939 resultados para Golden Legend
The quality and the profitability on floriculture are intimately linked to the adequate plant nutrition. In the present research we aimed to evaluate the electrical conductivity (EC) and pH of the substrate solution on four different gerbera cultivars subjected to fertigation, with two nutritive solutions. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, from May to July 2006, on the Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, São Paulo state, Brazil. The experiment was carried out under an experimental design of random blocks, in 4×2 factorial arrangement, with four Gerbera cultivars (Cherry, Golden Yellow, Salmon Rose and Orange) and two nutritive solution concentrations: 0.92 and 1.76 dS m-1 EC) during the vegetative stage, and 1.07 and 2.04 dS m-1 during the reproductive stage (S1 and S2, respectively). The nutrients were applied through fertigation, manually performed every day. The EC and pH values of the substrate solution were evaluated weekly, using the 'pourthru' method. Orange and Cherry cultivars had, respectively, the highest and the lowest electrical conductivity of the substrate solution, and Cherry was the most efficient on the nutrient uptake. The solution S2 showed a trend to accumulate salts in the substrate, but without visual symptoms of plant toxicity, leading to the lowest pH values. The 'pourthru' method was efficient when compared to the 1:2 method and can be adopted for substrate solution analysis in gerbera culture.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE
The objective was to evaluate the oviposition preference and attractiveness of squash genotypes (Cucurbita spp.) to Bemisia tabaci biotype B. For bioassays, B. tabaci rearing biotype B was kept under greenhouse conditions. Twenty genotypes of Cucurbita spp. ('Alicia AF 9354', 'Aline AF 9353', 'Golden Delight', 'Nova Caravela', 'Menina Morena', 'Novita', 'AF-6741', 'Atlas', 'Barbara 305', 'Menina Brasileira', 'Caserta', 'Itapua 301', 'Tamara', 'Samira', 'Canhao Seca Gigante', 'Exposicao', 'Novita Plus', 'Daiane', 'Formosa', 'Sandy') were evaluated in trials (attractiveness and oviposition choice), under laboratory and greenhouse. The attractiveness (adults/cm(2)) was assessed et 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours after release. After 72 hours leaves were collected for counting the number of eggs (free choice). The area of the sheets were measured to obtain the number of eggs/cm(2) number of adults and / cm(2). The attractiveness index s (AI) and oviposition preference index (OPI) were calculated, and the genotype 'Novita' was adopted as the standard susceptible. The genotype 'Golden Delight' was the most attractive to adults of B. tabaci biotype B. 'Sandy' 'Daiane' and 'Formosa' showed low attractiveness and 'Golden Delight' was the most atractive to B. tabaci biotype B adults. 'Sandy', 'Exposicao', 'Daiane', 'Atlas', 'Tamara' and 'Formosa' expressed no preference for free choise assay. According to the attractiveness index (AI) the genotype 'Golden Delight' was the most attractive to adults of B. tabaci biotype B, and between repellents stood out 'Sandy', 'Daiane', 'Formosa', 'Novita Plus', 'Atlas', 'Barbara 305', 'Canhao Seca Gigante' and 'Menina Brasileira'. The genotypes 'Nova Caravela', 'Golden Delight', 'Aline AF 9353' and 'Samira' are considered by stimulating oviposition preference index (OPI), while the genotypes 'Sandy', 'Exposicao', 'Daiane', 'Atlas', 'Tamara', 'Formosa', 'Menina Morena' and 'Itapua 301' were considered deterrents.
The oral cancer model in hamsters shows many simílarities with developmental oral cancer in humans. The proliferating capacity is one the most characteristics of neoplásica ce/Is and detection of these ce/Is allow us, throughout of its counting, to achieve an estimated tumour growing index, with a consequent repercussion about prognostic and in the treatment of those lesions. 40 golden Syrian hamsters, both genders, aged between two to six mouth and weight 150g in average were used. The left síde of tangue of each animal was painted for eight consecutive weeks, with a solution of DMBA. Tongues were removed, fixed in 10% buffered fonnal solution. The histological slides were stained by AgNOR technique and by PCNA and β-catenin immunohistochemical antibodies. Statistical analyzes were performed by ANOVA one-way test and Tukey test. We may conclude that an association between AgNOR and PCNA might indicate the higher proliferating activity of the analyzed celIs. The experimental carcinogenesis model in hamster tongue is an available methodology for immunohistochemistry study. And finally, PCNA and β-catenin immunohistochemical antibodies may be used to analyze possible premalignant areas in oral leukoplakia
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Esse estudo, de natureza qualitativa, objetivou investigar as diferentes classificações dos jogos virtuais e os mais procurados pelos usuários. A pesquisa foi composta pela união de pesquisas bibliográficas e exploratórias, desenvolvida por intermédio de questionário semi-estruturado, aplicado a usuários de jogos virtuais on-line, participantes de fóruns on-line do Brasil. Os dados foram analisados descritivamente. Dos 17 indivíduos que responderam à pesquisa, 82% são do sexo masculino e 18%, do sexo feminino, com idades entre 21 e 27 anos. O lugar que em que mais acessam os jogos virtuais são suas casas, e a maior freqüência de acesso é de 7 dias por semana (29%), de 3 a 5 horas por dia (76%). O principal interesse pelos games acontece por esses serem uma forma de entretenimento. Dentre os jogos mais citados como seus favoritos estão Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Farmville, Age of Empires e The Legend of Zelda. Quando perguntados o porquê de seu interesse por tal jogo, os participantes responderam que eles promovem socialização, diversão, contém gráficos (imagens e sons) e enredos interessantes, entre outros. A categoria de jogos favorita dos participantes é a de tiro (First Person Shooter), com 35% de citações, seguida por jogos de esportes, com 30%; porém, 23,5% respondeu não ter preferência quanto à categoria do game. Quanto à Classificação Indicativa, 65% dos participantes a consideram um fator importante, enquanto 35% consideram-na desnecessária. Porém, 88% responderam não olhar a Classificação Indicativa do game antes de comprá-lo ou utilizá-lo, citando, dentre os principais fatores, não se importarem ou ofenderem com qualquer conteúdo que o jogo possa apresentar e por serem maiores de idade.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Brazilian folklore is rich in legends that inhabit in the imaginary of people and are believed to have originated among Brazilian indigenous peoples and the Africans who were enslaved by Portuguese settlers. However, when those stories are compared with the legends of the Iberian Peninsula , one can notice that a lot of elements in the Brazilian legends clearly reflect, for example, aspects of the popular narratives from Galicia and Portugal, such as “The moors” and “Yara’s legend”; “O trasno” and “Saci pererê”. The objective of this paper is to analyze those cultural traces by means of Comparative Literary and Intertextuality analysis, by observing how the context , the ruling ideology, and both social and cultural aspects retake the stories that are known to a certain culture and readapt them according to the traditions of another, thus producing new discourse-texts with local characteristics.