987 resultados para Geodetic satellites


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The Schwarzmilzferner, a small glacier in the Allgäuer Alps is, for the first time, investigated in detail with geodetic methods. The changes of the glacier since 1850 are reconstructed and doc- umented. The Orthophotomap Schwarzmilzferner 1971 shows approximately the current expan- sion of the glacier as a suitable basis for future work.


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To estimate the kinematics of the SIRGAS reference frame, the Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI) as the IGS Regional Network Associate Analysis Centre for SIRGAS (IGS RNNAC SIR), yearly computes a cumulative (multi-year) solution containing all available weekly solutions delivered by the SIRGAS analysis centres. These cumulative solutions include those models, standards, and strategies widely applied at the time in which they were computed and cover different time spans depending on the availability of the weekly solutions. This data set corresponds to the multi-year solution SIR11P01. It is based on the combination of the weekly normal equations covering the time span from 2000-01-02 (GPS week 1043) to 2011-04-16 (GPS week 1631), when the IGS08 reference frame was introduced. It refers to ITRF2008, epoch 2005.0 and contains 230 stations with 269 occupations. Its precision was estimated to be ±1.0 mm (horizontal) and ±2.4 mm (vertical) for the station positions, and ±0.7 mm/a (horizontal) and ±1.1 mm/a (vertical) for the constant velocities. Computation strategy and results are in detail described in Sánchez and Seitz (2011). The IGS RNAAC SIR computation of the SIRGAS reference frame is possible thanks to the active participation of many Latin American and Caribbean colleagues, who not only make the measurements of the stations available, but also operate SIRGAS analysis centres processing the observational data on a routine basis (more details in http://www.sirgas.org). The achievements of SIRGAS are a consequence of a successful international geodetic cooperation not only following and meeting concrete objectives, but also becoming a permanent and self-sustaining geodetic community to guarantee quality, reliability, and long-term stability of the SIRGAS reference frame. The SIRGAS activities are strongly supported by the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) and the Pan-American Institute for Geography and History (PAIGH). The IGS RNAAC SIR highly appreciates all this support.


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Time variable gravity fields, reflecting variations of mass distribution in the system Earth is one of the key parameters to understand the changing Earth. Mass variations are caused either by redistribution of mass in, on or above the Earth's surface or by geophysical processes in the Earth's interior. The first set of observations of monthly variations of the Earth gravity field was provided by the US/German GRACE satellite mission beginning in 2002. This mission is still providing valuable information to the science community. However, as GRACE has outlived its expected lifetime, the geoscience community is currently seeking successor missions in order to maintain the long time series of climate change that was begun by GRACE. Several studies on science requirements and technical feasibility have been conducted in the recent years. These studies required a realistic model of the time variable gravity field in order to perform simulation studies on sensitivity of satellites and their instrumentation. This was the primary reason for the European Space Agency (ESA) to initiate a study on ''Monitoring and Modelling individual Sources of Mass Distribution and Transport in the Earth System by Means of Satellites''. The goal of this interdisciplinary study was to create as realistic as possible simulated time variable gravity fields based on coupled geophysical models, which could be used in the simulation processes in a controlled environment. For this purpose global atmosphere, ocean, continental hydrology and ice models were used. The coupling was performed by using consistent forcing throughout the models and by including water flow between the different domains of the Earth system. In addition gravity field changes due to solid Earth processes like continuous glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) and a sudden earthquake with co-seismic and post-seismic signals were modelled. All individual model results were combined and converted to gravity field spherical harmonic series, which is the quantity commonly used to describe the Earth's global gravity field. The result of this study is a twelve-year time-series of 6-hourly time variable gravity field spherical harmonics up to degree and order 180 corresponding to a global spatial resolution of 1 degree in latitude and longitude. In this paper, we outline the input data sets and the process of combining these data sets into a coherent model of temporal gravity field changes. The resulting time series was used in some follow-on studies and is available to anybody interested.


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The oceans play a critical role in the Earth's climate, but unfortunately, the extent of this role is only partially understood. One major obstacle is the difficulty associated with making high-quality, globally distributed observations, a feat that is nearly impossible using only ships and other ocean-based platforms. The data collected by satellite-borne ocean color instruments, however, provide environmental scientists a synoptic look at the productivity and variability of the Earth's oceans and atmosphere, respectively, on high-resolution temporal and spatial scales. Three such instruments, the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) onboard ORBIMAGE's OrbView-2 satellite, and two Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometers (MODIS) onboard the National Aeronautic and Space Administration's (NASA) Terra and Aqua satellites, have been in continuous operation since September 1997, February 2000, and June 2002, respectively. To facilitate the assembly of a suitably accurate data set for climate research, members of the NASA Sensor Intercomparison and Merger for Biological and Interdisciplinary Oceanic Studies (SIMBIOS) Project and SeaWiFS Project Offices devote significant attention to the calibration and validation of these and other ocean color instruments. This article briefly presents results from the SIMBIOS and SeaWiFS Project Office's (SSPO) satellite ocean color validation activities and describes the SeaWiFS Bio-optical Archive and Storage System (SeaBASS), a state-of-the-art system for archiving, cataloging, and distributing the in situ data used in these activities.


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Mass transport and mass flux values for the different types of glaciers in the Sør-Rondane are calculated from computer models, based upon gravity data and geodetic stake velocity measurements. The results are interpreted in the light of a general flow line analysis, glacial geological investigations and of the ablation terms of the mass balance for Dronning Maud Land and Antarctica.


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Un plan cartográfico es un proceso contradictorio en el cual intervienen decisiones técnicas y políticas que pueden cambiar e incluso modificar los objetivos iniciales del plan. Sin embardo, la historiografía clásica de la cartografía sostiene que la toma de tales decisiones es el resultado de medidas únicamente científicas y técnicas en las que no existen intereses ni contradicciones políticas. En este trabajo intentamos rastrear -en las etapas de la producción cartográfica argentina- los momentos en los que la ciencia y la política se entrelazan de tal manera que son constitutivas de la ciencia cartográfica. Para ello tomamos los proyectos cartográficos del IGM: el Plan de la Carta y la Carta Militar Provisional; y la determinación geodésica del DATUM altimétrico que se llevó a cabo en torno a la Comisión para la Medición del Arco de Meridiano


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The development of the ecosystem approach and models for the management of ocean marine resources requires easy access to standard validated datasets of historical catch data for the main exploited species. They are used to measure the impact of biomass removal by fisheries and to evaluate the models skills, while the use of standard dataset facilitates models inter-comparison. North Atlantic albacore tuna is exploited all year round by longline and in summer and autumn by surface fisheries and fishery statistics compiled by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Catch and effort with geographical coordinates at monthly spatial resolution of 1° or 5° squares were extracted for this species with a careful definition of fisheries and data screening. In total, thirteen fisheries were defined for the period 1956-2010, with fishing gears longline, troll, mid-water trawl and bait fishing. However, the spatialized catch effort data available in ICCAT database represent a fraction of the entire total catch. Length frequencies of catch were also extracted according to the definition of fisheries above for the period 1956-2010 with a quarterly temporal resolution and spatial resolutions varying from 1°x 1° to 10°x 20°. The resolution used to measure the fish also varies with size-bins of 1, 2 or 5 cm (Fork Length). The screening of data allowed detecting inconsistencies with a relatively large number of samples larger than 150 cm while all studies on the growth of albacore suggest that fish rarely grow up over 130 cm. Therefore, a threshold value of 130 cm has been arbitrarily fixed and all length frequency data above this value removed from the original data set.


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The development of the ecosystem approach and models for the management of ocean marine resources requires easy access to standard validated datasets of historical catch data for the main exploited species. They are used to measure the impact of biomass removal by fisheries and to evaluate the models skills, while the use of standard dataset facilitates models inter-comparison. North Atlantic albacore tuna is exploited all year round by longline and in summer and autumn by surface fisheries and fishery statistics compiled by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Catch and effort with geographical coordinates at monthly spatial resolution of 1° or 5° squares were extracted for this species with a careful definition of fisheries and data screening. In total, thirteen fisheries were defined for the period 1956-2010, with fishing gears longline, troll, mid-water trawl and bait fishing. However, the spatialized catch effort data available in ICCAT database represent a fraction of the entire total catch. Length frequencies of catch were also extracted according to the definition of fisheries above for the period 1956-2010 with a quarterly temporal resolution and spatial resolutions varying from 1°x 1° to 10°x 20°. The resolution used to measure the fish also varies with size-bins of 1, 2 or 5 cm (Fork Length). The screening of data allowed detecting inconsistencies with a relatively large number of samples larger than 150 cm while all studies on the growth of albacore suggest that fish rarely grow up over 130 cm. Therefore, a threshold value of 130 cm has been arbitrarily fixed and all length frequency data above this value removed from the original data set.


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The development of the ecosystem approach and models for the management of ocean marine resources requires easy access to standard validated datasets of historical catch data for the main exploited species. They are used to measure the impact of biomass removal by fisheries and to evaluate the models skills, while the use of standard dataset facilitates models inter-comparison. North Atlantic albacore tuna is exploited all year round by longline and in summer and autumn by surface fisheries and fishery statistics compiled by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Catch and effort with geographical coordinates at monthly spatial resolution of 1° or 5° squares were extracted for this species with a careful definition of fisheries and data screening. In total, thirteen fisheries were defined for the period 1956-2010, with fishing gears longline, troll, mid-water trawl and bait fishing. However, the spatialized catch effort data available in ICCAT database represent a fraction of the entire total catch. Length frequencies of catch were also extracted according to the definition of fisheries above for the period 1956-2010 with a quarterly temporal resolution and spatial resolutions varying from 1°x 1° to 10°x 20°. The resolution used to measure the fish also varies with size-bins of 1, 2 or 5 cm (Fork Length). The screening of data allowed detecting inconsistencies with a relatively large number of samples larger than 150 cm while all studies on the growth of albacore suggest that fish rarely grow up over 130 cm. Therefore, a threshold value of 130 cm has been arbitrarily fixed and all length frequency data above this value removed from the original data set.


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The development of the ecosystem approach and models for the management of ocean marine resources requires easy access to standard validated datasets of historical catch data for the main exploited species. They are used to measure the impact of biomass removal by fisheries and to evaluate the models skills, while the use of standard dataset facilitates models inter-comparison. North Atlantic albacore tuna is exploited all year round by longline and in summer and autumn by surface fisheries and fishery statistics compiled by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Catch and effort with geographical coordinates at monthly spatial resolution of 1° or 5° squares were extracted for this species with a careful definition of fisheries and data screening. In total, thirteen fisheries were defined for the period 1956-2010, with fishing gears longline, troll, mid-water trawl and bait fishing. However, the spatialized catch effort data available in ICCAT database represent a fraction of the entire total catch. Length frequencies of catch were also extracted according to the definition of fisheries above for the period 1956-2010 with a quarterly temporal resolution and spatial resolutions varying from 1°x 1° to 10°x 20°. The resolution used to measure the fish also varies with size-bins of 1, 2 or 5 cm (Fork Length). The screening of data allowed detecting inconsistencies with a relatively large number of samples larger than 150 cm while all studies on the growth of albacore suggest that fish rarely grow up over 130 cm. Therefore, a threshold value of 130 cm has been arbitrarily fixed and all length frequency data above this value removed from the original data set.


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The development of the ecosystem approach and models for the management of ocean marine resources requires easy access to standard validated datasets of historical catch data for the main exploited species. They are used to measure the impact of biomass removal by fisheries and to evaluate the models skills, while the use of standard dataset facilitates models inter-comparison. North Atlantic albacore tuna is exploited all year round by longline and in summer and autumn by surface fisheries and fishery statistics compiled by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Catch and effort with geographical coordinates at monthly spatial resolution of 1° or 5° squares were extracted for this species with a careful definition of fisheries and data screening. In total, thirteen fisheries were defined for the period 1956-2010, with fishing gears longline, troll, mid-water trawl and bait fishing. However, the spatialized catch effort data available in ICCAT database represent a fraction of the entire total catch. Length frequencies of catch were also extracted according to the definition of fisheries above for the period 1956-2010 with a quarterly temporal resolution and spatial resolutions varying from 1°x 1° to 10°x 20°. The resolution used to measure the fish also varies with size-bins of 1, 2 or 5 cm (Fork Length). The screening of data allowed detecting inconsistencies with a relatively large number of samples larger than 150 cm while all studies on the growth of albacore suggest that fish rarely grow up over 130 cm. Therefore, a threshold value of 130 cm has been arbitrarily fixed and all length frequency data above this value removed from the original data set.


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Un plan cartográfico es un proceso contradictorio en el cual intervienen decisiones técnicas y políticas que pueden cambiar e incluso modificar los objetivos iniciales del plan. Sin embardo, la historiografía clásica de la cartografía sostiene que la toma de tales decisiones es el resultado de medidas únicamente científicas y técnicas en las que no existen intereses ni contradicciones políticas. En este trabajo intentamos rastrear -en las etapas de la producción cartográfica argentina- los momentos en los que la ciencia y la política se entrelazan de tal manera que son constitutivas de la ciencia cartográfica. Para ello tomamos los proyectos cartográficos del IGM: el Plan de la Carta y la Carta Militar Provisional; y la determinación geodésica del DATUM altimétrico que se llevó a cabo en torno a la Comisión para la Medición del Arco de Meridiano


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The development of the ecosystem approach and models for the management of ocean marine resources requires easy access to standard validated datasets of historical catch data for the main exploited species, together with the model estimates achieved from these data, allowing models inter-comparison and evaluation of model skills. North Atlantic albacore tuna is exploited all year round by longline and in summer and autumn by surface fisheries and fishery statistics compiled by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Catch and effort with geographical coordinates at monthly spatial resolution of 1° or 5° squares were extracted for this species with a careful definition of fisheries and data screening. Length frequencies of catch were also extracted according to the definition of fisheries for the period 1956-2010. Using these data, an application of the spatial ecosystem and population dynamics model (SEAPODYM) was developed for the North Atlantic albacore population and fisheries and provided the first spatially explicit estimate of albacore density in the North Atlantic by life stage. These densities by life stage (larval recruits, young immature fish adult mature fish and total biomass) are provided in gridded file (Netcdf) at resolution of 2° x 2° x month.


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Un plan cartográfico es un proceso contradictorio en el cual intervienen decisiones técnicas y políticas que pueden cambiar e incluso modificar los objetivos iniciales del plan. Sin embardo, la historiografía clásica de la cartografía sostiene que la toma de tales decisiones es el resultado de medidas únicamente científicas y técnicas en las que no existen intereses ni contradicciones políticas. En este trabajo intentamos rastrear -en las etapas de la producción cartográfica argentina- los momentos en los que la ciencia y la política se entrelazan de tal manera que son constitutivas de la ciencia cartográfica. Para ello tomamos los proyectos cartográficos del IGM: el Plan de la Carta y la Carta Militar Provisional; y la determinación geodésica del DATUM altimétrico que se llevó a cabo en torno a la Comisión para la Medición del Arco de Meridiano


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By making the photogrammetric monoplotting-procedure operational, this new method is now applicable for the documentation of glacial snow depletion. In a time series taken in summer 1990 monoplotting was the first time used for terrestrial survey of a glacier. The monoplotting-procedure, the terrestrial photodocumentation and the geodetic evaluation are described. The results from the Stubacher Sonnblickkees are presented in tabular form as well as in a series of thematic maps. A comparison of monoplotting and aerophotogrammetric survey confirms the suitability of the monoplotting-procedure for the mapping of glacial snow depletion.