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The teaching of the lumbar puncture (LP) technique with simulator is not well systematized in the curricula of medical schools. Studies show that training in the simulator provides learning technical skills, acquisition and retention of knowledge, improve self-confidence of the learner and enables the transfer to clinical practice. We intend this study to introduce simulated training in LP in medical course at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte evaluating the experience taking into account quantitative aspects (performance on standardized tests) and qualitative (perception of the students regarding the method and the teaching process learning). The study was conducted in two phases. In the first phase practical training in PL was introduced in the 3rd year of medical school. Seventy-seven students were trained in small groups, guided by a checklist developed in the model Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skill (OSATS), at this moment they knew they were not under performance evaluation. They were also asked whether they had prior chances to make an LP in patients. At the end of the first phase the students evaluated training in the following areas: teaching technique, simulator realism, time available per group, number of participants per group and relevance to medical practice. In the second phase, two years later, 18 students trained in first stage performed a new LP on the mannequin simulator, and its performance was evaluated through the same checklist of training in order to verify the technical retention. In addition, they answered a multiple choice test about practical aspects of the LP technique. Each participant received individual feedback on their performance at the end of their participation in the study. In the first phase of the study we found that only 4% of students had performed a lumbar puncture in patients until the 3rd year. The training of LP technique with simulator mannequin was considered relevant and the teaching methods was thoroughly evaluated. In the second phase, all participants were successful in implementing the lumbar puncture on the mannequin simulator, compliance with the most steps in a reasonable time, suggesting that would be able to perform the procedure in a patient.
Soft skills and teamwork practices were identi ed as the main de ciencies of recent graduates in computer courses. This issue led to a realization of a qualitative research aimed at investigating the challenges faced by professors of those courses in conducting, monitoring and assessing collaborative software development projects. Di erent challenges were reported by teachers, including di culties in the assessment of students both in the collective and individual levels. In this context, a quantitative research was conducted with the aim to map soft skill of students to a set of indicators that can be extracted from software repositories using data mining techniques. These indicators are aimed at measuring soft skills, such as teamwork, leadership, problem solving and the pace of communication. Then, a peer assessment approach was applied in a collaborative software development course of the software engineering major at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This research presents a correlation study between the students' soft skills scores and indicators based on mining software repositories. This study contributes: (i) in the presentation of professors' perception of the di culties and opportunities for improving management and monitoring practices in collaborative software development projects; (ii) in investigating relationships between soft skills and activities performed by students using software repositories; (iii) in encouraging the development of soft skills and the use of software repositories among software engineering students; (iv) in contributing to the state of the art of three important areas of software engineering, namely software engineering education, educational data mining and human aspects of software engineering.
Soft skills and teamwork practices were identi ed as the main de ciencies of recent graduates in computer courses. This issue led to a realization of a qualitative research aimed at investigating the challenges faced by professors of those courses in conducting, monitoring and assessing collaborative software development projects. Di erent challenges were reported by teachers, including di culties in the assessment of students both in the collective and individual levels. In this context, a quantitative research was conducted with the aim to map soft skill of students to a set of indicators that can be extracted from software repositories using data mining techniques. These indicators are aimed at measuring soft skills, such as teamwork, leadership, problem solving and the pace of communication. Then, a peer assessment approach was applied in a collaborative software development course of the software engineering major at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This research presents a correlation study between the students' soft skills scores and indicators based on mining software repositories. This study contributes: (i) in the presentation of professors' perception of the di culties and opportunities for improving management and monitoring practices in collaborative software development projects; (ii) in investigating relationships between soft skills and activities performed by students using software repositories; (iii) in encouraging the development of soft skills and the use of software repositories among software engineering students; (iv) in contributing to the state of the art of three important areas of software engineering, namely software engineering education, educational data mining and human aspects of software engineering.
Esta tesis tiene como finalidad profundizar en la regulación emocional de la tristeza, el enfado y la preocupación de los niños con altas capacidades intelectuales (AC). Además, estos se clasificaron según su estilo de relación social en: pasivos, asertivos o agresivos, y se comprobó la relación entre inhibición emocional y pasividad en la muestra. Para ello se recogió información sobre un total de 203 niños de la Comunidad de Madrid, de 9 a 11 años de edad. 101 con un CI > 129, evaluados a través de la Escala de Inteligencia de Wechsler para niños (2005), adaptación española de Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition (WISC-IV, Wechsler, 2003), y 102 sujetos del mismo rango de edad, con capacidad intelectual media (CM) (CI 100-128). Para medir por separado las estrategias de gestión de las tres emociones, se usaron las Escalas de Manejo Emocional para Niños (EME): tristeza, enfado y preocupación (Children’s Emotion Management Scales (CEMS): sadness (CSMS), anger (CAMS) and worry (CWMS), Zeman, Shipman y Penza-Clyve, 2001; Zeman, Cassano, Suveg, y Shipman, 2010). Para estudiar las habilidades sociales de los sujetos, se escogió el Cuestionario para Evaluar la Asertividad (CEA, De la Peña, Hernández y Rodríguez, 2003), adaptación española del Childreńs Assertive Behaviour Scale, CABS, (Wood, Michelson y Flynn, 1978)...
En la presente investigación se ha analizado la relación que tiene entre sí las habilidades políticas, el job crafting y las conductas de innovación. A partir de la revisión de la literatura actual, se ha presentado un modelo en el que se establecen relaciones positivas entre estas tres variables, y a la vez se asigna al job crafting un papel de mediación en la relación entre las otras dos variables. Se llevó a cabo una investigación con una muestra de 389 trabajadores de distintas empresas a los que se les aplicó los distintos instrumentos de evaluación en tres momentos de recogida de información diferentes. Los resultados obtenidos confirman, de una forma general, el modelo y las hipótesis planteadas, a excepción de la mediación parcial de job crafting. Finalmente se discuten los resultados en relación a la literatura y los modelos teóricos revisados y se plantean medidas prácticas aplicables en contextos organizacionales.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Esta presentación, tiene la intención de socializar lo producido del Trabajo Final de Grado de la Licenciatura en Educación Física. El objetivo de este trabajo, giró en torno a la comprensión de las habilidades sociales de cinco niños, de primer grado del I.R.A.M (Institución de Rehabilitación al Mogólico) de la ciudad de Córdoba, en el año 2008
Esta presentación, tiene la intención de socializar lo producido del Trabajo Final de Grado de la Licenciatura en Educación Física. El objetivo de este trabajo, giró en torno a la comprensión de las habilidades sociales de cinco niños, de primer grado del I.R.A.M (Institución de Rehabilitación al Mogólico) de la ciudad de Córdoba, en el año 2008