991 resultados para Gravel
The long-term record of glacial/interglacial cycles indicates three major paleoceanographic regimes in the Norwegian Sea. The period since the first major glaciation over Scandinavia at 2.56 Ma is characterized by high-frequency, low-amplitude oscillations of ice-rafted debris inputs, a lowered salinity, and decreased carbonate shell production in surface waters as well as overall strong carbonate dissolution at the sea floor. These conditions indicate a more zonal circulation pattern in the Northern Hemisphere and a relative isolation of surface and bottom waters in the Norwegian Sea. The generally temperate glacial climate was only interrupted by episodic weak intrusions of warm Atlantic waters. These intrusions have been detected in considerable magnitude only at Site 644, and thus are restricted to areas much closer to the Norwegian shelf than during earlier periods. The interval from 1.2 to 0.6 Ma is characterized by an increase in carbonate shell production and a better preservation, as well as a change in frequency patterns of ice-rafted debris inputs. This pattern reflects increasing meridionality in circulation-strengthening contrasts in the Norwegian Sea between strong glaciations and warm interglacials. The past 0.6 Ma reveal high-amplitude oscillations in carbonate records that are dominated by the 100-k.y. frequency pattern. Glacial/interglacial sedimentary cycles in the ODP Leg 104 drill sites reveal a variety of specific dark lithofacies. These dark diamictons reflect intense iceberg rafting in surface waters fed by surges along the front of marine-based parts of the continental ice sheets in the southeastern sector of the Norwegian Sea and are associated with resuspension of reworked fossil organic carbon and strong dissolution at the sea floor. Piling up of huge iceberg barriers along the Iceland-Faeroe-Scotland Ridge might have partially blocked off surface water connections with the North Atlantic during these periods
Comprehensive investigations revealed that modern deposits in the northern Caspian Sea involve terrigenous sands and aleurites with admixture of detritus and intact bivalve shells, including coquina. Generally, these deposits overlay dark grayish viscous clays. Similar geological situation occurs in the Volga River delta; however, local deposits are much poorer in biogenic constituents. Illite prevails among clay minerals. In coarse aleurite fraction (0.100-0.050 mm) heavy transparent minerals are represented mostly by epidotes, while light minerals - mostly by quartz and feldspars. Sedimentary material in the Volga River delta is far from completely differentiated into fractions due to abundant terrigenous inflows. Comparatively better grading of sediments from the northern Caspian Sea is due to additional factors such as bottom currents and storms. When passing from the Volga River delta to the northern Caspian Sea, sediments are enriched in rare earth elements (except Eu), Ca, Au, Ni, Se, Ag, As, and Sr, but depleted in Na, Rb, Cs, K, Ba, Fe, Cr, Co, Sc, Br, Zr, ??, U, and Th. Concentrations of Zn remain almost unchanged. Sedimentation rates and types of recent deposits in the northern Caspian Sea are governed mainly by abundant runoff of the Volga River.
The study presented in this PhD memory aim at better define and quantify the present timeerosion processes in glacial and proglacial domain. The Glacier des Bossons, situated in theMont-Blanc massif (Haute-Savoie, France), is a good example of a natural and nonanthropizedsystem which allows us to study this topic. This glacier lies on two mainlithologies (the Mont-Blanc granite and the metamorphic bedrock) and this peculiarity is usedto determine the origin of the glacial sediments. The sediments were sampled at the glaciersurface and at the glacier sole and also in the subglacial streams in order to understand themechanisms of mechanical erosion and particle transportation in glacial domain. The study ofthe granulometric distribution and the origin of the sediments were performed by a lithologicanalysis at macro-scale (naked-eye) and a geochemical analysis at micro-scale (U-Pb datingof zircons). These analyses allowed specifying the characteristics of glacial erosion andtransport. (1) the supraglacial sediments derived from the erosion of the rocky valley sides aremainly coarse and the glacial transport does not mix these clasts with those derived from thesub-glacial erosion, except in the lower tongue; (2) the sub-glacial erosion rates areinhomogeneous, erosion under the temperate glacier (0.4-0.8 mm/yr) is at least sixteen timesmore efficient than the erosion under the cold glacier (0.025-0.05 mm/yr); (3) the sub-glacialsediments contain a silty and sandy fraction, resulting from processes of abrasion andcrushing, which is evacuated by sub-glacial streams. The high-resolution temporal acquisitionof hydro-sedimentary data during the 2010 melt season, between the May 5th and theSeptember 17th, allowed defining the seasonal behavior of the hydrologic and sedimentaryfluxes. The sediment exportation occurs mainly during the melt season therefore, quantify thesediment fluxes in the Bossons stream and measure regularly the topographic evolution of thefluvio-glacial system allows to perform a sedimentary balance of the erosion of glacial andnon-glacial domains. During the year 2010, about 3000 tons of sediments were eroded with430 tons settled on the fluvio-glacial system. By analyzing the evolution of suspendedparticulate matter concentrations in the Bossons stream upstream and downstream the fluvioglacialsystem, the part of glacial erosion and non-glacial denudation in the sedimentarybalance could be proportioned. The erosion during the stormy events of the uncoveredmoraines, confining the fluvio-glacial system of the Bossons stream, furnishes at least 59% ofthe sediments exported by the Bossons stream and glacial erosion (41% of the flux) istherefore less efficient comparatively. The long-term evolution of the glacial systems inperiod of global warming would show a sustained erosion of proglacial environments(mountain sides and moraines) recently exposed and therefore an increasing of the detritalfluxes. The Glacier des Bossons protects the summit of the Mont-Blanc, the differentialerosion between zones under the ice and non-glacial could lead to an increase of thedifference of altitude between valleys and summits.
Geomorphology, geology, stratigraphy, lithology and geochemistry of bottom sediments in the South Ocean are under consideration. Regularities of distribution of iron-manganese nodules, features of occurrence of ore components in the nodules, nodule abundance in bottom sediments have been studied.
Cores from the upper 70 meters below seafloor (mbsf) (upper Pleistocene) at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 645 in Baffin Bay show dramatic meter-scale changes in color and mineralogy. Below this interval, mineralogical changes are more gradual to the top of the Miocene at about 550 mbsf. The Pliocene-Pleistocene section can be divided into five facies: Facies 1 - massive, poorly sorted, gravel-bearing muds; Facies 2 - gray silty clays and silty muds; Facies 3 - laminated detricarbonate silty muds; Facies 4 - silty sand and sandy silt; and Facies 5 - poorly sorted muddy sands and silty muds. Facies 4 and 5 are restricted to the Pliocene section below depths of about 275 mbsf. The mineralogical/color cycles in the upper 70 mbsf are the result of alternations between Facies 2 and three lithotypes of Facies 1: lithotype A - tan-colored, carbonate-rich, gravel-bearing mud; lithotype B - weak, red-colored, gravel-bearing mud rich in sedimentary rock fragments; and lithotype C - gray, gravel-bearing mud. A fourth lithotype, D, is restricted to depths of 168-275 mbsf and is dark gray, carbonate-poor, gravel-bearing mud. We believe that all lithotypes of Facies 1 and the sand and gravel fractions of Facies 2 and 3 were deposited by ice rafting. Depositional processes for Facies 4 and 5 probably include ice rafting and bottom- and turbidity-current transport. Data from petrographic analyses of light and heavy sand-sized grains and X-ray analyses of silt- and clay-size fractions suggest that tan-colored sediments (lithotype A of Facies 1; Facies 3) were derived mainly from Paleozoic carbonates of Ellesmere, Devon, and northern Baffin islands. Weak red sediments (lithotype B) contain significant red sedimentary clasts, reworked quartzarenite grains and clasts, and rounded colorless garnets, all derived from Proterozoic sequences of the Borden and Thule basins, and from minor Mesozoic red beds. Other sediments in the upper 335 mbsf at Site 645 contain detritus from a heterogeneous mixture of sources, including Precambrian shield terranes around Baffin Bay. Sediments from 335 to 550 mbsf (Facies 5) are rich in friable sedimentary clasts and detrital micas and contain glauconite and, in a few samples, reworked diatoms. These components suggest derivation from poorly consolidated Mesozoic-Tertiary sediments in coastal outcrops and beneath the modern shelves of northeastern Baffin Island and western Greenland. For the upper Pleistocene section (about 0-100 mbsf), marked mineralogical cyclicity is attributed to fluctuating glacial margins, calving rates, and iceberg melting rates, particularly around the northern end of Baffin Bay. Tan-colored, carbonate-rich units were derived at times of maximum advance of glaciers on Ellesmere and Devon islands, during relatively warm intervals induced by incursion of warm Atlantic surface water into the bay. At the beginning of these warmer episodes, most icebergs were contributed by glaciers near sea level around the Arctic channels, which resulted in deposition of weak red, ice-rafted units rich in Proterozoic sedimentary clasts.
The sediments of a core of.1.55 m length taken on the windward side of the Cross Bank, Florida Bay, are clearly subdivided into two portions, as shown by grain size analysis: silt-sized particles predominate in the relatively homogeneous lower two thirds of the core. This is succeeded abruptly by a thin layer of sand, containing fragments of Halimeda. They indicate a catastrophic event in the Florida Bay region, because Halimeda does not grow within Florida Bay. Above this layer, the amount of sand decreases at first and then continuously increases right to the present sediment-water-interface. The median and skewness increase simultaneously with the increase in the sand and granule portion. We assume that the changing grain size distribution was determined chiefly by the density of the marine flora: during the deposition of the lower two thirds of the core a dense grass cover acted as a sediment catcher for the fine-grained detritus washed out of the shallow basins of the Florida Bay, and simultaneously prohibited renewed reworking. Similar processes go on today on the surface of most mud banks of Florida Bay. The catastrophic event indicated by the sand layer probably changed the morphology of the bank to such an extent that the sampling point was shifted more to the windward side of the bank. This side is characterized by less dense plant growth. Therefore, less detritus could be caught and the material deposited could be reworked. The pronounced increase in skewness in the upper third of the core certainly indicates a strong washing out of the smaller-sized particles. The sediments are predominantly made up of carbonates, averagely 88.14 percent. The average CaCO3-content is 83.87 percent and the average MgCO3-content amounts to 4.27 percent. The chief carbonate mineral is aragonite making up 60.1 percent of the carbonate portion in the average, followed by high-magnesian calcite (33.8 percent) and calcite (6.1 percent). With increasing grain size the aragonite clearly increases at the cost of high-magnesian calcite in the upper third of the core. Chemically, this is shown by an increase of the CaCO3 : MgCO3-ratio. This increase is mainly caused by the more common occurrence of aragonitic fragments of mollusks in the coarse grain fractions. The bulk of the carbonates is made up of mollusks, foraminifera, ostracods, and - to a much lesser extent - of corals, worm-tubes, coccolithophorids, and calcareous algae, as shown by microscopic investigations. The total amount of the carbonate in the sediments is biogenic detritus with the possible exception of a very small amount of aragonite needles in the clay and fine silt fraction. The individual carbonate components of the gravel and sand fraction can be relatively easy identified as members of a particular animal or plant group. This becomes very difficult in the silt and clay fraction. Brownish aggregates are very common in the coarse and medium silt fraction. It was not always possible to clarify their origin (biogenic detritus, faecal pellets or carbonate particles cemented by carbonates or organic slime, etc.). Organic matter (plant fragments, rootlets), quartz, opal (siliceous sponge needles), and feldspar also occur in the sediments, besides carbonates. The lowermost part of the core has an age of 1365 +/- 90 years, as shown by 14C analysis.
As is less toxic than Hg, Cd, Pb, Se, Zn, and Cu. The As clarke for clays and shales is 10 ppm. Our samples of bottom sediments from Kurshskii Bay were determined to contain from 15 to 26 ppm As and up to 34 ppm As in the vicinity of the Neman River mouth. Elevated As concentrations (50-114 ppm) were detected in four columns of subsurface bottom sediments (at depths of 10-65 cm) from the Vistula Lagoon. Elevated As concentrations (50-180 ppm) were also found in a few surface samples of sand from the Gdansk Deep near oil platform D-6. These sediments are either partly contaminated with anthropogenic As or contain Fe sulfides and glauconite, which can concentrate As and contain its elevated concentrations. The As concentration in columns of bottom sediments from the Gulf of Finland were at the natural background level (throughout the columns) typical of the area (9-34 ppm). We repeatedly detected very high As concentrations (up to 227 ppm As) in politic ooze from Bornholm Deep, in the vicinity of the sunken vessel with chemical weapons. The sources of elevated As concentrations in the Baltic Sea are the following: (1) chemical weapon (CW) material buried in the floor of the Baltic Sea; (2) As-bearing pesticides, agricultural mineral fertilizers, and burned coal and other fuels; (3) kerogen-bearing Ordovician rocks exposed on the bottom; and (4) As-rich Fe sulfides brought to the area together with construction sand and gravel. This mixture was used in paper production and for the construction of hydraulic engineering facilities in the Vistula Lagoon in the early 20th century and later caused the so-called lagoon disease.
Studies were made of the glacial geology and provenance of erratic in the Shackleton Range during the German geological expedition GEISHA in 1987/88, especially in the southern and northwestern parts of the range. Evidence that the entire Shackleton Range was once overrun by ice from a southerly to southeasterly direction was provided by subglacial erosional forms (e.g. striations, crescentic gouges, roches moutonnées) and erratics which probably orriginated in the region of the Whichaway Nunataks and the Pensacola Mountains in the southern part of the range. This probably happened during the last major expansion of the Anarctic polar ice sheet, which, on the basis of evidence from other parts of the continent, occurred towards the end of the Miocene. Till and an area of scattered erratics were mapped in the northwestern part of the range. These were deposited during a period of expansion of the Slessor Glacier in the Weichselian (Wisconsian) glacial stage earlier. This expansion was caused by blockage of the glacier by an expanded Filchner ice shelf which resulted from the sinking of the sea level during the Pleistocene, as demonstrated by geological studies in the Weddell Sea and along the coast of the Ross Sea. Studies of the erratics at the edges of glaciers provided information about rock concealed by the glacier.
SeaBeam echo sounding, seismic reflection, magnetics, and gravity profiles were run along closely spaced tracks (5 km) parallel to the Atlantis II Fracture Zone on the Southwest Indian Ridge, giving 80% bathymetric coverage of a 30- * 170-nmi strip centered over the fracture zone. The southern and northern rift valleys of the ridge were clearly defined and offset north-south by 199 km. The rift valleys are typical of those found elsewhere on the Southwest Indian Ridge, with relief of more than 2200 m and widths from 22 to 38 km. The ridge-transform intersections are marked by deep nodal basins lying on the transform side of the neovolcanic zone that defines the present-day spreading axis. The walls of the transform generally are steep (25°-40°), although locally, they can be more subdued. The deepest point in the transform is 6480 m in the southern nodal basin, and the shallowest is an uplifted wave-cut terrace that exposes plutonic rocks from the deepest layer of the ocean crust at 700 m. The transform valley is bisected by a 1.5-km-high median tectonic ridge that extends from the northern ridge-transform intersection to the midpoint of the active transform. The seismic survey showed that the floor of the transform contains up to 0.5 km of sediment. Piston-coring at two locations on the transform floor recovered more than 1 m of sand and gravel, which appears to be turbidites shed from the walls of the fracture zone. Extensive dredging showed that more than two-thirds of the crust exposed in the transform valley and its walls were plutonic rocks, principally gabbros and residual mantle peridotites. In contrast, based on dredging and seafloor morphology, only relatively undisrupted pillow basalt flows have been exposed on crust of the same age spreading away from the transform. Magnetic anomalies are well defined out to 11 m.y. over the flanking transverse ridges and transform valley, even where layer 2 appears to be absent. The total opening rate is 1.6 cm/yr, but the arrangement of the anomalies indicates that the spreading for each ridge is asymmetric, with the ridge flanks facing the transform spreading at a rate of 1.0 cm/yr. Such an asymmetric spreading pattern requires that both the northern and southern ridges migrate away from each other at 0.2 cm/yr, thus lengthening the transform at 0.4 cm/yr for the last 11 m.y. To the north, the fracture zone valley is oriented differently from the present-day transform, indicating a paleospreading direction change at 17 m.y. from N10°E to due north-south. This change placed the transform into extension for the 11-m.y. period required for simple orthogonal ridge-transform geometry to be reestablished and produced a large transtensional basin within the transform valley. This basin was split by continued transform slip after 11 m.y., with the larger half moving to the north with the African Plate.
Coarse-fraction studies of sediments recovered during ODP Leg 104 are used to reconstruct paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic environments on a time scale of 0.1 to 0.5 m.y. for the past 20 Ma. These investigations suggest that relatively warm climates and isolated deep water conditions prevailed prior to 13.6 Ma and between 5.6-4.8 Ma. The first major deep water outflow from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea into the North Atlantic took place at about 13.6 Ma. Progressive cooling linked to increased deep water renewal in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea appears to have occurred between 13.6-5.6 Ma and 4.8-3.1 Ma. A major onset of ice-rafted debris is recorded at 2.56 Ma. Terrigenous coarsefraction components show important fluctuations with two major peaks during the past 0.8 Ma.
Habitat fragmentation alters the edges of remnant habitat patches. We examined changes in the plant community and soil in relation to distance from edge and edge type for shrub-steppe and pine savannah grasslands in southern British Columbia, Canada. Community composition showed significant nonlinear relationships with distance-to-edge more frequently at paved roads and fruit crops than at dirt roads or control sites (i.e., in the interior of grassland patches), with changes typically extending 25-30 m. More exotic species and fewer native species were found near edges, and edges showed decreased cryptogam cover and increased bare ground, especially near paved roads. The soil factors that best predicted compositional changes were soil pH and Cu/Mn at paved roads, soil pH and nitrogen at fruit crops, and soil resistance at dirt roads. Variation partitioning suggested that both direct (e.g., propagule pressure) and indirect (environmental change) factors mediated edge-related community changes, and provided evidence that nonlinear responses at developed edges were not due to natural gradients. Given the range of grassland patch sizes in this region (many patches 1-100 ha), the edge effects we observed represent a considerable loss of "core" habitat, which must be accounted for in conservation planning and site restoration.
This data set contains grain size analyses of bottom sediments collected by scientists from the V.P. Zenkovich Laboratory of Shelf and Sea Coasts (P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences) during the Project ''Arctic Shelf of the Eurasia in the Late Quaternary'' in a number of expeditions to the Barents, Kara, East Siberian and Chukchi Seas on board the research vessels R/V Professor Shtokman, H/V Dmitry Laptev, H/V Malygin, and icebreaker Georgy Sedov since 1978. The analyses have been carried out according to the methods published by Petelin (1967) in the Analytical Laboratory of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology. Archiving and electronic publication was performed through a data rescue by Evgeny Gurvich in 2003.