986 resultados para Germ-soma specialization


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Este Proyecto Final describe y sintetiza un camino de más de 19 años de encantamiento con la música y sus infinitos senderos y posibilidades. En términos académicos, es un proyecto que expresa la polivalencia de la ESMUC, ya que conjuga disciplinas de distintas especialidades: composición, interpretación, grabación, producción, comercialización, promoción y gestión de la música. Es un Proyecto Final con cuatro apartados: una reflexión general acerca de la promoción y gestión musical en la actual "Sociedad de la Información", un proyecto de publicación, un plan de empresa, y finalmente una bobina de trabajos musicales publicitarios.


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Background / Purpose : Lemierre Syndrome (LS) is defined by a recent oro-pharangeal infection, the clinical presence or radiological demonstration of internal jugular vein (IJV) thrombosis and documented anaerobe germ, principally Fusobacterium necrophorum (Fn) leading to septicaemia and septic embolization. It is a rare infection described since 1900 and it nearly disappeared since the beginning of the antibiotic area. Even if it is seldom described in the literature, this infection is reappearing in the last 10 years, either because of the increase of antibiotic resistance or by modification of antibiotic prescription. The aim of this study is to describe the role of medical imaging in the diagnosis, staging and follow up of Lemierre syndrome, as well as to describe the ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of this rare disease. Patients and methods : Radiological and medical files of patients diagnosed with Lemierre syndrome in the past 6 years at CHUV hospital were analysed retrospectively. The CT scan, US, colour Doppler US (CDUS) and MRI examinations that were performed have been examined so as to define their specific imaging findings. Results IJV thrombosis was demonstrated in 2 cases by US, by CT in 6 cases and MRI in one case. Septic pulmonary emboli were detected by CT in 5 patients. Complications of the LS were depicted by MR in one case and by CT in 1 case. Conclusion : In the appropriate clinical settings, US, CT or MR evidence of IJV thrombosis and chest CT suggestive of septic emboli, should lead the physician to consider the diagnosis of LS. As a consequence, imaging allows a faster diagnosis and a more efficient treatment of this infection, which in case of insufficient therapy can lead to death.


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SAMHD1 is a deoxynucleoside triphosphate triphosphohydrolase and a nuclease that restricts HIV-1 in noncycling cells. Germ-line mutations in SAMHD1 have been described in patients with Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS), a congenital autoimmune disease. In a previous longitudinal whole genome sequencing study of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), we revealed a SAMHD1 mutation as a potential founding event. Here, we describe an AGS patient carrying a pathogenic germ-line SAMHD1 mutation who developed CLL at 24 years of age. Using clinical trial samples, we show that acquired SAMHD1 mutations are associated with high variant allele frequency and reduced SAMHD1 expression and occur in 11% of relapsed/refractory CLL patients. We provide evidence that SAMHD1 regulates cell proliferation and survival and engages in specific protein interactions in response to DNA damage. We propose that SAMHD1 may have a function in DNA repair and that the presence of SAMHD1 mutations in CLL promotes leukemia development.


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Why generalist and specialist species coexist in nature is a question that has interested evolutionary biologists for a long time. While the coexistence of specialists and generalists exploiting resources on a single ecological dimension has been theoretically and empirically explored, biological systems with multiple resource dimensions (e.g. trophic, ecological) are less well understood. Yet, such systems may provide an alternative to the classical theory of stable evolutionary coexistence of generalist and specialist species on a single resource dimension. We explore such systems and the potential trade-offs between different resource dimensions in clownfishes. All species of this iconic clade are obligate mutualists with sea anemones yet show interspecific variation in anemone host specificity. Moreover, clownfishes developed variable environmental specialization across their distribution. In this study, we test for the existence of a relationship between host-specificity (number of anemones associated with a clownfish species) and environmental-specificity (expressed as the size of the ecological niche breadth across climatic gradients). We find a negative correlation between host range and environmental specificities in temperature, salinity and pH, probably indicating a trade-off between both types of specialization forcing species to specialize only in a single direction. Trade-offs in a multi-dimensional resource space could be a novel way of explaining the coexistence of generalist and specialists.


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Anopheles albitarsis embryogenesis was analyzed through confocal microscopy of clarified eggs. Using Drosophila melanogaster as reference system, the major morphogenetic events (blastoderm, gastrulation, germ band extension, germ band retraction, dorsal closure) were identified. The kinetics of early events is proportionally similar in both systems, but late movements (from germ band retraction on) progress slower in An. albitarsis. Major differences in An. albitarsis related to D. melanogaster were: (1) pole cells do not protrude from the blastoderm; (2) the mosquito embryo undergoes a 180º rotation movement, along its longitudinal axis; (3) the head remains individualized throughout embryogenesis; (4) extraembryonary membranes surround the whole embryo. A novel kind of malaria control is under development and is based on the use of genetically modified mosquitoes. Phenotypic analysis of the embryonic development of mutants will be imposed as part of the evaluation of effectiveness and risk of employment of this strategy in the field. In order to accomplish this, knowledge of the wild type embryo is a prerequisite. Morphological studies will also serve as basis for subsequent development biology approaches.


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In this article a particular patient/physician relationship is described and analyzed: The described interaction between patient and physician during a consultative investigation by several specialists differs markedly from the common trustful relation between a patient and his family doctor. In this context the term and phenomenon pain is discussed and the necessity for an understandable, patient-oriented presentation of diagnosis and hypotheses considering the patient's individual bio-psycho-social dimension is stressed. Consequences for student education are mentioned.


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Authors describe genitourinary changes in male hamsters infected and reinfected with Trypanosoma cruzi. Changes in genital organs have been described in human and in experimental chagasic infection. Genital dysfunctions in chronic chagasic patients affect ejaculation, libido and sexual potency, and testis biopsies may show arrested maturation of germ cells, oligozoospermia and azoospermia. Sixty-five male hamsters were inoculated and reinoculated with 2x10³ trypomastigotes of T. cruzi VIC strain, and 22 non-infected animals constituted the control group. Animals were necropsied and fragments from testis, epididymis, seminal vesicle and bladder were collected and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Peroxidase anti-peroxidase procedure was utilized to detect tissue parasitism. T. cruzi nests were found in testis, epididymis and seminal vesicle of these hamsters. Such parasitism plays a role in the origin of genital lesions observed in humans and laboratory animals during chronic chagasic infection.


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What is TB (tuberculosis)? TB is a serious but curable infectious disease. It usually affects the lungs but it can affect other parts of the body. What are the symptoms? Any of the following symptoms may occur: . Cough . Phlegm . High temperature . Sweating at night . Weight loss . Fatigue / general tiredness . Swollen glands If you are concerned that you might have TB, or develop any of these symptoms, please visit your family doctor for advice. How do you catch TB? It is usually spread through the air from someone with the infectious type of TB. The germ gets into the air when that person coughs, sneezes or spits. Who can get TB? Anyone can get TB but it is difficult to catch. It mainly depends on the amount of time that is spent in contact with someone with infectious TB. What if I have been in close contact with someone with infectious TB? If you are identified as a contact at risk from TB then you will be invited for screening. Initial screening consists of a skin test to determine if your immune system recognises TB. The skin test is called the Mantoux test, the result of which needs to be read 48 hours later. People who have a positive skin test and / or evidence of TB infection found on chest X-ray, or who are unwell will be investigated further by a specialist doctor and may be treated with a course of anti-TB medication. How is TB treated? TB is curable. Treatment consists of a long course of different types of specialist antibiotics. What happens next? If you have been identified as a close contact of the case, you will be invited for screening by the accompanying letter. Otherwise, you will have received a general information letter, and have not been identified as requiring screening at this time.


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Bone loss secondary to inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) is largely explained by activated T cells producing cytokines that trigger osteoclastogenesis and accelerate bone resorptionwhile inhibiting bone formation. In IBD, elevated expression of interleukin (IL)-15, a T cell growth factor, plays a central role in T cell activation, pro-inflammatory cytokine production and the development of colitis. We previously reported that IL-15 enhances RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis and that an IL-15 antagonist, CRB-15, prevents weight and bone loss in a mousemodel of dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis.We hypothesized that inhibition of IL-15 signalingmight prevent bone loss in IL-10 deficient (IL10−/−) mice, that develop spontaneous bowel inflammation associatedwith osteopeniawhen they are no longer raised under germ-free conditions.Mice received anIL-15 antagonist (CRB-15, 5 μg/day, n=5) or IgG2a (5 μg/day, n=4) fromweek 10 to 14 of age. The severity of colitis was assessed by histology and bowel cytokine gene expression by real time PCR. Bone mass and architecturewere evaluated by ex vivo DXA on femur and micro-computed tomography on femur and vertebra. Bodyweight gainwas similar in the two groups. After 4 weeks, colonwas 29% shorter in CRB-15 treatedmice (p<0.006), a sign of reduced inflammation. Histological analysis indicated a transmural infiltration of inflammatory cells, lymphoepithelial lesions and increased size of villi (histological score=4/6) in IgG2a treated mice, whereas colon from CRB-15 treated mice exhibited mild infiltration of inflammatory cells of the lamina propria, no mucosal damages and a minimal increased size of villi (histological score=1.6/6). Levels of TNFα, IL-17 and IL-6 mRNA in the colon were significantly reduced in CRB-15 treated mice (p<0.04 vs IgG2), indicating a decrease in colon inflammation. CRB-15 improved femur BMD (+10.6% vs IgG2a, p<0.002), vertebral trabecular bone volume fraction (BV/TV, +19.7% vs IgG2a, p<0.05) and thickness (+11.6% vs IgG2a, p<0.02). A modest but not significant increase in trabecular BV/TV was observed at the distal femur. Cortical thicknesswas also higher at themidshaft femur in CRB-15 treatedmice (+8.3% vs IgG2a, p<0.02). In conclusion, we confirm and extend our results about the effects of CRB-15 in colitis. Antagonizing IL-15 may exert favorable effects on intestinal inflammation and prevent bone loss and microarchitecture alterations induced by colitis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled ECTS 2011. Disclosure of interest: B. Brounais-Le Royer Grant / Research Support from Novartis Consumer Health Foundation, S. Ferrari-Lacraz: none declared, D. Velin: none declared, X. Zheng: none declared, S. Ferrari: none declared, D. Pierroz: none declared.


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Benign mature teratomas are the most common type of germ cell tumors that arise in the anterior mediastinum. Intrapericardial teratomas are a rare manifestation of this tumor type, which are generally diagnosed during infancy because of the heart compression symptoms they produce. Here we report a rare case of intrapericardial mature teratoma that was incidentally discovered in an asymptomatic 51-year-old woman.


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Mammalian sex chromosomes stem from ancestral autosomes and have substantially differentiated. It was shown that X-linked genes have generated duplicate intronless gene copies (retrogenes) on autosomes due to this differentiation. However, the precise driving forces for this out-of-X gene "movement" and its evolutionary onset are not known. Based on expression analyses of male germ-cell populations, we here substantiate and extend the hypothesis that autosomal retrogenes functionally compensate for the silencing of their X-linked housekeeping parental genes during, but also after, male meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI). Thus, sexually antagonistic forces have not played a major role for the selective fixation of X-derived gene copies in mammals. Our dating analyses reveal that although retrogenes were produced ever since the common mammalian ancestor, selectively driven retrogene export from the X only started later, on the placental mammal (eutherian) and marsupial (metatherian) lineages, respectively. Together, these observations suggest that chromosome-wide MSCI emerged close to the eutherian-marsupial split approximately 180 million years ago. Given that MSCI probably reflects the spread of the recombination barrier between the X and Y, crucial for their differentiation, our data imply that these chromosomes became more widely differentiated only late in the therian ancestor, well after the divergence of the monotreme lineage. Thus, our study also provides strong independent support for the recent notion that our sex chromosomes emerged, not in the common ancestor of all mammals, but rather in the therian ancestor, and therefore are much younger than previously thought


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E. coli O157 belongs to a large group of bacteria called Escherichia coli (or E. coli for short). Many E. coli are harmless and they occur naturally in the gut of animals and humans. One of these, E. coli O157, which is a harmless germ in cattle can cause a serious disease in humans.


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PURPOSE: To study phenotype-genotype correlation in patients who have retinoma, which is a benign tumor resembling the post irradiation regression pattern of retinoblastoma (RB). METHODS: We selected patients who had retinoma and positive family history for RB and patients who had retinoma in one eye and either retinoma or RB in the other eye. The study included 22 patients with available DNA: 18 from 11 families and four sporadic cases. DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes. The RB1 gene was screened by DHPLC and direct sequencing of the promoter and all the exons. RESULTS: We identified 17 occurrences of 11 distinct germline mutations in two sporadic and in 15 familial cases (nine families). The 11 identified mutations were located in exons 1, 10,11,13,14, and 19 to 23. Four of the identified mutations were not previously reported, including g.64407delT, g.153236A>T, g.156743delTCTG, and g.162078delA. Eight out the 11 mutations were truncating and three were nontruncating (missense). There was no correlation between the type of mutation and the number of tumor foci per eye (RB or retinomas). Highly heterogeneous intrafamilial expressivity was observed. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this study is the largest series of mutations of consecutive retinoma patients. The present data suggest that the type of inherited mutations underlying retinoma is undistinguishable from RB related ones, i.e., largely dominated by truncating mutants. This finding is in contrast with the RB1 genotypic spectrum of mutations associated with low-penetrance RB, i.e., nontruncating mutants. The molecular mechanism underlying low-penetrance and attenuated expressivity (retinomas) appeared to be distinct.


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A survey of medical ambulatory practice was carried out in February-March 1981 in the two Swiss cantons of Vaud and Fribourg (total population: 700,000), in which 205 physicians participated. The methodology used was inspired from the U.S. National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, the data collection instrument of which was adapted to our conditions; in addition, data were gathered on all referrals prescribed by 154 physicians during two weeks. (The instruments used are presented.) The potential and limits of this type of survey are discussed, as well as the representativity of the participating physicians and of the recorded visits, which are a systematic sample of over 43,000 visits.