980 resultados para Gsh2 Mutant


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Neural crest cells (NCC) give rise to much of the tissue that forms the vertebrate head and face, including cartilage and bone, cranial ganglia and teeth. In this study we show that conditional expression of a dominant-negative (DN) form of Rho kinase (Rock) in mouse NCC results in severe hypoplasia of the frontonasal processes and first pharyngeal arch, ultimately resulting in reduction of the maxilla and nasal bones and severe craniofacial clefting affecting the nose, palate and lip. These defects resemble frontonasal dysplasia in humans. Disruption of the actin cytoskeleton, which leads to abnormalities in cell-matrix attachment, is seen in the RockDN;Wnt1-cre mutant embryos. This leads to elevated cell death, resulting in NCC deficiency and hypoplastic NCC-derived craniofacial structures. Rock is thus essential for survival of NCC that form the craniofacial region. We propose that reduced NCC numbers in the frontonasal processes and first pharyngeal arch, resulting from exacerbated cell death, may be the common mechanism underlying frontonasal dysplasia.


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Anti-silencing factor 1 (ASF1) is a histone chaperone that contributes to the histone deposition during nucleosome assembly in newly replicated DNA. It is involved in chromatin disassembly, transcription activation and in the cellular response to DNA damage. In Leishmania major the ASF1 gene (LmASF1) is located in chromosome 20 and codes for a protein showing 67% of identity with the Trypanosoma brucei TbASF1a. Compared to orthologous proteins, LmASF1 conserves the main residues relevant for its various biological functions. To study ASF1 in Leishmania we generated a mutant overexpressing LmASF1 in L. major. We observed that the excess of LmASF1 impaired promastigotes growth rates and had no impact on cell cycle progress. Differently from yeast, ASF1 overproduction in Leishmania did not affect expression levels of genes located on telomeres, but led to an upregulation of proteins involved in chromatin remodelling and physiological stress, such as heat shock proteins, oxidoreductase activity and proteolysis. In addition, we observed that LmASF1 mutant is more susceptible to the DNA damaging agent, methyl methane sulphonate, than the control line. Therefore, our study suggests that ASF1 from Leishmania pertains to the chromatin remodelling machinery of the parasite and acts on its response to DNA damage.


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MsrR, a factor contributing to methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus, belongs to the LytR-CpsA-Psr family of cell envelope-associated proteins. Deletion of msrR increased cell size and aggregation, and altered envelope properties, leading to a temporary reduction in cell surface hydrophobicity, diminished colony-spreading ability, and an increased susceptibility to Congo red. The reduced phosphorus content of purified cell walls of the msrR mutant suggested a reduction in wall teichoic acids, which may explain some of the observed phenotypes. Microarray analysis of the msrR deletion mutant revealed only minor changes in the global transcriptome, suggesting that MsrR has structural rather than regulatory functions. Importantly, virulence of the msrR mutant was decreased in a nematode-killing assay as well as in rat experimental endocarditis. MsrR is therefore likely to play a role in cell envelope maintenance, cell separation, and pathogenicity of S. aureus.


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The BTAF1 transcription factor interacts with TATA-binding protein (TBP) to form the B-TFIID complex, which is involved in RNA polymerase II transcription. Here, we present an extensive mapping study of TBP residues involved in BTAF1 interaction. This shows that residues in the concave, DNA-binding surface of TBP are important for BTAF1 binding. In addition, BTAF1 interacts with residues in helix 2 on the convex side of TBP as assayed in protein-protein and in DNA-binding assays. BTAF1 drastically changes the TATA-box binding specificity of TBP, as it is able to recruit DNA-binding defective TBP mutants to both TATA-containing and TATA-less DNA. Interestingly, other helix 2 interacting factors, such as TFIIA and NC2, can also stabilize mutant TBP binding to DNA. In contrast, TFIIB which interacts with a distinct surface of TBP does not display this activity. Since many proteins contact helix 2 of TBP, this provides a molecular basis for mutually exclusive TBP interactions and stresses the importance of this structural element for eukaryotic transcription.


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An increased plasma concentration of von Willebrand factor (vWF) is detected in individuals with many infectious diseases and is accepted as a marker of endothelium activation and prothrombotic condition. To determine whether ExoU, a Pseudomonas aeruginosa cytotoxin with proinflammatory activity, enhances the release of vWF, microvascular endothelial cells were infected with the ExoU-producing PA103 P. aeruginosa strain or an exoU-deficient mutant. Significantly increased vWF concentrations were detected in conditioned medium and subendothelial extracellular matrix from cultures infected with the wild-type bacteria, as determined by enzyme-linked immunoassays. PA103-infected cells also released higher concentrations of procoagulant microparticles containing increased amounts of membrane-associated vWF, as determined by flow cytometric analyses of cell culture supernatants. Both flow cytometry and confocal microscopy showed that increased amounts of vWF were associated with cytoplasmic membranes from cells infected with the ExoU-producing bacteria. PA103-infected cultures exposed to platelet suspensions exhibited increased percentages of cells with platelet adhesion. Because no modulation of the vWF mRNA levels was detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assays in PA103-infected cells, ExoU is likely to have induced the release of vWF from cytoplasmic stores rather than vWF gene transcription. Such release is likely to modify the thromboresistance of microvascular endothelial cells.


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The human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been shown previously to use similar virulence factors when infecting mammalian hosts or Dictyostelium amoebae. Here we randomly mutagenized a clinical isolate of P. aeruginosa, and identified mutants with attenuated virulence towards Dictyostelium. These mutant strains also exhibited a strong decrease in virulence when infecting Drosophila and mice, confirming that P. aeruginosa makes use of similar virulence traits to confront these very different hosts. Further characterization of these bacterial mutants showed that TrpD is important for the induction of the quorum-sensing circuit, while PchH and PchI are involved in the induction of the type III secretion system. These results demonstrate the usefulness and the relevance of the Dictyostelium host model to identify and analyse new virulence genes in P. aeruginosa.


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Résumé Les mutations du gène APP (amyloïde de la protéine de précurseur) sur le chromosome 21 mènent à une surproduction de protéines β amyloïdes dans la maladie d'Alzheimer (MA). Il existe donc un consensus impliquant la cascade amyloïde dans la genèse et le développement de la MA. C'est pourquoi, afin d'évaluer l'hypothèse de la cascade inflammatoire de la MA, on combine des manipulations génétiques chez des modèles de souris transgéniques avec des traitements anti-inflammatoires. Les animaux porteurs d'une mutation génétique induite permettent d'évaluer le rôle de certains gènes dans le développement de la maladie. Pour ce faire j'ai étudié les performances de différentes cohortes de souris soumises à un ensemble de trois épreuves comportementales complémentaires ; la première étudiant les conduites exploratoires, la deuxième évaluant la capacité de l'animal à effectuer un apprentissage de lieu et la troisième explorant l'efficacité des animaux dans une tâche dite d'élimination. Enfin, une évaluation complémentaire a été fondée sur le répertoire des troubles du comportement des animaux. Chez les animaux APP homozygotes, l'organisation de la mémoire se dégrade et se modifie avec l'âge. Chez ces animaux, le déficit des mémoires de références et de travail se manifeste déjà chez les souris jeunes (dès l'âge de 50 jours).De plus, il est apparu un certain nombre de troubles comportementaux. Enfin les APP homozygotes sont ceux qui ont le plus de dépôt de plaques amyloïdes localisé dans l'hippocampe. Chez les animaux APP hétérozygotes, tant la mémoire de référence, utilisée au cours d'un apprentissage de lieu, que la mémoire de travail permettant d'éviter des bras déjà visités, ne sont affectées que chez les sujets de 15 mois. De plus, tous les troubles du comportement sont présents à 15 mois, mais de manière moins intense que chez les animaux APP homozygotes. Un traitement anti-TNF administré aux APP hétérozygotes n'a pas permis d'améliorer leur performance mais a un effet bénéfique sur les troubles du comportement. Enfin, le pourcentage des dépôts de plaques a été estimé à trois fois moins élevé chez ces animaux hétérozygotes de 16 mois que chez les APP homozygotes de 8 mois. Chez les animaux APP hétérozygotes dont le gène TNFα est bloqué, les mémoires de travail et de référence sont altérées déjà à l'âge de 6 mois, en dépit du blocage de l'expression de TNF. Ces jeunes animaux ont même une capacité cognitive inférieure à celle des animaux hétérozygotes APP, en gardant toutefois leur activité et performance exploratoires intactes. Ainsi, il semble que le blocage de l'expression du gène TNFα chez des souris APP n'influence pas leurs capacités cognitives mais permet, d'une part, d'éviter l'apparition des troubles du comportement et d'autre part, ralentit le processus du déclin cognitif. Enfin, le pourcentage de plaques amyloïdes a été évalué à deux fois plus élevés pour les KO TNF-α APP hétérozygotes de 15 mois par rapport à des APP hétérozygotes sans traitement du même âge. Chez les animaux APP hétérozygotes surexprimant le TNFα, cette association génétique péjore la performance cognitive comparée à celle des APP homozygotes. Ces animaux ont une altération des mémoires de travail et de référence équivalente à celle retrouvée chez des APP homozygotes. Un traitement anti-inflammatoire administré à ces souris n'améliore pas la capacité cognitive mais permet d'une part, d'éviter l'apparition des troubles comportementaux, et d'autre part, d'entraîner la presque disparition des plaques amyloïdes. Abstract Mutations on the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene on chromosome 21 lead to an overproduction of β amyloid in both human early onset familial Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and transgenic (TG) mice. On the other hand, inflammatory responses in the brain seem to contribute to the genesis and evolution of neurodegenerative damage. To study the influence of inflammatory factors - especially TNFα - on brain amyloid and behavioural components, TG mice expressing mutant amyloid precursor protein were treated with anti-TNFα antibody and compared with controls injected with PBS buffer or human globulins, as well as with APP mice knockout for the TNFα gene. The APP/V717 mutation leads to a brain deposit of amyloid and to significant behavioural deficits in both homozygous at different ages and heterozygous only at 15 months. The percentage of amyloid is almost triple in APP+/+ than in APP+/- animals, indicating a gene dosage effect. There is no significant effect of an anti-TNF treatment on the deposit of brain amyloid nor spatial learning capabilities. Transgenic mice show also stereotyped behaviour but the anti-TNF treatment decreases the production of stereotypies. The blockade of gene TNFα seems several cognitive alterations and increases the production of amyloid in APP mice at 15 months; but this combination allows to avoid the appearance of stereotyped behavior and in addition, the process of the cognitive decline slows down. Tg6074 mice (overexpressing TNF) increase deleterious effects on behavioural adaptive resources. Treatment with anti-TNF doesn't show changes in cognitive performances but seems to increase the production of amyloid and the stereotyped behaviour.


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To cope with oxidative stress, Candida albicans possesses several enzymes involved in a number of biological processes, including superoxide dismutases (Sods) and glutaredoxins (Grxs). The resistance of C. albicans to reactive oxygen species is thought to act as a virulence factor. Genes such as SOD1 and GRX2, which encode for a Sod and Grx, respectively, in C. albicans are widely recognised to be important for pathogenesis. We generated a double mutant, Δgrx2/sod1, for both genes. This strain is very defective in hyphae formation and is susceptible to killing by neutrophils. When exposed to two compounds that generate reactive oxygen species, the double null mutant was susceptible to menadione and resistant to diamide. The reintegration of the SOD1 gene in the null mutant led to recovery in resistance to menadione, whereas reintegration of the GRX2 gene made the null mutant sensitive to diamide. Despite having two different roles in the responses to oxidative stress generated by chemical compounds, GRX2 and SOD1 are important for C. albicans pathogenesis because the double mutant Δgrx2/sod1 was very susceptible to neutrophil killing and was defective in hyphae formation in addition to having a lower virulence in an animal model of systemic infection.


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Posttranscriptional control is known to contribute to the regulation of secondary metabolism and virulence determinants in certain gram-negative bacteria. Here we report the isolation of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa gene which encodes a global translational regulatory protein, RsmA (regulator of secondary metabolites). Overexpression of rsmA resulted in a substantial reduction in the levels of extracellular products, including protease, elastase, and staphylolytic (LasA protease) activity as well as the PA-IL lectin, hydrogen cyanide (HCN), and the phenazine pigment pyocyanin. While inactivation of rsmA in P. aeruginosa had only minor effects on the extracellular enzymes and the PA-IL lectin, the production of HCN and pyocyanin was enhanced during the exponential phase. The influence of RsmA on N-acylhomoserine lactone-mediated quorum sensing was determined by assaying the levels of N-(3-oxododecanoyl)homoserine lactone (3-oxo-C12-HSL) and N-butanoylhomoserine lactone (C4-HSL) produced by the rsmA mutant and the rsmA-overexpressing strain. RsmA exerted a negative effect on the synthesis of both 3-oxo-C12-HSL and C4-HSL, which was confirmed by using lasI and rhlI translational fusions. These data also highlighted the temporal expression control of the lasI gene, which was induced much earlier and to a higher level during the exponential growth phase in an rsmA mutant. To investigate whether RsmA modulates HCN production solely via quorum-sensing control, hcn translational fusions were employed to monitor the regulation of the cyanide biosynthesis genes (hcnABC). RsmA was shown to exert an additional negative effect on cyanogenesis posttranscriptionally by acting on a region surrounding the hcnA ribosome-binding site. This suggests that, in P. aeruginosa, RsmA functions as a pleiotropic posttranscriptional regulator of secondary metabolites directly and also indirectly by modulating the quorum-sensing circuitry.


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Blue light is known to cause rapid phosphorylation of a membrane protein in etiolated seedlings of several plant species, a protein that, at least in etiolated pea seedlings and maize coleoptiles, has been shown to be associated with the plasma membrane. The light-driven phosphorylation has been proposed on the basis of correlative evidence to be an early step in the signal transduction chain for phototropism. In the Arabidopsis thaliana mutant JK224, the sensitivity to blue light for induction of first positive phototropism is known to be 20- to 30-fold lower than in wild type, whereas second positive curvature appears to be normal. While light-induced phosphorylation can be demonstrated in crude membrane preparations from shoots of the mutant, the level of phosphorylation is dramatically lower than in wild type, as is the sensitivity to blue light. Another A. thaliana mutant, JK218, that completely lacks any phototropic responses to up to 2 h of irradiation, shows a normal level of light-induced phosphorylation at saturation. Since its gravitropic sensitivity is normal, it is presumably blocked in some step between photoreception and the confluence of the signal transduction pathways for phototropism and gravitropism. We conclude from mutant JK224 that light-induced phosphorylation plays an early role in the signal transduction chain for phototropism in higher plants.


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Anophthalmia and microphthalmia are important birth defects, but their pathogenesis remains incompletely understood. We studied a patient with severe unilateral microphthalmia who had a 2.7 Mb deletion at chromosome 18q22.1 that was inherited from his mother. In-situ hybridization showed that one of the deleted genes, TMX3, was expressed in the retinal neuroepithelium and lens epithelium in the developing murine eye. We re-sequenced TMX3 in 162 patients with anophthalmia or microphthalmia, and found two missense substitutions in unrelated patients: c.116G>A, predicting p.Arg39Gln, in a male with unilateral microphthalmia and retinal coloboma, and c.322G>A, predicting p.Asp108Asn, in a female with unilateral microphthalmia and severe micrognathia. We used two antisense morpholinos targeted against the zebrafish TMX3 orthologue, zgc:110025, to examine the effects of reduced gene expression in eye development. We noted that the morphant larvae resulting from both morpholinos had significantly smaller eye sizes and reduced labeling with islet-1 antibody directed against retinal ganglion cells at 2 days post fertilization. Co-injection of human wild type TMX3 mRNA rescued the small eye phenotype obtained with both morpholinos, whereas co-injection of human TMX3(p.Arg39Gln) mutant mRNA, analogous to the mutation in the patient with microphthalmia and coloboma, did not rescue the small eye phenotype. Our results show that haploinsufficiency for TMX3 results in a small eye phenotype and represents a novel genetic cause of microphthalmia and coloboma. Future experiments to determine if other thioredoxins are important in eye morphogenesis and to clarify the mechanism of function of TMX3 in eye development are warranted.


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Summary: The mammalian epidermis is a pluristratified epithelium composed of 90% keratinocytes, and its main function is to serve as barrier for the body. The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), formed by three homologous subunits α, β and γ is found in a variety of epithelia including epidermis. Previous studies showed that ENaC modulates different aspects of epidermal differentiation, such as synthesis of differentiation-specific proteins and lipid secretion. ENaC plays also a critical role in sodium homeostasis of renal and pulmonary epithelia, and its activity is thereby well controlled by hormones and non-hormonal factors, such as the serine protease CAP1 (channel-activating protease 1), also termed prostasin encoded by Prss8 gene. Serine proteases are proteolytic enzymes involved in numerous physiological and pathological processes in the epidermis. In order to evaluate the role of β and γENaC in epidermis, we analyzed the skin phenotype of β and γENaC null mutant (βENaC-/- and γENaC-/-) mice in comparison with the phenotype of αENaC-deficient mice. Furthermore, keratin14-specific CAP1-deficient mice (Prss8lox/Δ /K14-Cre) were generated in order to unveil the role of the serine protease CAP1 in epidermal development and function. This study reveals that the skin phenotype of βENaC and γENaC null mutant mice is less severe than the one of αENaC-deficient mice. However, all these mice present a common premature lipid secretion in the mid-granular layer of the epidermis. Further, the composition of the lipids of the stratum corneum in αENaC-deficient mice is strongly altered, suggesting that epidermal barrier function is compromised. K14-specific CAP1-deficient newborn mice are born at the expected Mendelian ratio, but die soon after birth, showing that CAP1 is required for postnatal survival. The epidermis of these mice exhibits striking malformations of the stratum corneum showing hyperkeratosis. These defects seriously affect both inward and outward epidermal barrier function, leading to rapid and fatal dehydration. As in αENaC-deficient mice, the lipid composition of the stratum corneum of K14-specific CAP1-deficient mice is disturbed. Furthermore, lack of CAP1 leads to the selective loss of filaggrin monomers, important for keratins aggregation and skin moisturization, and to an increased of aberrant profilaggrin precursors. In conclusion, both ENaC and CAP1 expression in the epidermis are crucial for keratinocyte differentiation processes and/or barrier function. Since the abnormalities in K14-specific CAP1-deficient mice resemble key features of human skin ichthyosis, in particular Harlequin ichthyosis, the study of ENaC and CAP1 mutant mice might allow new insights into mechanisms underlying skin diseases. Résumé: L'épiderme des mammifères est un épithélium pluristratifié, protégeant le corps contre les perturbations extérieures et la déshydratation. Le canal épithélial à sodium (ENaC), formé de trois sous-unités α, β et γ, est exprimé dans de nombreux épithélia, comme l'épiderme. Des études ont montré que l'absence de la sous-unité αENaC modulait différents aspects de la différenciation des kératinocytes de l'épiderme, comme la synthèse de protéines spécifiques ou la sécrétion de lipides dans la couche granulaire de l'épiderme. ENaC joue également un rôle crucial dans l'homéostasie du sodium dans les épithélia électriquement étanches, comme l'épithélium rénal ou pulmonaire. L'activité de ENaC est par conséquent finement régulée, en partie par des hormones, mais aussi par des facteurs non-hormonaux, telle que la sérine protéase CAP1 (« channel-activating protease 1 >>) (nommée également prostasine et codée par le gène Prss8). Le but de ce travail a donc été d'étudier le rôle des sous-unités β et γENaC dans l'épiderme en comparaison avec celui de la sous-unité α en utilisant des souris mutantes βENaC-/- et γENaC-/-. Dans un deuxième temps, le phénotype d'une souris chez qui CAP1 a été spécifiquement invalidé dans l'épiderme (Prsslox/Δ/K14-Cre) a été analysé, dans le but de mettre en évidence le rôle de cette protéase dans l'épiderme. Comme déjà montré pour les souris αENaC-/-, la sécrétion des lipides dans la couche granulaire de l'épiderme des souris βENaC-/- et γENaC-/- est prématurée. Cependant, l'hyperplasie et l'expression anormale des protéines marqueurs de la différenciation présents chez les souris αENaC-/- n'ont pas été observés dans l'épiderme des souris βENaC-/- et γENaC-/-. La composition lipidique de la couche cornée des souris αENaC-/- est fortement altérée suggérant que la fonction de barrière de l'épiderme de ces souris est compromise. Les souris mutantes CAP1 ont quant à elles révélé des malformations sévères de leur couche cornée, affectant la fonction de barrière de leur épiderme et conduisant à la mort de ces souris par déshydratation quelques jours après leur naissance. De plus, la composition en lipides de la couche cornée ainsi que la taille des cellules cornées, les cornéocytes, de ces souris sont modifiées par rapport aux souris contrôles. L'invalidation de la protéine CAP1 dans l'épiderme conduit aussi à la perte de la filaggrine, une protéine cruciale pour l'agrégation des kératines dans la couche cornée et le maintien du niveau d'hydratation de la peau, et à l'accumulation de ses précurseurs. En conclusion, l'expression de ENaC et de CAP1 est cruciale pour la différenciation de l'épiderme et/ou sa fonction de barrière. De plus, le phénotype des souris mutantes CAP1 présente des caractéristiques qui ressemblent à celles observées dans certaines pathologies humaines cutanées, comme l'ichthyose d'Harlequin. L'étude des souris mutantes ENaC et CAP1 pourrait donc apporter de nouvelles connaissances dans les mécanismes impliqués dans l'ichthyose d'Harlequin ou d'autres maladies de la peau chez l'homme. Résumé tout public: La peau est le plus grand organe vital du corps humain. Sa fonction principale est de protéger le corps comme une barrière, contre les agressions extérieures et la déshydratation. De nombreuses maladies de la peau résultent d'une perte de fonction de cette barrière. Bien que les pathologies cutanées soient très bien décrites, leur cause génétique n'est en général pas encore connue. La souris est alors un modèle de choix pour la recherche fondamentale. En effet, grâce aux progrès récents de la science, le génome de la souris peut aujourd'hui être modifié dans le but d'étudier le rôle de nombreuses protéines. Dans différents organes, comme le rein et le poumon, le canal épithélial à sodium (ENaC), composé de trois sous-unités protéiques homologues (α, β, et γ), joue un rôle essentiel dans la réabsorption du sodium. L'activité de ENaC est régulée par de nombreux facteurs hormonaux et non-hormonaux, telle que la protéase CAP1 (« channel-activating protease 1 »). L'invalidation de la sous-unité αENaC chez la souris a permis de montrer que dans la peau, le canal ENaC est impliqué dans la différenciation des cellules de l'épiderme et la croissance des poils. Durant ce travail, le phénotype des souris chez qui la protéine βENaC, γENaC ou CAP1 a été invalidée (souris mutantes), a été étudié dans le but de mieux comprendre le rôle des sous-unités du canal ENaC et de son régulateur CAP1 dans la peau. Les résultats de ce projet ont montré que les souris mutantes βENaC et γENaC présentent un épiderme anormal avec une synthèse prématurée de lipides dans la couche granulaire, suggérant l'implication de ENaC dans la fonction de barrière de la peau. De plus, quand CAP1 est invalidé de manière totale chez les souris, le développement embryonnaire est perturbé et ces souris meurent avant la naissance. CAP1 a donc été invalidé spécifiquement dans l'épiderme des souris. Ces souris mutantes « épiderme-spécifique » naissent normalement, mais meurent peu après la naissance de déshydratation. La couche superficielle de l'épiderme, appelée couche cornée, de ces souris est malformée et ne confère plus à la peau sa fonction de barrière. De plus, les composants de la couche cornée, les cellules cornées entourées de lipides, sont sévèrement altérés. Le phénotype de ces souris ressemble aux caractéristiques présentes chez les patients atteints d'ichthyoses, en particulier l'ichthyose d'Harlequin. En conclusion, le canal ENaC ainsi que son régulateur CAP1 jouent un rôle clé dans les processus de différenciation de l'épiderme et/ou de sa fonction de barrière. De plus, les souris mutantes pour CAP1 et ENaC se révéleront peut-être comme des modèles appropriés dans l'étude de l'ichthyose d'Harlequin ou d'autres maladies cutanées.


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Iclaprim is a novel diaminopyrimidine antibiotic that is active against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). However, it is known that the activity of diaminopyrimidines against S. aureus is antagonized by thymidine through uptake and conversion to thymidylate by thymidine kinase. Unlike with humans, for whom thymidine levels are low, thymidine levels in rodents are high, thus precluding the accurate evaluation of iclaprim efficacy in animal models. We have studied the bactericidal activity of iclaprim against an isogenic pair of MRSA isolates, the wild-type parent AW6 and its thymidine kinase-deficient mutant AH1252, in an in vitro fibrin clot model. Clots, which were aimed at mimicking vegetation structure, were made from human or rat plasma containing either the parent AW6 or the mutant AH1252, and they were exposed to homologous serum supplemented with iclaprim (3.5 microg/ml), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX; 8/40 microg/ml), vancomycin (40 microg/ml), or saline, each of which was added one time for 48 h. In rat clots, iclaprim and TMP-SMX were bacteriostatic against the parent, AW6. In contrast, they were bactericidal (> or = 3 log10 CFU/clot killing of the original inoculum) against the mutant AH1252. Vancomycin was the most active drug against AW6 (P < 0.05), but it showed an activity similar those of iclaprim and TMP-SMX against AH1252. In human clots, iclaprim was bactericidal against both AW6 and AH1252 strains and was as effective as TMP-SMX and vancomycin (P > 0.05). Future studies of animals using simulated human kinetics of iclaprim and thymidine kinase-deficient MRSA, which eliminate the thymidine-induced confounding effect, are warranted to support the use of iclaprim in the treatment of severe MRSA infections in humans.


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Building on our discovery that mutations in the transmembrane serine protease, TMPRSS3, cause nonsyndromic deafness, we have investigated the contribution of other TMPRSS family members to the auditory function. To identify which of the 16 known TMPRSS genes had a strong likelihood of involvement in hearing function, three types of biological evidence were examined: 1) expression in inner ear tissues; 2) location in a genomic interval that contains a yet unidentified gene for deafness; and 3) evaluation of hearing status of any available Tmprss knockout mouse strains. This analysis demonstrated that, besides TMPRSS3, another TMPRSS gene was essential for hearing and, indeed, mice deficient for Hepsin (Hpn) also known as Tmprss1 exhibited profound hearing loss. In addition, TMPRSS2, TMPRSS5, and CORIN, also named TMPRSS10, showed strong likelihood of involvement based on their inner ear expression and mapping position within deafness loci PKSR7, DFNB24, and DFNB25, respectively. These four TMPRSS genes were then screened for mutations in affected members of the DFNB24 and DFNB25 deafness families, and in a cohort of 362 sporadic deaf cases. This large mutation screen revealed numerous novel sequence variations including three potential pathogenic mutations in the TMPRSS5 gene. The mutant forms of TMPRSS5 showed reduced or absent proteolytic activity. Subsequently, TMPRSS genes with evidence of involvement in deafness were further characterized, and their sites of expression were determined. Tmprss1, 3, and 5 proteins were detected in spiral ganglion neurons. Tmprss3 was also present in the organ of Corti. TMPRSS1 and 3 proteins appeared stably anchored to the endoplasmic reticulum membranes, whereas TMPRSS5 was also detected at the plasma membrane. Collectively, these results provide evidence that TMPRSS1 and TMPRSS3 play and TMPRSS5 may play important and specific roles in hearing.


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BACKGROUND In the MACRO study, patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) were randomised to first-line treatment with 6 cycles of capecitabine and oxaliplatin (XELOX) plus bevacizumab followed by either single-agent bevacizumab or XELOX plus bevacizumab until disease progression. An additional retrospective analysis was performed to define the prognostic value of tumour KRAS status on progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS) and response rates. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS KRAS data (tumour KRAS status and type of mutation) were collected by questionnaire from participating centres that performed KRAS analyses. These data were then cross-referenced with efficacy data for relevant patients in the MACRO study database. KRAS status was analysed in 394 of the 480 patients (82.1%) in the MACRO study. Wild-type (WT) KRAS tumours were found in 219 patients (56%) and mutant (MT) KRAS in 175 patients (44%). Median PFS was 10.9 months for patients with WT KRAS and 9.4 months for patients with MT KRAS tumours (p=0.0038; HR: 1.40; 95% CI:1.12-1.77). The difference in OS was also significant: 26.7 months versus 18.0 months for WT versus MT KRAS, respectively (p=0.0002; HR: 1.55; 95% CI: 1.23-1.96). Univariate and multivariate analyses showed that KRAS was an independent variable for both PFS and OS. Responses were observed in 126 patients (57.5%) with WT KRAS tumours and 76 patients (43.4%) with MT KRAS tumours (p=0.0054; OR: 1.77; 95% CI: 1.18-2.64). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE This analysis of the MACRO study suggests a prognostic role for tumour KRAS status in patients with mCRC treated with XELOX plus bevacizumab. For both PFS and OS, KRAS status was an independent factor in univariate and multivariate analyses.