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Objective: To establish if hyperglycaemia and cardiac Troponin I (cTnI) after congenital heart surgery on cardiopulmonary bypass in children could predict outcome in intensive care unit. Methods: retrospective cohort study including 274 children (mean age 4.6 years; range 0 - 17 years-old). CTnI and glucose values were retrieved from our database. Integrated values (area under the curve (AUC)) were calculated for evaluation of sustained hyperglycaemia and then normalised per hour (48h-Gluc/h). Maximal cTnI, fi rst glucose value (Gluc1) and 48h-Gluc/h were then correlated with duration of mechanical ventilation, ICU stay and mortality using cut-off values. Results: The mean duration of mechanical ventilation was 5.1 ± 7.2 days and ICU stay was 11.0 ± 13.3 days, 11 patients (3.9%) died. Hyperglycaemia (>6.1 mmol/l) was present in 68% of children at admission and was sustained in 85% for 48 hours. The mean value of Gluc1 (7.3 ± 2.7 vs. 11.8 ± 6.4 mmol/l, p < 0.0001), 48h-Gluc/h (7.4 ± 1.4 vs. 9.9 ± 4.6 mmol/l/h, p < 0.0001) and cTnI max (16.7 ± 21.8 vs. 59.2 ± 41.4 mcg/l, p < 0.0001) were signifi cantly lower in survivors vs. non survivors. Cut-off values and odds ratio are summarised in Table 1. Analyses for duration of mechanical ventilation and for length of stay in ICU are depicted in Table 2. Conclusions: Hyperglycaemia is frequent after cardiopulmonary bypass and sustained in the fi rst 48 hours. Admission glycaemia and cTnI max are associated with a high risk of mortality, prolonged duration of mechanical ventilation and prolonged length of stay in ICU.
OBJECTIVES: Increasing evidence suggests that left ventricular remodeling is associated with a shift from fatty acid to glucose metabolism for energy production. The aim of this study was to determine whether left ventricular remodeling with and without late-onset heart failure after myocardial infarction is associated with regional changes in the expression of regulatory proteins of glucose or fatty acid metabolism. METHODS: Myocardial infarction was induced in rats by ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). In infarcted and sham-operated hearts the peri-infarction region (5-mm zone surrounding the region at risk), the interventricular septum and the right ventricular free wall were separated for analysis. RESULTS: At 8 and 20 weeks after LAD ligation, the peri-infarction region and the septum exhibited marked re-expression of atrial natriuretic factor [+252+/-37 and +1093+/-279%, respectively, in the septum (P<0.05)] and of alpha-smooth muscle actin [+34+/-10 and +43+/-14%, respectively, in the septum (P<0.05)]. At 8 weeks, when left ventricular hypertrophy was present without signs of heart failure, myocardial mRNA expression of glucose transporters (GLUT-1 and GLUT-4) was not altered, whereas mRNA expression of medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) was significantly reduced in the peri-infarction region (-25+/-7%; P<0.05). In hearts exhibiting heart failure 20 weeks after infarct-induction there was a change in all three ventricular regions of both mRNA and protein content of GLUT-1 [+72+/-28 and +121+/-15%, respectively, in the peri-infarction region (P<0.05)] and MCAD [-29+/-9 and -56+/-4%, respectively, in the peri-infarction region (P<0.05)]. CONCLUSION: In rats with large myocardial infarction, progression from compensated remodeling to overt heart failure is associated with upregulation of GLUT-1 and downregulation of MCAD in both the peri-infarction region and the septum.
There are two vectors of Chagas disease in Chile: Triatoma infestans and Mepraia spinolai. We studied the feeding behavior of these species, looking for differences which could possibly explain the low impact of the latter species on Chagas disease. Both species used thermal cues to locate their feeding source and consumed a similar volume of blood which was inversely related to the body weight before the meal and directly related to the time between meals. The average time between bites were 6.24 and 10.74 days. The average bite of M. spinolai lasted 9.68 min, significantly shorter than the 19.46 min for T. infestans. Furthermore, while T. infestans always defecated on the host, this behavior was observed in M. spinolai in only one case of 27 (3.7%). The delay between the bites and defecation was very long in M. spinolai and short in T. infestans. These differences may affect the reduced efficiency of transmission of Chagas infection by M. spinolai.
Chagas disease is a complex public health problem that has been underestimated in Ecuador. Here we review the relevant published information, and present unpublished and new data that help to understand the current Chagas disease epidemiological situation and its evolution in the country. Three main characteristics have been identified: (i) persistence of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission in already known foci; (ii) a marked endemicity in some urban areas of Guayaquil; and (iii) the transformation of new Amazon foci into truly endemic areas. The situation in other suspect areas remains uncertain. Five Triatominae species have been implicated in the transmission of T. cruzi to people in Ecuador (Triatoma dimidiata, Rhodnius ecuadoriensis, R. pictipes, R. robustus and Panstrongylus geniculatus), but some others may also play a role in some areas (P. rufotuberculatus, P. howardi, T. carrioni and P. chinai). Other Triatominae reported seem to have little or no epidemiological relevance (T. venosa, T. dispar, Eratyrus mucronatus, E. cuspidatus, P. lignarius and Cavernicola pilosa). High frequency of acute cases and severe chronic disease has been observed. Although cardiomyopathy is more frequent, serious digestive disease is also present. It is estimated that around 120,000-200,000 people may be infected. 2.2 to 3.8 million people are estimated to live under transmission risk conditions.
Biological parameters of Triatoma brasiliensis and T. pseudomaculata that could influence the epidemiological importance of these insects as vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi were compared. The parameters studied were incubation period, interval between hatching or moulting and first feeding, number of blood meals, development time, mortality, net reproductive rate, instantaneous daily reproductive rate, time-lapse before starting feeding, duration of feeding, blood ingestion capacity, occurrence of defecation and blood ingestion velocity. Most aspects of feeding were similar for the two species, although T. pseudomaculata had a longer life cycle than T. brasiliensis producing one and two generations per year, respectively. The two species had similar instantaneous daily rates of population growth.
During the last twenty years, several adults of Triatoma tibiamaculata infected with Trypanosoma cruzi have been spontaneously caught by inhabitants, inside their houses in the new habitational district of Pituaçu of Salvador, Bahia. In this communication the authors call attention to the necessity of studies about the possibility of occurrence of new human cases of Chagas disease, to clarify the obscure origin of some positive blood donors in Salvador.
Nine Adenovirus (Ad) strains isolated in Cuba, from 128 nasopharingeal swab specimens of children below five years old, with acute respiratory diseases, during 1996 and 1997, were studied by restriction enzyme analysis of genomic DNA with two endonucleases BamH I and Sma I. All different fragment patterns were compared with the respective prototypes. The identified adenoviruses were Ad 1 (n=4), Ad 2 (n=1) and Ad 6 (n=4). Males were more frequently infected than females. The analysis of the occurrence of these Adenovirus strains of subgenus C revealed that Ad 1 and Ad 6 were the predominant serotypes in 1996 and in 1997, respectively.
One hundred and thirty cases of diarrhea and 43 age-matched controls, 0 to 5 years old, were studied in a pediatric outpatient unit from a poor peri urban area of Porto Velho, Rondônia. Eighty percent of diarrheal cases were observed in the groups under 2 years of age. Rotavirus (19.2%) was the most frequent enteropathogen associated with diarrhea, followed by Shigella flexneri (6.15%) and S. sonnei (1.5%) and Salmonella sp. (6.9%). Four cases of E. coli enterotoxigenic infections (3.1%), E. coli enteropathogenic (EPEC)(2.3%) one case of E. coli enteroinvasive infection (0.8%) and one case of Yersinia enterocolitica (0.8%) were also identified. Mixed infections were frequent, associating rotavirus, EPEC and Salmonella sp. with Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia.
Prenatal heart valve interventions aiming at the early and systematic correction of congenital cardiac malformations represent a promising treatment option in maternal-fetal care. However, definite fetal valve replacements require growing implants adaptive to fetal and postnatal development. The presented study investigates the fetal implantation of prenatally engineered living autologous cell-based heart valves. Autologous amniotic fluid cells (AFCs) were isolated from pregnant sheep between 122 and 128 days of gestation via transuterine sonographic sampling. Stented trileaflet heart valves were fabricated from biodegradable PGA-P4HB composite matrices (n = 9) and seeded with AFCs in vitro. Within the same intervention, tissue engineered heart valves (TEHVs) and unseeded controls were implanted orthotopically into the pulmonary position using an in-utero closed-heart hybrid approach. The transapical valve deployments were successful in all animals with acute survival of 77.8% of fetuses. TEHV in-vivo functionality was assessed using echocardiography as well as angiography. Fetuses were harvested up to 1 week after implantation representing a birth-relevant gestational age. TEHVs showed in vivo functionality with intact valvular integrity and absence of thrombus formation. The presented approach may serve as an experimental basis for future human prenatal cardiac interventions using fully biodegradable autologous cell-based living materials.
With the purpose of evaluating the risk of transmission of the Chagas disease in the State of Colima, México, an entomological survey was performed to obtain triatominae and the rate of infection by Trypanosoma cruzi determined by examination of its dejections. Two hundred eighteen houses located in 16 villages were sampled. In each house the intradomestic and peridomestic habitats were examined by the man-hour-house method, sensor boxes and mouse-baited traps. Also, 12 silvatic places were explored around the same areas using the same techniques as the ones sampled. In total, 456 specimens were captured, of which 139 correspond to Triatoma phyllosoma pallidipennis; 80 to T. p. longipennis; one specimen of T. dimidiata and 236 nymphs of Triatoma sp. Two hundred ninety seven insects were captured in the intradomestic habitat, 132 in the peridomestic and 26 in the silvatic. The index of positive houses was 27%, located in the central area of the state. The rate of natural infection with T. cruzi showed 25.6%. This results confirmed the presence of two important vectors of the Chagas disease in Colima. Its preference for the domestic habitat and its high levels of natural infection with T. cruzi suggested the existence of a significant risk for its transmission in this area of the country.
Dogs with the presumptive diagnosis of Chagas disease are commonly sent to our School of Veterinary Medicine by independent veterinarians. This prompted us to evaluate the prevalence of canine trypanosomiasis in some villages of the Central Valley of Costa Rica. A total of 54 dogs (21 males and 33 females) from five rural villages, with ages between 3 months and 10 years old, were bled and submitted to three serological tests: indirect immunofluorescence, indirect hemagglutination and ELISA. Among all animals, 15 (27.7%) revealed antibodies (6 pure bred and 9 mongrels) and in 3 of them the parasite was also demonstrated by xenodiagnosis. All positive animals except 1, and 9 negative animals (control group) were examined by X-rays and electrocardiography, revealing different degrees of cardiomegaly and ECG alteration, consistent with Chagas disease pathology in one dog (SA-11) of the infected ones. Examination of 50 inhabitants living in the houses where dogs and Triatoma dimidiata were found, yielded negative serological reactions. This was assumed to support the hypothesis that dogs are commonly infected by the oral route, a more effective means of infection compared with the vector transmission mechanism that occurs in humans.