958 resultados para Geology, Stratigraphic -- Cretaceous -- Catalonia -- Bac Grillera, Mountains
Da Tumorerkrankungen ein enormes Gesundheitsproblem in der westlichen Welt darstellen, wird eine Vielzahl neuer Behandlungsstrategien entwickelt. Neuartige Tumor-Therapeutika werden jedoch üblicherweise zunächst an Tiermodellen evaluiert, bevor sie am Menschen angewandt werden.rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein BAC-transgenes Mausmodell generiert, welches als autochthones Melanommodell zur Anwendung kommen sollte.rnZunächst wurde dafür ein DNA-Konstrukt erzeugt. Dieses enthält die Melanom-Onkogene BrafV600E, Cdk4R24C und Mitf deren Expression durch die Tamoxifen-induzierbare Rekombinase CreERT2 kontrollierbar sein sollte. Die Verwendung des Tyrosinasepromoters sollte die melanozytenspezifische Expression der eingebrachten Gene gewährleisten. Ein weiterer Bestandteil des Konstrukts ist ein Luziferase-Gen, welches die Lokalisierung Onkogen-exprimierender Zellen durch in vivo-Biolumineszenz-Imaging erlaubt, da die Onkogen- und Luziferase-Expression durch 2A-Sequenzen gekoppelt sind.rnVor der Generierung der transgenen Tiere sollten in vitro Analysen die Funktionalität des Konstruktteils, bestehend aus den Onkogenen und der Luziferase, klären. Zu diesem Zweck wurde die Zelllinie C22 mit einem Expressionsvektor transfiziert, welcher den genannten Konstruktteil enthielt. Es konnte ein Anstieg der Braf- und Cdk4-Expression auf Protein Ebene, das Vorhandensein von Luziferase-Aktivität und die Aktivierung des MAP-Kinase-Signalwegs nachgewiesen werden. Die Funktionalität des untersuchten Konstruktteils war damit nahegelegt und die Generierung der transgenen Tiere wurde fortgesetzt.rnDie Pronukeus-Injektion resultierte schließlich in 3 Founder-Tieren, die mittels PCR und Southern Blot identifiziert wurden und die Bezeichnung „B6 tg Tyr iOnkogene“ (TyriOn) erhielten. Durch Verkreuzen der Founder-Tiere mit C57BL/6 Mäusen wurden im weiteren Verlauf 3 Linien erzeugt. Bei in vivo Biolumineszenz-Messungen zeigten Tiere der Linie D einen gewissen Grad an Hintergrund-Luziferase-Aktivität, die jedoch durch Tamoxifen-Injektionen verstärkt werden konnte. In den Folgegenerationen ging diese Tamoxifen-induzierte Verstärkung der Luziferase-Aktivität teilweise verloren. Es wurde die Vermutung angestellt, dass funktionelle und nicht-funktionelle Varianten des Transgens an unterschiedlichen Stellen im Genom von Founder D integriert hatten, und sich in den folgenden Generationen auf die Nachkommen verteilten. Die mangelnde Induzierbarkeit betroffener Tiere konnte nicht auf fehlende Integrität der Sequenz „iOnkogene“ in diesen Tieren oder auf nicht-funktionelle loxP-Stellen im Konstrukt zurückgeführt werden.rnTamoxifen-Injektionen führten in TyriOn-D Tieren im Laufe von 15 Monaten nicht zur Entwicklung von Tumoren. Ebenso wenig konnten in TyriOn-D / Cre del Tieren, welche die eingebrachten Onkogene maximal exprimieren sollten, Tumoren detektiert werden. Um zu analysieren, ob die eingebrachten Onkogene die Bildung von Tumoren begünstigen, wurden TyriOn-D Tiere mit dem Melanom-anfälligen Stamm MT/ret verkreuzt. Hierzu konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit noch kein Ergebnis erzielt werden. Allerdings konnte in Melanomen von TyriOn-D / MT/ret Tieren Luziferase-Aktivität bei in vivo Biolumineszenz-Messungen und CreERT2 RNA durch RT-PCR detektiert werden.rnTyriOn-D / MT/ret Tiere werden im weiteren Verlauf dieses Projektes nicht nur der Analyse der Melanomentwicklung dienen. Deren Tumore ermöglichen außerdem weitere Untersuchungen bezüglich der Funktionalität des Konstrukts, die teilweise in TyriOn Tieren keine Resultate ergaben.
The association of several favorable factors has resulted in the development of a wide barchan dune field that stands out as a fundamental element in the coastal landscape of southern Santa Catarina state in Brazil. This original ecosystem is being destroyed and highly modified, due to urbanization. This work identifies and discusses its basic characteristics and analyzes the favorable factors for its preservation, in the foreseen of both a sustainable future and potential incomes from ecotourism. The knowledge of the geologic evolution allows to associate this transgressive Holocene dunes formation to more dissipative beach conditions. Spatial differences on morphodynamics are related to local and regional contrasts in the sediment budget, with an influence on gradients of wave attenuation in the inner shelf and consequently with influence in the level of coastal erosion. The link between relative sea level changes and coastal eolian sedimentation can be used to integrate coastal eolian systems to the sequence stratigraphy model. The main accumulation phase of eolian sediments would occur during the final transgressive and highstand systems tracts. Considering the global character of Quaternary relative sea level changes, the Laguna transgressive dune field should be correlated with similar eolian deposits developed along other parts of the Brazilian coast compatibles with the model of dunefield initiation during rising and highstand sea level phases.
Editor's note: The text of this article originally appeared as the final chapter of a brochure entitled Mountains and Climate Change—From Understanding to Action, prepared at the Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, Switzerland, for presentation by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) at a side event at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen on 12 December 2009. Chapters of the brochure deal with various aspects of climate change and its impact in mountain regions. In light of the significance of the Copenhagen COP 15 conference, the editors of this publication believe MRD's readers will be interested in reading this summary written from the perspective of Swiss researchers and development experts. The full brochure may be viewed and downloaded at www.cde.unibe.ch/Research/MA_Re.asp
In the past few decades the impacts of climate warming have been significant in alpine glaciated regions. Many valley glaciers formerly linked as distributary glaciers to high-level icecaps have decoupled at their icefalls, exposing major escarpments and generating a suite of dynamic landforrns dominated by mass wasting. Ice-dominated landforms, here termed icy debris fans, develop rapidly by ice avalanching, rockfall, and icy debris flow. Field-based reconnaissance studies at two alpine settings, the Wrangell Mountains of Alaska and the Southern Alps of New Zealand, provide a preliminary morphogenetic model of spatial and temporal evolution of icy debris fans in a range of alpine settings. The influence of these processes on landform evolution is largely unrecognized in the literature dealing with post-glacial landform adjustment known as the paraglacial. A better understanding of these dynamic processes will be increasingly important because of the extreme geohazards characterizing these areas. Our field studies show that after glacier decoupling, icy debris fans begin to form along the base of bedrock escarpments at the mouths of catchments and prograde over valley glaciers. The presence of a distinct catchment, apex, and fan morphology distinguishes these landforms from other landforms common in periglacial hillslope settings receiving abundant clastic debris and ice. Ice avalanching is the most abundant process involved in icy debris fan formation. Fans developed below weakly incised catchments are dominated by ice avalanching and are composed primarily of ice with minor lithic detritus. Typically, avalanches fall into the fan catchments where sediments transform into grainflows that flow onto the fans. Once on the fans, avalanche deposits ablate rapidly, flattening and concentrating lithic fragments at the surface. Icy debris fans may become thick enough to become glaciers with splay crevasse systems. Fans developed below larger, more complex catchments are composed of higher proportions of lithic detritus resulting from temporary storage of ice and lithic detritus deposits within the catchment. Episodic outbursts of meltwater from the icecap may mix with the stored sediments and mobilize icy debris flows (mixture of ice and lithic clasts) onto the fans. Our observations indicate that the entire evolutionary cycle of icy debris fans probably occurs during an early paraglacial interval (i.e., decades to 100 years). Observations comparing avalanche frequency, volume, and fan morphologic evolution at the Alaska site between 2006 and 2010 illustrate complex response between icy debris fans even within the same cirque - where one fan may be growing while others are downwasting because of differences in ice supply controlled by their respective catchments and icecap contributions. As ice supply from the icecap diminishes through time, icy debris fans rapidly downwaste and eventually evolve into talus cones that receive occasional but ephemeral ice avalanches.
An outstanding problem in understanding the late Proterozoic tectonic assembly of the southwest is identifying the tectonic setting associated with regional metamorphism at 1.4 Ga. Both isobaric heating and cooling, and counter-clockwise looping PT paths are proposed for this time. We present a study of the Proterozoic metamorphic and deformation history of the Cerro Colorado area, southern Tusas Mountains, New Mexico, which shows that the metamorphism in this area records near-isothermal decompression from 6 to 4 kbar at ca. 1.4 Ga. We do not see evidence for isobaric heating at this time. Decompression from peak pressures is recorded by the reaction Ms + Grt = St + Bt, with a negative slope in PT space; the reaction Ms + Grt = Sil + Bt, which is nearly horizontal in PT space; and partial to total pseudomorphing of kyanite by sillimanite during the main phase of deformation. The clearest reaction texture indicating decompression near peak metamorphic temperature is the replacement of garnet by clots of sillimanite, which are surrounded by halos of biotite. The sillimanite clots, most without relict garnet in the cores and with highly variable aspect ratios, are aligned. They define a lineation that formed with the dominant foliation. An inverted metamorphic gradient is locally defined by sillimanite-garnet schists (625 degrees C) structurally above staurolite-garnet schists (550 degrees C) and implies ductile thrusting during the main phase of deformation. The exhumation that led to the recorded decompression was likely in response to crustal thickening due to ductile thrusting and subsequent denudation.