido a que en España se da la particularidad de cocinarla en escabeche, lo que incrementa la transferencia de plomo de la munición a la carne. Por el momento, la única acción llevada a cabo para reducir el riesgo de exposición al plomo de la munición en aves y humanos ha sido la prohibición desde 2001 del uso de perdigones de plomo en humedales protegidos. En esta revisión se hace un repaso a los estudios llevados a cabo en España sobre la contaminación por el plomo de la munición y el efecto que están teniendo las medidas hasta el momento adoptadas para reducir este riesgo.
En ese trabajo se estudia la concentración de elementos traza tóxicos en los depósitos de lodos (relaves) abandonados por la industria minera en Almería (España), los suelos del entorno próximo y las plantas que los colonizan y representan una vía de incorporación de dichos elementos en la cadena trófica. La industria minera antigua dejó toda una serie de instalaciones abandonadas en diferentes zonas de Andalucía, entre las que destacan por presentar altos contenidos en metales, los depósitos de residuos en forma de lodos generados en el proceso de flotación. En este estudio se trata el caso concreto de los depósitos de lodos de Mina La Solana (Almócita, Almería), donde se ha realizado una caracterización geoquímica de los depósitos y de los suelos de su entorno, en función al contenido en algunos elementos traza. Se han caracterizado muestras de las plantas que enraízan en dichos residuos para determinar la concentración que presentan en los mismos elementos traza. Los resultados muestran que los lodos presentan altos contenidos en Pb (concentración media 6800 ppm) y Zn (concentración media 22 000 ppm). Estos elementos no aparecen en forma soluble en agua, los test de lixiviación dan valores de concentración muy bajos (≤10 ppm de Pb y ≤ 2 ppm de Zn). De la misma forma se ha determinado una concentración alta de los mismos elementos en los restos vegetales, con un valor del Pb hasta los 210 ppm y 1300 ppm de Zn. Este hecho pone de manifiesto la capacidad de las plantas para alterar la movilidad de los elementos presentes en el sustrato donde enraízan estableciéndose una transferencia hacia la cadena trófica.
Conformational changes of a humic acid (HA) and a fulvic acid (FA) induced by iron complexation were followed by high-performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) with both UV–vis and refractive index (RI) detectors. Molecular size distribution was reduced for HA and increased for FA with progressive iron complexation. Since interactions of Fe with humic components are electrostatic, it is likely that the triple-charged Fe ions formed stronger complexes with the more acidic hydrophilic and hydrated FA than with the less acidic and more hydrophobic HA. The large content of ionized carboxyl groups in FA, thus favored the formation of intra- or intermolecular bridges between the negatively charged fulvic acid molecules, and led to more compact and larger size network than for HA. Conversely, iron complexation with HA disrupted the humic conformational arrangements stabilized by only weak hydrophobic bonds into smaller-size aggregates of greater conformational stability due to formation of strong metal complexes. These results confirmed that humic molecules in solution were organized in supramolecular associations of relatively small molecules loosely bound together by dispersive interactions and hydrogen bonds, and they specifically responded to chemical changes brought about by metal additions. The present study revealed the molecular changes occurring in superstructures of natural organic matter when in metal complexes and contributed to understand and predict the environmental behavior in waters and soil of metal complexes with natural organic matter.
The adsorption and electroadsorption of arsenic from a natural water has been studied in a filter-press electrochemical cell using a commercial granular activated carbon as adsorbent and Pt/Ti and graphite as electrodes. A significant reduction of the arsenic concentration is achieved when current is imposed between the electrodes, especially when the activated carbon was located in the vicinity of the anode. This enhancement can be explained in terms of the presence of electrostatic interactions between the polarized carbon surface and the arsenic ions, and changes in the distribution of most stable species of arsenic in solution due to As(III) to As(V) oxidation. In summary, electrochemical adsorption on a filter-press cell can be used for enhancement the arsenic remediation with activated carbon in the treatment of a real groundwater.
Desalinated brackish groundwater is becoming a new source of water supply to comply with growing water demands, especially in (semi-) arid countries. Recent publications show that some chemical compounds may persist in an unaltered form after the desalination processes and that there is an associated risk of mixing waters with different salinity for irrigation. At the university of Alicante campus (Spain), a mix of desalinated brackish groundwater and water from the existing aquifer is currently applied for landscape irrigation. The presence of 209 emerging compounds, surfactants, priority substances according to the 2008/105/EC Directive, 11 heavy metals and microbiological organisms in blended water and aquifer samples was investigated. Thirty-five compounds were detected (pesticides, pharmaceuticals and surfactants) among them two priority substances α-endosulfan and Ni were found above the permitted maximum concentration. Blended water used for landscape irrigation during the summer period is supersaturated with respect to carbonates, which may ultimately lead to mineral precipitation in the soil-aquifer media and changes in hydraulic parameters.
Inspired by recent reports concerning the utilisation of hand drawn pencil macroelectrodes (PDEs), we report the fabrication, characterisation (physicochemical and electrochemical) and implementation (electrochemical sensing) of various PDEs drawn upon a flexible polyester substrate. Electrochemical characterisation reveals that there are no quantifiable electrochemical responses upon utilising these PDEs with an electroactive analyte that requires an electrochemical oxidation step first, therefore the PDEs have been examined towards the electroactive redox probes hexaammineruthenium(III) chloride, potassium ferricyanide and ammonium iron(II) sulfate. For the first time, characterisation of the number of drawn pencil layers and the grade of pencil are examined; these parameters are commonly overlooked when utilising PDEs. It is demonstrated that a PDE drawn ten times with a 6B pencil presented the most advantageous electrochemical platform, in terms of electrochemical reversibility and peak height/analytical signal. In consideration of the aforementioned limitation, analytes requiring an electrochemical reduction as the first process were solely analysed. We demonstrate the beneficial electroanalytical capabilities of these PDEs towards p-benzoquinone and the simultaneous detection of heavy metals, namely lead(II) and cadmium(II), all of which are explored for the first time utilising PDEs. Initially, the detection limits of this system were higher than desired for electroanalytical platforms, however upon implementation of the PDEs in a back-to-back configuration (in which two PDEs are placed back-to-back sharing a single connection to the potentiostat), the detection limits for lead(II) and cadmium(II) correspond to 10 μg L−1 and 98 μg L−1 respectively within model aqueous (0.1 M HCl) solutions.
A olivicultura possui uma grande importância no cenário económico mundial, devido ao facto de a azeitona e o azeite fazerem parte da dieta alimentar de muitos países, especificamente os da região Mediterrânea. A “Cobrançosa” é uma cultivar Portuguesa com muita importância na região de Trás-os-Montes encontrando-se atualmente disseminada por seis regiões de Denominação de Origem Protegida. Os contaminantes emitidos para a atmosfera atingem as oliveiras e as azeitonas através da água, do ar, das plantas e do solo. Embora a ingestão de metais pesados através da azeitona e do azeite seja reduzida, a sua bioacumulação no organismo pode resultar em toxicidade e pôr em causa a saúde pública. É deste ponto de vista, que se centra o objetivo geral deste trabalho. Assim sendo, tentou-se quantificar o conteúdo de metais (de segurança e de qualidade), tais como o alumínio, arsénio, cádmio, chumbo, cálcio, cobalto, cobre, ferro, magnésio, manganês, sódio, níquel, e zinco nas azeitonas e azeites da cv “Cobrançosa” de seis clones em dois estados de maturação, com diferentes rendimentos de produção e diferentes atividades antioxidantes. Verificou-se que todos os metais analisados se encontram de acordo com o legislado e publicado por outros autores, verificando-se neste estudo particular que a componente genética que diferencia as amostras em estudo, não está significativamente relacionada com o conteúdo em metais.
A multi-proxy study including sedimentological, mineralogical, biogeochemical and micropaleontological methods was conducted on sediment core PS69/849-2 retrieved from Burton Basin, MacRobertson Shelf, East Antarctica. The goal of this study was to depict the deglacial and Holocene environmental history of the MacRobertson Land-Prydz Bay region. A special focus was put on the timing of ice-sheet retreat and the variability of bottom-water formation due to sea ice formation through the Holocene. Results from site PS69/849-2 provide the first paleo-environmental record of Holocene variations in bottom-water production probably associated to the Cape Darnley polynya, which is the second largest polynya in the Antarctic. Methods included end-member modeling of laser-derived high-resolution grain size data to reconstruct the depositional regimes and bottom-water activity. The provenance of current-derived and ice-transported material was reconstructed using clay-mineral and heavy-mineral analysis. Conclusions on biogenic production were drawn by determination of biogenic opal and total organic carbon. It was found that the ice shelf front started to retreat from the site around 12.8 ka BP. This coincides with results from other records in Prydz Bay and suggests warming during the early Holocene optimum next to global sea level rise as the main trigger. Ice-rafted debris was then supplied to the site until 5.5 cal. ka BP, when Holocene global sea level rise stabilized and glacial isostatic rebound on MacRobertson Land commenced. Throughout the Holocene, three episodes of enhanced bottom-water activity probably due to elevated brine rejection in Cape Darnley polynya occured between 11.5 and 9 cal. ka BP, 5.6 and 4.5 cal. ka BP and since 1.5 cal. ka BP. These periods are related to shifts from warmer to cooler conditions at the end of Holocene warm periods, in particular the early Holocene optimum, the mid-Holocene warm period and at the beginning of the neoglacial. In contrast, between 7.7 and 6.7 cal. ka BP, brine rejection shut down, maybe owed to warm conditions and pronounced open-water intervals.
Ferromanganese crusts were sampled from the surface of a stone collected at a depth of 20 m in the northern part of Lake Biwa, Japan. These samples were analysed for 37 elements by neutron activation, X-ray fluorescence, and ICP-AE. The crusts were found to be enriched with Ba, P, B, As, and sometimes with Co, Ni, Cu and Sb. The elements were classified into 4 groups based on the varieties of host minerals (Fe-oxides, Mn-oxides or allochthonous materials) in which they were incorporated : elements mainly associated with 1) Mn-oxides : Ba, Ni, Cs, Sr and Co ; 2) Fe-oxides : P, B and As; 3) allochthonous materials : Na, K, Rb, Al, Ti, Sc, Hf and Th ; and 4) Mn-oxides plus allochthonous materials : rare earth elements and major heavy metals. The elemental compositions in the Lake Biwa concretions, including the crusts and Mn-deposits studied previously by these authors, were compared with those in other freshwater and oceanic concretions. As a result, the concentrations of rare earth elements and major heavy metals were found to be much lower, whereas those of B, P and As were higher in the Lake Biwa than in the oceanic concretions. These differences could be well explained in terms of the effects of sea salt, growth rates of the concretions, and pH of the formation environment.
Mode of access: Internet.
This project investigates the correlation between contaminants and the wood waste present in marine sediments off the shore of the Port of Everett in the former Weyerhaeuser Mill-A pulp mill site. The investigation includes the results of two field studies, which tested contaminant levels in 22 boreholes as well as several surface samples. The contaminants include heavy metals and wood waste byproducts. These results, along with 14 other bore logs, provide the framework for a three-dimensional site model, interpolating the full extent of the depositional units and organic and inorganic chemicals found at Mill-A. The sediments of interest are divided into five depositional units defined by the percent wood content and type of wood: native material (<5% wood), intermediate (<30% wood), sawdust (<30% wood), woodchips (<30% wood), and poorly sorted sands with silt (SM-SP) (0% wood). The contaminants include arsenic, 2,4-dimethylphenol, and total organic carbon. Three-dimensional modeling software, RockWorks, interpolated the discrete borehole data of sediment and contaminants assuming horizontal continuity between sampling locations. The sediment distribution was calculated within concentration ranges for each contaminant of concern. The lowest detection limits, the screening levels, and the cleanup levels defined these ranges. Total organic carbon served as a proxy to estimate the quantity of wood waste in the sediment. As a known byproduct of wood decomposition, 2,4-dimethylphenol was expected to be more prevalent in the depositional units with more wood waste. Finally, arsenic was a proxy for other contaminants to determine if contaminants at Mill-A are dominant in sediments with high percentages of wood waste. The volumetric distribution established that high levels of total organic carbon are present in the sediment with higher percentages of wood waste. This correlation was stronger in the decomposing sawdust-rich sediment than the woodchip-rich sediment. The 2,4-dimethylphenol concentrations above cleanup standards were dominant in the sawdust-rich, intermediate and native sediments. Concentrations of 2,4-dimethylphenol below cleanup levels characterized the native sediment. The distribution of arsenic showed no statistically significant correlation to wood content in sediment. These results do not support the hypothesis of contaminant-rich wood waste, as many of the high concentrations of contaminants were not in the wood-rich sediments. This suggests that the contaminants are more distributed among all depositional units at Mill-A rather than focused within sediments with a high percent of wood waste. Understanding the distribution of potentially toxic compounds with wood waste is important for restoring the Puget Sound waterways to a more habitable environment. Future studies should include new data to validate these results and to limit the uncertainty of the extent of contaminants. Future studies may also find motive in looking for a correlation between contaminants and grain size based on previous studies linking these characteristics. These investigations will benefit the current cleanup effort as well as future cleanup efforts at similarly contaminated waterways.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The thiol tripeptides, glutathione (GSH) and homoglutathione (hGSH), perform multiple roles in legumes, including protection against toxicity of free radicals and heavy metals. The three genes involved in the synthesis of GSH and hGSH in the model legume, Lotus japonicus, have been fully characterized and appear to be present as single copies in the genome. The gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (gammaecs) gene was mapped on the long arm of chromosome 4 (70.0 centimorgans [cM]) and consists of 15 exons, whereas the glutathione synthetase (gshs) and homoglutathione synthetase (hgshs) genes were mapped on the long arm of chromosome 1 (81.3 cM) and found to be arranged in tandem, with a separation of approximately 8 kb. Both genes consist of 12 exons of exactly the same size (except exon 1, which is similar). Two types of transcripts were detected for the gshs gene, which putatively encode proteins localized in the plastids and cytosol. Promoter regions contain cis-acting regulatory elements that may be involved in the plant's response to light, hormones, and stress. Determination of transcript levels, enzyme activities, and thiol contents in nodules, roots, and leaves revealed that gammaecs and hgshs are expressed in all three plant organs, whereas gshs is significantly functional only in nodules. This strongly suggests an important role of GSH in the rhizobia-legume symbiosis.
In recent years, an increasing percentage of people from industrialized countries have been using complementary and alternative medicines (CAM). This, combined with numerous warnings regarding the potential toxicity of these therapies, suggests the need for practitioners to keep abreast of the reported incidence of renal toxicity caused by the ingestion of medicinal herbs. The goal of the present two-part series, on the toxic or beneficial effects of medicinal herbs on renal health, is to provide practitioners with a summary of the most recent information as well as the means by which evidence for benefit or toxicity has been found. In this first article, we explore in vivo evidence of toxicity. Included are nephrotoxicity from aristolochic acid and other components within herbs, herb-drug interactions resulting in adverse renal effects, and renal toxicity from contaminants within the extracts. The review aims to provide a guide to encourage future toxicity studies and rigorous clinical trials.