1000 resultados para HIV-positiiviset ihmiset
Objetivou-se avaliar o conhecimento, a atitude e a prática de presidiárias quanto ao uso do preservativo masculino e feminino como medida preventiva às DST/HIV. Pesquisa quantitativa e avaliativa do tipo Conhecimento, Atitude e Prática (CAP), envolvendo 155 presidiárias. A coleta de dados realizou-se de janeiro a março de 2010 na penitenciária feminina do estado do Ceará. Embora tivessem ouvido falar e/ou soubessem as finalidades do uso, apenas 35 mulheres (22,6%) tinham conhecimento adequado sobre o preservativo masculino e 11 (7,1%) a respeito do feminino. As atitudes foram menos favoráveis quanto ao uso no sexo oral. A prática adequada apresentou pouca representatividade, em especial, do feminino. A homo/bissexualidade, as questões de gênero, a falta de conhecimento e o difícil acesso aos preservativos representaram obstáculos a serem considerados na promoção da saúde sexual do grupo estudado.
Objetivou-se apreender situações de enfrentamento experienciadas por homens que vivem com HIV/aids no ambiente de trabalho. Estudo qualitativo realizado em ambulatório especializado em Fortaleza-Ceará, de março a junho de 2010, com onze homens infectados pelo vírus. Utilizou-se entrevista semiestruturada, audiogravada, sendo os depoimentos categorizados mediante análise de conteúdo, cujas categorias foram: Afastamento do trabalho em virtude da infecção; Subterfúgios para omissão da doença; Desrespeito ao sigilo no ambiente de trabalho; Sofrimento associado ao medo da rejeição e do preconceito; Formas de enfrentamento após o diagnóstico da doença e a importância do trabalho para a realização pessoal. Concluiu-se que os homens infectados pelo HIV enfrentam situações contraproducentes no ambiente de trabalho, evidenciadas principalmente pelo temor da descoberta da infecção e pelo preconceito. Associadas ao enfrentamento, as ausências para o acompanhamento em saúde interferiram no desempenho do trabalho que implicariam no risco de perda do emprego.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar comparativamente a vulnerabilidade ao HIV/AIDS de homens e mulheres adolescentes, baseada em seus conhecimentos, valores e práticas. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório-descritivo com abordagem quantitativa. Os estudantes responderam a um questionário do qual foram selecionadas questões relevantes para análise. Totalizaram 207 adolescentes, sendo 43,5% do sexo masculino e 56,5% do feminino. A maior parte dos adolescentes declara já ter tido sua primeira relação sexual até o momento do estudo. Observaram-se déficits de conhecimento sobre transmissão do HIV e práticas sexuais seguras. Embora haja conhecimento declarado das técnicas de uso do preservativo, isso não reflete em seu uso constante. Observaram-se valores ligados às representações de gênero, mas percebe-se uma evolução quanto à autonomia e poder de negociação das meninas sobre o uso do preservativo.
Esse trabalho teve como objetivos caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico, os comportamentos em saúde, crenças e atitudes sobre a doença e o tratamento de mulheres com HIV/AIDS atendidas no serviço ambulatorial de um hospital universitário do interior de São Paulo, bem como identificar fatores que interferem na adesão à terapêutica antirretroviral. Os sujeitos do estudo foram 60 mulheres acompanhadas no serviço. Os dados foram colhidos por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. As mulheres tinham idade média de 39,8 (desvio padrão 9,1) anos, baixa escolaridade, condições socioeconômicas insatisfatórias e mantinham relacionamento estável. A relação heterossexual foi a forma mais frequente de infecção; 55% das mulheres já abandonaram o tratamento e alegavam como principais motivos os esquemas terapêuticos impostos, os efeitos colaterais dos antirretrovirais, o enfrentamento psicológico da doença e o pesar iminente da morte; 35% delas não atingiram critérios de adesão considerando-se o uso de 95% da terapêutica antirretroviral prescrita.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the in vitro effect of HIV-1 protease (PR) mutation 82M on replication capacity and susceptibility to the eight clinically available PR inhibitors (PIs).¦METHODS: The 82M substitution was introduced by site-directed mutagenesis in wild-type subtype B and G strains, as well as reverted back to wild-type in a therapy-failing strain. The recombinant viruses were evaluated for their replication capacity and susceptibility to PIs.¦RESULTS: The single 82M mutation within a wild-type subtype B or G background did not result in drug resistance. However, the in vitro effect of single PR mutations on PI susceptibility is not always distinguishable from wild-type virus, and particular background mutations and polymorphisms are required to detect significant differences in the drug susceptibility profile. Consequently, reverting the 82M mutation back to wild-type (82I) in a subtype G isolate from a patient that failed therapy with multiple other PR mutations did result in significant increases in susceptibility towards indinavir and lopinavir and minor increases in susceptibility towards amprenavir and atazanavir. The presence of the 82M mutation also slightly decreased viral replication, whether it was in the genetic background of subtype B or subtype G.¦CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that 82M has an impact on PI susceptibility and that this effect is not due to a compensatory effect on the replication capacity. Because 82M is not observed as a polymorphism in any subtype, these observations support the inclusion of 82M in drug resistance interpretation systems and PI mutation lists.
Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena oli selvittää tekiöitä joilla sairaalan työntekijät voivat ylläpitää ja edistää varotoimia ja käsihygienaa työssään. Etsimme vastausta kysymykseen: ”Miten motivoida sairaalan henkilökuntaa tavanomaisten ja verivarotoimien toteuttamiseen?”. Työ on osa Stadian ammattikorkeakoulun ja Länsi-Tallinnan sairaalan yhteistä StaLT -projektia. Tilastojen mukaan seksuaaliteitse tarttuvat taudit kuten B- ja C -hepatiitti sekä HIV ovat lisääntyneet nopeasti Virossa. Terveydenhuoltohenkilöstöllä on riski sairastua työssään johonkin näistä taudeista. Kenellä tahansa hoidettavista potilaista voi olla jokin veriteitse tarttuva tauti. Lääkäreillä ja hoitajilla tulisi olla riittävästi tietoa infektioiden ennaltaehkäisystä ja tietoja olisi hyvä päivittää säännöllisesti esimerkiksi järjestämällä koulutusta sairaalassa. Työntekijöiden motivointi infektioiden ennaltaehkäisyyn on sairaalan johdon vastuulla mutta loppujen lopuksi jokainen työntekijä on itse vastuussa omasta toiminnastaan. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kirjoittaa artikkeli Länsi-Tallinnan sairaalan sähköiseen lehteen. Artikkelin kautta pyritään edistämään henkilökunnan käsihygieniaa. Artikkeli on osa StaLT -projektia. Artikkelin toivotaan oleva helposti luettavissa ja kannustavan sairaalan henkilökuntaa varotoimien esimerkiksi käsihuuhteen käyttöön. Käsien desinfektio ennen potilaskontaktia ja sen jälkeen on todettu olevan tehokkain keino estää infektioiden leviämistä hoitotyössä. Tärkeää on myös rauhalliset ja suunnitelmalliset työtavat joilla ennaltaehkäistään neulanpistotapaturmia.
Conflicting results have been published about suicidality among HIV+ subjects; part of the alleged increased risk may be linked to premorbid risk factors such as drug addiction and homosexuality. In order to cope with these confounding factors, we assessed the degree of suicidal ideation in a sample of Swiss male homo- and bisexuals, comparing HIV- and HIV+ subjects. A total of 164 subjects returned a self-administered, home-completed questionnaire, which had been circulated among homosexuals in the French speaking part of Switzerland. Suicidal ideation was assessed through Pöldinger's scale. Serostatus was known for 149 subjects, among whom 65 were HIV+. A high rate of suicide attempts was found among homosexuals, both HIV- and HIV+. Scores on Pöldinger's scale are significantly, though moderately, higher among HIV+ subjects, and this finding seems to be a direct consequence of HIV infection.
The finding of an eosinophilic aseptic meningitis in IV drug abuse is usually suggestive of an opportunistic infection or an allergic reaction. However, HIV-negative patients are at lower risk for developing these complications. Two young HIV-negative patients, with previous intravenous polytoxicomany, developed cystic arachnoiditis over the spinal cord associated with eosinophilic meningitis. Histology of the meningeal spinal cord lesions revealed a vasculocentric mixed inflammatory reaction. In one patient prednisone led to marked clinical improvement. Since infection, vasculitis, sarcoidosis and previous myelography were ruled out, we believe that the syndrome of eosinophilic aseptic arachnoiditis may be related to an hyperergic reaction in the meniges toward drug-adulterants inoculated through the intravenous route.
In the present study, we have investigated the distribution of HIV-specific and HIV-infected CD4 T cells within different populations of memory CD4 T cells isolated from lymph nodes of viremic HIV-infected subjects. Four memory CD4 T cell populations were identified on the basis of the expression of CXCR5, PD-1, and Bcl-6: CXCR5(-)PD-1(-)Bcl-6(-), CXCR5(+)PD-1(-)Bcl-6(-), CXCR5(-)PD-1(+)Bcl-6(-), and CXCR5(+)PD-1(+)Bcl-6(+). On the basis of Bcl-6 expression and functional properties (IL-21 production and B cell help), the CXCR5(+)PD-1(+)Bcl-6(+) cell population was considered to correspond to the T follicular helper (Tfh) cell population. We show that Tfh and CXCR5(-)PD-1(+) cell populations are enriched in HIV-specific CD4 T cells, and these populations are significantly increased in viremic HIV-infected subjects as compared with healthy subjects. The Tfh cell population contained the highest percentage of CD4 T cells harboring HIV DNA and was the most efficient in supporting productive infection in vitro. Replication competent HIV was also readily isolated from Tfh cells in subjects with nonprogressive infection and low viremia (<1,000 HIV RNA copies). However, only the percentage of Tfh cells correlated with the levels of plasma viremia. These results demonstrate that Tfh cells serve as the major CD4 T cell compartment for HIV infection, replication, and production.
With the advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), HIV infection has become a chronic disease. Various end-stage organ failures have now become common co-morbidities and are primary causes of mortality in HIV-infected patients. Solid-organ transplantation therefore has been proposed to these patients, as HIV infection is not anymore considered an absolute contraindication. The initial results of organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients are encouraging with no differences in patient and graft survival compared with non-HIV-infected patients. The use of immunosuppressive drug therapy in HIV-infected patients has so far not shown major detrimental effects, and some drugs in combination with HAART have even demonstrated possible beneficial effects for specific HIV settings. Nevertheless, organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients remains a complex intervention, and more studies will be required to clarify open questions such as long-term effects of drug interactions between antiretroviral and immunosuppressive drugs, outcome of recurrent HCV infection in HIV-infected patients, incidence of graft rejection, or long-term graft and patient survival. In this article, we first review the immunological pathogenesis of HIV infection and the rationale for using immunosuppression combined with HAART. We then discuss the most recent results of solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients.
Guided by a modified information-motivation-behavioral skills model, this study identified predictors of condom use among heterosexual people living with HIV with their steady partners. Consecutive patients at 14 European HIV outpatient clinics received an anonymous, standardized, self-administered questionnaire between March and December 2007. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and two-step backward elimination regression analyses stratified by gender. The survey included 651 participants (n = 364, 56% women; n = 287, 44%). Mean age was 39 years for women and 43 years for men. Most had acquired HIV sexually and more than half were in a serodiscordant relationship. Sixty-three percent (n = 229) of women and 59% of men (n = 169) reported at least one sexual encounter with a steady partner 6 months prior to the survey. Fifty-one percent (n = 116) of women and 59% of men (n = 99) used condoms consistently with that partner. In both genders, condom use was positively associated with subjective norm conducive to condom use, and self-efficacy to use condoms. Having a partner whose HIV status was positive or unknown reduced condom use. In men, higher education and knowledge about condom use additionally increased condom use, while the use of erectile-enhancing medication decreased it. For women, HIV disclosure to partners additionally reduced the likelihood of condom use. Positive attitudes to condom use and subjective norm increased self-efficacy in both genders, however, a number of gender-related differences appeared to influence self-efficacy. Service providers should pay attention to the identified predictors of condom use and adopt comprehensive and gender-related approaches for preventive interventions with people living with HIV.
Estudo exploratório, descritivo, comparativo, com abordagem quantitativa, cujo objetivo foi comparar o conhecimento de estudantes do ensino médio de duas escolas estaduais públicas de Peruíbe, SP, Brasil, sobre o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) e da Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (aids), nos anos de 1999 e 2010. Nos dois anos, na população estudada predominaram estudantes do sexo feminino, menores de 18 anos, solteiros e de cor branca. Foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa quanto ao conhecimento sobre HIV/aids entre os grupos estudados. Verificou-se que mesmo havendo intervalo de dez anos entre os estudos, os dois grupos de estudantes não se consideraram vulneráveis ao HIV e apresentaram dúvidas quanto ao conhecimento correto sobre o tema, o que indica a necessidade de sua abordagem contínua com adolescentes jovens.
Este estudo teve por objetivo compreender o cuidado as pessoas com HIV/aids, na perspectiva de profissionais de saúde, em Portugal. Foi desenvolvido através do método da história oral, de Thompson, com a participação de 22 profissionais de saúde. Os dados foram obtidos através de entrevista semiestruturada e analisados com base na perspectiva de coletânea de narrativas, propostas pelo autor com o apoio do programa QSR NVivo. Os aspectos éticos foram obedecidos ao longo do estudo. O cuidado foi agrupado em três dimensões: cognitiva, afetiva-relacional e técnico-instrumental. A dimensão cognitiva destacou-se no período da revelação do diagnóstico de HIV/aids e ao longo da evolução da doença. A dimensão afetivo-relacional foi transversal e valorizada em todo o processo, desde o diagnóstico até à morte das pessoas com HIV/aids. A dimensão técnico-instrumental foi mais expressiva na fase mais avançada da doença, em situação de dependência e de terminalidade. Diante do exposto, podemos concluir que estas três dimensões são fundamentais para o cuidado à pessoa com HIV/aids.
BACKGROUND: Persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have an increased risk for several cancers, but the influences of behavioral risk factors, such as smoking and intravenous drug use, and highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) on cancer risk are not clear. METHODS: Patient records were linked between the Swiss HIV Cohort Study and Swiss cantonal cancer registries. Observed and expected numbers of incident cancers were assessed in 7304 persons infected with HIV followed for 28,836 person-years. Relative risks for cancer compared with those for the general population were determined by estimating cancer registry-, sex-, age-, and period-standardized incidence ratios (SIRs). RESULTS: Highly elevated SIRs were confirmed in persons infected with HIV for Kaposi sarcoma (KS) (SIR = 192, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 170 to 217) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (SIR = 76.4, 95% CI = 66.5 to 87.4). Statistically significantly elevated SIRs were also observed for anal cancer (SIR = 33.4, 95% CI = 10.5 to 78.6); Hodgkin lymphoma (SIR = 17.3, 95% CI = 10.2 to 27.4); cancers of the cervix (SIR = 8.0, 95% CI = 2.9 to 17.4); liver (SIR = 7.0, 95% CI = 2.2 to 16.5); lip, mouth, and pharynx (SIR = 4.1, 95% CI = 2.1 to 7.4); trachea, lung, and bronchus (SIR = 3.2, 95% CI = 1.7 to 5.4); and skin, nonmelanomatous (SIR = 3.2, 95% CI = 2.2 to 4.5). In HAART users, SIRs for KS (SIR = 25.3, 95% CI = 10.8 to 50.1) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (SIR = 24.2, 95% CI = 15.0 to 37.1) were lower than those for nonusers (KS SIR = 239, 95% CI = 211 to 270; non-Hodgkin lymphoma SIR = 99.3, 95% CI = 85.8 to 114). Among HAART users, however, the SIR (although not absolute numbers) for Hodgkin lymphoma (SIR = 36.2, 95% CI = 16.4 to 68.9) was comparable to that for KS and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. No clear impact of HAART on SIRs emerged for cervical cancer or non-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-defining cancers. Cancers of the lung, lip, mouth, or pharynx were not observed among nonsmokers. CONCLUSION: In persons infected with HIV, HAART use may prevent most excess risk of KS and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, but not that of Hodgkin lymphoma and other non-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-defining cancers. No cancers of the lip, mouth, pharynx, or lung were observed in nonsmokers.