928 resultados para Handling and simulated storage


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The 5` cis-regulatory region of the CCR5 gene exhibits a strong signature of balancing selection in several human populations. Here we analyze the polymorphism of this region in Amerindians from Amazonia, who have a complex demographic history, including recent bottlenecks that are known to reduce genetic variability. Amerindians show high nucleotide diversity (pi = 0.27%) and significantly positive Tajima`s D, and carry haplotypes associated with weak and strong gene expression. To evaluate whether these signatures of balancing selection could be explained by demography, we perform neutrality tests based on empiric and simulated data. The observed Tajima`s D was higher than that of other world populations: higher than that found for 18 noncoding regions of South Amerindians, and higher than 99.6% of simulated genealogies, which assume nonequilibrium conditions. Moreover, comparing Amerindians and Asians, the Fst for CCR5 cis-regulatory region was unusually low, in relation to neutral markers. These findings indicate that, despite their complex demographic history, South Amerindians carry a detectable signature of selection on the CCR5 cis-regulatory region. (C) 2010 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A time efficient optical model is proposed for GATE simulation of a LYSO scintillation matrix coupled to a photomultiplier. The purpose is to avoid the excessively long computation time when activating the optical processes in GATE. The usefulness of the model is demonstrated by comparing the simulated and experimental energy spectra obtained with the dual planar head equipment for dosimetry with a positron emission tomograph ( DoPET). The procedure to apply the model is divided in two steps. Firstly, a simplified simulation of a single crystal element of DoPET is used to fit an analytic function that models the optical attenuation inside the crystal. In a second step, the model is employed to calculate the influence of this attenuation in the energy registered by the tomograph. The use of the proposed optical model is around three orders of magnitude faster than a GATE simulation with optical processes enabled. A good agreement was found between the experimental and simulated data using the optical model. The results indicate that optical interactions inside the crystal elements play an important role on the energy resolution and induce a considerable degradation of the spectra information acquired by DoPET. Finally, the same approach employed by the proposed optical model could be useful to simulate a scintillation matrix coupled to a photomultiplier using single or dual readout scheme.


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We propose two new residuals for the class of beta regression models, and numerically evaluate their behaviour relative to the residuals proposed by Ferrari and Cribari-Neto. Monte Carlo simulation results and empirical applications using real and simulated data are provided. The results favour one of the residuals we propose.


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Variation i björkvirkets färg beror på art, läge i träd, ursprung och lagringstid. Vårtbjörk har en mörkare färg än glasbjörk, men livligare struktur och glans. Timmer hugget under tillväxtsäsongen bör sågas färskt eller lagras högst en månad. Vid brädgårdstorkning är god luftcirkulation och skydd för väta och direkt solljus väsentligt. Strövirkets färskhet är av stor betydelse för att undvika fuktfärgning av virket.Variation in birch colours depend on species, position in tree, origin and the storage period. White birch is darker than hairy birch but with a lively structure and shine. During vegetation period timber storage exceeding one month should be avoided. Air circulation, protection from rain and direct sunlight are essential for yard drying. Freshness of stickers used for stacking is important to avoid water marks on wood surface.


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The diffusion of Concentrating Solar Power Systems (CSP) systems is currently taking place at a much slower pace than photovoltaic (PV) power systems. This is mainly because of the higher present cost of the solar thermal power plants, but also for the time that is needed in order to build them. Though economic attractiveness of different Concentrating technologies varies, still PV power dominates the market. The price of CSP is expected to drop significantly in the near future and wide spread installation of them will follow. The main aim of this project is the creation of different relevant case studies on solar thermal power generation and a comparison betwwen them. The purpose of this detailed comparison is the techno-economic appraisal of a number of CSP systems and the understanding of their behaviour under various boundary conditions. The CSP technologies which will be examined are the Parabolic Trough, the Molten Salt Power Tower, the Linear Fresnel Mirrors and the Dish Stirling. These systems will be appropriatly sized and simulated. All of the simulations aim in the optimization of the particular system. This includes two main issues. The first is the achievement of the lowest possible levelized cost of electricity and the second is the maximization of the annual energy output (kWh). The project also aims in the specification of these factors which affect more the results and more specifically, in what they contribute to the cost reduction or the power generation. Also, photovoltaic systems will be simulated under same boundary conditions to facolitate a comparison between the PV and the CSP systems. Last but not leats, there will be a determination of the system which performs better in each case study.


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The Solar HeatIntegration NEtwork (SHINE) is a European research school in which 13 PhDstudents in solar thermal technologies are funded by the EU Marie-Curie program.It has five PhD course modules as well as workshops and seminars dedicated to PhDstudents both within the project as well as outside of it. The SHINE researchactivities focus on large solar heating systems and new applications: ondistrict heating, industrial processes and new storage systems. The scope ofthis paper is on systems for district heating for which there are five PhDstudents, three at universities and two at companies. The PhD students allstarted during the early part of 2014 and their initial work has concentratedon literature studies and on setting up models and data collection to be usedfor validation purposes. The PhD students will complete their studies in2017-18.


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Ultracold gases in ring geometries hold promise for significant improvements of gyroscopic sensitivity. Recent experiments have realized atomic and molecular storage rings with radii in the centimeter range, sizes whose practical use in inertial sensors requires velocities significantly in excess of typical recoil velocities. We use a combination of analytical and numerical techniques to study the coherent acceleration of matter waves in circular waveguides, with particular emphasis on its impact on single-mode propagation. In the simplest case we find that single-mode propagation is best maintained by the application of time-dependent acceleration force with the temporal profile of a Blackmann pulse. We also assess the impact of classical noise on the acceleration process.


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Att kunna gör en effektiv undersökning av det flyktiga minnet är något som blir viktigare ochviktigare i IT-forensiska utredningar. Dels under Linux och Windows baserade PC installationermen också för mobila enheter i form av Android och enheter baserade andra mobila opperativsy-stem.Android använder sig av en modifierad Linux-kärna var modifikationer är för att anpassa kärnantill de speciella krav som gäller för ett mobilt operativsystem. Dessa modifikationer innefattardels meddelandehantering mellan processer men även ändringar till hur internminnet hanteras ochövervakas.Då dessa två kärnor är så pass nära besläktade kan samma grundläggande principer användas föratt dumpa och undersöka minne. Dumpningen sker via en kärn-modul vilket i den här rapportenutgörs av en programvara vid namn LiME vilken kan hantera bägge kärnorna.Analys av minnet kräver att verktygen som används har en förståelse för minneslayouten i fråga.Beroende på vilken metod verktyget använder så kan det även behövas information om olika sym-boler. Verktyget som används i det här examensarbetet heter Volatility och klarar på papperet avatt extrahera all den information som behövs för att kunna göra en korrekt undersökning.Arbetet avsåg att vidareutveckla existerande metoder för analys av det flyktiga minnet på Linux-baserade maskiner (PC) och inbyggda system(Android). Problem uppstod då undersökning avflyktigt minne på Android och satta mål kunde inte uppnås fullt ut. Det visade sig att minnesanalysriktat emot PC-plattformen är både enklare och smidigare än vad det är mot Android.


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This paper focuses on the study of cascade heat pump systems in combination with solar thermal for the production of hot water and space heating in single family houses with relatively high heating demand. The system concept was developed by Ratiotherm GmbH and simulated with TRNSYS 17. The basic cascade system uses the heat pump and solar collectors in parallel operation while a further development is the inclusion of an intermediate store that enables the possibility of serial/parallel operation and the use of low temperature solar heat. Parametric studies in terms of compressor size, refrigerant pair and size of intermediate heat exchanger were carried out for the optimization of the basic system. The system configurations were simulated for the complete year and compared to a reference of a solar thermal system combined with an air source heat pump. The results show ~13% savings in electricity use for all three cascade systems compared to the reference. However, the complexity of the systems is different and thus higher capital costs are expected.


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The reliable evaluation of the flood forecasting is a crucial problem for assessing flood risk and consequent damages. Different hydrological models (distributed, semi-distributed or lumped) have been proposed in order to deal with this issue. The choice of the proper model structure has been investigated by many authors and it is one of the main sources of uncertainty for a correct evaluation of the outflow hydrograph. In addition, the recent increasing of data availability makes possible to update hydrological models as response of real-time observations. For these reasons, the aim of this work it is to evaluate the effect of different structure of a semi-distributed hydrological model in the assimilation of distributed uncertain discharge observations. The study was applied to the Bacchiglione catchment, located in Italy. The first methodological step was to divide the basin in different sub-basins according to topographic characteristics. Secondly, two different structures of the semi-distributed hydrological model were implemented in order to estimate the outflow hydrograph. Then, synthetic observations of uncertain value of discharge were generated, as a function of the observed and simulated value of flow at the basin outlet, and assimilated in the semi-distributed models using a Kalman Filter. Finally, different spatial patterns of sensors location were assumed to update the model state as response of the uncertain discharge observations. The results of this work pointed out that, overall, the assimilation of uncertain observations can improve the hydrologic model performance. In particular, it was found that the model structure is an important factor, of difficult characterization, since can induce different forecasts in terms of outflow discharge. This study is partly supported by the FP7 EU Project WeSenseIt.


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A geração de resíduos tem se mostrado um problema de preocupação mundial crescente. Muitos rejeitos, sejam industriais ou urbanos, muitas vezes acabam por poluir o meio-ambiente, causando problemas de armazenagem de certos materiais. Além disso, materiais alternativos a partir desses rejeitos podem ser mais baratos, apresentando muitas vezes características de desempenho melhores que os materiais convencionais. As siderúrgicas, em nível mundial, vêm enfrentando um problema comum, que consiste no que fazer para que a totalidade da escória gerada no refino do aço em aciarias elétricas ou à oxigênio tenha uma solução de aproveitamento melhor do que vem sendo feito atualmente. Na fabricação do aço as escorias são geradas em duas etapas: a primeira provém do chamado refino oxidante (forno elétrico a arco ou convertedor à oxigênio) e a segunda do refino redutor em processos de metalurgia na panela (forno-panela). Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal o de apontar potencialidades de uso da escória de aciaria elétrica, com destaque para a proveniente do forno-panela (escória do refino redutor), na indústria da construção civil através de testes em que a escória é utilizada, após moagem, como adição ao cimento Portland comum. Inicialmente foram realizados ensaios de viabilização para se testar a pozolanicidade, resistência à compressão, expansibilidade e profundidade de carbonatação de concretos gerados com diversas adições de escórias de aciaria elétrica. Comprovada a sua viabilidade partiu-se para os ensaios complementares do trabalho utilizando-se somente uma escória do refino redutor. Nesta segunda etapa foram realizados ensaios de caracterização de todos materiais estudados, ensaios de expansibilidade, ensaios mecânicos e de durabilidade dos concretos gerados com esta escória e ensaios de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e de difração de raios X do material. Após o estudo realizado comprovou-se ser perfeitamente viável a utilização de até 10% da escória do refino redutor (forno-panela- FP) como adição ao cimento para produção de concretos. Inclusive, independente do tempo de estocagem da escória, pode-se constatar melhorias no concreto produzido.


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A dinâmica da água em sistema de plantio direto (PD) é alterada em relação ao preparo convencional (PC) devido a modificações na estrutura do solo e a presença de palha na superfície. Para avaliar estas diferenças foram conduzidos experimentos de campo, em 2001/02 e 2002/03, em Eldorado do Sul, RS. O objetivo geral foi quantificar alterações físico-hídricas no perfil e na superfície do solo em PD e PC, com ênfase na dinâmica da água e respostas das plantas de milho. Os sistemas de manejo do solo foram implantados na área em 1995. Foram avaliadas propriedades físicas, a movimentação e a armazenagem de água no solo. Mediu-se a infiltração e a capacidade de campo e monitorou-se a dinâmica da água durante o ciclo da cultura, enfocando a secagem do solo e a extração de água em períodos sem precipitação. Nestes períodos também foi determinada a evaporação da água na superfície e avaliadas respostas das plantas. Os efeitos do plantio direto se evidenciaram nas camadas de solo próximas à superfície. A mesoporosidade foi a propriedade física mais afetada, apresentando uma distribuição exponencial de mesoporos no plantio direto, enquanto no preparo convencional a mesma se aproximou de uma curva normal. Em geral, a condutividade hidráulica, a retenção e a disponibilidade de água foram mais elevadas em plantio direto, principalmente, próximo à superfície. O solo em PD também apresentou maior umidade volumétrica com menor energia de retenção, resultando em redução no avanço da frente de secagem do solo e extração de água. A evaporação também foi maior em PD, demonstrando que a maior umidade no solo em plantio direto se deve ao aumento na capacidade de armazenagem de água. O aprofundamento radicular foi sempre maior no preparo convencional. O plantio direto altera propriedades físicas ligadas à dinâmica da água, proporcionando maior disponibilidade hídrica no solo ao longo do tempo.


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o surgimento dos telefones celulares foi uma grande revolução nas telecomunicações, pois as pessoas poderiam se comunicar de qualquer lugar, mesmo em movimento. No entanto, a grande demanda obrigou a criação de novos sistemas digitais de telefonia, com mais qualidade nas ligações, capacidade de transmissão de voz, dentre outros. Posteriormente, surgiu uma demanda que não queria apenas mais qualidade, mas também a disponibilização de serviços disponíveis a partir do celular. Isto originou o uso da tecnologia WAP. Focalizando o estudo no mercado brasileiro, a tecnologia WAP foi anunciada como a responsável por trazer a Internet utilizada nos computadores convencionais diretamente para o celular. Entretanto, diversos problemas relativos ao uso e custo desta tecnologia indicaram claras desvantagens da Internet no celular em comparação com a Internet convencional. Isto tomou a tecnologia W AP um fracasso de crítica no Brasil. Esta dissertação busca comprovar o fracasso da la versão da tecnologia W AP - W AP 1.0 - e a participação dos modelos de negócios utilizados na derrocada desta tecnologia no mercado brasileiro de telefonia celular.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a manutenção da viabilidade das borbulhas de laranjeira ‘Valência’ e tangerineira ‘Montenegrina’, oriundas de ambiente protegido e pomar, sob diferentes processos de desinfestação e períodos de armazenamento em câmara fria, assim como avaliar o comportamento das substâncias de reserva contidas nos ramos porta-borbulhas nos diferentes períodos de armazenamento. Com estes objetivos foram conduzidos dois experimentos em câmara fria com temperatura em torno de 5ºC. No experimento 1, testou-se borbulhas de duas cultivares de citros oriundas de ambiente protegido, três tratamentos químicos (testemunha, 1x tratado com Captan e 2x tratado com Captan na dose de 10g/L) e três períodos de armazenamento (0, 90, e 180 dias), com quatro repetições. No experimento 2, testou-se borbulhas de duas cultivares de citros oriundas do pomar de citros, três tratamentos químicos (testemunha, 1x tratado com Captan e 2x tratado com Captan na dose de 10g/L) e cinco períodos de armazenamento (0, 45, 90, 135 e 180 dias), com quatro repetições. As borbulhas da cultivar Montenegrina, mantiveram-se viáveis por 90 dias sem tratamento com fungicida e por, no mínimo, 180 dias se submetidas a 1 tratamento com fungicida no momento de seu armazenamento. As borbulhas da cultivar Valência, coletadas de ambiente protegido, mantiveram-se viáveis por, no mínimo, 180 dias sem a necessidade de tratamento com fungicida. As substâncias de reserva dos ramos porta-borbulhas sofreram redução ao longo do armazenamento.


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In this work, spoke about the importance of image compression for the industry, it is known that processing and image storage is always a challenge in petrobrás to optimize the storage time and store a maximum number of images and data. We present an interactive system for processing and storing images in the wavelet domain and an interface for digital image processing. The proposal is based on the Peano function and wavelet transform in 1D. The storage system aims to optimize the computational space, both for storage and for transmission of images. Being necessary to the application of the Peano function to linearize the images and the 1D wavelet transform to decompose it. These applications allow you to extract relevant information for the storage of an image with a lower computational cost and with a very small margin of error when comparing the images, original and processed, ie, there is little loss of quality when applying the processing system presented . The results obtained from the information extracted from the images are displayed in a graphical interface. It is through the graphical user interface that the user uses the files to view and analyze the results of the programs directly on the computer screen without the worry of dealing with the source code. The graphical user interface, programs for image processing via Peano Function and Wavelet Transform 1D, were developed in Java language, allowing a direct exchange of information between them and the user